Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
Wellington Homeless Women’s Trust is a charity dedicated to making a difference within our community by providing support and accommodation to homeless women in central Wellington.
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Wellington Homeless Women's Trust newsitems
Gala Dinner 2025
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- The Gala Dinner is organised every year by our supporters: Dame Terese Walsh and Kirsten Paterson.
- Accepted from Journal - Wellington Homeless Women's Trust | Te Whare Nukunoa by tonytw1
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Katrina’s Success Story
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- Here I am at the Whare! Borine “74” - Fast forward to “24”. My upbringing was unfortunately neglect, all tho somewhere along the line, there was love, hugs & morals, must have been. Where did I get it, I’ll tell you…
- Accepted from Journal - Wellington Homeless Women's Trust | Te Whare Nukunoa by tonytw1
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- housing
Board Vacancy (HR)
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- We are on the hunt for changemakers! Wellington Homeless Women's Trust is seeking a dedicated individual to join our amazing Board! This is an exciting opportunity to join a volunteer board with members who govern the Trust and are committed to supporting homeless women in the Wellington area.
- Accepted from Journal - Wellington Homeless Women's Trust | Te Whare Nukunoa by tonytw1
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W.A.L.K. Trip to Waitata Bay in the Marlborough Sounds
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- Tenants and Staff enjoying each others company, celebrating a great trip! On Wednesday 7th February, 10 wāhine from Te Whare Nukunoa loaded into a van and set sail on the 7:00am ferry to Picton for our annual W.
- Accepted from Journal - Wellington Homeless Women's Trust | Te Whare Nukunoa by tonytw1
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‘Shine a Light’ on how WHWT is breaking the cycle of homelessness
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- Breaking the cycle of homelessness with transitional housing services and communal living.
- Accepted from Journal - Wellington Homeless Women's Trust | Te Whare Nukunoa by tonytw1
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Wrapping up 2023 – Words from our General Manager
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- “2023 has been our most successful year in terms of transitioning our women into new homes” From our little corner of world… I take this opportunity to reflect not only on the last 12 months but also the very challenging and rewarding outcomes achieved by Wellington Homeless Women’s Trust and our whare Te Whare Nukunoa.
- Accepted from Journal - Wellington Homeless Women's Trust | Te Whare Nukunoa by tonytw1
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Off To The Zoo!
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- When was the last time you went to the zoo!? For most of us, it's been many years since we last visited Wellington Zoo, but for some, going to the Zoo has never really been an option – So this was a very exciting outing for us and first time experience for some of our wāhine! We arrived nice and early with our packed lunches and spent the whole day exploring all of the cool enclosures.
- Accepted from Journal - Wellington Homeless Women's Trust | Te Whare Nukunoa by tonytw1
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- zoo
Wellington Zoological Gardens, Manchester Street, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Welcome to Te Whare Nukunoa
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- We are excited to welcome Alana to our team at Te Whare Nukunoa and express our gratitude for her contributions.
- Accepted from Journal - Wellington Homeless Women's Trust | Te Whare Nukunoa by tonytw1
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Article | About Tania & Our Whare
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Sitting on the floor of her room, Tania Thompson says she has been working on an art piece for her bedroom wall. The 58-year-old is fond of recycling and often sees the worth in what others have thrown away. The piece she is weaving comes from discarded thin, wooden planks she found around central Wellington. It’s been a while since Thompson had a place to call home, which she could decorate how she liked. For the past two years, Thompson has been couch-surfing, living in her cousin’s shed and on the streets of central Wellington. She’s one of 41,000 people who are homeless in New Zealand. This figure included people who were living out of cars and in garages. But for the past five months, Thompson has been living in transitional housing on Manners St, provided by Wellington Homeless Women’s Trust (WHWT). “I feel really safe and wish I had come here ages ago. I look forward to coming home," she said. <a href="https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/125008567/wellington-homeless-womens-trust-tenant-looks-forward-to-coming-home" class="sqs-block-button-element--small sqs-button-element--tertiary sqs-block-button-element" target="_blank" > Full Article Permalink
- Accepted from Wellington Homeless Women's Trust JOURNAL by tonytw1
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- recycling
Journal - Wellington Homeless Women's Trust | Te Whare Nukunoa
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- Latest Item: 9 Mar 2025
- Last Read: 2 minutes ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- community-groups
- housing
Wellington Homeless Women's Trust JOURNAL
- Wellington Homeless Women's Trust
- Latest Item: 17 Nov 2022
- Last Read: 2 minutes ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- community-groups
- housing