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East by West Ferry

Experience the best of Wellington with a cruise out on the city's harbour ferry service. Up to 15 return scheduled sailings daily between Queens Wharf/Matiu Somes Island/Days Bay. Additionally in the weekends our new round Harbour Explorer Tours include stops at Petone, Seatoun, Days Bay, Matiu Somes Island & Queens Wharf.

Just East by West Ferry

East by West Ferry newsitems

    • Commuter Newsletter
      • As you can well imagine it has been an eventful week with the incident involving the City Cat a week ago on Wednesday 2nd March 2011. For those on board the 8.05am sailing from Days Bay to Seatoun, it was a very frightening experience to say the least when the bow windows broke as the ferry encountered an unusually large and unanticipated wave just offshore from Scorching Bay on the Miramar Peninsula.
      • Submitted by tonytw1
      • Tagged as:
      • seatoun
      • miramar
      • ferry
      • Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)



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