Wellington City Libraries
Wellington City Libraries is located in New Zealand’s capital city, Wellington. We offer Wellingtonians a selection of over 600,000 books, 450,000 magazines, and 85,000 CDs, DVDs, videos and other items at our 14 branches. On our News Blog, we aim to keep you up to date with all that our library can offer to you: new services, books, CDs, DVDs and more…
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- libraries
Wellington City Libraries newsitems
Beyond the Page 2024 School Holiday Programme
- Wellington City Libraries
- The Beyond the Page literary festival for tamariki and their whānau is back for 2024! Over the school holidays join us across the Wellington/Wairarapa region to celebrate out-of-the-box storytelling!
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- events
Old vinyl returned to WCL after 30 years
- Wellington City Libraries
- We look back at our past and current vinyl collections, as some records from our original collection have recently been returned to us after 30 years. Wellington City Libraries has always had a music collection for our patrons to borrow. The original format for this service was, of course, vinyl. The Wellington City Library vinyl collection dates back to when the 1939 Library (later to become the City Art Gallery in 1992) opened. At that time they wanted to make a statement with ‘new’ and ‘modern’ collections, the establishment of a “gramophone record” collection and a listening room was part of that.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- music
Conversation Over Coffee: An interview with Matt Lamason, founder of Peoples Coffee
- Wellington City Libraries
- Our Business Specialist talks to Matt Lamason, founder and director of Wellington's iconic Peoples Coffee.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- libraries
ComicFest 2024 is Sat 4 May! Register your interest
- Wellington City Libraries
- This May 4th 2024, Wellington City Libraries in association with the National Library of New Zealand, will be celebrating 10… Continue reading ComicFest 2024 is Sat 4 May! Register your interest →
- Accepted from WCL Blog feed by tonytw1
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- libraries
Niue Language Week Storytime – Friday 20 October
- Wellington City Libraries
- This week, from Sunday 15 October to Saturday 21 October, we are celebrating Faahi Tapu he Vagahau Niue | Niue Language… Continue reading Niue Language Week Storytime – Friday 20 October →
- Accepted from WCL Blog feed by tonytw1
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- libraries
- blogs
Out of Reach: the forbidden bookshelf
- Wellington City Libraries
- Events continue at Johnsonville, Karori and Central Library: join Lynne Jackett, Iona McNaughton, Don Long and others after school this week as they read banned books. The Kids' events page has full details.
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- libraries
Out of Reach - the forbidden bookshelf
- Wellington City Libraries
- Wellington City Libraries in partnership with the Wellington branch of the NZ Society of Authors are running a week long programme from Monday 25 February to Friday 29 February that seeks to highlight the occurrence of banning, sanitising and challenging children's books both here and internationally.Books that have been banned or challenged around the world will be on display at Johnsonville, Karori, Newtown, Kilbirnie and Central libraries
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- events
Wadestown Library to close for upgrading
- Wellington City Libraries
- Wadestown library will be closed from Wednesday 27 February to Saturday 1 March so new mobile shelving can be installed. The shelves will allow more space for library and community events.While the library is closed, users can return books through the after-hours slot.
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- wadestown
- libraries
Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
New Zealand's 4th Most Popular Folk Parody Duo
- Wellington City Libraries
- In this month's DVD recent picks you'll find Season One of the Flight of the Conchords TV show; plus, learn how Star Trek and its poster-boy, William Shatner, inspired a generation of scientists in 'How William Shatner Changed the World'.
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- libraries
Te Ra o Waitangi: Waitangi Day
- Wellington City Libraries
- Celebrate Waitangi Day in Waitangi Park at the Wellington City Libraries Story Tent, featuring a series of marvellous Maui myths that will enthral all ages told by storyteller and writer Moira Wairama.
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- events
Extreme pumpkins
- Wellington City Libraries
- Our craft recent picks bring you metal clay jewellery, a full-colour guide to pumpkin carving that's truly frightening, quilted bags and totes and Japanese quilt blocks.
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- libraries
Library hours - temporary changes
- Wellington City Libraries
- All our libraries will be closed for Wellington Anniversary Day on Monday 21 January 2008. Libraries will resume normal hours on Tuesday 22 January.
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- libraries
We wish you a Merry Christmas
- Wellington City Libraries
- Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year's break, from all the staff at Wellington City Libraries. The library will be closed for Christmas Day, Boxing Day (open again after Christmas on Thursday the 27th), Sunday the 30th December (open Monday the 31st), and Tuesday the 1st and Wednesday the 2nd of January. You can find our holiday hours here on our website. Happy holidays!
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- libraries
Win an MP3 player...
- Wellington City Libraries
- Wellington City Libraries has recently introduced a Downloadable Audiobooks collection available to all members via our website.Library members can browse hundreds of titles and download them as audio files to MP3 players to read on the go. Many customers have their own players but some are available to borrow on a short term basis.We are offering you the chance to have you very own MP3 player.
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- libraries
Holiday hours
- Wellington City Libraries
- Wondering when you can visit a library over the holiday season? Our libraries are open to a different timetable between 24 December 2007 and 3 January, check out the full details here.
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- libraries
Dreading the Christmas shopping?
- Wellington City Libraries
- Worried you may have to return gifts you receive? Then Law for Lunch this week may provide some assistance: "How consumer law can help you in the festive season". Join Angus McLeod, of the Consumer's Institute, at Central Library on Tuesday 20 November, 12-1pm as he goes over consumer rights : all welcome.Brought to you by Wellington City Libraries in partnership with Wellington Community Law Centre.
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- events
Meet our newest blog
- Wellington City Libraries
- Our new Business Blog, maintained by our specialist staff, will keep you up to date with current business issues, new resources and more.This new addition increases our blog number to four: we also have Kids and Teens blogs.
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- libraries
The hunt for a missing masterpiece
- Wellington City Libraries
- To whet your interest - in this month's non-fiction recent picks you'll find: the incredible story of the theft of a great painting and the brilliant detective who gets it back; the tale of Samuel Plimsoll MP, "The Sailor's Friend", who worked with his wife Eliza to defend sailors against nefarious and unsafe practices at sea in nineteenth century Britain; a history of spies and subversion in New Zealand; a shocking look at the debt industry and how today's credit merchants are trying to get everyone into the credit game; the Middle East and US foreign policy; a manga version of the Bible - and much more.
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- libraries
Teen Blog
- Wellington City Libraries
- We have added a new blog to the Teens pages - and will update it with news, study help, events and other things of interest. It is called Teen Blog! We value your comments!
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- libraries
Down at Fraggle Rock
- Wellington City Libraries
- This month's kids' sound and vision recent picks feature season one of Fraggle Rock and Jane and the Dragon, plus a couple of rotten rats in Flushed Away!
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- libraries
Singing our song, all day long, at Hogwarts
- Wellington City Libraries
- We were very excited this morning to receive our 50 normal lending copies of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'. Eager library staff rushed out on Saturday to pick up 10 interim copies to fill early reserves but we now have our full complement - so make sure to put your name down on the waiting list for one of the library's copies!
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- libraries
Pimp Our Trollies
- Wellington City Libraries
- Karori Library's "Pimp My Trolley Competition" is on this Thursday @ 5pm for all teen SUBTXTers. You will have 30 minutes to pimp one of our library trolleys - and the best pimped-out trolley will win a prize!
- Tagged as:
- karori
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Friday 13th Zombie Party at Johnsonville
- Wellington City Libraries
- Tonight at the Johnsonville Library there will be a Zombie party (with pizza, not the usual zombie fare) - dress up as a zombie and win prizes! You will also receive 50 bonus SUBTXT points and more if you register a zombified friend. Come along at 6pm and join in the fun - more information here.
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- events
- johnsonville
- zombies
- fares
Practical handbooks of software construction
- Wellington City Libraries
- The July Computing recent picks include guides for Vista, PHP, Word 2007, Google's online tools, 1 hour websites and software construction; for the notebook-toting there's a book of laptop projects. There's also an overview of biocomputation: "where brand new creatures are engineered in the laboratory".
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- libraries
Newtown's Teen Idol
- Wellington City Libraries
- There's a Teen Idol competition this Friday at the Newtown Library from 6pm-7.30pm. Food will be provided! If you're already a SUBTXT participant bring along a friend to join, and earn yourself some extra points. All who turn up will also get extra points for just coming along!
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- events
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Tōku kāinga tumeke! My awesome place!
- Wellington City Libraries
- WCL has fun activities happening these school holidays. Create your own place name and make up some awesome stories, in celebration of te Wiki Ō te Reo Māori (Maori Language Week). It's all happening at Newtown, Island Bay and Karori branch libraries this week, other branches next week.
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- libraries
SubTxt07 launches this Friday
- Wellington City Libraries
- Our online competition for 13-17 year olds is happening again! And there's some great prizes too. You can register online from Friday night or at the Central Library launch party starting at 7pm - check out Beatrootz who will be performing live (more information)
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- libraries
In the pale grey light of a chilly June
- Wellington City Libraries
- Our new mysteries feature environmental activists, dramatic shoot-outs, world-weary PIs, lurking danger, an ancient mummy and horror that hides in quiet, rustic settings.
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- libraries
From Pong to Oblivion, Arm-ball to Zooter
- Wellington City Libraries
- Is it running, surfing, swimming, football or the Rugby World Cup that excites you? Or perhaps in these wintry days you just want to learn about "the 50 greatest games of all time". There's something for (almost) everyone in the Sport recent picks.
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- libraries
Bargains at the Central Library!
- Wellington City Libraries
- The booksale is in its final days - everything left is half price. The sale ends Thursday 24 May 2007.
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- More...
WCL Blog feed
- Wellington City Libraries
- Latest Item: 4 Jul 2024
- Quite funny on occation.
- Last Read: 1 day ago
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- blogs
WCL Kids' Blog
- Wellington City Libraries
- Latest Item: 19 Jun 2024
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- libraries