Wellington Steps
Stalking the outdoor stairs of Wellington New Zealand
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- architecture

Wellington Steps newsitems
Los Angeles – Laurel and Hardy Steps
- Wellington Steps
- Photo source: http://wikimapia.
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- architecture
Lyall Bay
- Wellington Steps
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- lyall-bay
Lyall Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Warwick Wilton Churchill Steps
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – From Warwick at
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- wilton
Surrey Street Steps
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – From 10 Surrey to 28 Worcester Street at the top. A very subtle entry way and you could easily miss this from Surrey. Follow along this path. The view from the top is spectacular. It’s December when I took these shots and some flowers along the way. At the top – beside St Thomas More church.
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- architecture
- Wellington Steps
- Accepted from Wellington Steps by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- wilton
- Wellington Steps
- Accepted from Wellington Steps by feedreader
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- wilton
Cecil to Edgeware Road
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – From 172 Cecil Road at the top and at 3 Edgeware Road below.
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- architecture
Churchill Drive Steps to Spencer Street
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – From 5 Spencer Street to 1 Silverstream Road at Churchill Drive Roundabout. These are just a few steps as a shortcut from the roundabout near the Crofton Downs railway station. Not much, but there they are.
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- architecture
Oban Street Steps to Oban Street
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – From opposite 132 Oban Street on the upper level and opposite 86 Oban street on the lower level.
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- architecture
Glenmore Street to Raroa Road Steps
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – From 29 Raroa Road and from the lower level at 205 Glenmore Street.
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- architecture
Cape Palliser Lighthouse Steps
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – Difficult to miss, really, along the Cape Palliser Road along the South coast of the North Island/Te Ika a Maui The lighthouse was established here in 1897 and it was last staffed in 1986.
- Accepted from Wellington Steps by tonytw1
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- architecture
Upland Road to Glen Road
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – Opposite 59 Upland Road and at the top opposite 69 Glen Road. These are just a few steps, but through a little bit of bush and at the top you are rewarded with some lovely street art.
- Accepted from Wellington Steps by tonytw1
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- architecture
Hawick Street to Paparata Street steps
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – At 11 Hawick Street on the lower level and from the top across from 7 Selkirk Way.
- Accepted from Wellington Steps by tonytw1
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- architecture
Sutherland Road to Buckingham Street
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – At the top at 51 – 55 Sutherland Road and from the lower level at 36 Buckingham Street. The view from Sutherland Road looking toward Lyall Bay. And a view of Wellington International Airport. And at the bottom of the hill, at Buckingham Street.
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- lyall-bay
Lyall Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Ballantrae and Selwyn Steps and steps nearby….
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – Ballantrae steps begin beside 15 Ballantrae Place and rise up to 99 Hill Street.
- Accepted from Wellington Steps by tonytw1
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- architecture
Jacob’s Ladder, St Helena Island
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – On St Helena Island, South Atlantic Ocean.
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- architecture
Beere Haven Steps
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – From 107 Marine Parade and at the top neaar 41 Newport Terrace.
- Accepted from Wellington Steps by tonytw1
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- architecture
City to Sea Bridge Steps
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – At the Wellington Civic Centre and across Jervois Quay to Whairepo Lagoon and The Boatshed and The Wellington Rowing Club.
- Accepted from Wellington Steps by tonytw1
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- architecture
Sar, Barnard, and Anne Street Steps
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – From 83 to 91 Sar Street, Wadestown, and at the next step from 109/113 Barnard Street, and from the top at 64 Anne Street.
- Accepted from Wellington Steps by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- wadestown
Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Hobson to Thorndon Quay Steps
- Wellington Steps
- FIND THESE STEPS – From Hobson Street, beside the German Embassy, at 94 Hobson Street and at 243 Thorndon Quay, in Thorndon.
- Accepted from Wellington Steps by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- thorndon
Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington Steps
- Wellington Steps
- Latest Item: 11 Jul 2021
- Last Read: 3 minutes ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- architecture