Porirua City Council
We are kaitiaki of this place. We work together to protect the city, keep it working and help it grow. And we love our mahi.
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- porirua
Porirua City Council newsitems
Council wrap - 26 September 2024
- Porirua City Council
- A wrap of what happened at today's full Council meeting.
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- porirua
Milestones reached to improve Porirua’s water infrastructure
- Porirua City Council
- These projects are renewing the city's drinking water network.
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Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Have a sweet time in Porirua
- Porirua City Council
- ChoctoberFest is returning for its third year of tasty treats.
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Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Parking infringement fines to increase from 1 October
- Porirua City Council
- The fines are set by the Government.
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- parking
Local councillors briefed on water reform
- Porirua City Council
- Joint regional water services are being considered as part of the Government's Local Water Done Well policy.
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- porirua
Bike night at Te Rauparaha Arena
- Porirua City Council
- A chance to get your motorcycle checked out for the upcoming warmer months or chat all things motorcycles.
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- porirua
Committee wrap - 19 September 2024
- Porirua City Council
- A wrap of what happened at today's Te Puna Kōrero meeting.
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- porirua
Funding available to support youth-focused projects in Porirua
- Porirua City Council
- Different tiers of funding are available to support Porirua tamariki and rangatahi.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori in Porirua
- Porirua City Council
- We have lots of events happening to celebrate Māori Language Week.
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Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Leave space for our disabled community
- Porirua City Council
- The latest update from Porirua Mayor Anita Baker.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Committee wrap - 5 September 2024
- Porirua City Council
- A wrap of what happened at today's Te Puna Kōrero meeting.
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- porirua
Nominations open for sports awards
- Porirua City Council
- It’s that time, again, where the city gears up to highlight excellence and achievement via the Porirua Sports Awards.
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Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Porirua City marks the passing of the Māori King
- Porirua City Council
- We acknowledge the passing and legacy of Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Council wrap - 29 August 2024
- Porirua City Council
- A wrap of what happened at today's full Council meeting.
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- porirua
Free tyre recycling facility to open at Spicer Landfill
- Porirua City Council
- Porirua City Council has partnered with Tyrewise for this recycling initiative.
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- spicer-landfill
- recycling
Spicers Landfill, Tawa, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Porirua to retain Māori ward and go to a poll
- Porirua City Council
- A poll on the ward's future will take place at next year's local body elections.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Tamariki and rangatahi draft action plan and strategy approved
- Porirua City Council
- Around 800 Porirua young people had input into an updated Porirua City Council strategy that reinforces the importance of tamariki and rangatahi to our city.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
New signage for Porirua walkways
- Porirua City Council
- The signs will eventually be rolled out across the city.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Great heights reached this winter
- Porirua City Council
- More plants in the ground creates healthier waterways for Porirua.
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Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Be aware of motorcycles
- Porirua City Council
- Motorcycle Awareness Month starts in September.
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- porirua
Porirua dishes up successful Visa Wellington On a Plate events
- Porirua City Council
- Our local hospitality industry really shone.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
26 August, 2024: Porirua flooding updates
- Porirua City Council
- Latest flooding updates from Porirua City Council
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
From your Mayor - 13 August 2024
- Porirua City Council
- The latest update from Porirua Mayor Anita Baker.
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Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Top surface for football and rugby
- Porirua City Council
- Porirua Park is playing host to some well-known teams.
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- rugby
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Porirua joins the battle of the burgers
- Porirua City Council
- Eleven delicious burgers are vying for top spot.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
LGBTQIA+ mural opportunity in the city
- Porirua City Council
- We're looking for an artist to create something special in our central city
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- art
New rates and fees out
- Porirua City Council
- New rates information is now available online.
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- rates
Popular Te Kiwa Nui festival returns
- Porirua City Council
- Next month's event is set to be the biggest yet.
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- porirua
Council wrap - 25 July 2024
- Porirua City Council
- A wrap of what happened at today's full Council meeting.
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- porirua
Porirua City accredited as a Welcoming Community
- Porirua City Council
- We value newcomers to our city and are committed to making everyone feel welcome.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
- More...
PCC Latest news items
- Porirua City Council
- Latest Item: 26 Sep 2024
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Porirua City Council Sports Grounds Status feed
- Porirua City Council
- Latest Item: 6 Oct 2014
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)