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Salient is the official student magazine of Victoria University of Wellington.

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    • Review: First Reserve | "Alice"
      • If you have engaged with the Wellington music scene at all, I’m sure you have heard of First Reserve. Often spotted performing at San Fran, the singer and bassist has just released his latest single, “Alice”. Last week, San Fran hosted a release show featuring a thrilling performance by First Reserve, alongside supporting acts Keira Batten Coogan and Red Necklace. As someone who has seen both the openers multiple times, I can safely say that they never disappoint, successfully building the energy of the crowd and setting the stage perfectly for First Reserve's entrance.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • music
      • reviews

    • REVIEW: Blunt Dog: Bullet Train to Dunedin
      • In addition to playing an Eyegum Wednesday at San Fran, Blunt Dog spent the weekend recording their upcoming album at the Massey University studio. The album, titled Bullet Train To Dunedin, promises a warm and unpolished sound reminiscent of old home recordings. This album marks a significant departure from their first album, How is a Dog So Honest?. The new tracks, primarily derived from guitarist and vocalist Dom’s demos, are both harder and softer, expanding on the range of their earlier work. The album concept originated from drummer Logan’s whimsical idea of a Japanese bullet train travelling from Britomart station in Auckland to Dunedin, described by the band as “a moment of genius and a passage of jest.”
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • San Francisco Bath House, Swan Lane, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Review: Iphigeneia at Aulis
      • Words by: Lyra Caughley (she/her) Victoria Ancient Theatre Society’s first offering this year, Iphigeneia at Aulis, adapted Euripides’s tragedy concerning Agamemnon’s mythic decision to sacrifice his own daughter. As someone who’s been obsessed with classical myth during past studies, I was enchanted by this show’s atmosphere and the chilling clarity of its storytelling.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • reviews
      • BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Review: Dating’s a Drag
      • Dating apps have seen a decrease in usage, signalling a shift in the way people want to approach dating. Selina Simone and Homer Neurotic, two of Wellington's popular drag performers, have come up with a unique solution: Dating's a Drag (pun intended). This event has become an annual occurrence, specifically catering to members of the queer community. I recently attended their She 4 Her event at Mishmosh on May 24th. They also have a They 4 Them event planned for June 7th and an inclusive Queer 4 Queer event scheduled for June 21st.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • lgbt

    • Pōneke. Protest!
      • On Saturday the 18th of May, Inflection Point, which identifies itself as “a group for middle NZ that has become ‘The oppressed majority’”, hosted an event at Wellington's Tākina convention centre. The event, titled ‘Unsilenced: Middle New Zealand on Ideology’, was attended by a delightful collection of virulent anti-trans campaigners, including the frothingly homophobic culture war ‘apostle’ Brian Tamaki, celebrity bigot ‘Posie Parker’ (via video-link), Tanya Unkovich, a current MP for NZF, and Simon O’Conner, a former MP for National.
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      • Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, 55, Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Review: Trying to Have a Good Night Out at Willis Lane
      • This article is sponsored by Willis Lane. The unthinkable has happened and Salient has finally gone outside! We haven’t gone so far as to go out into nature or anything—Will would get culture shock. Instead, we bravely ventured where (probably) no student has ever been before: Willis Lane on a Friday night. Opening last year to rave reviews, Wellington’s (relatively) new entertainment venue is home to a number of restaurants, activities, and bars. Thanks to our friends at Willis Lane, the Salient team enjoyed a night on the town, underground: as the trimester wraps up, our honest take is that Willis Lane is a pretty good spot to have a little end-of-tri treat!
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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    • Review: Lipstick
      • How do I even begin to describe this band? I’ve been dying to write about Lipstick since I saw them for the first time at Valhalla in April. Without a doubt, Lipstick has become my favorite band to see live, and I’ve been hooked since that very first show. Since their debut as a band at the end of March, they’ve become a prominent presence in the gig scene—and for good reason.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • music
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    • Metlink Encourages Early Bedtimes for Students—Without Consultation
      • Students having a night out will soon no longer be able to take the night bus home, after the Greater Wellington Regional Council agreed to scrap the service last week. Neither VUWSA nor Te Tira Ahu Pae—the Massey equivalent—were consulted on the changes. Metlink’s night buses run between 1 and 4.30am on Saturday and Sunday mornings, providing a cheap(ish) option for students and others in town to get home safely. With low patronage, Metlink made the call to ax them in favour of high-frequency (the 1, 2, 7, ect.) services running later into the night and starting earlier in the morning.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • consultation

    • Huakina - WYC's First Concert of the Year !!
      • There are only three rehearsals left before Huakina, the Wellington Youth Choir’s first concert of our 2024 cycle. Meaning ‘to open’ in te reo Māori, this concert is dedicated to disrupting the pale, male and stale status quo of choral composition by uplifting wāhine, nonbinary and irawhiti choral composers from Aotearoa. This year is our 35th anniversary, and we are very proud to present this concert as the first of two queer-centric performances that the choir will be undertaking this year. The second being the North Island debut and 25th anniversary of Considering Matthew Shepard, an extravagant choral oratorio that was written in response to the murder of Matthew Shepard.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • gigs
      • singing
      • St Peter's on Willis Anglican Church, 211, Willis Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • City Bus Service Blindspots: Ōwhiro Bay Residents Develop Killer Calves
      • Ōwhiro Bay has been abandoned by the bus network, according to a new report. During off-peak times, it takes two buses and over 45 minutes to get from Ōwhiro Bay to the city centre. The suburb is disproportionately affected by bus cancellations. Its residents are fed up. Now, they’ve taken matters into their own hands, writing a twenty-thousand-word report to prove their own experience. Jack Graham and Arunan Noble are both Ōwhiro Bay residents and, in the spirit of full disclosure, friends of the author. They both live with their parents while studying at VUW. After many years of being disappointed by the bus system, hope was initially raised when Metlink announced incoming improvements at the start of 2024.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • owhiro-bay
      • Owhiro Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Cuba Street Meal Steals
      • Served by Bianca Maria Schioler (she/her) Kia ora tātou and welcome back to another season of Meal Steals which your StudyLink budget won’t kick up a fuss about. On today’s menu we’re going to take a trip to the famous Cuba Street, well known to any Wellingtonian as the street for excellent food and creative expression. Sadly, Covid-19 saw the closure of many iconic Cuba Street restaurants, and only a few new ones have popped up in their place in the following years. However, we can contribute to making Cuba Street the same vibrant, cultural-mixing glass of culinary excellence it once was by taking to the streets, and filling our tummies.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • cuba-street
      • food
      • Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Review: Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
      • Words by: Ngan Dang (she/they) Picture Credit: WITCH Musical Theatre Dream-like and grandiose; Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812 was a memorable experience which thoroughly entertained me. I expected a messy love story, but the melancholy was balanced out with just as much fun and wit—this was truly a show of anticipation and charging emotions. In this classic Broadway musical, co-directors Maya Handa Naff and Nick Lerew take a youthful twist to the lavish 19th-century Moscow from Tolstoy’s War and Peace. Through the stories of “young” Natasha and “warm-hearted” Pierre, the show explores their journey to navigate love, purpose, and pleasure in the heart of emotional turmoil and conflict.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • Hannah Playhouse, 12, Cambridge Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Love at the Zoo
      • There are those who believe that the penguins at Wellington Zoo are nothing more than a conspiracy theory. How else can you explain visiting the zoo multiple times and never catching a glimpse of them? Or only seeing their tiny feet and bellies peeking out from their cozy nesting boxes? Some question if they're real or just well-made statues. The keepers in charge of the penguin exhibit seem to think these birds exist, but VUWSA's Emily Bull thinks otherwise. However, I am strongly against this notion. In fact, I was so passionate about it that I contacted the zoo specifically to learn more about my beloved (and entirely real) penguin couple: Harriet and Nettle. And through my research, I discovered how they (along with some other adorable animals) fell in love.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • penguins
      • zoo
      • Wellington Zoological Gardens, Manchester Street, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • More Pedestrians on Cuba St Will Destroy Business, Say Campaigners
      • A coalition of business owners on Cuba St are petitioning the Council to reconsider its plan to remove 20 car parks along the stretch of road between Ghuznee and Vivian. Organised by (unsuccessful) Lambton Ward candidate and famed Kaffee Eis creamslinger, Karl Tiefenbacher, the “Park It” campaign hinges itself on business owners arguing that losing the 20 car parks will make a significant impact on their profit margins. “The thing to remember is that a lot of people walk here, obviously, and I get stupid statements like, ‘cars don’t spend money, people do’, but cars don’t drive themselves either, so every car brings an extra person to Cuba St,” he told Salient. “You know, we’re selling a low cost product, and we need a lot of turnover, so if we lose something like 10% of our business [by having no car parks], that’s enough to send us under.”
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • cuba-street
      • parking
      • Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Review: Kick Up a FUS
      • In January 2023, the abrupt firing of 19 dancers at Calendar Girls Wellington made headlines. 35 of the dancers who worked there, wrote and signed a letter expressing their concerns over the venue's plans to take 50% of their earnings instead of the previous 40%. The next day, those 19 dancers lost their jobs. This incident sparked a larger movement among the fired dancers, leading them to form FUS - a grassroots organisation that fights against exploitative practices in the adult entertainment industry. The venue itself Valhalla was a surprisingly good pick for the event. As Stephen, who came with us says:
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • victoria-university
      • Valhalla, 154, Vivian Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Gordon Wilson is Dead, Long Live Affordable Housing
      • Last Thursday, Wellington City Council passed what Councillor Nīkau Wi Neera described as “the most pro-housing, ambitious set of amendments that we could”, as the council voted on changes to the District Plan. The meeting saw the council’s biggest break from the NIMBY-ism which has defined housing policy in the city for decades. W after W for affordable housing flashed onto the council’s voting screens. So overwhelming were the wins for affordable housing that Councillor Nicola Young may have been left with a mild case of amnesia, saying “I’m so numb about the district plan I can barely remember what [the amendments] are.”
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • wellington-city-council
      • housing
      • gordon-wilson-flats
      • Gordon Wilson Flats, Maurice Terrace, Aro Valley, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Review: Call The Plumber Tour—Frank on Tap and Wet Denim
      • Frank on Tap and Wet Denim concluded their “Call The Plumber” tour in Wellington at San Fran this past Saturday. Co-headlining the tour, the show was nothing if not a striking finale. With supporting artists, First Reserve, Messie, and Swimcap, the venue was packed and brimming with excitement—there wasn’t a single bad spot to watch the show from. Taking the stage as the first headliner, Frank on Tap delivered a vibrant pop-rock performance that raised the energy of the whole room. There wasn’t a single person either fully immersed and dancing or at least nodding their head along to the beat. From captivating vocals to energising drum beats, there wasn’t an uninteresting second of their set.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • reviews
      • theatre
      • San Francisco Bath House, Swan Lane, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • One, Two, Buckle Your Shoes—Getting Around Gets Tougher
      • The Government released its draft policy statement on transport last week and the news is bleak for anyone who wants to go anywhere other than their flat and the dairy down the road. Funding for public transport, walking, and cycling has been significantly slashed by the latest policy, down $1 billion from the initial allocation set by the prior Labour government. In addition, while money has been allocated for some roading projects, the draft policy statement has said that none of the funding for local roads is to be used on “multi-modal improvements” like bus or cycle lanes, and that “there will be reduced funding for traffic calming measures, such as speed bumps.”
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • victoria-university

    • Review: Sandwich Artist
      • Maybe I’m being subjective here, but a show playing “Man or Muppet” as house music is bound to be good fun. And Sandwich Artist was! A heartwarming and silly musical, that poked fun at the genre conventions while being a genuinely well-put together show, with a lot of love and just a bit more to it than only sliced bread. The story follows Sammy Rye (Phoebe Caldeiro), an unrecognised sandwich genius working for an unnamed sandwich chain, who’s unorthodox, off-menu sandwiches get her fired, despite how good they are. She gambles it all on a bus ride to Wellington, where a fellowship is formed with a despondent carrot farmer (Catherine Gavigan-Binnie), a butcher with attachment issues (Anna Barker), and a strangely shifty baker (Dylan Hutton). Phoebe and Jack McGee worked together on a story that does a lot with very little: only 6 major speaking roles and minimal props or set.
      • Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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      • reviews
      • theatre
      • Te Auaha, Dixon Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

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