Consultation related newsitems
Flinders Place Play Area
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- We're creating a new play area for Flinders Park in Johnsonville.
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- johnsonville
Local Alcohol Policy
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council is proposing to develop a Local Alcohol Policy.
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- Automatically tagged as:
- consultation
- wellington-city-council
NUHS Donate and Pay More
- Newtown Union Health Service
- Did you know you can now pay more than our standard $15.00 consultation fee at...
- Accepted from NUHS news by feedreader
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- consultation
Newtown Union Health Service, 14, Hall Avenue, Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Consents low in the wake of new District Plan
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- New analysis shows that Wellington has seen the lowest number of new houses being consented on record, in the period since the new District Plan passed.
- Accepted from News - Live Wellington by feedreader
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- draft-spatial-plan
- lobby-groups
Climate Action Info Hub
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Project to connect climate actors and share inspiring stories from Wellington.
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- consultation
- wellington-city-council
Traffic Resolutions February 2025
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Traffic Resolutions February 2025
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- consultation
- wellington-city-council
Submission : City to Sea Bridge
- Architectural Centre Inc
- 13th November 2024 ~ Submission to the Te Ngākau Precinct Public Consultation The following is extracted from the Centre’s submission on this consultation. We requested to present to the Council. The full submission is available here. Transcript of the oral presentation is here (Nov 25th). The Centre strongly opposes what appears to be the driving premiss […]
- Accepted from The Architectural Centre Inc 2024 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- te-ngkau-precinct
- city-to-sea-bridge
- consultation
City to Sea Bridge, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Paekākāriki Te Tiriti Submissions Workshop
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- Action Station is holding a submission workshop to come together as a community and show our support for Te Tiriti. We will provide resources and support for you to complete […]
- Accepted from Pukerua Bay Residents Association feed by feedreader
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- consultation
New apartment development demonstrates District Plan flaws
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- The proposal for a new apartment block in Mt Victoria, the first major housing development enabled by the new District Plan, demonstrates that the wealthy will be the only winners from changes that were supposed to bring about affordable housing.
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- draft-spatial-plan
- lobby-groups
Kāpiti Flood Hazard Mapping
- Greater Wellington Regional Council Have Your Say
- We need your help to update flood hazard maps for Kāpiti Coast rivers and streams, so we can keep the community updated about flood risks.
- Accepted from Have your say projects by tonytw1
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- consultation
- regional-council
Council agrees proposed project reductions for public consultation next year
- Wellington City Council
- Councillors and Pouiwi have decided on proposals to reduce spending as part of an amendment to the 2024-34 Long-term Plan, which the public will have their say on in March 2025.
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- consultation
Long-term Plan 2024-34 Amendment
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council is in the process of amending our 2024-34 Long-term Plan.
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- consultation
- wellington-city-council
Waterfront safety improvements
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- We’re improving the waterfront lighting and promenade edging to ensure a safe, vibrant area for everyone to enjoy.
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- Tagged as:
- waterfront
Community Climate Adaptation Planning Programme
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Join us in shaping a climate resilient future for Pōneke
- Accepted from Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk current engagements by tonytw1
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- consultation
- wellington-city-council
Motorcycle Parking Fees
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Provide feedback on the proposed motorcycle parking fees.
- Accepted from Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk current engagements by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- parking
Youngsters give input into the future of Moerā Reserve
- Hutt City Council
- A group of five Lower Hutt youngsters, with a combined age of 29, were amongst those who provided feedback on what they think should be included in a revamped Moerā Reserve.
- Accepted from Huttcity news scraper 2023 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- lower-hutt
- consultation
Moera, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, 5010, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
ICW’s submission to the Te Ngākau Precinct Development Plan online consultation survey
- Inner-City Wellington
- This is ICW’s Te Ngakau Precinct Development Plan submission to Wellington City Council’s online consultation survey.
- Accepted from News - ICW by tonytw1
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- te-ngkau-precinct
- consultation
Motorcycle parking fees - your thoughts?
- Wellington City Council
- Wellingtonians are invited to share their thoughts on what’s a fair fee for motorcycle parking in the central city.
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- parking
- consultation
- motorcycling
Consultation on Te Ngākau Precinct Development Plan now open
- Wellington City Council
- Public consultation on Wellington City Council’s draft Te Ngākau Precinct Development Plan has begun and will run until 13 November.
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- consultation
- te-ngkau-precinct
Te Ngākau Precinct Development Plan consultation
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Wellingtonians have told us they want a city that is vibrant, resilient, and creative, so we’re investing in the improvements that our city needs to flourish. Right now, Wellington is in a period of transition, as we upgrade our infrastructure to create a city where people and nature thrive. One of the most important projects is the revitalisation of the heart of our city, the precinct around Te Ngākau Civic Square. Te Ngākau Civic Precinct is a large area of land near the waterfront in central Wellington, approximately 3.36 hectares (33,600sqm). The precinct is home to some of our most important cultural, creative, and civic functions such as Te Matapihi Central Library, Wellington Town Hall and City Gallery. When all the work in Te Ngākau is finished, it will be a place that we can all be proud of – full of creativity, culture, and excitement, both day and night.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- city-to-sea-bridge
- te-ngkau-precinct
Te Ngākau Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Paraparaumu Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Greater Wellington Regional Council Have Your Say
- On this page you can find everything you need to know about the Paraparaumu Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) WGN220191 publicly notified resource consent application, located in Fytfield Place, Paraparaumu.
- Accepted from Have your say projects by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- paraparaumu
Wastewater Treatment Plant, Kāpiti Expressway, Otaihanga, Paraparaumu, Kāpiti Coast District, Wellington, 5032, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Proposed Crofton Downs walking and biking trails
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Trails Wellington and Korimako Track Builders are proposing new mountain biking and walking trails in the Wellington Outer Green Belt above the suburb of Crofton Downs. The proposed trails would be on the eastern side of Te Wharangi Ridge, linking up to the Skyline Track that runs along the ridgetop. It's proposed that three mountain-bike-priority trails be built, and one shared walking/biking trail. If given approval, they would be gradually built over time depending on the community’s needs, but we are asking for feedback now so we can plan for the future.
- Submitted by anon11ace43e-2f47-445f-a670-d91b3633e456
- Tagged as:
- mountain-biking
Featherston Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Greater Wellington Regional Council Have Your Say
- On this page you can find everything you need to know about Featherston Wastewater Treatment Plant (FWWTP) WAR230290 publicly notified resource consent application, located in Longwood West Road, Featherston.
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- consultation
- regional-council
Wellington Airport flight path consultation
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- Wellington Airport is publicly consulting on potential flight path options for northerly jet departures from Wellington. The options are: This follows changes made to flight paths for jet aircraft departing Wellington to the north in December 2022. In general, these … Continue reading →
- Accepted from Ngaio PA News 2020 by feedreader
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- consultation
Consultation: Dangerous, Affected, and Insanitary Buildings Policy
- Upper Hutt City Council
- We’ve recently reviewed our Dangerous, Affected, and Insanitary Building Policy and would like your feedback on what we’re proposing.
- Accepted from Upper Hutt City news 2021 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- consultation
Traffic Resolutions November 2024
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council is asking for feedback on 14 proposed new traffic resolutions.
- Accepted from Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk current engagements by tonytw1
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- consultation
- wellington-city-council
Public consultation begins over flight paths options for northern suburbs
- Wellington International Airport
- Accepted from WIAL press releases by feedreader
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- consultation
Wellington International Airport, Stewart Duff Drive, Strathmore Park, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Have they or haven’t they?
- Better Wellington
- (This opinion piece was originally published on Scoop.) by Helene Ritchie There’s something weird going on at the Wellington City Council. It involves consultation on the future of the City...
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- consultation
- wellington-city-council
- More...
Related sites
A City for People
- Decades of inaction have meant house prices are out of control, while old rental properties rot out from underneath us. A whole generation of people are at risk of being forced out from the central city into new suburbs sprawling north, spending hours every day in traffic jams. We believe the Spatial Plan will allow Wellington to plan for the future so that new generations of Wellingtonians can share the city we love, and have a chance to live in a home that is affordable, accessible, healthy and warm.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- draft-spatial-plan
- housing
- lobby-groups
Bike network plan | Projects - WCC Transport Projects
- Creating a citywide network of connected bike and scooter routes in tandem with walking improvements and big public transport changes will make that possible. This is an ambitious plan. We must act swiftly to change how we move around to reduce the city’s carbon emissions and get the network completed in 10 years. To help us get there, we’ll be making interim improvements where we can, using lower-cost materials and involving local communities. The bike network plan includes finishing Tahitai, the walking and biking connection around Evans Bay between Miramar and the central city, and The Parade upgrade in Island Bay.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- consultation
- paneke-pneke
Greater Wellington Regional Council Have Your Say
- Have Your Say has been set up so that you, your family, friends and work mates can help shape the future direction of our region, and assist and guide us in making important decisions that affect our region.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- consultation
- regional-council
Keep Wellingtons Character
- Keep Wellington’s Character is a heritage based campaign that opposes sweeping building deregulation and the removal of protections in Wellington’s historic ‘character’ suburbs.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- draft-spatial-plan
- heritage-buildings
- lobby-groups
Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- This is a space for you tell us what is important to you, to share ideas, discuss important topics, provide feedback on policy and planning, and contribute to the future of Wellington.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- consultation
- wellington-city-council
Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- LIVE WELLington rejects the current winner-take-all, deregulatory philosophy of blanket upzoning and opposes plans to remove people’s rights to have a say on developments. Instead of this radical and divisive agenda LIVE WELLington proposes proper planning and partnerships to do density well.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- draft-spatial-plan
- lobby-groups
Mount Cook Mobilised
- Mount Cook Mobilised (MCM) is a thriving community organisation that advocates for residents in the Wellington suburb of Mount Cook, monitors local developments, maintains Papawai Reserve, and provides information to locals through regular meetings, newsletters and emails. We are affiliated to the Newtown Residents' Association.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- community-groups
- consultation
- mount-cook
Planning for Growth
- Planning for Growth includes the development of a Spatial Plan for Wellington City and the full review of the District Plan. The Spatial Plan will set out our 'blueprint' for where and how we want to direct growth across the city. Whereas the District Plan is the 'rule book' that sets the rules for building heights and what types of housing and activities are permitted and where. We know that without serious changes to current District Plan building rules, Wellington will be short between 4,600 and 12,000 dwellings by 2047, which means doing nothing is not an option.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- draft-spatial-plan
- wellington-city-council
WCC Transport Projects
- We’re investing in our transport network Find out about our planned transport projects and share your views so Wellington's transport network is safer and more convenient for everyone.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- consultation
- transport
- wellington-city-council
Consultation Feeds
A City for People feed 2024
- A City for People
- Latest Item: 10 Aug 2024
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by anon22bad498-2f30-4be6-99d5-181ba349193e
- Automatically tagged as:
- draft-spatial-plan
- housing
- lobby-groups
Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk current engagements
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Latest Item: 9 Jul 2024
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- consultation
- wellington-city-council
Wellington City Council - Public Input HTTPS
- Wellington City Council
- Last Changed: 1 week ago
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- consultation
mtcookmobilised feed
- Mount Cook Mobilised
- Latest Item: 26 Nov 2021
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- community-groups
- consultation
- mount-cook
News - Live Wellington
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- Latest Item: 3 Feb 2025
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- draft-spatial-plan
- lobby-groups
A City for People News
- A City for People
- Latest Item: 14 Nov 2021
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- draft-spatial-plan
- housing
- lobby-groups
Have your say projects
- Greater Wellington Regional Council Have Your Say
- Latest Item: 3 Dec 2024
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- consultation
GW Have Your Say Consultations
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Latest Item: 24 May 2020
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- consultation
Wellington City Council - Public Input
- Wellington City Council
- Last Changed: 3 weeks ago
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- consultation