Archive / September 2022
October 2022 | August 2022-
Weekly E-News – 30 September 2022
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- I’m planning my trip to Seoul, Korea at the moment. I found my noise cancelling headphone in the last box that I looked at in the garage; if I had gone left it would have been the first box I looked at but I decided to look right. At least now I know all the […]
- Accepted from St Andrews feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- crossways
- religious-groups
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Cathedral Connection 2 October 2022
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
- Accepted from Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart posts by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- catholic
- wcn-hosted
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Out of season, but not out of time for track and field athletes
- College Sport Wellington
- Story courtesy of College Sport Media Their was one record officially broken and several other noteworthy performances at the College Sport Wellington Regional Track and Field Championships on Tuesday.
- Accepted from College Sport news HTTPS by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- athletics
The Wrap Up (Term 3, Week 10)
- Wellington High School
- At the end of Term 3 we bring you a few final updates, and wish everyone a safe and happy holiday! We look forward to seeing you in Term 4 refreshed and ready for the end of the year!
- Accepted from WHS 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Winter 2022 news roundup
- Rimutaka Incline Railway
- Winter 2022 news roundup Hugh McCracken Fri, 30 Sep 2022 - 14:35
- Accepted from RIR HTTPS by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- local-history
- rimutaka-railway
Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust, Maymorn, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Maranui newsletter september 2022
- Maranui Surf Life Saving Club
- 96 MARANUI NEWSLETTER SEPTEMBER 2022 p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; font-size:inherit !important; 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With the additions completed the clubhouse was acclaimed as the best in New Zealand. Photo credit - The Dominion Post Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library. HAPPY FRIDAY Spring and daylight saving are here, the start of longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures. Bring on summer. A huge congratulations to our newest lifeguards. Very proud of you all and look forward to seeing you all patrolling this summer. Big shout out to our amazing instructors Carrie, Quinby, Holly & James who put in so much of their personal time and effort. We have the Working Bee this Sunday 2 October from 10am - 1pm, make sure you come along and help give the club some TLC. The more clubbies we have the quicker we will get it done. Come along and help out your club! The Maranui Lifeguard Sport Team have a Quiz Night Fundraiser at the Parrot Dog on Tuesday 4 October, 7pm. A FUN evening not to be missed. See details below. We have the Maranui Open Day on Sunday 16 October, 10am - 1pm. If you have friends who are interested in becoming members, tell them about our Open Day. Spread the word. This season we are holding a mass one-off 200m badge swim assessment on Sunday 30 October. All U10 - U14 athletes must attend. The 200m safety award must be refreshed each year. Please see details below. Remember to check out the calendar below and the website - Ngā mihi. <!-- --> BOARD At the AGM on Sunday 25 September 2022 the following people were elected as officers for the 2022/2023 financial year: Club Chairperson - Jim Warwick Director of Lifesaving - Anna McDonnell Director of Business - Francie Russell Director of Sport - Rhys Speirs Director of Operations - Pru Popple Director of Junior Development - Lucy Barry <!-- --> SURF LIFEGUARD AWARD - Maranui's newest lifeguards Two week's ago five Maranui candidates were examined for their Surf Lifeguard Award. It was a 'done in one' long day, finishing off with some very big waves for their RSR and Tube Rescues. They all did super well and gave the waves as good as they got. Please congratulate Maranui's newest lifeguards, Front Row: (L to R) Josh Bethell, Eva Thompson, Kate Wylde, Noa Ellis, Joe Barry. Back Row: (L to R) Instructors: Quinby, James & Holly. Photo by Instructor Carrie. <!-- --> WORKING BEE Calling All Clubbies for a Working Bee Help us dust off the winter cobwebs at our club working bee, the boatshed and the clubhouse need a bit of TLC. We would really like your help, this is a great way to get involved and reconnect with people you haven’t seen over winter. Come along and help out your club! Come down to the club this SUNDAY 2 OCTOBER, 10am - 1pm. (Back up day Sunday 9 October, 10am - 1pm - if needed) BRING ALONG: • Buckets • Rags • Old scrub brushes • Window brush - if you have one • Power tools • Work gloves • Dusters on long polls • Spade • Wheelbarrow Many hands make light work. Look forward to seeing you all. <!-- --> MARANUI LIFEGUARD SPORT QUIZ NIGHT - FUNDRAISER Don't miss this FUN event, an event not to be missed. DATE: Tuesday 4 October VENUE: Parrotdog, 60/66 Kingsford Smith Street, Lyall Bay TIME: 7pm (quiz starts) TICKETS: $30 each, which includes a free drink courtesy of Parrotdog on arrival and a platter on each table. Bar is open to buy drinks and the kitchen will be open to buy food. Tables of SIX. Reserve your table now by emailing Deb Tapp, It will be a FUN night! <!-- --> MARANUI SLSC OPEN DAY 2022 SUNDAY 16 OCTOBER, 10am - 1pm, Maranui Clubhouse. Come and see what we are all about! Maranui SLSC invites everyone to come down to the beach and learn more about who we are, what we do and how families can become involved with our great organisation. Always wanted your child to be beach confident, understand beach safety, learn awesome skills and grow to be lifeguards of tomorrow, all while having heaps of fun? Maranui develops lifeguards of tomorrow in a fun, safe environment in a family environment that is inclusive and caring. If you have friends who are interested in becoming members, tell them about our Open Day. Spread the word. HEAD ALONG TO OUR OPEN DAY OR REGISTER HERE TO JOIN MARANUI - <!-- --> Maranui Junior Development Squad (U11-U14) Pathway to Oceans Each year in February the U14 Surf Champs are held in Mt Maunganui. Maranui Nippers between the ages of 10-13 (as at 30 September) can be chosen as part of a team to attend this special event. Specific criteria must be met in order to be selected for this team: - High attendance levels at Nippers sessions. - High attendance level at Carnivals. - Good results achieved at carnivals. - Competent ocean swimmer in all conditions. - Competent board paddler in all conditions. - Enthusiastic and committed to surf sports. The aim is to develop our juniors to be ready to become the next generation of life guards, and carve a path for those who want to, step up, reach outside of their comfort zone, and set their personal challenge to take on some of the best grommies around NZ on the National stage at Oceans. We look forward to welcoming back our 2022 athletes and are very excited to invite any Maranui member in the U11-U14 groups to come along to be part of the fun. If you love Sunday surf and want to spend more time developing your skills, making new friends and growing in this sport then head along. Our first session is planned for Tuesday 4th October 6pm @ Maranui. Trainings for the season will be held every Tuesday and Thursday from 6pm in preparation for the event in Mt Maunganui from February 23rd to 26th 2023. PLEASE REGISTER If you’re keen to come along and join the team, or just give it a try CLICK HERE TO REGISTER - If you’re keen to come along and join the team, or just give it a try, please contact Katrina Bailey <!-- --> CLUB ADMINISTRATOR ROLE - vacant - paid Use your administration and organisation skills to assist behind the scenes to facilitate key club activities. This role is two-fold – (a) Registrations - manages and responds to registrations. Coordinates the registration of new and existing members. Tasks include - Assist in the organisation of ‘Open Day’ and ensure relevant information and gear is ready. Liaise with Patricia Kelly to ensure there are no gaps in enrolment and subscription administration with regard to the registration of members. Coordinate the registration of new and existing members. Advise Patricia. Ensure all club members are issued with a Hi-vis vest and Cap (U8’s and above), and a record is maintained. Ensure relevant information is kept on ‘hard file’ at the office. Ensure communication databases are current and accurate. Ensure relevant information is communicated to membership. Ensure all members are registered with SLSNZ. Set up google online forms for carnivals, pool champs, oceans, functions, etc Manage the SLSNZ registrations for carnivals – entering, co-ordination with coaches. Manage and respond to registrations. (b) Junior Surf - Sunday is Junior Surf day during the season from October to March. Preparation for Sunday sessions is essential with a keen eye for detail. You will need to assemble a ‘sign-in’ team to – Manage and maintain the Junior sign in sheets; Undertake second hand clothing sales; Ensure clothing samples are available; and Assist with clothing orders when necessary. Ensure lanes are booked at WRAC for the 200m Badge and Pool Champs. Manage the 200m badge process. Being part of this team is a great way to meet clubbies. If you would like to take up this role or request the Job Description, we would absolutely love to hear from you - email <!-- --> 2022/23 CAPITAL COAST OFFICIALS INTAKE We are on the lookout for new officials for the 2022/23 season, If you are interested in helping out, please indicate by filling out the online form with events you'd like to attend. The process this season is for anyone who would like to help out, come along and help out as a volunteer for the event. If you like the feel of the job, we will schedule you for another 2 more events in which you will get some training, mentoring and eventually be signed off as an official! The Capital Coast is also looking for new, fresh and passionate parents / volunteers to help continue the high quality of surf sporting events we have here in our space of New Zealand. Perks include but not limited to: Free lunches, a fabulous blue outfit, name tag & the potential to try a vast array of baked good with other officials from around the country side. PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM HERE If you have any questions please feel free to email Troy Greenem Sport Manager – Central Region - - - - - - - - - We need more officials at Maranui, so grab this opportunity. This is a great way to help our club and support surf sport events in the Capital Coast region. Please sign up. <!-- --> MARANUI SUBSCRIPTIONS 2022/2023 Invoices will be sent out by Patricia Kelly (Maranui Finance Manager) in October for the upcoming season. Those attending upcoming courses and those involved in Lifeguard Sport, Pool Champs and the Lifeguard Award Course will need to ensure subs are paid please. Please see below the Maranui subscriptions for this upcoming season. MARANUI SUBSCRIPTIONS 2022/2023 U7s - $60 (+ Hi-Vis Vest Pink $15 or Hi-Vis Vest Red $25) Juniors (U8s - U14s) - $120 (+ Hi-Vis Vest Red $25 and Competition Beanie $15) Active and Patrolling Lifeguard - $85 (issued a Lifeguard uniform and includes training) Associate - $85 Family - $330 three or more members of the same family household - capped SPORTS FEE 2022/2023 (additional add-on, invoiced separately) Oceans (U11 - U14) - $80 Lifeguard Sport (senior competitor) - $150 (+ Hi-Vis Vest Red $25 and Competition Beanie $15) IRB Racing - $150 Subs cover Capital Coast carnivals, lifeguard training courses and SLSNZ courses. Lifeguards are required to return lifeguard uniforms if they are no longer lifeguarding. ADDITIONAL COST: Hi-Vis Red Vest $25, Hi-Vis Pink Vest $15 and Competition Beanie $15 All club members are required to purchase and wear a hi-vis vest when training and competing, as these are mandatory. Athletes will need to purchase a Competition beanie and have a Hi-Vis Red Vest for carnivals, as these are mandatory for competing. - - - - - U7s don't require to purchase competition beanies as they don't compete in carnivals. U7s can purchase either a Red or Pink Hi-vis vest to wear. - - - - - Pink vests can be purchased by clubbies to wear for training, to keep their red vests for Carnivals. <!-- --> 200M BADGE (must be refreshed every year) 200M BADGE (must be refreshed every year) Keep swimming, Keep swimming . . . 200m BADGE ASSESSMENT DATE: Sunday 30 October WHERE: The Aquadome, East Girls College Austin Street, Mount Victoria TIME: 11am - 1pm PLEASE NOTE: We are holding a mass one-off 200m badge swim assessment. All U10 - U14 athletes must attend. The 200m safety award must be refreshed each year. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE 200M BADGE ASSESSMENT - All clubbies should be swimming - we don't teach athletes to swim. As we are in the business of saving lives and not risking them, swimming skills go hand-in-hand with surf life saving. Therefore we require Junior Surf members to attain this award so they can satisfy the mandatory requirement to compete with paddle boards in the Junior Surf Carnivals. A safety requirement is that children aged 9-13 years (U10 - U14 age group) must be proficient swimmers and have a 200 metre safety badge. This is advisable for U9s but compulsory from age 9 (Under 10s). In view of the beach environment in which our activities are carried out, every effort should be made to ensure that all children have some swimming proficiency. It is expected that as children progress through their age groups, their swimming ability increases. Children are not taught to swim at ‘Junior Surf’ Sunday beach sessions. Life Saving is an aquatic sport and it is strongly recommended that children participate in swimming lessons. Pool swimming is essential to develop the strength, fitness and confidence that they require to negotiate surf conditions. Children who swim regularly prove to be the most capable in the surf and ultimately gain the most from participating in a Junior Surf programme. The 200m safety award must be refreshed every year. Children who do not successfully meet the swim requirements will be unable to use the paddle boards and compete in the water events at junior surf sessions and carnivals until they obtain their current 200m badge. Junior Surf athletes will need to swim 200m confidently (25m lane), followed by a 1 minute tread water, within the SLSNZ allotted time depending on their age. U10/U11/U12 is swim 200m in 7 mins, tread water 1 minute U13 swim in under 5.5 mins, tread water 1 minute U14 swim in under 4.5mins, tread water 1 minute 200m BADGES Badges are to be sewn (carefully) onto your competition cap. If your child(ren) has completed the 200m swim a badge can be collected at sign-in at junior surf sessions on Sunday mornings. <!-- --> PARENTS / CAREGIVERS IN THE WATER U7 AGE GROUP is an age which, at Lyall Bay with its variable wave height and harsh conditions, is unable to be left to just the coaches and lifeguards. U7 athletes require a parent/caregiver to be in the water with them at all times. U8 - U9 AGE GROUP we ideally would like a parent/caregiver in the water or water edge ready to enter if required, If your child requires extra assistance in the water, please enter the water with them, rather than assuming our volunteers will be able to look after them. Please note: Our club relies heavily on the active involvement of parents, the club cannot function without people volunteering. Kids love to see their parents/caregivers interacting at the club. Parent/Caregivers participation is encouraged in the water at all ages. This is a great way for parents to be actively involved, it’s a great way to increase your own water confidence and have FUN. The more adults we have in the water the better. If you are not a competent swimmer, there is always a need for people to remain in the shallows to help retrieve boards and ensure children exit safely, providing close and constant supervision of our young athletes in the water. <!-- --> Wellington Surf Lessons Lyall Bay Big Shout out to Wellington Surf Lessons Lyall Bay for supporting Maranui SLSC with our quiz events by donating a voucher. Huge Thanks! Check out Facebook page - Wellington Surf Lessons provide fun and enjoyable lessons for students of all ages and levels. They offer group lessons, private lessons, kids holiday & after school programs, women's programs and surfing lessons for local schools. They are based at Lyall Bay Beach and they also go mobile to catch the best surf conditions on the Kapiti Coast (Titahi Bay and Otaki) and Castlepoint. All equipment provided! Check out their upcoming kids summer holiday programs and they have a free children's day lined up. <!-- --> RACHAEL BURKE - PEER SUPPORT Rachael Burke has recently undertaken training through SLSNZ to take on the role of Peer Supporter within Maranui Surf Life Saving Club. Peer Supporters are specially trained SLSNZ members who can provide confidential support to their fellow members on a range of issues including wellbeing concerns, personal stress, and traumatic lifesaving incidents. Peer Supporters can also connect Maranui members with the Benestar programme. All current active members and their immediate families have access to FREE counselling and wellbeing support through Benestar. If you would like to discuss anything further feel free to contact Rachael on 021767347. KOOGA DECK PARKAS FOR SALE Price: $170 380gsm fleece 3000mm waterproof Comes below the knee. The fit is quite generous. GARMENT MEASUREMENT GUIDE Please check sizing before you place an order. Please contact Rhys - <!-- --> CALENDAR 2022/2023 Working Bee - Sunday 2 October, 10am - 1pm Maranui Lifeguard Sport Quiz Night Fundraiser - Tuesday 4 October, Parrot dog, 7pm (sharp) Working Bee - Sunday 9th October, 10am - 1pm (backup if needed) Maranui Open Day - Sunday 16 October, 10am-1pm 200m Badge Assessment - Sunday 30 October, 11am - 1pm Junior Surf Starts - Sunday 6 November Whitehorse #1 - Sunday 20 November, venue TBC Junior Surf Series #1 - Sunday 27 November, venue Worser Bay Whitehorse #2 - Sunday 11 December, venue TBC Last Junior Surf session - Sunday 11 December (Santa) - TBC Junior Surf Series #2 - Sunday 18 December, venue TBC December Newsletter Deadline - Tuesday 20 December - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2023 2023 Central Regional Champs (CRC & CRJC) - Friday 13 January - Sunday 15 January, Fitzroy Junior Surf Series #3 - Sunday 22 January 2023, Riversdale Capital Coast Junior Championships - Saturday 11 February, venue Maranui SLSC Whitehorse #3 - Sunday 19 February, venue TBC Oceans’23 - Thursday 23 February - Sunday 26 February, Mt Maunganui 2023 TSB NZ Surf Life Saving Champs - Thursday 9 March - Sunday 12 March, New Brighton Beach SLSNZ Calendar - All dates, times, locations etc are correct when published but subject to change. <!-- --> CLUB CONTACTS Jim Warwick (Club Chairperson) - Anna McDonnell (Director of Lifesaving) - Rhys Speirs (Director of Sport) - Francie Russell (Director of Business) - Pru Popple (Director of Operations) - Lucy Barry (Director of Junior Development) - <!-- --> Thank you to our MAJOR SUPPORTERS for your continued support! <!-- --> Copyright © 2022 Maranui SLSC, All rights reserved. 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- Accepted from Maranui Surf Life Saving Club newsletters by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- kapiti
- worser-bay
- titahi-bay
- mount-victoria
- lyall-bay
Maranui Surf Life Saving Club, 107, Lyall Parade, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Book Addict by Annie Ruth
- Bats Theatre
- Journeys, transformations, adventures and misadventures - books and life intertwine in stories that veer from funny to tragic, dangerous to joyous, always the unvarnished truth.
- Accepted from Bats Theatre openings by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Strength and Conditioning Coach - Wellington Blaze
- Cricket Wellington
- ABOUT CRICKET WELLINGTON: Based at the iconic Cello Basin Reserve, Cricket Wellington is one of six Major...
- Accepted from Cricket Wellington news by feedreader
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- basin-reserve
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Do you have a healthy home?
- Upper Hutt City Council
- It’s been almost two months since we launched our Healthy Homes campaign, offering two free services to the residents of Upper Hutt.
- Accepted from Upper Hutt City news 2021 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- upper-hutt
Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, 5218, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Pōneke arts scene on show
- Wellington City Council
- Jewellery, neon lightwork, paintings and three-dimensional creations – this is just a taste of what’s on offer at the Residents Exhibition, an annual event held at the Toi Pōneke Arts Centre.
- Accepted from WCC news HTTPS by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- art
Tamariki and whānau at the heart of Te Wao Nui’s official opening
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Dawn (Friday 30 September 2022) marked the official opening of the Wellington region’s new Child Heath Service and hospital – Te Wao Nui - that has been built with the wellbeing of tamariki, rangatahi and whānau at its heart.
- Accepted from Capital Coast Health Feed by feedreader
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- hospital
- scraper-required
Paekawakawa - have you voted?
- Island Bay Healthy Streets
- We all know Paekawakawa is the most progressive ward in Wellington so let's make sure we get the vote out.
- Accepted from IHS blog by feedreader
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- island-bay-cycle-way
- wellington-city-council
- election-candidates
Local business sponsorship now available!
- Stokes Valley Cricket Club
- Sign up to sponsor SVCC
- Accepted from Stokes Valley Cricket Club 606026 by tonytw1
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- cricket
- stokes-valley
Floortalk: ‘Threads that weave the world’
- Friends of Te Papa
- Join us for a special exhibition viewing and talk on 'Threads that Weave the World'. This creatively curated exhibition highlights the unique and exquisite heritage of textiles & crafts, with written and visual narratives from many corners of the world
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- exhibitions
Davenport defense driving Wellington Girls’ Hockey
- College Sport Wellington
- Story courtesy of College Sport Media The Wellington Girls’ College First XI hockey team has become a local juggernaut.
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- secondary
- sport
Aisle be Back: Women’s World Cup, Lions and All Blacks
- Wellington Club Weekly
- By Kevin McCarthy I used to live in Auckland for a few years. I used to meet people there who literally had no conception there was a country below the Manukau Harbour. And certainly, they could find no reason to go there. They’d go to Melbourne a lot though. Well, they’ll be well served with...
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- rugby
News | Congratulations to our AIMS Games Students!
- South Wellington Intermediate School
- A big congratulations to the 37 students who did a superb job of representing SWIS at the AIMS Games in Mount Maunganui last week. Not only did they do well on the field, but also showed fantastic manaakitanga, supporting each other with great gusto from … The post News | Congratulations to our AIMS Games Students! appeared first on South Wellington Intermediate School.
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- berhampore
- primary
South Wellington Intermediate School, 30, Waripori Street, Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Friday Five: Wellington ways to wellbeing
- Wellington City Council
- Mental Health Awareness Week runs from 26 September to 2 October, but your mental health deserves your care and attention every single day.
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- wellington-city-council
Jonah Lomu remembered in Lions and Steelers match on Sunday
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Billy Proctor, Pepesana Patafilo and TJ Perenara in action in last weekend’s Ranfurly Shield defence against Waikato. There is no rugby in Wellington this weekend. The closest fans can travel to get their fix is Levin where Horowhenua-Kapiti host the Whanganui Butcher Boys in their seventh round Heartland Championship fixture at 2.30pm. The Hurricanes U16...
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- kapiti
- rugby
The Paekākāriki Wind Generation Project
- Low Carbon Kapiti
- By Graeme Mills, 30 September 2022 A potential wind electricity-generating project exists on the hills above Paekākāriki. The objective of the project is to provide renewable energy to the village of Paekākāriki, with surplus energy distributed via the local line network to other parts of Kāpiti. It is hoped that the community would have an […]
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- conservation
- kapiti
Voting time - post your envelope early so we don’t stress out the postal folks.
- Inner-City Wellington
- When you drop your voting papers into a postbox, the mail folks need to clear the postbox, sort the mail and get your votes to the right place by Saturday 8 October.
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- community-groups
Te Wao Nui officially opened
- Wellington Health Foundation
- This morning marked the official opening of Wellington region’s new Child Heath Service and hospital – Te Wao Nui in the Mark Dunatjschik and Dorothy Spotswood Building.
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- health
- lobby-groups
Moss Pass via Blue Lake
- Wellington Tramping and Mountainneering Club
- The following is a recollection of the trip from two perspectives – Lynsey and Tiffany. With two vans from WTMC heading down for the long weekend, the ferry ride was a social affair, especially with a group of TTC folks also heading down for an attempt of Mt Manakau. We shared a van with James’ ... Read more
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- sport
- wcn-hosted
Triangle Hut
- Wellington Tramping and Mountainneering Club
- Note: A Personal Locator Beacon was activated on this trip. Read this article to learn more about the club’s response. On Friday afternoon we set off from Wellington station, picking up Anna at Melling Station on the way before testing out the new transmission gully route to Waikanae where we picked up a tramper from ... Read more
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- waikanae
- transmission-gully
Transmission Gully Motorway, Kenepuru, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, 5022, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Tramping to Sayer Hut
- Wellington Tramping and Mountainneering Club
- We met at the train station at 7am except for Hugo who met us at the trail head before setting out on our adventure at 8:50. The weather was looking good as the winds had changed to a southerly and the rain stopped. We forded a small river in our SUV that was fairly high ... Read more
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- sport
- wcn-hosted
What’s it like being a political cartoonist?
- The Learning Connexion
- Cartoonist Jeff Bell came to The Learning Connexion after 10 years in journalism and communications.
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- art
- education
The Learning Connexion, Eastern Hutt Road, Pomare, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, 5011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
How dangerous is your street, really?
- Talk Wellington
- When it comes to what’s safe on the roads, our perceptions are often far from reality. If you’re keen for some solid data, you’re in luck… “Main Street’s not that bad…” Dangerous things we interact with every day often feel less dangerous than they really are (and really very safe things we rarely do feel...
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- blogs
Newsletter Week Ending 2 October
- Karori Anglican Churches
- EVENSONG THIS SUNDAY Join the St Mary’s Choir for Evensong, this Sunday at 6pm 10AM SERVICE THIS WEEKEND Alison Camplin will be presiding at this weekend’s St Matthias […]
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- wcn-hosted
- anglican
Cardinal John’s Newsletter 29 September 2022
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
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- catholic
- wcn-hosted
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 2 October 2022
- St John's in the City
- Kia ora St John’s whānau, This Sunday we have a visit from the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, Right Reverend Hamish Galloway.
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- religious-groups
St John's, Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Vicar's Letter - 30 September 2022
- All Saints Hataitai
- Kia ora,This past weekend we had the Anglican Diocesan Synod.
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- anglican
- hataitai
All Saints Anglican Church, 90, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Professor Helen Tippett: A passionate educator and networker
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Professor Helen Tippett OBE made a career out of breaking the glass ceiling for women.
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- victoria-university
E-waste recycling drop off day
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
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- recycling
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Top swimmer wins sportsperson of the year at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington Blues awards
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Bachelor of Commerce student Lewis Clareburt has won Sportsperson and Sportsman of the Year at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Talk: Original Fine Art Prints
- Friends of Te Papa
- Join us for our first talk in our 'Art on Thursday' series. What is an original fine art print? In this interactive session with Art Historian David Maskill, you will be introduced to the various techniques of original fine art printmaking by examining a range of works dating from the 16th to the 20th centuries.
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- community-groups
- te-papa
- events
Shingles vaccine cuts risk of serious illness from virus, study finds
- Victoria University of Wellington
- New research analyses 'real world' effectiveness of shingles vaccine.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
From mentee to mentor—Bryan Tarlowski gives back
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Alumnus Bryan Tarlowski moved to Aotearoa New Zealand from the United States at the end of 2018. He chose to do the Executive Master of Business Administration at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington because he was drawn to the waterfront campus and New Zealand’s large export industry.
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- waterfront
Huia Cup Swim Relay Results
- College Sport Wellington
- 2022 COLLEGE SPORT WELLINGTON HUIA CUP SWIM RELAYS FINAL Team Rankings GIRLS Place School Points 1 Kapiti College 78 2 Wellington Girls’ 65 3 Queen Margaret 42 4 Wellington East 40 5 Paraparaumu 16 6= Sacred Heart 14 6= St Catherine’s 14 BOYS Place School Points 1 Scots College 87 2 Wellington College 82 3 […] The post Huia Cup Swim Relay Results appeared first on College Sport Wellington.
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- paraparaumu
Elections 101: Think Council can’t make change?
- Wellington City Council
- Have you ever stopped to notice the things that are different in your backyard? Maybe there’s a new playground that’s just popped up, or an upgrade to your local pool. The work of the Council is often unseen, or can be hidden by bigger projects in the city.
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- wellington-city-council
Desperation, Defence, Delany
- Wellington Club Weekly
- By Adam Julian The last time Wellington held opponents try-less in consecutive games before 2022 was in 1999. Caleb Delany wasn’t even born in 1999 but the blindside flanker has been an integral part of a new-found Lions fortress. The Ranfurly Shield is safe for the summer following a 34-6 account of Waikato on Saturday. ...
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- rugby
The Weapons
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Last but certainly not least, is the weapon of your choice. Within each discipline, there is much choice for a weapon, including size, weight, flexibility, and durability.
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Strap Rules
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Normal Tongue Masks For Masks with normal tongues, you will be required to use a strap that doubles over like in the photo. This is applicable in all competitions and is encouraged at a club level. An advantage that this system has is the adjustability coupled with addressing some safety concerns. Traditional elastic is subject … Continue reading Strap Rules →
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- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Not a helmet. Made from a steel mesh and kevlar bib, a mask protects your face, head and neck from being hit by a fencing weapon. There are 3 different types of masks depending on what weapon you choose to fence. There are a couple of key difference to note about these. Foil The foil mask … Continue reading Masks →
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Fencing Equipment
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Fencing typically requires a lot of personal gear in order to keep you safe whilst you have fun. Most clubs, HVFC included, have a large selection of gear that you can borrow until you are ready to purchase your own. Protective gear comes with different ratings, 350N or 800N. 350N is sufficient for training and … Continue reading Fencing Equipment →
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Meet the candidates for Wharangi/ Onslow Western
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- We are holding a public meeting to meet the candidates who are standing as a Wellington City Councillor for our ward – Wharangi/ Onslow Western. The meeting will be held in the Ngaio Town Hall 1 Ottawa Road, from 7.30pm … Continue reading →
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- ngaio
- onslow
- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Fencing During the School Holidays
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- We will be running some sessions during the school holidays during the first week. The training times we have are. We are still waiting to get confirmation for time slots in the second week of the holidays. Please stay tuned for updates moving forward.
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Tricia Walbridge: taking care of business
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Many chairs and centres at Ōrauariki—Wellington School of Business and Government came into being largely through the determination of Tricia Walbridge.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Celebrating Sir Lloyd Geering: New Zealand’s ‘prophet of modernity’
- Victoria University of Wellington
- A scholarship has been established in honour of Sir Lloyd Geering ONZ, GNZM, CBE, founding professor of the Religious Studies programme.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Renowned cell scientist Professor Michael Berridge to receive higher doctorate
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Distinguished scientist Professor Michael Berridge, whose research career covers fields from plant biology to cancer metabolism, will be awarded a Doctor of Science from Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington at its December graduation.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
An election that isn’t solving anything
- Wellington Scoop
- The Wellington local election campaign is coming to an end and it would be overstating things to say it has been dull. The only pinch of excitement came with the emergence of a young Māori wahine, carrying progressive values. When the debates started, it all went downhill. There have been dozens of them, and the only takeaway is that all candidates want a vibrant, inclusive, green city. This set of commonplaces is not helping to differentiate one candidate from another, for example during the conclusion of the Spinoff debate. On the policy front, they all say they’ll achieve their “vision” with better bus services (over which they have zero control) and more housing. And since I want to vote on a vision and its supporting policies, and not for a person, it’s been very hard, listening to the debates and reading candidates’ websites, to feel we have a choice.
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- election-candidates
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- VOTE to have your say in the future of our city! Understanding Single Transferable Vote We are now over a week into voting for the Wellington City and Wellington Regional council. Voting for both of these is in the form of Single Transferable Vote. Have you wondered how this works? Do I have to rankContinue reading "VOTING for WCC and WRC CLOSES 8th OCTOBER"
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- consultation
- wellington-city-council
- election-candidates
Newsletter | 28 September 2022
- South Wellington Intermediate School
- This issue includes Term 4 dates, info about cyber safety and awareness and more. See the full newsletter here. The post Newsletter | 28 September 2022 appeared first on South Wellington Intermediate School.
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- berhampore
- primary
South Wellington Intermediate School, 30, Waripori Street, Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
29 September 2022 General Meeting - SDR and Network Analyser
- Wellington VHF Group
- 29 September 2022 General Meeting - SDR and Network Analyser ZL2HD Wed, 09/28/2022 - 10:38 Rob ZL2WAL will take on his experiences setting up and using Software Defined Radio (SDR) based on the RTL Dongle.
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- amateur-radio
The Places We Called Home
- Toi Pōneke
- The Places We Called Home brings together the work of Andrew Ross & Cody Ellingham, two photographers capturing the history of urban Wellington twenty years apart. The exhibition explores the homes, streets, and changing landscape of the city from the 1990s through to today. Read more
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- exhibitions
Toi Pōneke Arts Centre, Footscray Avenue, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Celebrate Diwali with two events this October
- Wellington City Council
- Diwali is Wellington's local Indian and South-East Asian communities' most vibrant cultural festival – and we’ll be celebrating with two exciting events next month.
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- wellington-city-council
Athletics Wellington offers Officials Education opportunities for Volunteers
- Athletics Wellington
- Athletics Wellington offers Officials Education opportunities for Volunteers. During October and November Athletics Wellington in conjunction with Athletics NZ offer chances for Volunteers to undertake… Read More »
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- athletics
The art of measuring happiness
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Wellbeing may sound like a nebulous concept that is difficult to quantify, but social scientists can now get a pretty good idea of how it matters, thanks to Professor Arthur Grimes.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Climate action in motion
- Wellington City Council
- They say you can’t beat Wellington on a good day – there’s nothing better than a stroll or roll in the sunshine, taking in the sights of the waterfront. But these days we're also experiencing wilder weather, storm surges, sea level rise, slips and even snow in the city, due to the climate crisis.
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- waterfront
- snow
Voting more accessible than ever in Pōneke
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council has made accessing information, resources and voting easier for all members of the community for this year’s election.
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- election-candidates
Whaitua Kāpiti project
- Greater Wellington Regional Council Have Your Say
- Have your say on restoring and protecting Kāpiti's freshwaterTukuna mai he korero mō te whakaora me te whakamaru ō te wai māori ō KāpitiYou can help shape how we care for freshwater in Kāpiti for generations:Complete the 5-minute survey nowEmail us to register your interest in a face-to-face workshop What is a Whaitua?In the Wellington Region we have five ‘whaitua’ - which is a Te Reo Māori word for space, or catchment. In a whaitua, freshwater is connected from the mountains to the sea. Healthy water is central to our lives. Freshwater needs to be protected and restored as healthy waterbodies, and for the communities’ connected with it. Every whaitua is different, so we look at them individually. And now, we turn our attention to Kāpiti. The Whaitua Kāpiti is all the waterbodies from just north of Ōtaki through to Paekākāriki and right up into their headwaters in the Tararua Range.Whaitua Kāpiti CommitteeA team of community members, mana whenua, Kāpiti Coast District Council, and Greater Wellington representatives known as the Whaitua Kāpiti Committee will make recommendations how to restore freshwater in Kāpiti. They will draw on the views and aspirations of the many people who call Kāpiti home.The Committee will describe ways to protect and restore freshwater now and for future generations - such as managing contaminants, water allocation and flows, and setting freshwater aspirations as for the waterbodies throughout Kāpiti.We are interested in freshwater. This means the water in our rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, springs and underground in aquifers and their flow on effects to estuaries and the coast. Your aspirationsWe're seeking your freshwater aspirations because everyone has a unique perspective on how we protect our fresh water. We can't do it without you.This is your opportunity to provide your views into what needs to be done to restore healthy freshwater in Kāpiti.You can have a say on Kāpiti's fresh water in two main ways.E rua ngā kōwhiringa kia tukuna mai ō whakaaro mō te wai māori ō KapitiFill in our 5-minute survey. Don't leave it too late - the survey will close on 22 November 2022.Come along to a face-to-face workshop.Our workshopJoin us in us in Kāpiti in early November for a community workshop. You’ll meet with others to share ideas and provide deeper input into restoring and protecting wai ora, freshwater. We want to ensure that workshops include the values, experiences, and views of our diverse Kāpiti communities. Anyone who would like to contribute to the kōrero is welcome to come along. We particularly welcome Māori, Pasifika, ethnic communities, rangatahi, disabled, rainbow and people living in rural communities.Our workshop will be accessible and inclusive. Please let us know how we can support you in attending.If you’d like to attend, send us an email and we’ll get back to you.What will happen with the information you share? Ka ahatia ngā korero kua tohaina e koe?Your feedback will be put together in an independent report for the Whaitua Kāpiti Committee. This report will help the Whaitua Committee develop the Whaitua Implementation Programme to suit Kāpiti's needs.Keeping you informed about the findingsKia whakamohio ai koe ki ngā otinga ō tēnei mahiWhen the findings are ready to be released, we will send you a link to the report and provide it on the Greater Wellington website. You can also join our mailing list so we can keep you up to date on restoring and protecting Kāpiti's freshwater and opportunities to have a further say.Want to know more about the Whaitua process? Kei te hiahia koe te mohio mō te tikanga Whaitua?Our website has more detail about the Whaitua process. You will also find completed Implementation Programmes for Te Whanganui-a-Tara Whaitua, Ruamāhanga Whaitua, and Te Awarua-o-Porirua Whaitua.Any questions?He pātai?Email us at to ask questions, want to speak to someone, or to sign up to our mailing list.
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- kapiti
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
CPotY Highlights
- Capital Magazine
- See some of the highlight photographs from 2,500 entries in CPotY 2022. The post CPotY Highlights appeared first on Capital Magazine.
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- photography
Mysteries of tectonic plate movement revealed in new research
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Discovery provides an answer to one of the long-standing questions about the Earth's massive tectonic plates.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
2022 Annual Report has been published
- Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park
- Check out our annual report for 2021-22 here. Permalink
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- cycling
- makara
- mountain-biking
Makara Peak Summit Viewing Deck, Ridgeline, Karori West, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Celebrating alumni mentorship
- Victoria University of Wellington
- The University is celebrating a decade of its Alumni as Mentors programme.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Pioneers of rugby in Wellington 031: Ned Hughes
- Wellington Club Weekly
- E.E. (Ned Hughes) is somewhat a player of mystery. He has the distinction of being the ‘oldest All Black’ when he played the first two tests against the Springboks on 13 and 27 August 1921. His birthdate is listed as 26 April 1881, so in round terms he was 40 years and four months old...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
September update
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- Our September update should be in your inbox now… Or read it here
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- community-groups
- island-bay
Annual General Meeting 2022
- Newtown Residents' Association
- The Newtown Residents’ Association Annual General Meeting was held on 19th September at 7:30pm, St Thomas’s Community Lounge 200 Riddiford St. There was a small attendance, and a number of the Executive members were absent, for a variety of reasons, including the President and the Treasurer. However the meeting was ably chaired by Vice President … Continue reading Annual General Meeting 2022 →
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- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Talk: Co-governance or shared authority?
- Friends of Te Papa
- After 40 years of research and writing, this presentation gives Dame Claudia Orange a chance to reflect and comment
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- te-papa
- events
World Textiles & Crafts Exhibition
- Thistle Hall Community Venue
- A creatively curated exhibition of unique and exquisite heritage textiles & crafts, with written and visual narratives from many corners of the world, will be on display.
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- exhibitions
Thistle Hall, Cuba Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Weekly News 26 September 2022
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- This week Results Some promising sharpener sessions at Freyburg on Tuesday, and K Park on Saturday, the lions look set to be rampant once more on Saturday. Eliud Kipchoge set a new world record in the Berlin Marathon, finishing in an astounding 2:01:09, reaching the first half marathon split in 59:50. Coming Up NZ Road […]
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- athletics
Free Performance and Hands on workshop Sunday Oct 2, 2 - 4pm
- Seatoun Village Hall & St Christopher's
- SELONDING - SACRED SOUNDS OF BALI IN SEATOUN•Seven years ago, with the aim of inspiring Kiwis to create, play and perform music and dance together, as well as ethnic communities to learn and treasure their traditional art-forms, we crowd funded our family group (Sekaa Selonding Semeton) from Bali to bring this rare gamelan art-form called Selonding to Aotearoa New Zealand.
- Accepted from Seatoun Village Hall & St Christopher's blog by tonytw1
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- seatoun
Former St Christophers Presbytarian Church, 22, Forres Street, Dorset Cove, Seatoun, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6022, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Monday Wrap 26 September (some rugby news and happenings to start the week)
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Correct us if we are wrong, but there is no rugby in Wellington this coming weekend – the 15s season on a weekend (aside from a likely NPC semi-final for the Lions the following Saturday) has come to a close. There is a run of sevens tournaments and the Wellington Samoa Rugby Union’s 50th anniversary...
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- rugby
Oceania and NZ National Seniors& Veteran Championships 2022
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Registration Registration closes on October 17th at 8:00pm.
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- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Sabre is the fastest and most aggressive of the weapons, though still requires cunning and tactics. Unlike Epée and foil, points are scored through a cutting movement on the edge of the blade, against the opponent’s upper body. The sabre is the modern version of the slashing cavalry sword. Initially heavy and curved, the present-day … Continue reading Sabre →
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- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- While a special version of the foil was developed for practice, another type of sword was created for duelling. The blade had a triangular cross-section, with slightly concave sides to reduce weight without reducing strength. The colichemarde evolved into the modern epee. In epee the entire body is considered a valid target. Points can be … Continue reading Epee →
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- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Short The foil used by fencers today is the modern version of the original practice weapon used by nobility to train for duels. It all evolved as fencing for exercise – based on speed and skill – (as opposed to the ability to cut someone in combat), began to emerge. To score points with the … Continue reading Foil →
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Recent Competition Highlights
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Congratulations to all our fencers training hard and doing their best. Some recent highlights:
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Winter Johnson (Junior Coach – Foil, Epee)
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- My name is Winter and I have been fencing at HVFC for about 6 years. I will turn 16 this year in September and I also gained my Level 0 coaching accreditation in October last year. I love the sport of fencing and fence both foil and sabre competitively.
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Simon Gibson
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Simon joined Hutt Valley Fencing Club in 2018 as a way to get fit and lose weight following a break from fencing of 25 years. During the break he was a corporate trainer at many Fortune 500 companies in Japan. In 2020 he restarted coaching, attending UFC8 in Melbourne, learning a great deal from Italian … Continue reading Simon Gibson →
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- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Nathan Newton (Senior Coach – Foil, Epee)
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- I have been a member of HVFC since 2012, regularly competing in foil and epee, and I am now a club committee member. I have been coaching since 2014, and in 2016, I completed the Level 1 Oceania Fencing Master Academy accreditation. I enjoy working with fencers of all ages and abilities, with a particular … Continue reading Nathan Newton (Senior Coach – Foil, Epee) →
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Robert Gastaldo-Brac (Head Coach – Foil, Epee)
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Robert grew up in the UK and started fencing at the age of 14; soon after he was the Hertfordshire U16 Champion. That was in the mid 70’s, and Robert has been involved in fencing in one form or another his entire life. He captained the London Team against Counties (“the rest”) in 1983, fenced … Continue reading Robert Gastaldo-Brac (Head Coach – Foil, Epee) →
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Russell Johnson (Senior Coach – Sabre, Foil)
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- I have been fencing at HVFC for the past 16 years starting at the age of 7. I have been coaching in 2011 by helping our senior coach with group work. I have achieved my OFMA level 1 coaching qualifications. This an internationally recognised coaching standard which I have been able to utilize as part … Continue reading Russell Johnson (Senior Coach – Sabre, Foil) →
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Term Dates September/ October 2022.
- Wellington Judo Academy
- Tuesday, 27 September – Last Peewee Class of Term 3 Thursday, 29 September – Last Junior Class of Term 3 Monday, 3 – Friday 7 October – Holiday Programme Tuesday,... The post Term Dates September/ October 2022. appeared first on Wellington Judo.
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- self-defence
Animates, Hutt Road walkway, Highland Park, Kaiwharawhara, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6035, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Hoe Tonga Sprint Regionals 2022
- Hoe Tonga Pacifica Waka Ama Association
- Summary Host: Hoe Tonga Pacifica Waka Ama Association Venue: Henley Lake, Masterton When: W6/W12 on 3/4 December; W1 Saturday 17 December Distance: W1 250/500m; W6 500m/1000m/1500m Divisions: Midget to Master 70 The event is open for paddlers/teams from outside the … Continue reading →
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- boating
Results: 2022 North Island Championships
- Wellington Judo Academy
- This year’s North Island tournament was highly successful for the Academy. It is a testament to the hard work put in by everyone in the build-up. The competition had 130... The post Results: 2022 North Island Championships appeared first on Wellington Judo.
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- self-defence
Animates, Hutt Road walkway, Highland Park, Kaiwharawhara, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6035, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Is inner-city Wellington change a new thing? - .... all is revealed here ...
- Inner-City Wellington
- From Capital Magazine Disease, demolition, and developers: Three maps that shaped Wellington “Proposed Extension of the City of Wellington 1877” In 1877 Danish architect Conrad Seidelin – working under the pseudonym “Mr Darnoc” – drew up plans to transform Wellington’s waterfront.
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- waterfront
- Danss
- Our next bloc of classes starts tonight! Kia ora koutou, here’s the new bloc of classes, starting this evening.
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- community-groups
- lgbt
- performing-arts
- wcn-hosted
Thistle Hall, Cuba Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Training Monday 26th of September
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- We have had a few inquiries as to whether we will be training this Monday the 26th. We will be running our usual Monday class from 7pm – 9pm tomorrow. This class is still targeted towards our senior fencers. Please stay tuned for any updates regarding training throughout the school holidays. We are expecting to … Continue reading Training Monday 26th of September →
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Senior Prizegiving – 2022
- Upper Hutt City Football
- Well, didn’t we all scrub up well? It was lovely to see everyone looking glam for the annual Upper Hutt City Football Prizegiving.
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- upper-hutt
Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, 5218, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington Samoans U18s win title, Lions roar in Shield defence, U16s underway
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The Ranfurly Shield has been locked away for the summer, with the Wellington Lions successfully defending it against Waikato this afternoon. The Lions beat Waikato 34-6, after leading 10-6 at halftime, producing a suffocating second half to hold off the visitors and deny them a sniff at the Shield. Wellington also goes to the top...
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- rugby
Through My Claystone Eyes
- Enjoy Contemporary Art Space
- Globally, we live in an age that worships the new.
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- cuba-street
- museums-and-galleries
Enjoy Contemporary Art Space, 211, Left Bank, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Weekly E-News – 23 September 2022
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- The graduation in Auckland on Wednesday was double the volume of graduands given that last year’s graduations did not take place. It was a proud moment to see my nephew Ezra capped with his Bachelor of Computer Information Science. It’s funny last Friday I got all dressed up for a Pacific languages strategies ceremony at […]
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- crossways
- religious-groups
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Cathedral Connection 25 September 2022
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
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- catholic
- wcn-hosted
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
It pays to be kind: Mat’s story
- Wellington City Council
- In the 20 years that Mat Kenny, Team Leader for Parking at Wellington City Council, has been in the parking sector, he has had multiple death threats over the years and been assaulted half a dozen times.
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- wellington-city-council
Friday Five: Things to do over the long weekend in Wellington
- Wellington City Council
- Stuck for ideas on what you can do over the long weekend? We’ve got you covered!
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- wellington-city-council
The Wrap Up (Term 3, Week 8 & 9)
- Wellington High School
- A double edition of the weekly Wrap Up is coming to you this week! We have updates from nearly every category, as well as some important information regarding upcoming events in the last week of term, such as the Music Evening next Tuesday.
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- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Hurricanes U18s and U16s competitions and Ranfurly Shield defence on Saturday
- Wellington Club Weekly
- It’s Finals Day in the Hurricanes Youth Rugby Council’s U18 competition and Wellington’s first and only Ranfurly Shield of the year, in matches on Saturday. All six U18s teams in the Hurricanes U18s still standing are in action tomorrow in three matches, two in Napier and one in Whanganui. In Napier, Poverty Bay U18s takes...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
How small communities could be buying, selling, and saving money on power
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Technology is offering new ways for communities to cut power costs, write Soheil Mohseni and Alan Brent.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
No practice 24-25 September
- Wellington Judo Academy
- Hi All, Due to the North Island Championships being held on Saturday 24 – Sunday 25 September, there will be no practices at the Academy on the weekend. We will... The post No practice 24-25 September appeared first on Wellington Judo.
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- self-defence
Animates, Hutt Road walkway, Highland Park, Kaiwharawhara, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6035, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Aisle be Back: Bledisloe 2.0
- Wellington Club Weekly
- By Kevin McCarthy Considering where they were a month or so ago, the All Blacks could almost consider part two of the international season a success if they win the Rugby Championship. Whether others will depends largely on what you thought, oh, about a month ago. Remove the historic Argentinian victory on New Zealand soil,...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
Death threat for kororā of Shelly Bay
- Wellington Scoop
- Shelly Bay is an important nesting site for Aotearoa’s endangered little blue penguin, the kororā. When the Wellington City Council granted resource consent for the Wellington Company’s huge luxury housing development on this site, it accepted the word of ‘experts’ Dr Roger Uys and Brent Tandy that ‘the adverse effects on little blue penguins/kororā will be avoided, and are likely to be less than minor’. As we now see, these views were demonstrably incorrect.
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- penguins
- shelly-bay
Shelly Bay, Shelly Bay Road, Maupuia, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
I went sailing!
- Worser Bay Boating Club
- Waikawa Boating Club's Evolution Sails Women’s Regatta 2022 In the past I have an allergic reaction to these segregation events. Having...
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- boating
- wcn-hosted
- worser-bay
Worser Bay Yacht Club, Marine Parade, Seatoun, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Vicar's Letter - 23rd September 2022
- All Saints Hataitai
- Kia ora All Saints whānauHuge week in the life of the Anglican church this week with the funeral for HM Queen Elizabeth II, Many around the globe marveling at the Liturgical worship, the hymns, the message spoke by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
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- anglican
- hataitai
All Saints Anglican Church, 90, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Breakneck Japan out to Surprise at World Cup
- Wellington Club Weekly
- By Adam Julian Images supplied Sakura is the national flower of Japan, the cherry blossom which represents a time of renewal and optimism. It’s also the name of the Japanese women’s rugby team – a team with good reason for optimism ahead of the World Cup starting in New Zealand on October 8. Japan is...
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- rugby
Porirua City Council puts through new process to tackle Spicer Landfill odour reports
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Accepted from GW news 2022 by feedreader
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- spicer-landfill
Spicers Landfill, Tawa, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Have your say: WCC voting open
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- Voting for the WCC elections opened on Friday 16th and closes Saturday 8th October. It is important to get out and use your vote to help shape the future of our city. Have you received your voting papers in the post? Delivery should have occurred between 16-21st September. There are a huge number of placesContinue reading "Have your say: WCC voting open"
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- wellington-city-council
When Wellington won the Ranfurly Shield off Waikato, ushering in 50 days of fanfare
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Wellington left wing Ron Jarden scoring a try for Wellington against Otago in their third challenge of 1953. Jarden scored all the points for Wellington in their successful challenge against Waikato three weeks earlier. August and September 1953 were heady days for not only Wellington’s rugby fans, but the city’s community as a whole. On...
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- rugby
Review: Krishnan’s Dairy
- The Wellingtonista
- Review by Talia Carlisle. A wise man once told me that real loves grows, and so does my love of Indian Ink’s now legendary tale of Krishnan’s Dairy that wound up its final season in Wellington this week. The production is a well polished gem in the crown of creative team Jacob Rajan and Justin […]
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- te-papa
- theatre
Te Papa, 55, Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 25 September 2022
- St John's in the City
- Kia ora St John’s whānau, This Sunday our Youth Group are leading the worship service at 10am.
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- religious-groups
St John's, Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Newsletter Week Ending 25 September
- Karori Anglican Churches
- NEW MINISTRY ADMINISTRATOR – JONO SORENSON STARTING 3rd OCTOBER Jono is starting with us as Ministry Administrator from October 3rd. We are really looking forward to having […]
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- wcn-hosted
- anglican
Fresh Off The Page
- Bats Theatre
- Fresh Asian plays hot off the press, performed in a series of free play readings by local artists. Written, read and directed by Asian practitioners. Presenting: "Soul Sister" by Caryl Loria Illana.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Coach at Marist St Pats
- Marist St Pats Rugby
- Marist St Pats is now seeking applications for coaches for 2023 for our Premier Men's, Premier 2, and Under 85kg grades...
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- rugby
- hataitai
Local elections - time to vote for regional councillors - what do they do?
- Inner-City Wellington
- WHAT DOES THE REGIONAL COUNCIL DO? From Stuff What are Wellington regional council's priorities as local elections loom? When it comes to decisions about our rivers, bush, parks, and bus fares, the regional council pulls the strings.
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- election-candidates
Porirua City Council put in place new process to tackle Spicer Landfill odour reports
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Porirua City Council is putting in a range of new efforts to help make community members’ odour reports for Spicer Landfill easier and provide greater data for the city council. From 8am Tuesday 27 September, Spicer Landfill odour issues should be reported directly to Porirua City Council’s contact centre on 04 237 5089, including after hours. David Down, Porirua City Council Manager Water and Waste, said community reports of odour would be shared with Greater Wellington the same day. “Porirua City Council will be taking the calls and collecting information. We are also looking to engage independent personnel to make odour observations in the community when complaints are received after hours, to help get good data on when and where these occur.
- Accepted from GW news 2022 by feedreader
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- tawa
- spicer-landfill
Spicers Landfill, Tawa, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The highs and lows of being Mayor
- Capital Magazine
- We asked two previous Mayors, Dame Kerry Prendergast and Celia Wade-Brown, to reflect on their time in office and asked what Wellington needs next. The post The highs and lows of being Mayor appeared first on Capital Magazine.
- Accepted from Capital Magazine by tonytw1
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- election-candidates
New process to report Spicer odour complaints
- Porirua City Council
- Community reports will be handled by PCC, before being shared with the regional council.
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- spicer-landfill
Spicers Landfill, Tawa, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Upgrade of facilities welcomed at Porirua Park
- Porirua City Council
- Martin Luckie Park in Newtown and Porirua Park will share $1.905 million to upgrade facilities.
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- newtown
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Visit: The Sustainability Trust
- Friends of Te Papa
- 'Sustainability is more than a part of our name, it’s our way of being. Learn how we put sustainability in Sustainability Trust.'
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- events
Result: Rotorua Marathon
- Olympic Harriers
- The marathon was the New Zealand marathon champs.andnbsp;
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- athletics
25 Sept 2022 AGM and Annual Prize Giving
- Kapiti Boating Club Inc
- We are holding the AGM at the clubrooms on the 25th of Sept 2022. Start time 11am. This will be followed by our Annual Prize Giving at 1pm. Come down and have your say, Bar will be open following the prize giving from 2pm onwards.
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- boating
- kapiti
Pek propping up Wellington
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Pek Cowan and the Ranfurly Shield, at the Hutt Valley High School Rugby Awards on Tuesday night this week, where he coaches the school’s U15 team. By Adam Julian Pek Cowan was tentative about playing any rugby in 2022. The 36-year old had little to prove following 10 tests for the Wallabies, 130 games for...
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- hutt-valley
- rugby
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Results – 2022 Rugby League 9s Tournament
- College Sport Wellington
- Please find attached the results from the Rugby League 9s tournament played on Saturday at Wainuiomata High School Full Results – 2022 CSW Rugby League 9s Tournament Pool Results – 2022 CSW Rugby League 9s Tournament Under 15 Final Result Unfortunately there was a mistake in the under 15 final with the score.
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- Tagged as:
- wainuiomata
- rugby
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
MARANUI SLSC AGM 2022 - Sunday 25 September
- Maranui Surf Life Saving Club
- 96 MARANUI SLSC AGM 2022 - Sunday 25 September p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; font-size:inherit !important; 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MARANUI AGM 2022 We warmly invite everyone to the Maranui SLSC AGM. Join us and help us celebrate the year in review, reflecting on our achievements and thanking those who have played a big part in helping Maranui operate. WHEN: SUNDAY 25 SEPTEMBER TIME: AGM, 3pm - 3.30pm. Refreshments to follow! All Welcome. WHERE: Maranui Clubhouse. Come and celebrate with us, mingle and have a drink. We look forward to you all joining us this Sunday. AGM DOCUMENTS Please click to view the One hundred and eleventh annual report and Financial statements - Please click here to view the Performance Report - Please register via the online form or just come along on Sunday - Please send apologies to Sascha - <!-- --> SEASON CALENDAR 2022 / 2023 2022 AGM - Sunday 25th September, 3pm-3.30pm (Refreshments to follow) Working Bee - Sunday 2 October, 10am - 1pm Maranui Lifeguard Sport Quiz Night Fundraiser - Tuesday 4 October, Parrot dog, 7pm (sharp) Working Bee - Sunday 9th October, 10am - 1pm (backup if needed) Maranui Open Day - Sunday 16 October, 10am-1pm Junior Surf Starts - Sunday 6 November Whitehorse #1 - Sunday 20 November, venue TBC Junior Surf Series #1 - Sunday 27 November, venue Worser Bay Whitehorse #2 - Sunday 11 December, venue TBC Last Junior Surf session - Sunday 11 December (Santa) - TBC Junior Surf Series #2 - Sunday 18 December, venue TBC December Newsletter Deadline - Tuesday 20 December 2023 2023 Central Regional Champs (CRC & CRJC) - Friday 13 January - Sunday 15 January, Fitzroy Junior Surf Series #3 - Sunday 22 January 2023, Riversdale Capital Coast Junior Championships - Sunday 12 February, venue Maranui SLSC Whitehorse #3 - Sunday 19 February, venue TBC Oceans’23 - Thursday 23 February - Sunday 26 February, Mt Maunganui 2023 TSB NZ Surf Life Saving Champs - Thursday 9 March - Sunday 12 March, New Brighton Beach SLSNZ Calendar - All dates, times, locations etc are correct when published but subject to change. <!-- --> CONTACTS Executive Committee Members Jim Warwick (Club Chairperson) - Rhys Speirs (Director of Sport)- Francie Russell (Director of Business) - Lucy Barry (Director of Junior Development) - Pru Popple (Director of Operations) - Sascha Német (Director of Membership) - <!-- --> Thank you to our MAJOR SUPPORTERS for your continued support! <!-- --> Copyright © 2022 Maranui SLSC, All rights reserved. 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- worser-bay
Maranui Surf Life Saving Club, 107, Lyall Parade, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Planting for Pōneke's future
- Wellington City Council
- On any given day, you’ll see Council staff and volunteers weeding, mowing and planting around Pōneke, to restore our wild and beautiful city. But did you know a newly planted native patch can take up to 10 years to establish?
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- wellington-city-council
Council wrap - 22 September
- Porirua City Council
- What happened at the meeting of full Council today
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- government
- porirua
Wellington city’s mayoral candidates: 20 questions
- Capital Magazine
- Not sure who to vote for? We quizzed nine of Wellington city's mayoral candidates on the top issues affecting the capital and put them into a handy table. The post Wellington city’s mayoral candidates: 20 questions appeared first on Capital Magazine.
- Accepted from Capital Magazine by tonytw1
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- election-candidates
Performing arts folks of Wellington! Some good news! Hannah Playhouse is coming back to life!
- Inner-City Wellington
- From WCC News Wellington City Council and the Hannah Playhouse Trust are collaborating to re-open the iconic venue as an affordable theatre space for the development of the professional performing arts sector in the city.
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- theatre
- wellington-city-council
Hannah Playhouse, 12, Cambridge Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Candid camera: Wellington on 35mm
- Capital Magazine
- Wellington is home to over 400,000 people – most have been photographed by Zuyi at some stage. The post Candid camera: Wellington on 35mm appeared first on Capital Magazine.
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- photographers
Excitement for Seniors’ Week never gets old
- Wellington City Council
- Sustainability workshops, social clubs, exercise classes, Zealandia tours and improv theatre are just some of the events for Wellington’s older community during Te Wiki Kaumātua – Seniors' Week 2022.
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- karori-sanctuary
- theatre
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Ngaio Crofton Downs Photo Competition
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- It is time again for our annual photo competition, which we tie in with the AGM. We are very lucky to have photographer Colin McDiarmid ( as our judge again this year. The categories for 2022 have been agreed – … Continue reading →
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- ngaio
Ngaio, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 030 George Aitken
- Wellington Club Weekly
- One of Buller High School’s favourite sons, the multi-talented George Aitken captained his then Westport District High School’s First XV aged 14 and first represented Buller as a 16-year-old in 1914. He played for his home province for two seasons, before moving to Wellington and bursting on to the Wellington club, university and provincial rugby...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
Greedy & Co. in the Porirua Choctober Fest
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- Porirua and Whitaker’s Chocolate are throwing a Choctober Fest: cafés throughout Porirua for the whole month of October will be using Whitaker’s chocolate to create their own unique beverages and … Greedy & Co. in the Porirua Choctober Fest Read More »
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
2022 Notice of AGM
- Onslow Junior Soccer Club
- The Onslow Junior Football Club Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday October 27th, 7:30pm at Johnsonville Community Centre Rm 5 (up the stairs). All welcome! The post 2022 Notice of AGM appeared first on Onslow Junior Football Club.
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- johnsonville
- onslow
An Extraordinary Birth Witnessed at Ngā Manu
- Low Carbon Kapiti
- By Sahra Kress, Community Midwife, 20 September 2022 As a midwife, I have witnessed amazingly diverse births over the last 18 years, ranging from births in the hinterlands of Papua New Guinea, in the slum hospital of Vanuatu, to grass huts in the Solomon Islands. I have attended births on the linen couches of gorgeous […]
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- conservation
- kapiti
Notice | Market Day information
- South Wellington Intermediate School
- The countdown is on to our SWIS Market Day and we want to make sure you have Wednesday 21 September, 3-6pm marked in your diaries! To help make sure the event runs smoothly, here are a few of our top tips: SWIS Francs are the method … The post Notice | Market Day information appeared first on South Wellington Intermediate School.
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- berhampore
- primary
South Wellington Intermediate School, 30, Waripori Street, Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Rose Lu Special Talk at National Library
- Randell Cottage Writers Trust
- Join Rose in this event hosted by the Friends of Randell Cottage as she talks about her work — her 2019 essay collection All Who Live on Islands and her new book — at the National Library at 12:10 this Friday, 23 September.
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- libraries
Randell Cottage, 14, St Mary Street, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
- Toi Pōneke
- Holly Walker’s mahi toi reveals fragments of her cultural experience of being Pākehā. Identifying as Pākehā and as Tangata Tiriti comes with responsibilities to the landscape, environment, to people and the past. Holly’s practice is a therapeutic process of re-connecting to her identity through performance, sculptural works and kōrero with the whānau. Read more
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- exhibitions
Toi Pōneke Arts Centre, Footscray Avenue, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Drop Dead Gorgeous - A Drag Murder Miss-tery
- Bats Theatre
- The Les Femmes queens are back and this time they are serving high drama in this dragged out murder mystery romp.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
(CANCELLED) Fala Muncher
- Bats Theatre
- Fala Muncher presents a short and sharp series of solo monologues that will have your tongue in a twist and your panties soaking wet - yaaaassss bitches! It’s the naughty ‘L Word' with a splash of lime and coconut juice!
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Facilities closed on Queen Elizabeth II public holiday
- Porirua City Council
- Our facilities will be closed on Monday 26 September, to mark the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.
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- government
- porirua
Porirua serving up a month of Whittaker's chocolate delights
- Porirua City Council
- Get your taste buds ready - Choctoberfest is coming to Porirua.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Where to submit your voting papers
- Porirua City Council
- This year there are more places than ever for you to drop off your papers after voting.
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- government
- porirua
2022 Primary Water Polo League Winners!
- Hutt Water Polo
- Congratulations to the Kelson Warriors - Winners of the A Grade Trophy for the 2022 Primary Water Polo League
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- water-polo
Celebrating Wellington Heritage Week
- Seatoun Village Hall & St Christopher's
- Once again we are thrilled to be involved with Wellington Heritage week.
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- community-groups
- seatoun
Former St Christophers Presbytarian Church, 22, Forres Street, Dorset Cove, Seatoun, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6022, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
2022 Primary Water Polo League Winners!
- Hutt Water Polo
- Congratulations to the Kelson Warriors - Winners of the A Grade Trophy for the 2022 Primary Water Polo League
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- water-polo
Objective – Ringatoto East Ridge from Rangipo Hut
- Wellington Tramping and Mountainneering Club
- Friday – Wellington to Rangipo Hut Excitement was in the air as we left Platform 9 at 5pm on Friday – we had a great group, a promising forecast and a full moon to look forward to. 4.5 hours later we turned on to the Tukino Access Road. It’s a bumpy ride at the start ... Read more
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- sport
- wcn-hosted
Getting mobilised – Ngāuruhoe and beyond
- Wellington Tramping and Mountainneering Club
- Some trip specifics Friday night – 2.45pm left Wellington. Arrived Mangetepōpō hut (1,190m) about 8.30pm (20 min walk in from carpark) Saturday, circa.9am (well hydrated and fed) – Tongariro Crossing track to South Crater. Track started getting icy near the top of Devil’s Staircase. Good place to put on crampons. Met tour group at junction. ... Read more
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- sport
- wcn-hosted
WTMC 75th Anniversary
- Wellington Tramping and Mountainneering Club
- You are invited to join in the celebrations of the Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club’s 75th Anniversary 4th to 6th November 2022. Banquet Dinner 6pm, Friday 4th at Little India, Blair Street, Wellington ($55 non-vegetarian or $45 vegan/vegetarian) Sign up online at Overnight Paua Hut Trip Saturday 5th – stay in the hut or ... Read more
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- sport
- wcn-hosted
President’s Column – September 2022
- Wellington Tramping and Mountainneering Club
- Welcome to the September President Column. The Club continues to do well with a busy schedule of trips and other activities. I was out on two Club trips over the last month – the Pizza Historic trip to the Holdsworth area and also on the Zelandia fence-line track. The Pizza Historic trip started with pizza ... Read more
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- sport
- wcn-hosted
Weekly News 19 September 2022
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- This week Results Rotorua Marathon Mel Brandon was the outright winner and NZ Masters Marathon Champion in a time of 3:00:08. Karl Jackson was 3rd M35 in a big new PB of 3:07:09. New member, Darshna Govind was 3rd in the half marathon in 1:39:05. Ian Morton won the 10km walk in 1:10:31. From Athletics […]
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- athletics
Hoe Tonga Paddler Series 2022 Wrap Up
- Hoe Tonga Pacifica Waka Ama Association
- After the disruption of COVID19 and not being able to finish the Series in the previous year, it was great to see our 2022 Series conclude with our fourth and final event for the year in Whanganui. Paddlers were greeted … Continue reading →
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- boating
Annual Report presented at the AGM
- Guardians of the Bays
- The Executive of Guardians of the Bays and our supporters have worked very hard this year on several fronts. We have achieved a lot but there is still a lot to do. Read the Annual Report 11 August 2022 presented at the AGM. Check out the presentation at the AGM from James Renwick and James […]
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- runway-extension
All welcome to roll-up on Saturday 24 September
- Victoria Bowling Club
- Come along to the club this Saturday for an early season roll-up: Date: Saturday 24 SeptemberTime: 12.30pmCost: No entry feeTeams:…
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- bowling
- mount-victoria
- wcn-hosted
Victoria Bowling Club, Rixon Grove, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
AGM 17th October 2022 – Call for nominations and submissions
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- Our AGM will be held on Monday 17th October. It is only 6 months since our last AGM due to the fact that the March AGM was delayed from 2021. Nominations are open for a position on the committee. We also invite the submission of Notices to be voted on at the AGM. The deadlineContinue reading "AGM 17th October 2022 – Call for nominations and submissions"
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- community-groups
- island-bay
Resilient Rory Woods looking forward to South African tour
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Rory Woods playing for the Wellington Academy last year. He has since moved to join the Northland Academy and has recently been selected in the New Zealand U19s for their tour which kicks off overnight on Monday in South Africa. PHOTO: Andy McArthur. The following article by Adam Julian was first published on last...
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- northland
Has an ancient poetry tradition died with the Queen?
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Poets’ responses to the death of the queen tell us much about the societies we live in, writes Sarah Ross.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Weekly E-news for 16 September 2022
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- It was good to be part of the Living Wage campaign held at St. Peter’s Anglican church on Willis Street. I got a late call up to do the opening prayers which was a privilege. Living Wage advocates challenged the mayoral candidates and local body councillors to step up and commit to advocating for the […]
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- crossways
- religious-groups
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day Council services and facilities information
- Wellington City Council
- Some Wellington City Council services and facilities will be impacted by the national public holiday to mark the passing of Queen Elizabeth II on Monday 26 September.
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- wellington-city-council
Motif: Anti Slam
- Bats Theatre
- NZ, poets, actors and comedians from around Wellington are preparing themselves to bring their worst!
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Te Pūmaomao – A mind changing experience
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Close to 30 of our Hutt Senior Medical Officers recently had an amazing experience at Te Kakano Marae attending the two-day ‘Te Pūmaomao Nationhood-Building’ Course.
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- health
- hutt-valley
Te Pūmaomao – A mind changing experience
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Close to 30 of our Hutt Senior Medical Officers recently had an amazing experience at Te Kakano Marae attending the two-day ‘Te Pūmaomao Nationhood-Building’ Course.
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- hospital
- scraper-required
Wombling to Red Rocks
- Brooklyn Scout group
- At the weekend, Keas, Cubs, Scouts and their families took advantage of the glorious Wellington Spring weather and tramped to Red Rocks along the coast, sweeping up various flotsam and jetsam along the way.
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- brooklyn
- scouts
Red Rocks, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Positives drawn from latest Metlink Satisfaction Survey despite cancellations
- Metlink
- The results of Metlink’s annual independent customer satisfaction survey, which surveyed 2745 customers about their experiences on public transport in the region, will be presented at this Thursday’s meeting of Greater Wellington’s Transport Committee. The survey was conducted in June this year. A record high 96 percent of surveyed Metlink rail customers were satisfied with their journey, while 94 percent of surveyed customers across the whole Metlink bus, train and ferry network were satisfied with their trip, one percent more than last year. Metlink General Manager Samantha Gain said the satisfaction levels were pleasing overall, but acknowledged that since the survey was taken in June, bus service cancellations have increased from an average of 4.5% for the month due to bus driver shortages and absenteeism, to up to 10% on some days, making it difficult for customers on affected routes.
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- buses
Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day
- Upper Hutt City Council
- On 26 September, there will be a one-off public holiday to mark the death of the Queen.
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- government
- upper-hutt
Elections 101: A quick guide to make voting easy
- Wellington City Council
- Voting doesn’t have to be a chore. It’s as simple as three easy steps. To save you the hassle, here’s a short guide on how to vote in the simplest way possible.
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- wellington-city-council
New te reo Māori app supports bilingual city goals
- Wellington City Council
- Taranaki Whānui, Ngāti Toa and Wellington City Council are excited to launch Mahau, a new Māori language app to celebrate, encourage and share te reo Māori in Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
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- wellington-city-council
The Monday Wrap 19 September (some rugby news and information to start the new week)
- Wellington Club Weekly
- We appear to have come to the end of the line as far as Saturday afternoon community rugby is concerned in Wellington for 2022, with the Hurricanes U16 competition being played at Petone over the first week of October. Also, some sevens tournaments to come starting in a month or so. All three Wellington U18...
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- petone
- rugby
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Finding a new approach in the infrastructure sector
- Partners Porirua
- Downer has teamed up with Partners Porirua to run Gateway partnerships with local colleges and is keen to attract more women to the infrastructure industry.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Voting in the council elections
- Thorndon Residents Assocation
- Voting in the Council Elections Thorndon is in the Pukehīnau/Lambton Ward of Wellington City Council. You do not need to indicate a preference for everyone on the ballot paper; only those candidates whom you’d like to see in office. Don’t rank others; doing so may actually help them jump over your higher preference candidates. Single Transferable Vote […]
- Accepted from TRA news 2019 by tonytw1
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- thorndon
Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
At Last, the Ranfurly Shield is back
- Wellington Club Weekly
- After 4,767 days the Ranfurly Shield is finally back in Wellington following the Lions 19-12 victory over Hawke’s Bay at McLean Park in Napier. A TJ Perenara try and four penalties and a conversion to first-five Aidan Morgan was enough to blunt an unusually inaccurate Hawke’s Bay whose points were scored via four Lincoln McClutchie...
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- rugby
PRA Submission on Proposed District Plan Variation 1, Housing Intensification
- Plimmerton Residents’ Association
- Click here to view PRA’s submission to PCC on PDP Variation 1 We welcome your feedback at
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- plimmerton
Plimmerton, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, 5026, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
DAFT – the Disabled Artists' Festival of Theatre!
- Bats Theatre
- DAFT – the Disabled Artists' Festival of Theatre!
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Keas make like trees and ‘leaf’
- Brooklyn Scout group
- With warmer springtime weather coming more frequently, our keas took advantage of the sunshine to explore the neighbourhood in their posses and hunt for leaves to make rubbings of to decorate the hall! Walls were climbed, bugs were found and … Continue reading →
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- brooklyn
- scouts
Scout Hall, Harrison Street, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
District Plan submissions on housing developments
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- Last weekend we submitted our comments and the changes we want to the proposed variation to the Porirua District Plan for land around Pukerua Bay. The variation would allow new … District Plan submissions on housing developments Read More »
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- porirua
- pukerua-bay
- consultation
Pukerua Bay, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Invitation Pairs – Post-section live scores – Sun 18 Sept
- Victoria Bowling Club
- Post-section live scores – Refresh page for the latest updates Post-section Draw 8.30am matches: Division 1 Section A: Curtin &…
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- bowling
- mount-victoria
- wcn-hosted
Victoria Bowling Club, Rixon Grove, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington wins Ranfurly Shield to start 11th tenure
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The Wellington province’s 11th Ranfurly Shield reign started at 8.45pm on Saturday night Napier Standard Time. The Wellington Lions held on to beat the Hawke’s Bay Magpies 19-12 in a typical last-gasp thriller between these sides for the Ranfurly Shield. But unlike 1967, there were no death-knock heroics for the Hawke’s Bay defenders. Putting aside...
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- rugby
Centurions beat Tasman, as Hawke’s Bay finish top qualifier for Hurricanes U18s final
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The Wellington Samoans U18s after their 52-12 win this afternoon over the Wellington Māori U18s at Evans Bay Park. The Samoans will play top qualifier the Hawke’s Bay Saracens U18s in next week’s final. The Wellington Centurions completed their 2022 campaign with a comfortable though perhaps unconvincing 26-12 win over the Tasman Development side at...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
Candidate Lachlan Patterson answers Renters United’s questions
- Renters United
- Lachlan is running for the Wellington City Council in the Wharangi/Onslow-Western Ward The post Candidate Lachlan Patterson answers Renters United’s questions appeared first on Renters United.
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- Tagged as:
- onslow
- wellington-city-council
- election-candidates
Seniors week - Soup & Slice event!
- Hataitai Community Website
- Our annual event, this year scheduled for October 3rd from 11 am - 1 pm. A delicious array of homemade soups and slices is on offer for a koha. All welcome! Come together to celebrate the older people in our community. <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " >
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- hataitai
Invitation Pairs – Sat 17 September Live Scores
- Victoria Bowling Club
- Round Two live scores – Saturday 17 September – Refresh page for latest scores 8.30am matches Steve Dittford & Wayne…
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- bowling
- mount-victoria
- wcn-hosted
Victoria Bowling Club, Rixon Grove, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Cathedral Connection 18 September 2022
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
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- catholic
- wcn-hosted
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Bus and bike improvements from Newtown to city will now go ahead
- Wellington City Council
- Plans to make Wellington a place where it is easier and safer to get places in low carbon ways are another step closer with bus and bike improvements that will complete the Newtown to city route approved yesterday.
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- Tagged as:
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Invitation Pairs – Friday 16 Sept Live Scores
- Victoria Bowling Club
- Round One live scores – Friday 16 September – Refresh page for latest scores 2pm Matches: Gregory/Budge vs Maharaj/O’Brien – Dickison/Arlidge…
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- bowling
- mount-victoria
- wcn-hosted
Victoria Bowling Club, Rixon Grove, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Vicar's Letter - 16th September 2022
- All Saints Hataitai
- Kia Ora All Saints Whānau, After what has felt like a very long, cold, and wet winter, I’m sure you are all rejoicing with me (and the rest of Wellington) at the sight of the sun once again! Feeling the light and warmth of the sun, even in the cold air, seems to have lifted the mood of most of the city.
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- anglican
- hataitai
All Saints Anglican Church, 90, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Last round of Hurricanes U18s competition, final Development team match and Ranfurly Shield challenge tomorrow
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The Hurricanes Youth Council’s U18 competition is finely poised heading into this weekend’s third and final round of matches, heading into next week’s Finals Day. Added to the mix, the scheduled eight-team competition at the start of the term has been further reduced, with Wairarapa-Bush joining Manawatu in withdrawing from the Trustbank Secondary School Shield....
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- wairarapa
2022 Victoria Invitation Pairs – 16-18 September
- Victoria Bowling Club
- With Green 2 undertaking long overdue renovations, this year’s Invitation Pairs goes ahead just on Green 1 with play starting…
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- bowling
- mount-victoria
- wcn-hosted
Victoria Bowling Club, Rixon Grove, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Shit Kid
- Bats Theatre
- A physical, funny, and distinctly kiwi solo show by award-winning writer and comedian Sarah Harpur.
- Accepted from Bats Theatre openings by feedreader
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
First Buzzard at the Body
- Bats Theatre
- An experimental vocal and musical performance about death, capitalism, and birds.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Gag Reflex: A Scandalous Solo Show
- Bats Theatre
- A Scandalous Solo Show by Rachel Atlas featuring world-class stunts and a heart-warming feminist story.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Friday Five: Playtime spots in the city
- Wellington City Council
- It goes without saying that Wellington is full of awesome spaces and places, so why not try something new and explore these outdoor hot spots?
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- wellington-city-council
WCC voting recommendations
- Island Bay Healthy Streets
- Here's the Island Bay Healthy Streets voting recommendations for the 2022 Wellington City Council elections First, a caveat - these are progressive recommendations for progressive voters.
- Accepted from IHS blog by feedreader
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- island-bay
- wellington-city-council
- election-candidates
Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington Airport partners with Heart Aerospace on electric aircraft
- Wellington International Airport
- Accepted from WIAL press releases by feedreader
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- airport
Wellington International Airport, Stewart Duff Drive, Strathmore Park, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Aisle be Back: A timeless Bledisloe Cup win
- Wellington Club Weekly
- By Kevin McCarthy Karma so they say, is a B****. Or a B******. It will get you in the end. This time it happened strangely to the Wallabies, on a Thursday evening, at a funnily named action hero stadium in Melbourne, with a covered roof but some early artificial cloud cover. The karma in question...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
Is a biofuel mandate the worst option for cutting transport emissions?
- Victoria University of Wellington
- New Zealand has announced a biofuel mandate to cut transport emissions, but that could be the worst option for the climate, argue Paul Callister and Robert McLachlan.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Seniors week - Staying Safe for Older Drivers
- Hataitai Community Website
- This event hosted by Age Concern Wellington at the Hataitai Centre is a great opportunity for older drivers to come together and refresh their theory driving skills.
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- hataitai
Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Scientists chart 45 million years of Antarctic temperature change
- Victoria University of Wellington
- New study shows 'very clear and direct response' of Antarctic temperatures to changing carbon dioxide levels.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Corporate manslaughter and the accountability question
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Do we need to change the law to hold those in charge accountable for deaths and serious harm to workers? Joanne Crawford and Chris Peace look at the state of play in the construction industry.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Get ready to vote as your papers are on the way
- Wellington City Council
- Today sees the start of over 160,000 voting papers being sent to all enrolled voters in Wellington City for next month’s election.
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- wellington-city-council
Ranfurly Shield challenge for Wellington on Saturday in 100th match
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Hawkeye and Leo the Lion in the 1960s, prior to another tight tussle between Hawke’s Bay and Wellington. It was recently asked of a long-time supporter what would you rather Wellington held at the end of the season if you they could have one but not the other, the National Provincial Championship title or the...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- rugby
Reshaping Streets: that’s a big fat YES please
- Talk Wellington
- Good street change is stupidly hard in NZ, partly thanks to some weird little fossils in legislation. “Reshaping Streets” will fix those, making it a bit easier to improve our streets! But, surprise (sigh) it needs your help to get over the line… ***FAST SUBMISSION SHORTCUT: SCROLL DOWN TO THE TYPING CAT**** The “Reshaping Streets”...
- Accepted from Talk Wellington posts by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- blogs
Newsletter Week Ending 18 September
- Karori Anglican Churches
- REGISTER YOUR TEAM OR HELP ON THE NIGHT – 23 SEPTEMBER 7 PM AT MARSDEN CULTURAL CENTER Next week is Quiz night! If you are able to help […]
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- Automatically tagged as:
- karori
- wcn-hosted
- anglican
2022 d/Deaf and/or Disabled Residency Announcement
- Toi Pōneke
- Toi Pōneke Arts Centre is pleased to announce that Wellington writer and disability activist Robyn Hunt is the recipient of its 2022 d/Deaf and/or disabled artist residency.
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- toi-pneke
Toi Pōneke Arts Centre, Footscray Avenue, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Could a shorter working week help us to reduce flying?
- Low Carbon Kapiti
- Dr Kirsty Wild, The University of Auckland 15 September 2022 Amongst all the debate about what social changes might stick post Covid, perhaps the most promising development so far seems to be the re-evaluation of how (and indeed if) we want to work. The campaign for a four-day working week has received a welcome boost. […]
- Accepted from Low Carbon Kapiti feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- conservation
- kapiti
Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 18 September 2022
- St John's in the City
- Kia ora St John’s whānau, This Sunday there is a Church Camp in Otaki, AND there will be a worship service as usual in the City at 10am.
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- religious-groups
St John's, Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Bake Sale This Weekend
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
- September Bake Sale is on this Weekend 17, 18 September Saturday 17 Sep after Mass St Teresa’s Saturday 17 Sep after 5.30pm Vigil Mass, St Thomas More Sunday 18 Sep […]
- Accepted from Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart posts by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- catholic
- wcn-hosted
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Cardinal John’s Newsletter 15 September 2022
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
- Accepted from Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart posts by feedreader
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- catholic
- wcn-hosted
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Maidstone Community Sports Hub update
- Upper Hutt City Council
- Progress on the Maidstone Community Sports Hub is tracking well, with the foundations laid and the steel frame going up. Check out this drone footage!
- Accepted from Upper Hutt City news 2021 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- maidstone-sports-hub
Maidstone Park, Maidstone, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Making voting easy
- Porirua City Council
- Bright ballot boxes are coming soon, to a store near you!
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- government
- porirua
Cross country kaleidoscope
- Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
- Accepted from Marsden news by feedreader
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- cross-country
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School, Marsden Avenue, Karori, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Nursing with the Stars
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- The spotlight was on one of our Hutt nurses recently when Sala Eastwood became the face of a promotional campaign for Whitireia Community Polytechnic’s Bachelor of Nursing Pacific programme.
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- health
- hutt-valley
Nursing with the Stars
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- The spotlight was on one of our Hutt nurses recently when Sala Eastwood became the face of a promotional campaign for Whitireia Community Polytechnic’s Bachelor of Nursing Pacific programme.
- Accepted from Capital Coast Health Feed by feedreader
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- hospital
- scraper-required
It's time to vote - STV is the system - quick tip: don't vote for candidates you don't want
- Inner-City Wellington
- Be careful not to vote for candidates you don’t want Wellington’s local government elections use the Single Transferrable Vote (STV) scheme.
- Accepted from News - ICW by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- election-candidates
Rare Beer Challenge Champions
- Fortune Favours
- Wow what a night! The Rare Beer Challenge was huge, thanks to the hundreds of you who came through to try the beers and support Rare Disorders NZ Congratulations to 🏆 Choice Bros for taking out the title with their version of a rare beer - A LA LA LA LA LA LONG Imperial Isotonic Sports Beer.🥈2nd- Bone Face Brewing - Cola and Tayberry Sour⠀🥉3rd - Waitoa Beer - Peach Lichtenhainer
- Accepted from Fortune Favours blog by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- beer
Fortune Favours, 7, Leeds Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Women in Construction Expo
- Partners Porirua
- Partners Porirua recently ran a “Women in Construction Expo” to inspire young wahine, college students and female job seekers to go into a career in construction.
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- Tagged as:
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
SH59 Re-opened this morning
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- We are again having direct access to the north, and work is continuing—so keep to the lowered speed limit. The latest from Waka Kotahi follows. Good morning, State Highway 59 … SH59 Re-opened this morning Read More »
- Accepted from Pukerua Bay Residents Association feed by feedreader
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- community-groups
- pukerua-bay
New venue for award winning performance group
- Wellington City Council
- The Wellington City Council is delighted to announce award-winning Silver Noodle Soup Film and Theatre Company has found a temporary home in Newtown’s Hockey Stadium thanks to the Aho Tini Strategy.
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- newtown
- theatre
- wellington-city-council
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Meet the Candidates - WCC Elections
- Hataitai Community Website
- <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > <a class=" sqs-block-image-link " href="" >
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- Tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
Training Cancellation 29th of September
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Due to conflicting bookings of the St Bernards Gym, there will be no fencing on Thursday the 29th of September. We apologise for any inconvenience that this may caused. We are looking at making up the session within the school holidays. ** NO Training Thursday 29.09.22 **
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- Not tagged
O’Reilly and Lions hoping to find spark against Hawke’s Bay in Ranfurly Shield challenge
- Wellington Club Weekly
- James O’Reilly playing in his 100th game for HOBM earlier this year, against Marist St Pat’s, the team he scored his first Premier try against in his first year out of school in 2013. By Steven White James O’Reilly and his Wellington Lions teammates will be hoping its lights out for the Hawke’s Bay Magpies...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- rugby
Guardians Submission on the Proposed District Plan
- Guardians of the Bays
- The Guardians of the Bays has submitted on the Wellington City Proposed District Plan. Our submission focused on the Noise and the Airport Zone. Guardians Introduction to Submission Proposed District Plan Guardians Proposed District Plan Submission Table
- Accepted from Guardians of the Bays posts by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- runway-extension
Flecks of Light and Dark Concert
- Wellington Youth Choir
- St Peter’s on Wills | 15th of October | 7pm Missing out on our upcoming tour? Join us in October … More
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- singing
WYC On Tour to Whanganui!
- Wellington Youth Choir
- Wellington Youth Choir is going on tour! This year to the wonderful Whanganui. We will be presenting our 2022 concert … More
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- Automatically tagged as:
- singing
Challenges ahead for young speakers of te reo
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Statistics showing proportionately more young people are using te reo Māori than older generations mark a turning point in the language's survival and development, writes Awanui Te Huia.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Agents Provocateurs
- Bats Theatre
- A theatrical cabaret celebrating infamous femme spies throughout history.
- Accepted from Bats Theatre openings by feedreader
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Colour Me Cecily
- Bats Theatre
- A fabulous flashback to 1980s Upper Hutt featuring a cast of colourful characters and only one performer.
- Accepted from Bats Theatre openings by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- upper-hutt
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Changing Shed
- Bats Theatre
- An award-winning autobiographical solo about growing up gay in rural New Zealand.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Well-known Porirua City councillor passes away
- Porirua City Council
- Ken Douglas was councillor from 1998 to 2016, among many other roles.
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- Tagged as:
- porirua
- obituaries
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
New mammogram machines a decade in the making
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- We recently blessed and welcomed three state-of-the-art mammogram machines at Hutt Hospital that will make breast screening easier and more comfortable for women and the screeners alike!
- Accepted from Capital Coast Health Feed by feedreader
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- hospital
- scraper-required
Bruce Askew
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- We are sorry to learn of the passing recently of Hon. Life Member Bruce Askew. Bruce joined the Club in 1946, and remained an integral Club member. Never taking senior positions, he nevertheless worked behind the scenes in committee roles, particularly in the sailing committee and acting as measurer and safety inspector. He is most [...]
- Accepted from RPNYC feed 2019 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- obituaries
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Criterion Lane/Fergusson Drive Carpark open
- Upper Hutt City Council
- The new carpark opposite the Civic Centre and Whirinaki Whare Taonga is open.
- Accepted from Upper Hutt City news 2021 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- government
- upper-hutt
New mammogram machines a decade in the making
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- We recently blessed and welcomed three state-of-the-art mammogram machines at Hutt Hospital that will make breast screening easier and more comfortable for women and the screeners alike!
- Accepted from HVDHB news by feedreader
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- health
- hutt-valley
Tetra Pak can now be recycled
- Porirua City Council
- Porirua is now offering a place for Tetra Pak cartons to be recycled
- Accepted from PCC Latest news items by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Let Wellington City Council know that Wellington Timebank is important to you!
- Wellington Timebank
- We invite you to send a postcard to Wellington City Council Councillors, in support of Wellington Timebank. Wellington Timebank has been...
- Accepted from Wellington Timebank blog feed by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
Wellington Timebank Software Project
- Wellington Timebank
- Administration Systems Toolkit Research Project During the second half of 2021 Wellington Timebank Software Working Group with support of...
- Accepted from Wellington Timebank blog feed by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- community-groups
New Zealand's Strongest Beer
- Fortune Favours
- Here at Fortune Favours HQ we are all about pushing the limits when it comes to new beers and our entry for this years Rare Beer Challenge was no different.
- Accepted from Fortune Favours blog by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- beer
Fortune Favours, 7, Leeds Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
University scientist plays lead role in climate report
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Taking on an editing role in the latest State of the Climate report was a 'huge honour', says Dr Kyle Clem.
- Accepted from VUW News feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- kelburn
- victoria-university
Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 029 Billy Wallace
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Carbine was a popular racehorse who won 33 of 43 starts including the 1890 Melbourne Cup and failed to place only once and that was because of an injured hoof. In 1892 Carbine sired a Colt named Wallace, so named after the champion’s owner Donald Wallace. Carbine’s progeny went on to become a champion in...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- rugby
Info & Draw – 2022 Rugby League 9s tournament
- College Sport Wellington
- Please find the link below for the following documents for the Rugby League 9’s tournament on this Saturday 17th September at Wainuiomata High School.
- Accepted from College Sport news HTTPS by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- wainuiomata
- rugby
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
October School Holiday Programme
- Upper Hutt City Football
- Registrations are now open for the October School Holiday Programme. For more info and to register, click here The post October School Holiday Programme appeared first on Upper Hutt City Football.
- Accepted from Upper Hutt City Football feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- upper-hutt
Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, 5218, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Rugby and study a winning combination for OBU
- Victoria University of Wellington
- The competition and camaraderie of the game of rugby has been part of the university experience almost from the start.
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- Tagged as:
- rugby
Local Government 2022 election candidates
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- It’s that time where we all vote for who represents us on our local government bodies (Porirua City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council), and who serves as mayor of Porirua … Local Government 2022 election candidates Read More »
- Accepted from Pukerua Bay Residents Association feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Coronavirus Update
- Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
- Accepted from Marsden news by feedreader
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- covid-19
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School, Marsden Avenue, Karori, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington City Council 2022 Elections - what is being said about Earthquake-Prone Buildings?
- Inner-City Wellington
- Wellington City Council 2022 Elections - what is being said about Earthquake-Prone Buildings?The following is an update sent out via our eNewsletter from Geraldine Murphy - ICW's spokesperson on seismic matters.
- Accepted from News - ICW by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
- earthquake-strengthening
CCHV Represented at Allied Health Summit
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Dietitian Dushanka Hettige receives the Dietitians NZ Young Achiever Award, Allied Professionals present, at the 2022 Australia and New Zealand Allied Health Summit
- Accepted from Capital Coast Health Feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- hospital
- scraper-required
Protected: Candidate John Doe answers Renters United’s questions
- Renters United
- Renters United asked every candidate in the Wharangi/Onslow Western Ward 17 questions about the issues that most concern renters in their ward. Here are Alexander Garside’s responses in full.
- Accepted from Renters United feed blog by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- election-candidates
- onslow
Houghton Bay Play Area Renewal
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- The Houghton Bay Play Area is due for an upgrade and we'd like to hear your feedback on the draft designs.
- Accepted from Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk current engagements by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- consultation
- wellington-city-council
Houghton Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Warwick Street Play Area Renewal
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- The Warwick Street play area is due for an upgrade and we'd like to hear your feedback on the draft design.
- Accepted from Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk current engagements by feedreader
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- consultation
- wellington-city-council
Warwick Street, Wilton, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington U19s v Manawatu U19s try scoring highlights
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The Wellington U19s retained the Hurricanes Youth Council’s Central Region Shield with a 48-15 win over the Manawatu U19s at Lyndhurst Park, Tawa, on Saturday 10 September. The Wellington U19s led 19-7 at halftime, and then 24-15 early in the second half, but pulled away towards the end of the game to win well. Scoring...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Reiki Is Back!
- Kapiti Women's Centre
- Reiki is now available every fortnight on Wednesday between 12.30 and 2.30pm with Charlotte, please phone the Centre to make an appointment. The post Reiki Is Back! first appeared on Kapiti Women's Centre.
- Accepted from Kapiti Women's Centre feed by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- kapiti
To feed or not to feed: Bringing birds to your backyard
- Zealandia
- After a wet and wild winter, Tama-nui-te-rā is finally gracing us with his presence and it’s beginning to feel like spring! With spring, comes bird visitors to your garden who are looking for ...
- Accepted from Zealandia HTTPS by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- karori-sanctuary
- tours
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Notice | COVID Update 12 September 2022
- South Wellington Intermediate School
- New long-term strategy for COVID-19 You’ll be aware that New Zealand will move to a new, long-term approach to COVID-19. These changes have been made based on public health advice and reflect high levels of immunity and declining case numbers across New Zealand.This new approach … The post Notice | COVID Update 12 September 2022 appeared first on South Wellington Intermediate School.
- Accepted from SWIS latest news by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- covid-19
South Wellington Intermediate School, 30, Waripori Street, Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Weekly News 12 September 2022
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- This week Results Dunedin Marathon Good representation for the club down south. Alastair Richardson was 4th in 02:53:41, and Geoff Ferry ran 03:16:23. Results Sunshine Coast Ironman 70.3 Some very impressive results from Mooloolaba, Queensland: Tanya Lavington 5:12:22 (3rd W55), Dean Galt 4:17:08 and Janine Sharma 5:14:52. Results Shirley Barton Trophy and Ballantyne Cup Danielle […]
- Accepted from WSAC news by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- athletics
SH59 Pukerua Bay to Paekakariki remaining closed
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- Waka Kotahi has issued an up-date on SH59 as at 11.42 today, saying the road will remain closed until further notice. Radio NZ reported the road will re-open on Thursday.
- Accepted from Pukerua Bay Residents Association feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- pukerua-bay
- paekakariki
Paekakariki, Kapiti Coast District, Wellington, 5034, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Find out about Te Hui Ahurei Reo Māori o Te Whanganui-a-Tara, the Te Reo Māori Festival of Wellington!
- Inner-City Wellington
- From Wellngton City Council Ka rawe! It’s Te Wiki o te Reo Māori Te Wiki o te Reo Māori is from 12 to 18 mahuru (September), and Council has partnered with Taranaki Whānui, Ngāti Toa Rangatira and Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa to bring a fantastic new festival of events, activities, and exhibitions to Pōneke to coincide with the nationwide celebrations.
- Accepted from News - ICW by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- exhibitions
- events
Did you know the Wellington Pride Festival is happening now? - 3 - 17 September 2022
- Inner-City Wellington
- From Wellington City Council Wellington Pride Festival - Tū Whakahīhī e Te Whanganui-ā-Tara Pride festivities were postponed in Pōneke earlier this year due to COVID, but now it’s time to come out and finally celebrate our queer community with two weeks of events and activities for the Wellington Pride Festival! Check out what you can do to celebrate Pride on the Wellington Pride Festival website.
- Accepted from News - ICW by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- lgbt
- wellington-city-council
- events
COVID-19 Protection Framework Updates
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- The COVID-19 Protection Framework will end, along with several other COVID-19 public health measures at 11.59pm on 12 September 2022.
- Accepted from HVDHB news by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- covid-19
NZ moves away from Covid protection framework
- Porirua City Council
- From midnight tonight, face masks will no longer be required in Council facilities.
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- Tagged as:
- covid-19
Porirua Chamber's 2022 Local Government Election Guide
- Porirua Chamber of Commerce
- Accepted from Porirua chamber news 2020 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
$500 cash winner for August
- Marist St Pats Rugby
- Congratulations to James Scullin who is the $500 cash winner for August's 500 Club member draw; new members welcome...
- Accepted from Marist St Pats news 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- rugby
- hataitai
COVID-19 Protection Framework Update
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Following the Government's announcement, the COVID-19 Protection Framework will end, along with several other COVID-19 public health measures at 11.59pm on 12 September 2022.
- Accepted from Capital Coast Health Feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- covid-19
Glover Park set for a refresh
- Wellington City Council
- Glover Park, located between Ghuznee Street and Garrett Street, will be getting a refresh as work continues on the Swan Lane and Garrett Street precinct upgrade.
- Accepted from WCC news HTTPS by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
Glover Park, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Holloway way: The boho home in the city
- Capital Magazine
- Meet the family living the hippy life just a stones throw from the CBD, growing their own food and welcoming others to their little slice of the world. The post The Holloway way: The boho home in the city appeared first on Capital Magazine.
- Accepted from Capital Magazine by tonytw1
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- aro-valley
Aro Valley, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
How these Aro cottages became a bohemian haven
- Capital Magazine
- Meet the family living the hippy life just a stones throw from the CBD, growing their own food and welcoming others to their little slice of the world. The post How these Aro cottages became a bohemian haven appeared first on Capital Magazine.
- Accepted from Capital Magazine by tonytw1
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- aro-valley
- heritage-buildings
Mitchelltown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Founding theatre professor dies at 80
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Professor Phillip (Phil) Mann, who was the founding drama lecturer within Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, died on 1 September.
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- theatre
A generous boost for a vibrant arts facility
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington is delighted to announce a donation from Infratil, H.R.L Morrison & Co (“Morrison & Co”), and the Lloyd Morrison Trust in support of the national music centre in memory of Lloyd Morrison, Infratil founder and passionate Wellingtonian.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
The Monday Wrap 12 September (news and information to start the new rugby week)
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The Wellington Lions with the Mike Gibson Memorial Trophy after their 32-26 win over Otago yesterday. Anyone in Wellington game enough for a road-trip the Napier this coming Saturday? The Wellington Lions have a rare Ranfurly Shield challenge. The game against the Hawke’s Bay Magpies kicks off at 7.05pm Saturday at McLean Park, so start...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
Being the best you in a dystopia
- Low Carbon Kapiti
- One person’s Utopia is another’s Dystopia By Anthony Britton, 12 September 2022 Dear reader if you’re having a bad day you may find this article hard to read, it was very hard to write without feeling depressed and without hope. The Covid-19 pandemic, with the misery, suffering and death this has brought all around the […]
- Accepted from Low Carbon Kapiti feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- covid-19
Breakdown at Hunter Bank
- Coastguard Mana
- Operation Details Date/Time: Sat, 10/09/2022 - 10:20 - 14:00 Operation Type: CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted: 2 Total Volunteer Hours: 11 6m runabout would not start after fishing at Hunter Bank. Phoenix Rescue went out and towed it back to Mana Cruising Club ramp. Vessel Details Length: 6.00m Resources Attendees: Jake_Presling Mark Presling espi
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- boating
- emergency-services
- kapiti
-40.963255, 174.816513
Nail-biting Nationals: Hamilton Boys’ wins Top 4 again as girls title is shared
- Wellington Club Weekly
- By Adam Julian and Steven White Photos by Andy McArthur. Reports of the two 2022 First XV Top 4 finals below. MANUKURA (19) v Christchurch Girls’ High School (19) The engraver will put the names of MANUKURA and Christchurch Girls’ High School as joint winners in 2022 on the Hine Pounamu Trophy, after the two...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
Frank Batchelor
- Friends of Karori Cemetery
- Francis Raymond Batchelor (Frankie) died 1924 age 2 ½ . He was the only child of Major Francis Roy Batchelor and his wife Helena. Frankie’s father, Frank, was a member […]
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- community-groups
- karori
- local-history
Karori Cemetery, Northland, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Ethel Ulrika Adelaide Beu
- Friends of Karori Cemetery
- Sometimes this research is just triggered by an interesting name. Ethel was the only surviving daughter of John Charles Frederick Beu and his wife Mathilda Nilson. John was born in […]
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- community-groups
- karori
- local-history
Karori Cemetery, Northland, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Violet King
- Friends of Karori Cemetery
- Haining Street. We recently shared the story of Yen Yep, a gardener in Haining Street. Today is the story of Violet King who died Haining Street in 1906, aged 32. […]
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- community-groups
- karori
- local-history
Karori Cemetery, Northland, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Beaman Buckland Mark Hooper
- Friends of Karori Cemetery
- For such a long name, there is only a short amount that can be found out about ‘Mark’. Mark died aged 27 at Wellington Hospital. His funeral left the Hospital […]
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- community-groups
- karori
- local-history
Karori Cemetery, Northland, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Harriet Hair
- Friends of Karori Cemetery
- An interesting name is always an invitation to research. Harriet wasn’t born Hair, or Uridge, or Clark (her three married names), but Harriet Elizabeth Wond. Her parents were John and […]
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- community-groups
- karori
- local-history
Karori Cemetery, Northland, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Margaret Brickley
- Friends of Karori Cemetery
- The woman who married two brothers … or did she? Margaret McNeash McKenzie married Thomas Brickley in Glasgow in 1863. They emigrated with their three young children to Lyttelton on […]
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- community-groups
- karori
- local-history
Karori Cemetery, Northland, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Woolf Phillips
- Friends of Karori Cemetery
- We recently assisted a local interested in finding the grave of Woolf Phillips. This task was made easy with the WCC search website Ever After. WCC have GPS located a […]
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- wellington-city-council
Karori Cemetery, Northland, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
September update
- Danss
- Whoops, we're a bit slow in posting the current bloc of classes - sorry about that! There's a class tonight, 11 September, and we have the wonderful Keri and Philip Porter back as guest teachers.
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- community-groups
- lgbt
- performing-arts
- wcn-hosted
Thistle Hall, Cuba Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Party Pigs!
- Bats Theatre
- Surprise – it’s one little piggy’s birthday!
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- art
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Report card Part II: how the candidates voted
- Island Bay Healthy Streets
- Here's how the Wellington City Council candidates say they would have voted on some key issues facing the city I recently published an analysis of how the current Wellington City councillors voted on some key issues.
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- election-candidates
Shirley Barton Trophy and Ballantyne Cup results 2022
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- Race report from our club handicapper, James Turner: “Great turnout and excellent racing yesterday, especially from the women! Winner on handicap (it was to be fair, a bit of a soft handicap, but she won by so much it would have made no difference to the result) was Dani Stevens, well over 2 mins inside […]
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- match-reports
More ballot boxes than ever at this election
- Wellington City Council
- This year there are more places to vote in the Wellington City Council election – as well as at any post box.
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- wellington-city-council
- election-candidates
Four District Plans and a Funeral
- Eye of the Fish
- Today (Monday) is the last day for submissions on the proposed District Plan that will govern the shape of the city for the next 50...
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- draft-district-plan
Junior Prizegiving
- Island Bay United AFC
- BU Junior Prizegiving - 17th September 2022 As the season draws to a close for another year its time to celebrate all of our fabulous junior players, and recognise our awesome coaches, managers and referees who generously give their time every week of the season.
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- island-bay
- soccer
October Holiday Programme
- Island Bay United AFC
- Join us for some football fun these October school holidays!Our super coaches Leo Villa and Guille Schiltonwolf are excited to be back with the October holiday programme.
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- island-bay
- soccer
Wellington Centurions bounce back, U19s retain title, Canterbury Māori win tournament
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Members of the Wellington U19s with the Central Region Shield following their win over the Manawatu U19s at Lyndhurst Park this Saturday. The Wellington Centurions men’s side bounced back from their defeat to Manawatu last week to comfortably beat the Hawke’s Bay Saracens 55-17 at the Petone Recreation Ground this afternoon. The Centurions started well...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- petone
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Result: Philp Shield
- Olympic Harriers
- Beautiful sunny spring day with a slight south-easterly wind to give everyone a ...
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- athletics
September 2022 Newsletter
- Cycle Wellington
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- cycling
Captain Festus McBoyle - The Prose and Cons
- Bats Theatre
- A family-friendly theatrical tale of adventure from a Punk Rock Pirate.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Te Wao Nui Public Open Day!
- Wellington Health Foundation
- Nau mai, haere mai. You are invited to join Wellington Hospitals Foundation and hospital staff as we celebrate the opening of the Te Wao Nui Child Health Service and hospital. Join us for a Public Open Day on Saturday 1st October from 11am to 3pm for your chance to see inside this stunning... Read more » The post Te Wao Nui Public Open Day! appeared first on Wellington Hospitals Foundation.
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- events
Wellington Children's Hospital, Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Internationals big winners
- Marist St Pats Rugby
- It was an 'international affair' with the Internationals scooping up a number of team and individual awards at prizegiving...
- Accepted from Marist St Pats news 2019 by feedreader
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- rugby
- hataitai
SH 59 Re-opening update
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- SH 59 will not be re-open on Monday 12 September. There is more work to be undertaken. Waka Kotahi has provided the below up-date Crews are working 24 hours daily … SH 59 Re-opening update Read More »
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- transport
Reuse, reduce, recycle… redecorate
- Brooklyn Scout group
- This week our keas delved into the topic of zero waste and explored ways to repurpose household items to keep them in use for longer! We had a blast decorating flower pots to plant some watercress that can go in … Continue reading →
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- brooklyn
- scouts
Scout Hall, Harrison Street, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Aikido Exclusion Saturday 10 September.
- Wellington Judo Academy
- Hi all, There is no Saturday judo training due to an Aikido event being held at the dojo. Training as usual from Sunday 11 September on. The post Aikido Exclusion Saturday 10 September. appeared first on Wellington Judo.
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- self-defence
Animates, Hutt Road walkway, Highland Park, Kaiwharawhara, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6035, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Weekly E-News for 9 September 2022
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- I awoke this morning to the news that the Queen has died! What an amazing woman with an amazing legacy. No doubt the days will be full with remembering and commemoration. Our thoughts are with the royal family at this time. For my day yesterday all I have to say is “what a day!” First […]
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- crossways
- religious-groups
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Cathedral Connection 11 September 2022
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
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- catholic
- wcn-hosted
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Customers can step up to Metlink following withdrawal of NCS Wainuiomata services
- Metlink
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- wainuiomata
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
The Wrap Up (Term 3, Week 7)
- Wellington High School
- This Wrap Up, we bring you updates on OutLOUD, the week long pride celebration that finished today with a hugely successful bake sale at lunchtime. We also have some information regarding next week's celebrations of Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, as well as some sporting updates and achievements to share with you all!
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- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Young people putting down roots for climate action
- Wellington City Council
- Anxiety around climate change has increased in schools over the last five years, with some young people feeling overwhelmed by the magnitude of issues to do with the climate.
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- wellington-city-council
Queen Elizabeth II, 21 Apr 1926 – 8 Sep 2022
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- This morning we awoke to the sad news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Queen was a mother, grandmother, and great grand mother and will be mourned by many. Her dedication to her duties until the very end of her almost-71 year reign is inspirational. Our club flag will fly at [...]
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- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Ka rawe! It’s Te Wiki o te Reo Māori
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council is celebrating Aotearoa New Zealand’s indigenous language and Te Wiki o te Reo Māori with special events and activities around the city this month.
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- wellington-city-council
Wellington take out the Smallbore Triangular Title
- College Sport Wellington
- Congratulations to the Wellington Secondary Schools team, who took out this years’ Smallbore Shooting Triangular, against Hutt Valley and Manawatu.
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- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Are you a student or young professional on the hunt for an exciting summer role?
- College Sport Wellington
- We’re looking for an awesome crew of motivated individuals to join our Round the Bays team for the 2023 campaign.
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- secondary
- sport
2022 McEvedy Shield – Preview From an Athletes Perspective
- College Sport Wellington
- Courtesy of Corran Hanning After a cancellation in 2021 and a deferment from its traditional March date in 2022, the 99th running of the McEvedy Shield will now take place at Newtown Park on Wednesday 14 September 2022.
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- newtown-park
- mcevedy-shield
Newtown Park, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Major $13m project to focus on predicting impacts of sea-level rise
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Research project will improve ability to predict sea-level rise and the impacts it will have around New Zealand.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Representative rugby rolls on this weekend
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Update 1: The 2022 representative season reaches its peak this weekend in terms of teams in action and games played. Starting today at the new Campus of Innovation and Sport (CIS) turf and continuing through to Sunday afternoon at Wellington Stadium, there is much to look forward to in Wellington and the lower North Island...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
The Emperor's New Clothes
- Bats Theatre
- A high-risk, high-reward dance show not for the faint of heart.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington Airport Job Fair - Saturday 24 September
- Wellington International Airport
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- airport
Wellington International Airport, Stewart Duff Drive, Strathmore Park, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Passing of Queen Elizabeth II
- Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
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- secondary
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School, Marsden Avenue, Karori, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Porirua mourns Queen Elizabeth II
- Porirua City Council
- A condolence book is at Pātaka for those who wish to pay their respects.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Queen Elizabeth II
- Upper Hutt City Council
- Upper Hutt Mayor, Wayne Guppy has made a statement this morning following the death of The Queen.
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- upper-hutt
Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, 5218, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Porirua events in full swing to celebrate Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori
- Porirua City Council
- There are a number of ways you can recognise and celebrate Māori Language Week.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Cycle Wellington endorses Wellington City Council candidates
- Cycle Wellington
- Based on their track record and commitments, Cycle Wellington recommends you rank these candidates at the top.
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- election-candidates
Downer NZ commit to harbour planting
- Porirua City Council
- About 20 people turned out for a planting session at Motukaraka Point today.
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- government
- porirua
Motukaraka Point, Pauatahanui, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, 5381, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
District Plans: your submission guide!
- Talk Wellington
- District Plans are really important and pretty dense… Talk Wellington and friends have done the hard yards so you don’t have to! Just whack in a submission – by 5pm Monday 12th! All the councils of the region are updating their District Plans because the government, by bipartisan agreement, has decreed councils can no longer...
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- blogs
Does a new airport in central Otago make economic sense?
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Canterbury ratepayers risk paying the price twice if Tarras airport takes off, argues Professor Ilan Noy.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
This Saturday & Sunday! - a free event for 9-15 year olds - Welly, as your playground
- Inner-City Wellington
- From Vivita website If Wellington was a playground, what would it look like? Would you swing from the street lights? Abseil the sky-rises? Become a pro urban designer for two action-packed days as we (re)imagine and (re)design a Wellington urban scape.
- Accepted from News - ICW by tonytw1
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- community-groups
Wellington responds to news of Queen’s death
- Wellington City Council
- Buckingham Palace has announced that Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth has died today aged 96.
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- wellington-city-council
Sad news at the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth
- Wellington Health Foundation
- As New Zealand wakes up to the very sad news of HRH Queen Elizabeth’s passing, we remember and celebrate her incredible years of service.
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- health
- lobby-groups
Vicar's Letter - 9th September 2022
- All Saints Hataitai
- Kia ora All Saints whānau,What wild weather we've had this week! Snow and sunshine, both blessings in different ways.
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- snow
All Saints Anglican Church, 90, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Dreaming of a logistical future
- Talk Wellington
- Looking internationally it’s clear Wellington’s delivery logistics could be improved. A lot of it comes down to that “last mile.” Improving this starts with freight distribution hubs. As Wellington car-frees larger parts of the city, we have the opportunity to rethink our logistics and delivery procedures. This could mean adjusting the times delivery vehicles are...
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- blogs
Applications Invited For 2023 Randell Cottage Writers Residency
- Randell Cottage Writers Trust
- Applications are now open for one of New Zealand’s top writing residencies: the 2023 Creative New Zealand Randell Cottage Writers Fellowship. The fellowship comprises a generous stipend, funded by CNZ and currently set at $28,500, and six months’ rent-free accommodation in one of Wellington’s oldest heritage homes.
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- art
- books
- thorndon
Randell Cottage, 14, St Mary Street, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Finlayson's public release of incorrect, unsubstantiated complaint to Auditor General
- Councillor Jenny Condie
- Today, former attorney general Chris Finlayson has publicly (paywalled) made serious allegations against the professional reputations of...
- Accepted from Jenny Condie news by tonytw1
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- election-candidates
Club and College Rugby Awards 2022
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Few guesses required for what our club rugby Match of the Season was, and our Premier Try of the Season. Here, Petone’s Tupou Sopoaga charges down a Brandyn Laursen attempted pot to set in motion a crazy finish to their McBain Shield match. Petone won 27-20. PHOTO: Andy McArthur. By Scott MacLean, Steven White and...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- petone
- rugby
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Inaugural Te Upoko O Te Ika Māori Rugby Invitational tournament this weekend
- Wellington Club Weekly
- This Friday and Saturday’s Te Upoko O Te Ika Māori Rugby Invitational tournament is a first for two reasons. As well as being the inaugural tournament, it marks the introduction of rugby being played at the all-new New Zealand Campus of Innovation of Sport facility in Upper Hutt. Te Upoko O Te Ika (Wellington Māori)...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- upper-hutt
- rugby
Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, 5218, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Newsletter Week Ending 11 September
- Karori Anglican Churches
- HAVE YOU GOT YOUR TEAM TOGETHER? 23 SEPTEMBER 7 PM AT MARSDEN CULTURAL CENTER Please email to book your team. We will be auctioning some great prizes, which currently include beauty treatments from our local Marsden village, an amazing bach stay, an Interislander Travel Voucher, a Personal Trainer Session, Crystal and glassware, garden […]
- Accepted from KA feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- karori
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
September edition of Kōrero out now
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- You should have received the September 2022 edition of the Kōrero community newsletter in your mailbox by now. It is also available as a PDF download on our Kōrero page.
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- community-groups
- pukerua-bay
Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 11 September 2022
- St John's in the City
- Kia ora St John’s whānau, This Sunday’s date recalls a day of terror, which for most of us was within living memory: September 11 <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Stephen Harris is our Guest Preacher, and will be reflecting on how the scriptures speak to the current perils of our world. His sermon is titled ‘Biblical Times’. If you want to read the Bible readings before Sunday, they are: Jeremiah 4:11-12, 22-28 and 2 Timothy 3: 1-5, 14-17 Our youth and kids will start at 10am in their peer groups (in the Centre) and join together in the Church for Communion. After the service we have our Quarterly Communion Lunch, so please bring food to share If you can’t get into the city, and you want to join the worship service via Zoom, here are the details to access the live-stream: Zoom Meeting ID: 370 260 759Passcode: worship The link to join the Zoom worship service is below. If using your phone: dial 04 886 0026 (Meeting ID: 370 260 759#, Passcode: 1560107#) This is the link to the printable Service Sheet <a href="" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-button-element--primary sqs-block-button-element" > Printable Service Sheet <a href="" class="sqs-block-button-element--medium sqs-button-element--primary sqs-block-button-element" > Link to Zoom Service ELECTION OF NEW ELDERS At last week’s Congregational Meeting we elected two new elders: Jason Fyfe and Nisha George. We thank God for their sense of call and look forward to their ordination to this leadership role in our church ST JOHN’S CHURCH CAMP This is a special weekend for all of us! 16th – 18th September 2022The theme is ‘Journeying Together’. Online registrations are closed. But we might be able to squeeze in some extras. Please contact Naomi to enquire. Contact: Naomi Contact: Naomi <form method="POST" novalidate data-form-id="631949492645ee7c5a5dcd8e" data-success-redirect="" autocomplete="on" action="" data-dynamic-strings onsubmit="return (function (form) { Y.use('squarespace-form-submit', 'node', function usingFormSubmit(Y) { (new Y.Squarespace.FormSubmit(form)).submit({ formId: '631949492645ee7c5a5dcd8e', collectionId: '5eaba2aa9758022539788d0f', objectName: 'item-63194863e1325949ba993a7e' }); }); return false; })(this);" > Name * <input data-title="First" spellcheck="false" maxlength="30" name="fname" aria-required="true" type="text" class="field-element field-control" x-autocompletetype="given-name" /> First Name <input data-title="Last" spellcheck="false" maxlength="30" name="lname" aria-required="true" type="text" class="field-element field-control" x-autocompletetype="surname" /> Last Name Email * <input autocomplete="email" spellcheck="false" name="email" aria-required="true" id="email-yui_3_17_2_1_1662601295138_56015-field" type="email" class="field-element" /> Subject * <input aria-required="true" id="text-yui_3_17_2_1_1662601295138_56016-field" type="text" class="field-element text" /> Message * <textarea aria-required="true" id="textarea-yui_3_17_2_1_1662601295138_56017-field" class="field-element " > <input type="submit" class="button sqs-system-button sqs-editable-button sqs-button-element--primary" value="Submit" /> Thank you! <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > VISION TO ACTION <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Our Vision: We explore and share the gospel with our dynamic neighbourhood. We create safe spaces to be, to belong, and to navigate the tough stuff. Getting to know God is a team sport – that’s why we do this together, not alone. How to get involved… Join a project team – everyone is welcome!!Site and Space – Get involved in exploring how the St John’s site can be used in an outreach capacity. This could involve physical changes, projects, use of the Centre.Current Project: Community Christmas MarketContact Rob Anderson or Judi Ferguson Community Rebuild – Help re-establish and build back internal relationships and friendship in the St John’s community post COVID.Current Project: Supporting Attendance at Church Camp and Talent ShowContact: Margaret Gilkison or Jemma August Caring for Specific Groups of Need in the St John’s Community – Help us intentionally build connections between generations and serve specific groups of need e.g. young, elderly, youth.Contact: TBC Whānau Night Extension – Get involved in building on the success of Whānau Night. Held each month during school terms in the St John’s Centre or in homes. Food, fun, faith and focus.Current Project: Youth Lead Code Breaker Night, 20 November 2022Coordinator contacts for 20 November Whanau Night: Antonia Milkop and Bronwyn Wood with St John’s Youth GroupWhat we need: In order for the church to carry on running Whanau Nights from 2023 onwards, we will need to find a committed leader to help orchestrate and organise teams to run future Whanau nights. Does this sound like you? Vision Communication and Connections – Ensuring St John’s is communicating our Vision with the wider community and supporting the project teams.Current Project: Improving Signage and BillboardsContact: Elizabeth Gibbs Getting to Know our Neighbours /Understanding Our - Eco System/Community – Building direct relationships with our immediate neighbourhood i.e. business and organisations, Victoria University of Wellington and Massey University, Kaianga Ora, building developers, WCC, neighbouring Churches, schools.Current Projects: Follow-up event from Art Installation and Connecting with local property developers to understand future populations.Contact: Pamela Cohen The St John’s Vision is a key focus for Session Leaders so feel free to contact any one of them about this. In particular you can contact the Session Clerk, Rob Anderson New IdeasSt John’s wants to innovate and try new things that fit in with our Vision. If you have a creative idea the following information might help you work out how to progress that from a thought to action. <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > If needed, talk to Ino Pasullean so he can connect you with the right project team or provide further advice. NAME TAGS As we turn our Vision into action, one very easy and practical way we can build community is to wear a name tag.This Sunday all those who wear a name tag (or sign up to get one) will get a chocolate!Please keep your name tag on when you come over for Morning Tea in the Centre, and there will be a receptacle to drop your name tag into before you leave. LEADERSHIP FOR OUR MINISTRY WITH YOUNG PEOPLE We are looking for new paid leadership to support our ministry with Children & Families and Youth. These are important and life-giving ministries for us at St John’s and we remain committed to these ministries as an expression of our faith shared and grown together.While we have existing position descriptions for these roles (half-time for the Children & Families role, and full-time for the Youth Pastor role), we are also wanting to be flexible and shape the responsibilities of these roles, where appropriate, to match a) the strengths of suitable applicants, and b) with the emerging needs at St John’s.Our St John’s Vision is encouraging us to focus on being intergenerational, having safe spaces for people to belong, being flexible and responsive, with an open-minded and positive culture.We are open to explore possibilities with anyone who has a passion and aptitude for these ministries.If you, or someone you know, might consider these roles, please contact Rev Allister Lane for more information, including the current position descriptions (Ph: 021 466 526).Applications close 23rd September 2022. including a CV and a covering letter that lays out your vision for the role. <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > FREE GAMELAN CONCERT <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > FELLOWSHIP GROUP “Seeing the Invisible: Black Holes, the Universe and our place in it”This was the title of a presentation given last month at a Science & Faith seminar at St John’s by Prof Jeff Tallon.At this month’s Fellowship Group you can hear this presentation again, along with the wondrous images from the deepest parts of space.Tuesday 27th September, 11am in the Hall. ONE CONFERENCE This leadership training conference for the Presbyterian Church is being hosted at St John’s in November (2pm 17th of November - 2:30pm Saturday the 19th of November).We will have many folks travelling from out of town and many have asked if there any possibility of being billeted. Would you like to consider billeting out-of-town attendees to the conference?Conference attendees will have all meals provided at the conference except breakfast. If you can offer billeting please fill in this form One Conference Billet Host Form or email <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.Allister
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- wellington-city-council
St John's, Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Long Serving Members Recognised by Athletics New Zealand
- Athletics Wellington
- Athletics New Zealand recognise Long Serving Members At the 135th Athletics New Zealand Annual General meeting on Saturday made a number of Awards to recognise… Read More »
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- athletics
- Bats Theatre
- A poignant and powerful theatrical exploration of the human condition featuring masterful puppetry and mask.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
- Bats Theatre
- A brand new collection of monologues by six female and non-binary playwrights around the theme of Joy.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Confessions of a Sleepwalking Insomniac
- Bats Theatre
- A brand new full-length solo show by award-winning playwright Helen Vivienne Fletcher.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Coming Soon - Te Wao Nui
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Haere mai ki Te Wao Nui, our new child health service for the Wellington region. Te Wao Nui can be found in the Mark Dunajtschik and Dorothy Spotswood Building, next to Wellington Regional Hospital. We’re excited that our new children’s hospital, Te Wao Nui, will begin welcoming patents from 17 October 2022. We’ll confirm the date for the opening events before then.
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- health
- hutt-valley
The facts about base isolation at the Central Library
- Wellington Scoop
- Accepted from Wellington Scoop features by feedreader
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- central-library-closure
- earthquake-strengthening
Wellington Central Library, Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Uplifting te reo Māori through music
- Wellington City Council
- Over three decades, the family-owned music production company Minaaka has dedicated their lives to the revitalisation and everyday use of the Māori language, through the medium of music.
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- wellington-city-council
Is your pre-season training starting too early?
- College Sport Wellington
- MEDIA RELEASE 8 September 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Is your pre-season training starting too early? All young people should receive a quality sport experience, irrespective of whether they’ve chosen to play socially, competitively, or are in a rep squad.
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- secondary
- sport
Commitment to freshwater and STEM representation honoured
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington researcher Dr Tara McAllister (Te Aitanga a Māhaki) has been honoured for her research and advocacy with the prestigious Zonta Science Award.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
The rise of age-friendly housing. Can vertical still be accessible?
- Talk Wellington
- There’s an assumption that housing for elderly or intergenerational families can’t add any height. But with care accessible, tight-knit, multi-storied or even high-rise communities are more than doable. So, how do you achieve that? Multi-storey housing is generally considered automatically unviable for older citizens. Particularly if these structures have their bedrooms upstairs and don’t have...
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- blogs
Central U11 & U13 #3 2022
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Wellington Swords Club and Fencing Central invite you to attend the Central Under 11 and Under 13 #3 Competition 2022 on Sunday 18th September at Wellington Swords Club.
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- Not tagged
Central Open & Training Camp 2022
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Hawke’s Bay Blades and Fencing Central invite you to attend the Fencing Central Open and Training Camp 2022.
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- Not tagged
Brenda Collins Inspiring Greatness at Manurewa
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The Manurewa High School girls rugby squad at Jerry Collins Stadium during their trip to Wellington earlier this year. Coached by the late Jerry’s sister Brenda, Manurewa are heading to Palmerston North this weekend for the National Top 4 tournament. By Adam Julian Brenda Collins was a popular and successful teacher and rugby player in...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
September songs!!!
- Slow Boat Records
- Howdy, everybody, sorry we've been a bit quiet on here - busy, and a bit disrupted over these Winter months! But now, as they say, Spring is (almost!) sprung, and it's onwards and upwards.
- Accepted from Slow Boat Records feed 2022 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- cuba-street
- music
- retail
Slow Boat Records, Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington v Southland Stat Attack
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Wellington beat Southland on Saturday in their fifth round NPC match. A Stat Attack from that game below by Peter Marriott. Round 5 v Southland: Won 41-28 Wellington and Southland first met in a rugby match at the old Athletic Park in Wellington on 29 July 1896 when the host side ran out the winner...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
Love is in the air
- Zealandia
- The sun is out, the puawānanga/clematis is blooming, and love is in the air -- amongst toutouwai, or North Island robins, that is. In the last few weeks, you may have heard toutouwai singing. ...
- Accepted from Zealandia HTTPS by feedreader
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- karori-sanctuary
- tours
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Where there’s a Will there’s a way
- Mary Potter Hospice
- “It’s crucial to have a valid Will, because it makes sorting out your affairs when you die so much easier and less expensive”
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- Not tagged
Prison turns life upside down: giving low-risk prisoners time to prepare would benefit everyone
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Giving low-risk prisoners longer to prepare for their sentences might lead to better outcomes when they return home, writes Christine McCarthy.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Tahi Festival 2022
- Bats Theatre
- TAHI - New Zealand Festival of Solo Performance is an organisation in Wellington that supports the curation and showcasing of New Zealand’s highest quality solo performance.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Artist inducted into Porirua’s Hall of Fame
- Porirua City Council
- Neil Ieremia's Black Grace is internationally known but has its roots firmly in Porirua.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Keeping the Tongan language alive in Aotearoa
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Mālō e lelei, mālō ‘etau lava! As we continue to celebrate Tongan Language Week we spoke to a staff member about how they are helping stop the decline of their language in Aotearoa.
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- hospital
- scraper-required
Old Girl wins top Award
- Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
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- secondary
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School, Marsden Avenue, Karori, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Thriving underwater ‘gardens’ found off Wellington’s coast
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Deep-water reefs teeming with fish and brightly coloured sponges, researchers find.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Pioneers of rugby in Wellington: 028 Frank Mitchinson
- Wellington Club Weekly
- All sources tell us that Frank Mitchinson was all class. He had speed, footwork and vision, and all those who played with – including his great Poneke, Wellington and All Blacks mate Billy Wallace – rated him up there with the best. Mitchinson was the sort of player who could slot into any era and...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
Result: New Zealand Road Championships
- Olympic Harriers
- The NZ Road Champs are back, after being cancelled last year. Due to being held ...
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- athletics
AGM 17th October 2022
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- Our AGM will be held on Monday 17th October. Nominations are open for a position on the committee. We also invite the submission of Notices to be voted on at the AGM. Please see our AGM page, where you can find out more information and download any relevant forms.
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- community-groups
- island-bay
Wellington Women dominate National Senior 10km Road Championships
- Athletics Wellington
- Wellington Women dominate National Senior 10km Road Championships Wellington women took a clean sweep of the podium places in the National 10km road races titles… Read More »
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- athletics
University introduces new policy on intimate relationships between staff and students
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Policy on intimate relationships is a first for a New Zealand university.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Wainuiomata 10km handicap results
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- The Wellington Road Champs also serve as a club handicap run. Because it is nice to spread the fun out, we hold the results back a few weeks to allow you to enjoy the thrill of Wainuiomata a second time. If you want to know who swung for the boundary rope and connected, their names […]
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- wainuiomata
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Catholics urged to support hospices and palliative care by direct action
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
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- catholic
- wcn-hosted
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Porirua Sports Awards return after hiatus
- Porirua City Council
- The event will be held on 2 November at Te Rauparaha Arena.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Cystic Fibrosis Christmas Tree Festival 2022
- Wellington International Airport
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- airport
Wellington International Airport, Stewart Duff Drive, Strathmore Park, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Review: Back to Square One?
- The Wellingtonista
- Reviewed by Shona Jaunas Back to Square One invites you into conversation between 95 year old Inga’s living room in Denmark and her grandson, Anders Falstie-Jensen in New Zealand. It starts with the audience all writing their names on the stage front in chalk which immediately brings us into the space; we are all involved […]
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- theatre
- reviews
Circa Theatre, Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
We need to talk about Paul
- Island Bay Healthy Streets
- Here's why I don't think Paul Eagle is a good candidate for MayorPaul Eagle's 7 years on the council were defined by trying & failing to stop a cycleway being builtWith the campaign now in full swing there's really only three serious contenders for Wellington Mayor:newcomer Tory Whanauthe current Mayor Andy Foster, andformer councillor and current Rongotai MP Paul EagleTory Whanau is the only fresh-face there but looks qualified to do the role and has a very progressive set of polic [...]
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- island-bay-cycle-way
- election-candidates
Kapiti Women’s Centre Annual Street Appeal
- Kapiti Women's Centre
- Would you like to help collect at our Street Appeal on Friday 23rd September? Please contact the Centre on 9026222 or email if you would like to volunteer for this wonderful cause! The post Kapiti Women’s Centre Annual Street Appeal first appeared on Kapiti Women's Centre.
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- kapiti
Manawatu Evergreens v Wellington Centurions match highlights
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The Manawatu Evergreens were fast out of the gates against the Wellington Centurions on Saturday in their Development teams clash at Arena Manawatu. Manawatu raced to a 21-0 lead and later led 38-7 at halftime. Wellington came back but the lead was insurmountable. This was Manawatu’s final match of the season, whilst Wellington has fixtures...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
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- rugby
Looking after Pacific learners' needs in the classroom
- Victoria University of Wellington
- By 2028, it is predicted that around 17 percent of New Zealand learners will have Pacific heritage, with a huge range of cultures included in this group. It is essential, say the writers of a new book about educating Pacific students, that Aotearoa’s teachers understand Pacific values to ensure their Pacific students’ success
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Report from the Chair 2022
- Hoe Tonga Pacifica Waka Ama Association
- What an interesting year it has been. Even though COVID started back in early 2020, it did not really adversely impact our sport until late 2021. Until that time, our regional membership and participation across the board looked strong, and … Continue reading →
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- covid-19
2022 Annual Report
- Hoe Tonga Pacifica Waka Ama Association
- Hoe Tonga’s AGM was held on 5 September 2022 online via TEAMS. Eight clubs were present, alongside most board members and also Lara Collins (CEO, Waka Ama NZ). The annual report for 2022 was accepted, and a copy of the … Continue reading →
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- boating
The election is a job interview, not just a policy debate
- Councillor Jenny Condie
- I often think about an election campaign as a highly unusual job interview. At the end of my first term on Council it now feels more like...
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- election-candidates
Weekly News 5 September 2022
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- Ngā mihi to our new member Amy Frankland, who was a very impressive 11th at the NZ champs in her first race wearing the lion. This week Results NZ Road Running Championships Upper Hutt turned on a howling northerly for its national championship opportunity, proving a good hometown advantage to the many Wellington athletes who […]
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- upper-hutt
Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, 5218, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Victoria University of Wellington confirms new partnership in Vietnam
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington has entered into a new undergraduate partnership in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) with Ho Chi Minh City University of Education (HCMCUE), one of Vietnam’s leading teaching universities.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Production shows
- Kilbirnie School
- We are very proud to present our 2022 production shows.
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- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Kāpiti Coast Biodiversity
- Low Carbon Kapiti
- By Andy McKay, 5 September 2022 Team Leader, Environment & Ecological Services (Te Kaiārahi Rōpū Ratonga Taiao me te Hauropi), Kāpiti Coast District Council The Kāpiti Coast is blessed with some incredibly beautiful landscapes. From a biodiversity perspective, the jewel in the crown is Kāpiti Island, which provides a guiding light for those of us working […]
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- conservation
- kapiti
Andy Foster: a vision for Miramar
- Wellington Scoop
- Accepted from Wellington Scoop features by feedreader
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- miramar
Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Connecting with College's
- Marist St Pats Rugby
- We've been working closely with St Patrick's College to strengthen our connections and contribute to the development of students...
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- rugby
- hataitai
Wellington Football Showcase their Best at Nationals
- College Sport Wellington
- Story courtesy of College Sport Media Wellington schools have historically struggled to achieve podium places at the National Secondary Schools’ First XI boys football tournament.
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- Tagged as:
- soccer
Council puckerooed?
- Capital Magazine
- Tim Brown mulls over solutions to city-wide problems ahead of October's local body elections. The post Council puckerooed? appeared first on Capital Magazine.
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- election-candidates
- wellington-city-council
Marsden claims National Underwater Hockey Title
- Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
- Accepted from Marsden news by feedreader
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- secondary
Samuel Marsden Collegiate School, Marsden Avenue, Karori, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
WREMO supports the Nelson/Tasman flood response
- Wremo
- In August 2022, more than 200 homes were evacuated in the Nelson-Tasman area due to severe flooding from heavy rain. Four of WREMOs Emergency Managers were deployed to the South Island in late August for one week to help support Nelson-Tasman Emergency Management Group with their efforts to support their communities.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- emergency-services
Shifting to a low carbon Kāpiti survey – have your say
- Low Carbon Kapiti
- By Jake Roos, 5 September 2022 Kāpiti Coast District Council have opened a survey to get locals’ views on setting a target and plan to reduce the district’s greenhouse gas emissions. This is a tricky business because the district council has a limited degree of influence on emitting activities in the district. Many other local […]
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- consultation
The Monday Wrap 5 September (some rugby news and happenings to start the week)
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Morning edition: This coming weekend is probably the last ‘big weekend’ of 15s rugby in the lower North Island, with multiple matches for supporters to follow before it starts to wind down for the year over the following weekends. There are two matches on Wednesday. The Hurricanes Co-ed Cup final is in Palmerston North between...
- Accepted from Club Weekly 2020 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- rugby
Fixing Wellington’s Water Woes
- Sarah Free
- There is no doubt we have been through a difficult time with our water infrastructure. My view is that generally aging infrastructure combined with damage from the 2016 Kaikoura earthquake accelerated breakages, and repairing this is not helped by a diminished workforce at Wellington Water (they are currently down one third of their staff). In […]
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- people
Safeguarding Week 2022
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
- What can you do during Child Safeguarding Week? Sign a petition – a call to action! Sign our petition to change the Children’s Act 2014 and then share the petition […]
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- catholic
- wcn-hosted
Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
National U15/U17/U20 Championship 2022
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- The National U15/U17/U20 Championship 2022 has had its details announced and are taking place very shortly.
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- Not tagged
2022 October Holiday Judo.
- Wellington Judo Academy
- Getting close to that time again, friends. Academy Judo Holiday Programme. Ages 6 – 13 years. Wellington Judo AcademyCity Dojo132 Hutt Road, Kaiwharawhara Monday 3 – Friday 7 October 2022.9.00am... The post 2022 October Holiday Judo. appeared first on Wellington Judo.
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- self-defence
Animates, Hutt Road walkway, Highland Park, Kaiwharawhara, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6035, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Gold in Tahiti!!!
- Wellington Judo Academy
- The Academy’s very own Qona Christie has won Gold in the Senior Women’s Under 57kg class at the Tahiti Open. Congratulations to Qona on this first competition since the Commonwealths. The post Gold in Tahiti!!! appeared first on Wellington Judo.
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- self-defence
Animates, Hutt Road walkway, Highland Park, Kaiwharawhara, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6035, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
New Board of Trustees
- Kilbirnie School
- Welcome to the new members of our Board of Trustees.
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- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Missing the Cook Strait News
- Sarah Free
- I placed an ad with Regional News this week, but to be honest, I’ve had no feedback at all that people have seen it. ( Let me know if you have!) Anyway here is my pitch: Vote #1 Sarah Free for Motukairangi/Eastern Ward As Deputy Mayor, I’ve worked constructively with others to get things done. […]
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- people
Meet the Candidates Wednesday 14 September
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- After the success of this event at the last Local Body Elections we are doing it again. Candidates for PCC Mayor, Parirua Maori Ward, Pauatahanui General Ward and GWRC Porirua-Tawa … Meet the Candidates Wednesday 14 September Read More »
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- tawa
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Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Road works in Island Bay
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- Please find attached the September 2022 Council maintenance and minor works programme. The recent wet weather is affecting timing of works as crews work to clear slips and repair roads. For the latest information please check out the weekly roadworks report on the WCC website. Roads – Road works and road closures – Wellington CityContinue reading "Road works in Island Bay"
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- island-bay
- road-stopping
- wellington-city-council
Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
High scoring representative results, Silverstream U15s win Hurricanes tournament
- Wellington Club Weekly
- A hat-trick today for Niko Patelesio for Wellington Samoa over Wellington Fiji, but not on this occasion. His team won 41-31, more below. PHOTO: Caroline Lewis. By Steven White & Adam Julian A busy day of school and representative rugby around the region today – with rain and mud a dominant theme. Starting in school...
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- silverstream
- rugby
Silverstream, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, 5019, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
About the Proposed District Plan
- Newtown Residents' Association
- This plan, which is open for submissions until Monday September 12th, is the penultimate stage of the creation of a new District Plan for Wellington.
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- consultation
Late Night Knife Fight
- Bats Theatre
- The improv show where three teams face off in a battle for glory, honour, and the audience's favour. The winner returns in the headline spot next month, while the losers wail and gnash their teeth…
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BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Death and politics in a Newtown street
- Wellington Scoop
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
SH59 Update 3 Sept
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- Waka Kotahi has provided a further update. It is anticipated the highway will re-open Monday 12 September is work goes smoothly. SLIP CONTROL PUKERUA BAY HILLSIDE SAFETY PROJECT UPDATE 2 … SH59 Update 3 Sept Read More »
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- pukerua-bay
Pukerua Bay, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Street Scapes - Stacey Frazer Allen
- Black Coffee
- <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Stacey Fraser-Allen is a Wellington-based ink and watercolour artist and creator of Brick and Water Creative. After completing her degree in business she found a passion for watercolours and paired that with her love of New Zealand architecture. Growing up in Wales, amongst estate and terraced houses, she was immediately drawn to New Zealand’s quirky and individualistic buildings and homes. The corrugated iron roofs, timber frames and in-door, out-door flow reflect the kiwi culture she fell in love with. She began creating personalised art pieces for whanau and friends and decided to refine the process following interest from other clients.Since then she has continues to specialise in capturing buildings, drawing attention to the little details and endeavouring to immortalise the memories that they hold. Her first solo exhibition was held at Thistle Hall Gallery in February 2022 featuring 28 pieces focusing on and celebrating heritage-listed buildings around Wellington. Some featured works depicted buildings that had been demolished decades ago but were scenes of historical significance and cultural influences in Wellington. She went on to participate the the New Zealand Art Show in June 2022, where six new original pieces first focused on Wellingtons iconic streets. Her work continues to celebrate New Zealand’s historical architecture and aims to draw people away from their technology and back into the physical. .STREET.SCAPES. will debut a collection of existing and new limited edition fine art of iconic buildings from around central Wellington and it’s southern suburbs.
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Black coffee, Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Napier and Silverstream draw Hurricanes First XV decider
- Wellington Club Weekly
- By Adam Julian / Steven White Napier Boys’ High School will represent the Hurricanes region at the National Top Four next weekend by virtue of scoring more tries in a 17-17 draw against St Patrick’s College, Silverstream in the Hurricanes Regional final at Arena Manawatu. Napier out-scored Silverstream three tries to two and would have...
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- silverstream
Silverstream, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, 5019, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Weekly E-News for 2 September 2022
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- I’m sitting at home waiting for my dog Peanut to come out of sedation at the vets. He had blood on his face this morning and it’s possible he had an abscessed tooth. Like I said before, thank God for pet insurance and dental insurance. He will have to undergo a general anethestic soon and […]
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- religious-groups
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Cathedral Connection 4 September 2022
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
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Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Wrap Up (Term 3, Week 6)
- Wellington High School
- This week's Wrap Up is filled with achievements, both in sporting and cultural. WHS student successes range from poetry competitions, to netball tournaments, to science fairs.
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- netball
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
A lifetime’s contribution to education and the environment
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Dr George Mason ONZM’s lifelong interest in plants and preserving the environment has led him to donate millions of dollars to environmental research and study opportunities for young people throughout Aotearoa.
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- victoria-university
Plenty of college and representative rugby this weekend
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The Centurions carry on from their win last weekend against their Taranaki counterparts to play the Manawatu Evergreens in Palmerston North on Saturday. Lunchtime edition – a couple of updates and teamlists to come. There are several representative matches and more college rugby that headlines the weekend’s community rugby around the Wellington region and in...
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- rugby
Fresh Off The Page
- Bats Theatre
- Fresh Off the Page is contemporary Asian plays hot off the press, performed in a series of free play readings by local artists to highlight the diversity in out communities. Presenting: "The Colours of Our Katha" by Ronia Ibrahim.
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- theatre
BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Friday Five: Fabulous ways to celebrate Pride in Wellington
- Wellington City Council
- Pride festivities were postponed in Pōneke earlier this year due to COVID, but now it’s time to come out and finally celebrate our queer community with two weeks of events and activities for the Wellington Pride Festival. Check out what you can do to celebrate Pride!
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Want your voice heard? Enrol!
- Porirua City Council
- If you're not enrolled, you can't vote - don't miss out on having your say.
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- porirua
New year start for commemorative park in Titahi Bay
- Porirua City Council
- The park is set to transform the suburb's shopping precinct.
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Titahi Bay, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Aisle be Back: Message to the All Blacks. Please just win this weekend. Just win
- Wellington Club Weekly
- By Kevin McCarthy Message to the All Blacks. Please just win this weekend. Just win. Because we can’t take much more of this. Just win, because you were winning last week by the 50-minute mark. Yet inexplicably you let an average Argentinian side with a game plan circa 1960s and an ace goalkicker strangle you...
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- rugby
Neighbourhood Support
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- What is Neighbourhood support? Come along to our meeting on 5th September to find out more from our Wellington Coordinator, Emma.
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- island-bay
Planting season almost complete
- Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park
- Welcome to spring! Already it feels decidedly warmer and there's the smell of new growth in the air.
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- makara
- mountain-biking
Makara Peak Summit Viewing Deck, Ridgeline, Karori West, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Stop, look, and listen: Keas explore road safety and public courtesy!
- Brooklyn Scout group
- This week our humans did another Kea requested topic: road safety! We played some games and did some first class acting out scenarios about how to interact with different members of the public while on the footpath, which lead to … Continue reading →
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- scouts
Scout Hall, Harrison Street, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The day Wellington teams re-took the Ranfurly Shield off Southland and beat the All Blacks
- Wellington Club Weekly
- This is a previous article on this website from 2016. Re-publishing it here ahead of the Wellington Lions versus Southland match and the second All Blacks versus Argentina fixture this coming weekend. World War One disrupted a great era for Wellington rugby teams. Wellington had captured the Ranfurly Shield in 1914 off Taranaki and was...
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- rugby
Safeguarding Week Supporter Toolkit
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
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Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Newsletter Week Ending 4 September
- Karori Anglican Churches
- THIS SUNDAY 4th SEPTEMBER Join us at the 9am or 10.30am Service to hear from Rev. Julia Coleman and have the opportunity to receive prayer for healing. THIS SUNDAY BRING A PLATE AND FAREWELL THE WHEELERS Our lovely Wheeler family are heading back to their mission post in Kapuna. Please join […]
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- wcn-hosted
- anglican
Weekly Bulletin: Staying connected as a church - 4 September 2022
- St John's in the City
- Kia ora St John’s whānau, Some parts of the Bible comfort the disturbed – this week’s Gospel passage disturbs the comfortable.
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St John's, Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Newsletter | 1 September 2022
- South Wellington Intermediate School
- This issue covers info about our School Board election results, info about school attendance, and more. See the full newsletter here. The post Newsletter | 1 September 2022 appeared first on South Wellington Intermediate School.
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- primary
South Wellington Intermediate School, 30, Waripori Street, Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Cardinal John’s Newsletter 1 September 2022
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
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Sacred Heart Cathedral, Guildford Terrace, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Captain Caketin's Special Recipe
- Bats Theatre
- Unbutton your pants for Captain Caketin's Best of Sketch Comedy Show
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BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Marsden Principal advocates Sport for Life
- Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
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Samuel Marsden Collegiate School, Marsden Avenue, Karori, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Energise Ōtaki win Kāpiti Community Awards
- Wellington International Airport
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Wellington International Airport, Stewart Duff Drive, Strathmore Park, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Committee wrap - 1 September, 2022
- Porirua City Council
- A wrap of what happened at Te Puna Kōrero this morning.
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- porirua
Commitment to reducing waste on show at Love Local
- Porirua City Council
- More than 60% of the waste created at the event was diverted from our landfill.
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- government
- porirua
Meet the Candidates: 2022 Local Body Elections
- Newtown Residents' Association
- The Newtown Residents’ Association has organised two local body election meetings – one for the Greater Wellington Regional Council candidates on Tuesday 13th September and a joint one for Paekawakawa/Southern Ward and Te Whanganui-a-Tara Māori Ward candidates on Monday 26th September.
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Stage is set for iconic Hannah Playhouse to re-open
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council and the Hannah Playhouse Trust are collaborating to re-open the iconic venue as an affordable theatre space for the development of the professional performing arts sector in the city.
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Mayoral Candidates Debate 5th Sept
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- Through the Wellington Residents’ Associations Network we have access to some additional meet and greets/debate nights.
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What do we want, Wellington?
- Capital Magazine
- We asked ten influential people what they think Wellington needs to get its mojo back. The post What do we want, Wellington? appeared first on Capital Magazine.
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