
Feeds / All Saints Hataitai feed 2021

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Added on 18 Sep 2021. Last read 2 minutes ago.

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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 162):

    • Vicars Letter - 26th July 2024
      • Rev. Emily Spence Kia ora All Saints whānau,This week I've spent a couple of days at a church growth course which has been really encouraging. We have learnt together with mostly un-ordained people and a few clergy across the diocese about the importance of praying for growth, different types of growth, and little practical ways to share our faith with others, remembering that we confidently believe that a life with Jesus is so much better than a life without him.An accidental stand out m [...]

    • Parish Council Update - July
      • This month Parish Council met on the 17th July.There was a full agenda and this update is just to keep you in the loop around what Parish Council are doing.Building:We started the meeting with a hearty discussion around what the next steps in our Building Conversation look like. We have produced a report around all the answers from our Building Conversation #2. This will come out with a survey to complete so we can really get everyone's opinion on what should or shouldn't be done.Finance:We spen [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 19 July 2024
      • Rev Andrew Spence Kia ora All Saints,I have had many people ask me about the book I shared last week. They are great presents and a wonderful little series. You can see more about that here.I have found this Generosity series great for reorientating my mind and heart. I have had a great example of someone Generous in my life my father. He was always so generous with what he had, the way he valued people and with his time. It was a real example of how to use all I had for the good of [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 12th July 2024
      • Rev. Summer Benton Kia ora All Saints, We are in our second week of giving month and recently I have found myself contemplating the difference between generosity that we see around us from good hearted people in the world, and generosity within the Kingdom. Everybody can be generous. Everybody can give to worthy causes and help their neighbours. In fact, I find the culture around us here to be particularly generous and loving. So, what sets us apart from the world in the way we are [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 5th July 2024
      • Rev Guy Benton Kia ora All Saints WhānauGuy here this week. I had the privilege of attending a church renewal conference this week here in Wellington with several people from All Saints called Little Revolutions. It brought together 150 people from around NZ from all denominations to discuss church renewal. There were keynote talks from a group called the Underground Network and our friend Bree Mills. What was exciting for us from All Saints was an overwhelming sense of affirmation of how [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 27th June 2024
      • Rev Emily Spence Kia ora All Saints,Happy Māori New Year! We have passed the shortest day and now get to celebrate Matariki: the rising of the star cluster of Matariki, otherwise known as Pleiades. The cluster is referred to in the Bible with references to God creating such an impressive sight and having authority over it. This reminds me of the big-ness of God, partly in that God's power is so much larger and stronger than our current worries or needs, but also that the Biblical w [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 21 June 2024
      • Rev Andrew Spence Kia ora All Saints whānau,We have had a busy June and more is to come!This week we introduce to you our new missionaries we are supporting as a Parish. This is an exciting addition to add to our missionary support that we already do. It is a chance to engage long-term in the Pacific through people who are living there, and bring in teams to experience what mission looks like.We also wrap up our Deuteronomy series this week. We have been looking at the themes of Deuterono [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 14 June 2024
      • Revs Guy and Summer Benton Kia ora All Saints Whānau,We (Guy and Summer) are writing to you together this week. We want to take this opportunity to touch base with you all following the news that Andy and Emily shared on Sunday. We have been alongside Emily and Andy throughout this journey of discernment they have been on, listening to the Holy Spirit together as they sought to hear Gods call for their family. It has been a great privilege to walk alongside them through this process, [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 06 June 2024
      • Rev Guy Benton Kia ora All Saints WhānauGuy here this week. Something that has struck me as we make our way through the year as a community of Jesus followers and our magnifying glass look at Authentic Community is how desperately in need we are of being told core truths about who God says we are and how much he desires relationship with us. For us to be an "Authentic Community," we first have to come at it with the foundational knowledge that all we need and desire is to be in a re [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 31 May 2024
      • Rev Emily Spence Kia ora All Saints, Love God, love others. There, your summary of the Deuteronomy series we are in right now! In all seriousness, I am looking forward to journeying with you all through this series on a book that often seems confusing and outdated. I’ve been watching ‘The Chosen’ on Netflix this past week and have found it a moving depiction of some stories from the Gospels. I’m sure there are many ways to critique it but it does paint a goo [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 24th May 2024
      • Rev. Andrew Spence Kia ora All Saints,What a fantastic service on Sunday! It was such a joy to celebrate the diverse cultures within our congregation. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of different languages spoken among us!This past week, I attended a Praxis youth work training and visited Waipukurau to observe their youth work for the Anglican Youth Movement (AYM). At Praxis, one workshop focused on young people whose needs aren't met by the traditional school system, particula [...]

    • Vicars letter - 17th May 2024
      • Kia Ora All Saints, As we continue to explore what it means to be an authentic community, we know that at the very core of who we are as a people of God is prayer. As we pray with one another, our hearts align to God’s heart as a community, not just as individuals.Today marks the beginning of our 48 hour prayer vigil where we as a parish will be praying round the clock for people in our lives who do not yet know Jesus and the transformation that comes with meeting Him. If you haven’t [...]

    • Vicars letter - 10th May 2024
      • Kia ora All Saints WhānauThy Kingdom Come as on earth as in heaven. Yesterday marks the start of the Thy Kingdom Come global movement of prayer from Ascension Day until Pentecost Sunday (9th-19th May). We join with millions of others around the world in simply praying for two things: Thy Kingdom come (TKC) on earth as in heaven, we want to see God break through in our communities, and we are also praying for five friends/family to come to know Christ. Who are you pr [...]

    • Vicars letter - 3rd May 2024
      • Kia ora All Saints whānau,It has been great to delve a bit deeper into our value of Authentic Community at our gatherings over the past few weeks. I started us off chatting about knowing and meeting one another's needs, then Guy brought us a message about being a community that reaches outward, followed by Summer talking about the perils of shame and the power of vulnerability, and this week we have Andy bringing us the message about being a people of God - we can look forward to that. You [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 26 April 2024
      • Rev Andrew Spence Kia ora All Saints whānau,As we met at Parish Council last week we were talking about 'Leading Your Church Into Growth.' Part of the workbook we are working through talked about 'Desire for Growth.' This struck me as something quite important for the church to get a hold of and have as a culture here at All Saints. It reminded me of the Early Church and how they desired so much that others would know Jesus and therefore that growth would happen. How do we build a real de [...]

    • Vicar's letter - 19th April 2024
      • Kia Ora All Saints Whānau, Guy and I had a conversation this week, in which we were reminded of the fact that God calls us to himself so that we can go out. He draws us in to support one another in authentic community so that we as a body can go bring the love of Jesus into the world. He draws us to himself for rest, for healing, for anchoring, so that we can be whole as we go out into the world pointing people to God’s kingdom on this earth. In Genesis 12, as God promises to bri [...]

    • Vicar's letter - 12th April 2024
      • Kia ora All Saints WhānauGuy here this week. I just want to express how thankful and inspired I am after last weekend's combined gathering. I have spent the good part of the week unpacking so much from our time together: the baptisms, Peter's message, all our kids and what they bring, the smashing of cultures, gathering around God's Holy table together, and, of course, sharing food with one another. What is really sticking with me is how Peters's message around the Body of Chris [...]

    • Vicar's Letter - 5th April 2024
      • Happy Easter, All Saints Whānau! He is risen!This week has been a big one. We've journeyed through Holy Week and have reached the glorious resurrection of Jesus. Our community has experienced joy with upbeat services as we worship together, alongside loss including that of our dear friend Virginia who was a Wednesday regular. The adventure of following Jesus is not always smooth, easy or fair, which we particularly remember during Lent, but it is also an adventure containing dee [...]

    • Vicar's Letter - 27th March 2024
      • Blessed Holy Week, All Saints! What a journey we have ahead of us these next few days. As Lent comes to an end, we journey with Jesus through his final days prior to his miraculous resurrection.I didn't used to be very interested in the Christian calendar (apart from Shrove Tuesday, who doesn't like pancakes). Why bother with all these liturgical colours and seasons when we all live post Jesus' resurrection and the provision of the Holy Spirit anyway? But what I've discovered over time is t [...]

    • Vicar's Letter - 22nd March 2024
      • Kia Ora All Saints Family, It’s hard to believe that Holy Week and Easter are just around the corner. This week we are celebrating Palm Sunday, which whenever I think hard about or am challenged to preach on, I am struck with the odd-ness of the celebration of that day. On one hand, we are celebrating the entrance of our King Jesus into Jerusalem and honouring Him as the King that we know Him to be. Yet, the way we honour Him is so different than we would ever expect to honour an eart [...]

    • Vicar's Letter - 15th March 2024
      • Kia ora All Saints. This week has been full of gratitude and thanksgiving for us as co-vicars. Over the weekend, we attended our diocesan ministry leaders family camp (MLFC) with 500+ others from around the diocese. One thing I was extremely grateful for was that there were 40 of us there from All Saints. I spent much of the time wrangling kids to their designated programs so others could take full opportunity of the sessions. Still, as I made my way into the sessions or to and fro fr [...]

    • Vicar's Letter - 8 March 2024
      • Rev. Andrew Spence Kia ora All Saints,This week many of us are away at Ministry Leaders Family Camp. It used to be Clergy Conference but many years ago the Diocese opened it up to families and key minstry leaders. It is a chance for us to gather and have some input for those of us in leadership positions. We have 40 of us going (including kids) who are doing some form of leadership here at All Saints. This bodes well for the future of All Saints.When Jesus said "Go and make disciples" i [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 1 March 2024
      • Rev. Andrew Spence Kia ora All Saints,As we sat down for Parish Council this week, the Wednesday reading was Matthew 20:17-28. Here a mother comes and asks whether her sons can sit at the right hand and the left hand of Jesus when he enters his kingdom. In the end Jesus talks to his disciples and says famously: "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 23rd February 2024
      • Kia Ora All Saints, I hope this finds you each well, wherever you are as you read this. We are into the second week of our Lenten journey together. I don’t know about you, but my body doesn’t usually kick into lent until a few weeks in. It’s hard to focus on the significance of honouring this part of our church year so close to the time when our work and school year still feels like it’s getting started. It’s like we are being asked to speed up and slow down al [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 16th February 2024
      • Kia ora All Saints whānauGuy here this week. I have been thinking this week how mildly humorous it is that we are a long way through February, and we just feel like we are getting started for the year. What seems to be par for the course is that the start of the year comes pretty fast and no more than this year, with Lent starting this week. This week was filled with, a wonderful Pancake party with loads of community families attending alongside loads of the Parish, it is here that we celeb [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 16th February 2024
      • Kia ora All Saints whānauGuy here this week. I have been thinking this week how mildly humorous it is that we are a long way through February, and we just feel like we are getting started for the year. What seems to be par for the course is that the start of the year comes pretty fast and no more than this year, with Lent starting this week. This week was filled with, a wonderful Pancake party with loads of community families attending alongside loads of the Parish, it is here that we celeb [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 9th February 2024
      • Kia Ora All Saints,2024 has well and truly begun and we're launching into the year with a focus on our final value - Authentic Community. This Sunday we're back into our split Central Gatherings at 9am and 10:30am but what a marvellous summer we've had! It has been such a joy to worship together as a parish. Just a little plug about the morning tea between the services - this is a great opportunity to keep developing a connection between those of us who like different service styles and connect [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 9th February 2024
      • Kia Ora All Saints,2024 has well and truly begun and we're launching into the year with a focus on our final value - Authentic Community. This Sunday we're back into our split Central Gatherings at 9am and 10:30am but what a marvellous summer we've had! It has been such a joy to worship together as a parish. Just a little plug about the morning tea between the services - this is a great opportunity to keep developing a connection between those of us who like different service styles and connect [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 2nd February 2024
      • Welcome to 2024!I am excited about another year of working towards the Kingdom of God reaching our neighbourhood, world and our friends.This year at All Saints we are focussing on our third value: Authentic Community. But what does it mean?Authentic is about being real. We don't want to pretend that we are something we are not. We don't want to hide from the fact we are all broken and put on some show to seem like we are all together. We also want to honest, trustworthy and show Christ in a good [...]

    • Vicars Letter - 2nd February 2024
      • Welcome to 2024!I am excited about another year of working towards the Kingdom of God reaching our neighbourhood, world and our friends.This year at All Saints we are focussing on our third value: Authentic Community. But what does it mean?Authentic is about being real. We don't want to pretend that we are something we are not. We don't want to hide from the fact we are all broken and put on some show to seem like we are all together. We also want to honest, trustworthy and show Christ in a good [...]

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