All publishers
- A City for People
- Acoustic Routes
- Age Concern Wellington
- Aikido Shinryukan Wellington
- All Saints Hataitai
- Amesbury Drive School Blog
- Andy Foster
- Architectural Centre Inc
- Armstrong and Arthur Charitable Trust for Lesbians
- Aro Valley Community Centre
- Aro Valley Pre-School
- Athletics Wellington
- Auckland Trains
- Baker Gramercy
- Bar Bodega
- Basin Reserve Trust
- Basketball Hutt Valley
- Bats Theatre
- Better Wellington
- Billy Graham Youth Foundation
- Binge Culture Collective
- Black Coffee
- Bluebridge ferry
- Bowls Wellington
- Brooklyn Early Childhood Centre
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Brooklyn Northern United JFC
- Brooklyn Residents' Association
- Brooklyn School
- Brooklyn Scout group
- Brooklyn Smallbore Rifle Club
- Bryan Pepperell - Back To The Future
- Building Madness in Mt Vic
- Butterfly Creek Theatre Troupe
- Cable Car Challenge
- CafeNET
- Campaign for a Better City
- Cannons Creek School
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Capital City Kāhui Ako
- Capital E
- Capital Football
- Capital Futsal
- Capital Magazine
- Capital Mosaic, Wellington
- Capital Times
- CapitalNZ
- Cardinal McKeefry Catholic Primary School
- CataBlog
- Cats Protection Wellington
- Celia Wade-Brown
- CentrePort Wellington
- Centurions Rugby Club
- Chamber Music Hutt Valley
- ChangeMakers Resettlement Forum
- Churton Park Community Association
- Circa Theatre
- City Gallery
- City Safari
- Click Local
- Clyde Quay School
- Coastguard Kāpiti
- Coastguard Mana
- College Sport Wellington
- Compassion Soup Kitchen
- Congestion Free Wellington
- Connect Wellington
- Councillor Jenny Condie
- Courtenay Precinct
- Creative HQ Business Incubator
- Cricket Wellington
- Crossways Community Centre
- Cubadupa
- Cycle Aware Wellington (CAW)
- Cycle Wellington
- Cycling in Wellington
- Dave Choat - Care not Cuts
- Days Bay Residents Association
- Diane Calvert
- Downstage Theatre
- Downstage Theatre Blog
- Downtown Community Ministry
- Drama Christi
- Dwell Housing Trust
- East by West Ferry
- Elements Cafe
- Empire Table Tennis Club
- Energise Ōtaki
- Enjoy Contemporary Art Space
- Evans Bay Yacht and Motorboat Club
- Eye of the Fish
- Fair Intelligent Transport (FIT) Wellington
- Fair Trade City Wellington
- Faultline Chorus
- Festival Singers of Wellington
- Flight Coffee
- Fortune Favours
- Friends of Futuna Charitable Trust
- Friends of Karori Cemetery
- Friends of Maara Roa
- Friends of Mana Island
- Friends of Taputeranga Marine Reserve
- Friends of Te Papa
- Geek Girl Dinners Wellington
- Get Lost Cycling
- Gigatown Porirua
- Go Wellington
- Goethe Society Wellington
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Greater Wellington Regional Council Have Your Say
- Grow Wellington
- Guardians Of Kapiti Marine Reserve
- Guardians of the Bays
- Hands off the Hutt
- Harbour Capital Chorus
- Harbour City Hockey Club
- Hataitai Community Website
- Heartbeat Wellington - 'Your city, Your vote'
- Hoe Tonga Pacifica Waka Ama Association
- Houghton Valley School
- Hutt Chick
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt Mana Charitable Trust
- Hutt Minoh House Friendship Trust
- Hutt Old Boys Marist Rugby Club
- Hutt Valley Angling Club
- Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- Hutt Valley Fire Police Unit
- Hutt Valley Harriers
- Hutt Valley Marathon Clinic
- Hutt Valley Mountain Bike Club
- Hutt Water Polo
- HuttNZ
- Iko Iko
- Inner-City Wellington
- Inside Wellington
- Inspirationaltv - Wellington video blog
- Inverlochy Art School
- Iona Pannett
- Islamic Circle of Aotearoa
- Island Bay Healthy Streets
- Island Bay Medical Centre
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- Island Bay School
- Island Bay United AFC
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Jack Yan
- Jacob Toner
- Japan Karate Association Wellington
- John Morrison
- Johnsonville Bowling Club
- Johnsonville Charitable Trust
- Johnsonville Cricket Club
- Johnsonville Rugby Football Club
- Johnsonville Salvation Army
- Justin Lester
- KAT Theatre
- Kaibosh Food Rescue
- Kaicycle
- Kapiti Aero Club
- Kapiti Boating Club Inc
- Kapiti Cycling Club
- Kapiti Playhouse Inc
- Kapiti Women's Centre
- Karori Amateur Athletics Club
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Karori Baptist Church
- Karori Community Garden
- Karori Cricket Club
- Karori Historical Society
- Karori Hockey Club
- Karori Sanctuary Trust
- Karori Slapperz AFC
- Katherine Mansfield House
- Keep Crossways Community House
- Keith Johnson
- Kelburn Scout Group
- Khandallah Tennis & Squash Club
- Khandallah Tennis and Squash Club
- Kilbirnie Community Festival
- Kilbirnie School
- Kilbirnie, Lyall Bay, Rongotai Progressive (Residents) Association
- King's Church Wellington
- Kirkcaldies & Stains Ltd
- Kiwi Art House Gallery
- Kupe Canoe Club
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Land Rovers Football Club
- LandSAR Wellington
- Let's Get Wellington Moving
- Life Flight
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- Local Making
- Low Carbon Kapiti
- Lower Hutt Tennis Club
- Lyall Bay Surf & Life Saving Club Inc
- Lōemis
- Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park
- Mana Archery Club
- Mana Kayak Racing Club
- Manawa Karioi
- Manawa Karioi Ecological Restoration Project
- Maranui Surf Life Saving Club
- Marist St Pats Rugby
- Mark Greening
- Mary Potter Hospice
- Melrose Smallbore Rifle Club
- Menz shed Wellington
- Metlink
- Metropolitan Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
- Miramar Salvation Army
- Miramar North School
- Miramar Rangers AFC
- Mount Cook Mobilised
- Mountains to Sea Wellington
- Mt Cook mobilised
- Mt Vic Hub
- Mt Victoria Residents Association
- Multicultural Services Centre of Wellington
- Muritai School
- MuseumsWellington
- NIWA Wellington Regional Science and Technology Fair
- Naenae College
- Naenae Hockey Club
- Naenae Old Boys Cricket Club
- National Library
- Netball Wellington Centre
- New Players Theatre Company
- New Zealand Cricket Museum
- Newlands College
- Newtown Art Project
- Newtown Festival
- Newtown Residents' Association
- Newtown Union Health Service
- Nga Uruora - Kapiti Project
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- Ngaio School Library
- Ngati toa Sea Scouts
- Nikau Foundation
- North City Cricket Club
- North Face Pilot Track Blog
- North Wellington FC
- Northern United Hockey Club
- Northern United Rugby Football Club
- Nuku Ora
- Old Boys - University Rugby Club
- Olympic Afc
- Olympic Harriers
- Onslow College
- Onslow Cricket Club
- Onslow Junior Soccer Club
- Onslow Residents Community Association
- Orchestra Wellington
- Oriental Bay Residents’ Association
- Oriental Rongotai Football Club
- Orienteering Hutt Valley
- Orongorongo Club
- Osteria del Toro
- Pablos Art Studios
- Paekakariki Surf Lifeguards
- Paremata Plimmerton RFC
- Paremata Plimmerton Rugby Football Club
- Paremata Residents Association
- Partners Porirua
- Pataka
- Pauatahanui Residents Association
- Paul Bruce – Greater Wellington Regional Councillor
- Peninsula News
- Peter Dunn - MP for Ohariu
- Petone FC
- Petone Herald
- Petone Rifle Club
- Petone Rowing Club
- Petone Rugby Club
- Petone Sportsville
- Petone Working Men’s Club and Literary Institute
- Pirates Swim Team
- Plimmerton Residents’ Association
- Poneke
- Poneke Dojo
- Poneke Kyokushin Karate Dojo
- Porirua Chamber of Commerce
- Porirua City Council
- Porirua Fire Brigade
- Porirua Little Theatre
- Port Nicholson Poneke Cycling Club
- Predator Free Wellington
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- Pukerua Bay Residents Association
- Pukerua Bay Soccer Club
- Pétanque Wellington
- Rainbow Team Wellington
- Rainbow Wellington
- Rainey Collins lawyers
- Randell Cottage Writers Trust
- Raumati Swimming Club
- Renters United
- Richter City Roller Derby
- Ridgway School
- Rimutaka Incline Railway
- Rongotai College
- Rongotai College Old Boys
- Roseneath Residents Association
- Roseneath School
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- Saint Catherines College
- Saint Marys College
- Saint Patricks College
- Salient
- Samaritans
- Samuel Marsden Collegiate School
- San Francisco Bathhouse
- Sarah Free
- Save Crossways campaign
- Save Kapiti
- Save Takapu Valley
- Save our Hills
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Scoot NZ
- Scots College
- Seatoun Bowling Club
- Seatoun Village Hall & St Christopher's
- Seeds to Feeds
- SeniorNet Wellington Inc
- Shandon Golf Club
- Sharon Blaikie
- Shoe Clinic Harbour Capital Half Marathon
- Silver Stream Railway
- Sisters of Compassion
- Six O'clock Swill
- Slow Boat Records
- Snapper card
- South Wellington Intermediate School
- Spirit Taekwon-Do
- Squash Wellington
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- St Bernards College
- St James' Anglican Church
- St John's in the City
- St Mary's Old Girls Netball Club (SMOG)
- St Patricks College, Silverstream
- St Teresas Catholic Parish Karori
- St Vincent de Paul Society
- St Vincent de Paul Society Wellington
- Stagecraft Theatre
- Star Boating Club
- Stokes Valley Cricket Club
- Stokes Valley Soccer club
- Stokes Valley Volunteer Fire Brigade
- Stop Out Sports Club
- Strathmore Park Community Centres
- Stream Incorporated
- Summer Shakespeare
- Sustainability Trust Wellington
- Sustainable Wellington Transport
- Swimming Wellington
- T3 Track Blog
- Table Tennis Wellington
- Taita District Cricket Club
- Talk Wellington
- Tawa AFC
- Tawa Baptist Church
- Tawa Bowling Club
- Tawa Swimming Club
- Te Aro School
- Te Auaha Events
- Te Karearea
- Te Motu Kairangi
- Te Omanga Hospice
- Te Papa
- Te Papa's blog
- Te Pātaka Toi Adam Art Gallery
- Te Āhuru Mōwai
- The Crazyman multisports race
- The Dowse Art Museum
- The Fabulous Turtles F.C.
- The Free Store
- The Garage Project
- The Lazy Fern Track Blog
- The Learning Connexion
- The P-Team
- The Performance Arcade
- The Plush Room
- The Sidestrip
- The Wellingtonista
- The sinking of the 'Wellington'
- Thistle Hall Community Venue
- Thorndon Residents Assocation
- Thorndon School
- Thorndon Tennis & Squash Club
- Titahi Bay Bowling Club
- Titahi Bay Surf Life Saving Club
- Toi Pōneke
- Toi Whakaari New Zealand Drama School
- Transdev in Wellington
- Transition Towns Brooklyn
- Tranz Metro
- Upper Hutt
- Upper Hutt City Council
- Upper Hutt City Football
- Upper Hutt Community Rescue
- Upper Hutt Football
- Upper Hutt Hockey Club
- Upper Hutt Libraries
- Upper Hutt RAMS
- Upstream: Friends of Central Park
- Urban Dream Brokerage
- VIVITA Aotearoa
- Verb Wellington
- Victoria Bowling Club
- Victoria Broadcasting Club
- Victoria University AFC
- Victoria University Library
- Victoria University Rowing Club
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington Students Association
- Vogelmorn Community Group
- Vogelmorn Tennis Club
- Vulnerable Support Charitable Trust
- WCC Watch
- WITCH Music Theatre
- Waikanae Boating Club & Volunteer Coastguard Inc.
- Waikanae Golf Club
- Wakefield Hospital
- Watering Hole Ministries
- Waterside Karori
- Webstock
- Welcom
- Well Health Trust
- WellUrban
- Wellington Aero Club
- Wellington Art Club
- Wellington Astronomical Society
- Wellington Badminton Club
- Wellington Beekeepers Association
- Wellington Beekeepers Association Inc
- Wellington Boxing Gym
- Wellington Canoe Polo Association
- Wellington Cathedral of Saint Paul
- Wellington Children's Hospital
- Wellington Chocolate Factory
- Wellington Circus Trust
- Wellington City Chorus
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Libraries
- Wellington City Mission
- Wellington Civic Trust
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Wellington College
- Wellington Comic Opera
- Wellington Community Fund
- Wellington Community Law Centre
- Wellington Community Network (WCN)
- Wellington Commuter
- Wellington Dance & Performing Arts
- Wellington District Police
- Wellington East Girls College
- Wellington Electricity
- Wellington Employers' Chamber of Commerce
- Wellington Film Society
- Wellington Flyfishers Club
- Wellington Folk Festival
- Wellington Footlights
- Wellington Free Ambulance
- Wellington Girls' College
- Wellington Greens
- Wellington Health Foundation
- Wellington Heritage Multiple Unit Preservation Trust
- Wellington Heritage Week
- Wellington High School
- Wellington Hockey Association
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- Wellington Indian Association
- Wellington International Airport
- Wellington Jazz Cooperative
- Wellington Jewish Community Centre
- Wellington Judo Academy
- Wellington Live Music
- Wellington Masters Cycling Club
- Wellington Medical Research Foundation Inc
- Wellington Model Aeroplane Club
- Wellington Mountain Bike Club
- Wellington Orienteering Association
- Wellington Orienteering Club
- Wellington Petanque Association
- Wellington Phoenix
- Wellington Photo Blog
- Wellington Photographic Society
- Wellington Racing
- Wellington Racing Club
- Wellington Rape Crisis
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- Wellington Region ME/CFS Support Group Inc
- Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office (WREMO)
- Wellington Round the Bays
- Wellington Rowing Club
- Wellington Rugby Football Union
- Wellington Rugby Referees Association
- Wellington Runners & Walkers (WRW)
- Wellington Russian Club
- Wellington SPCA
- Wellington Saints
- Wellington Sakai Association
- Wellington Scoop
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- Wellington Sculpture Trust
- Wellington Sexual Abuse Help
- Wellington Softball Association Inc.
- Wellington South Fencing Club
- Wellington Steps
- Wellington Storm Floorball Club
- Wellington Swish Basketball Team
- Wellington Tennis Club
- Wellington Tenths Trust
- Wellington Timebank
- Wellington Tramping and Mountainneering Club
- Wellington Triathlon Club
- Wellington United AFC
- Wellington VHF Group
- Wellington Veterans Cycling Club
- Wellington Warlords
- Wellington Windsurfing Association
- Wellington Women's House
- Wellington Xiamen Association Inc
- Wellington Youth Choir
- Wellington Youth Orchestra
- Wellington Youth Sailing Scheme
- Wellington Youth Sinfonietta
- Wellington Zoo
- Wellington on a Plate
- Wellington's Official Tourism Website
- Western Suburbs Rugby Football Club
- Wgtn U-13 Hatch Cup Team 2009 Blog
- Where in Wellington
- Whitireia Community Polytechnic
- World Mountain Running Trophy Wellington 2005
- Worser Bay Boating Club
- Wremo
- Wrights Hill Fortress
- ZL2AFV; Titahi Bay Amateur Radio Club (Inc)
- ZL6QH Quartz Hill User Group
- Zeal
- Zealandia
- Zephyr Rovers FC
- Zonta Wellington