JJ Morgan and Co.
Is a free form working space (Gallery plus studio's ) that is self founded by three individuals who are dedicated to supporting the development and creative output of artists, designers and curators from New Zealand and abroad. We are based at 3 Cruickshank Street in between Kilbirnie and Lyall Bay, Wellington. Gallery/show hours; Saturday/Sunday 11am-4pm
JJ Morgan and Co. newsitems
Primera Disaster Smash N Tag...
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- is the name of James R Fords latest project that is coming up soon in Wellington if you wish to take part feel free to visit Primera Disaster Smash N Tag
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- art
JJMorgan and co news
- JJ Morgan and Co.
- Latest Item: 7 Oct 2010
- Last Read: 9 minutes ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- kilbirnie
- lyall-bay
- art