Feeds / Stokes Valley Cricket Club 606026
This feed is published by Stokes Valley Cricket Club.
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Added on 27 May 2022. Last read 3 minutes ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 8):
Indoor wicket update
- Stokes Valley Cricket Club
- The indoor wicket has been refurbished and is up and running. Book your session using the Club Calendar.
Register for the new season
- Stokes Valley Cricket Club
- Register now to play for SVCC in the summer.
Calling all local businesses!
- Stokes Valley Cricket Club
- Sign up for sponsorship now
Notice of Special General Meeting
- Stokes Valley Cricket Club
- The Club's Committee has determined to hold a Special General Meeting at 7pm on Friday 25th March 2022 to amend the Club's Constitution.
- Stokes Valley Cricket Club
- The Club's Committee has determined to hold the Annual General Meeting at 7pm on Wednesday 29th June 2022 at the Delaney Park Clubrooms.
Online training sessions for PlayHQ
- Stokes Valley Cricket Club
- Join an online training session for the new cricket scoring system.
Local business sponsorship now available!
- Stokes Valley Cricket Club
- Sign up to sponsor SVCC