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    • A City for People
      • Decades of inaction have meant house prices are out of control, while old rental properties rot out from underneath us. A whole generation of people are at risk of being forced out from the central city into new suburbs sprawling north, spending hours every day in traffic jams. We believe the Spatial Plan will allow Wellington to plan for the future so that new generations of Wellingtonians can share the city we love, and have a chance to live in a home that is affordable, accessible, healthy and warm.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • draft-spatial-plan
      • housing
      • lobby-groups

    • Bike network plan  |  Projects - WCC Transport Projects
      • Creating a citywide network of connected bike and scooter routes in tandem with walking improvements and big public transport changes will make that possible. This is an ambitious plan. We must act swiftly to change how we move around to reduce the city’s carbon emissions and get the network completed in 10 years. To help us get there, we’ll be making interim improvements where we can, using lower-cost materials and involving local communities. The bike network plan includes finishing Tahitai, the walking and biking connection around Evans Bay between Miramar and the central city, and The Parade upgrade in Island Bay.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • consultation
      • paneke-pneke

    • Mount Cook Mobilised
      • Mount Cook Mobilised (MCM) is a thriving community organisation that advocates for residents in the Wellington suburb of Mount Cook, monitors local developments, maintains Papawai Reserve, and provides information to locals through regular meetings, newsletters and emails. We are affiliated to the Newtown Residents' Association.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • community-groups
      • consultation
      • mount-cook

    • Planning for Growth
      • Planning for Growth includes the development of a Spatial Plan for Wellington City and the full review of the District Plan. The Spatial Plan will set out our 'blueprint' for where and how we want to direct growth across the city. Whereas the District Plan is the 'rule book' that sets the rules for building heights and what types of housing and activities are permitted and where. We know that without serious changes to current District Plan building rules, Wellington will be short between 4,600 and 12,000 dwellings by 2047, which means doing nothing is not an option.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • draft-spatial-plan
      • wellington-city-council

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