
Feeds / Talk Wellington posts

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Added on 13 Jun 2019. Last read 7 minutes ago.

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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 247):

    • Why does it cost so much to build stuff in New Zealand? (and is that OK?)
      • Big stuff costs a lot, especially complex stuff. But how much should we worry? With more dismaying cost overrun stories, there’s more skepticism, more investigation, and more determination to be better… Te Waihanga the Infrastructure Commission concluded recently that New Zealand, perhaps surprisingly, isn’t inherently costlier across-the-board when it comes to building infrastructure – just...

    • Wellington LTP submission guide: from up sh*t creek to longer-term better
      • It’s LTP season, and Wellington City’s version of the council budgeting challenge has had more scrutiny than most. Here’s the bigger context for all LTPs (plus some TW submission tips for Wellington City-ites) Infrastructure x density Ahh, infrastructure. It’s the foundation (literally) of functioning cities, where lots of people can live close together – generating...

    • When a Third Place actually means we’re winning
      • Talk of the new kids’ playground design in Wellington had a few grown ups asking about play this week – what about us? Where can grown ups go for active play? Talk Welly is wondering – is easy access to a free and relaxing ‘third place’ the key to #winning in this game called life?...

    • Natural experiments, and traffic
      • You’d think that restricting road space for general traffic will automatically makes streets more congested. But does it? Natural experiments are worth a look… Next time you’re in a place where there’s lots of coming and going by people, and you see some road works with temporary traffic managment (TTM), don’t just see the ugly...

    • Porirua City’s Long Term Plan: submission guide!
      • LTPs are always pretty important but the 2024-24 one is extra so. Make sure your submission’s in by 5pm Friday 26th April – as little as 10 minutes with this post by Porirua resident (and TW convenor) Isabella This post has some submission tips (AKA the thinking behind the submission guide), then the actual content....

    • The Fast Track Aprovals Bill: Your Submission Guide
      • Your handy guide for a submission that supports Aotearoa’s towns and cities becoming more prosperous and sustainable, faster – without the dodgy stuff! Submissions close 11.59pm Friday 19th! Here’s one of the famed Talk Wellington submission guides. For background, whys, hows and wherefores, read on. If you’re wanting to whack in a submission on your...

    • Young girls and femmes in the city: visible yet forgotten
      • Cities can easily forget about or fail to serve certain groups of people; one of those is young people. Young girls and femmes, in particular, learn to navigate the city in a unique way. What can we do to make city spaces that work for this demographic as well as for everyone else? This is...

    • How high-rise is “native”?
      • A new development in Canada showcases some stunning contemporary indigenous design and planning – and surfaces a lot of dodgy assumptions about “indigeneity” and urban form. Plus, surprising facts about skyscrapers! The Squamish First Nation, partnering with a private real-estate developer, are doing some big – really big – developments on their land in the...

    • How we got here: housing
      • There’s a lot written about housing in Aotearoa New Zealand but one piece we’d recommend in early 2024… It’s a piece by Eleanor West and Marko Garlick, pillars of the Wellington pro-density urbanism movement A City For People. It’s called Upzoning New Zealand, published in the online magazine Works In Progress. The standfirst says it...

    • Cool events coming up!
      • There’s a swag of neat events in Pōneke in the week of 18-20 March… They’re being organised around the 2WalkandCycle conference, and are open to the public! Check out the array in this PDF. They’re labelled “industry events” but we reckon they’re great for anyone nerdy about walking, cycling, scooting, and how they fuel great...

    • Some February-March happenings
      • It’s always busy at this time of year but there’s an extra lot happening right now! Talk Wellington tries to keep up with this roundup, and please add things we’ve missed… By the way, we highly recommend Greater Auckland’s weekly roundup, always featuring lots of nationally-relevant stuff as well as Tāmaki-Makaurau things. Bus boardings across...

    • Some January-February happenings
      • It’s always busy at this time of year but there’s an extra lot happening right now! Talk Wellington tries to keep up with this roundup, and please add things we’ve missed… Congestion charging may finally get on the local agenda: Wellington mayor asks councillors to vote to lobby Government for it (amongst many other cost-cutting,...

    • Regular people, change and Wellington: the District Plan and the movement
      • Of course 2024’s first Urbanerds gathering had to be about Wellington’s battle for a District Plan that lets the city evolve. In case you missed it, here’s a roundup of the evening featuring A City for People, the War for Wellington and record turnout of new faces! Urbanerds co-host Matt McCallum welcomed folks and introduced...

    • Why density though?
      • Answered by A City For People’s Luke Sommervell, to attendees of March 2024 gathering of Wellington Urbanerds. Why density? Why now? It’s a conversation that has come up recently, a lot. Young people are flocking to places like Melbourne, Sydney, and London. And raving about trains, trams, apartment living with the same level of excitement...

    • Pukehinau-Lambton citizens: do the vote thing!
      • From time to time there’s a byelection and it’s easy to get distracted and not vote. In Wellington, right now, that could well mean lots of regrets. Here’s a few tips to make it easy for those with a byelection to vote in! While it was done for the general election, the Talk Wellington Sniff...

    • Come together: diversity, discourse and the magic of place
      • Our national day is a pretext to be deliberate about our big, important conversations – our constitution, our identities, our senses of fairness. But all public celebrations let us indulge in a quiet, everyday magic… Waitangi Day lets us celebrate our constitutional biculturalism and our demographic multiculturalism – with bands, picnics, dancers, hāngī, public art demos, speeches, skateboarding competitions, plant...

    • Summer happenings
      • Urbanism never sleeps… and despite NZ’s traditional shut-down and quiet period over the summer, it’s been a big time! Here’s some urbanism-relevant stuff you may have missed (and please add stuff we’ve missed – especially from Porirua, the Hutt valley and Kāpiti!) Just before Christmas: The new Transport Minister cancelled central funding for a slate...

    • Summer, sun, socialising – speeding?
      • Summer! With loads more people outdoors, it’s more obvious how local streets are performing for their communities. Here’s some tips for local citizens to seize the opportunity for some productive local conversation about driving speeds. As more of us want to get to cool parks, al fresco dining spots, beaches and other destinations outdoors, and...

    • A good place: functioning? Liveable? Loveable??
      • For decades we’ve taken a prosaic approach to our towns and cities, focussing on physical infrastructure, and, recently “liveable” places. What could we see through a lens of “loveable” places? Is a loveable place different from a liveable one? Does a place’s loveability compensate for some basic things being broken? Consultancy firm GHD has come...

    • Wellington’s Future Development Strategy: your submission guide (quick!)
      • Our region’s Future Development Strategy will say what big, important stuff goes where, setting the course for our towns and cities for decades. A Talk Wellington reader lays out why it matters, and how to submit – ASAP! This post contains some introductory information, and then a submission guide based on the Talk Wellington kaupapa....

    • Listening recommendations! Housing and climate
      • Two killer podcast recommendations: a great myth busted, and some hard facts reiterated Both of these deserve their own “Review” post so if you’re keen to pen something please sing out! The great housing supply myth Also known as the conventional wisdom of “housing is incredibly expensive because there’s a supply shortage so we just need...

    • A tool to prevent gentrification?
      • Everyone wants their neighbourhood to be a better place to live, but how do you avoid the fundamental laws of the market forcing people out who’ve often lived and loved there for generations? One tool can help… Gentrification. It’s one of the few genuinely bad things about the otherwise process of making nicer places to...

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