Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
LIVE WELLington rejects the current winner-take-all, deregulatory philosophy of blanket upzoning and opposes plans to remove people’s rights to have a say on developments. Instead of this radical and divisive agenda LIVE WELLington proposes proper planning and partnerships to do density well.
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Live Wellington - a liveable city by design newsitems
Consents low in the wake of new District Plan
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- New analysis shows that Wellington has seen the lowest number of new houses being consented on record, in the period since the new District Plan passed.
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New apartment development demonstrates District Plan flaws
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- The proposal for a new apartment block in Mt Victoria, the first major housing development enabled by the new District Plan, demonstrates that the wealthy will be the only winners from changes that were supposed to bring about affordable housing.
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Wellington District Plan: The Wellington City Council’s decision must be reviewed.
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- LIVE WELLington has announced it will shortly lodge judicial review proceedings in the High Court.
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Wellington City Council spends $1.7 million on experts then rejects their findings
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- MEDIA RELEASE 22 April 2024 The Wellington City Council spent over $1.7 million on a set of experts to hear submissions on the District Plan, and then went on to ignore their key findings.
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Will evidence and reason prevail?
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- OPINION PIECE by Jane O'Loughlin, convenor of LIVE WELLington. Very soon Chris Bishop, the Minister for RMA Reform, will announce his decision on the Wellington District Plan.
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Wellington’s District Plan debate: It’s got that 80s vibe and not in a good way
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- BLOG POST It may not be dressed in fluoro lycra, but sometimes the furore over Wellington’s District Plan feels like the 80s all over again, say LIVE WELLington convenor Jane O'Loughlin.
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Living with Earthquake Risk - have we got it right?
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- 27 February 2024 The ongoing frustration of trying to meet earthquake building standards was evident at a meeting we hosted on 22 February 2024 at St Peter’s Church on Willis. Here's our report of the meeting.
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New Basin Reserve housing precinct warrants careful design
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- News that ‘a housing and urban growth precinct’ will be part of the new developments around Wellington’s Basin Reserve has been welcomed by LIVE WELLington.
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Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The rise and fall of the housing market
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- BLOG BY PHIL KELLIHER. Just two years ago the housing market was in a frenzy, with properties going for silly money. But now it’s the opposite. For property manager Phil Kelliher, this was vividly illustrated when he noticed a large property in Mt Victoria listed for nearly one million dollars less than its RV.
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Kāinga Ora spends $800,000 to influence Wellington District Plan
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- Kāinga Ora has spent $800,000 hiring a vast team of lawyers, planners and architects to influence the outcome of the Wellington District Plan, drowning out local voices, says Wellington community and urban design advocacy group LIVE WELLington.
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Wellington’s new council – what does it mean for housing and planning?
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- With a new Wellington city council now in place, it’s time to examine the views of our new councillors on urban form, housing and a liveable city.
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10 reasons to support character
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- So much has changed since the Wellington City Council voted in June 2021 to strip demolition protection from more than two-thirds of the city's character areas. LIVE WELLington argues it's time for a re-think, and to strike a better balance. We provided this letter to Wellington councillors, in the lead up to the notification of the proposed District Plan on 23 June 2022.
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Wellingtonians support retention of more character areas
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- A survey of Wellingtonians has found that while there is support for increasing density in the inner city suburbs, it must be done with care, and there is considerable unease about the Wellington City Council’s plans to remove protections for pre-1930s houses in the inner city suburbs.
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Council report shows no need for radical planning changes in inner city Wellington
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- The latest official assessment of Wellington’s housing needs shows sufficient capacity in Wellington’s inner city suburbs to meet future growth for the next 30 years, meaning the drive by the council to decimate inner city character areas is unwarranted and must be abandoned now, says LIVE WELLington.
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Why letting the market loose will not deliver housing affordability
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- Will letting developers loose on our inner city suburbs deliver us from the evil of ever-escalating house prices? Phil Kelliher explains the issues in this blog for LIVE WELLington.
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Density done well discussion attracts numbers
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- An audience of around 90 people turned up to hear a panel discussion on urban design and density done well, at St Peter’s Church on 5 May 2022, organised by LIVE WELLington and Inner City Wellington.
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Championing Liveable Wellington
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- Wellington needs robust people-centric design and thoughtful planning to remain a liveable and attractive city, says LIVE WELLington, a new group set up to champion Wellington as a liveable city for all.
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Pop goes the high rise?
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- Get ready to have your say on the first draft of the new Wellington District Plan by December 14th. The District Plan is the rule book for land use and determines what needs a resource consent so it's vital we all speak up for a liveable Wellington for all.
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- consultation
Daylight Robbery?
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- Submissions have closed on the Resource Management (Enabling Housing Supply and Other Matters) Amendment Bill as of midnight on Tuesday 16th.
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News - Live Wellington
- Live Wellington - a liveable city by design
- Latest Item: 3 Feb 2025
- Last Read: 1 day ago
- Submitted by tonytw1
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