Archive / September 2019
October 2019 | August 2019-
Injured Tuatara Returned to ZEALANDIA After Treatment at Wellington Zoo
- Zealandia
- A tuatara with an amputated tail has recently been released back to its home at ZEALANDIA after treatment and recovery at The Nest Te Kōhanga, Wellington Zoo’s native wildlife and animal ...
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- karori-sanctuary
- tuatara
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Meet Tracy, a Mary Potter Hospice hospitality volunteer
- Mary Potter Hospice
- Tracy has volunteered at Mary Potter Hospice as a hospitality volunteer for an incredible five years. Twelve years ago, Tracy’s dad received palliative care at
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Meet Tracy, a Mary Potter Hospice hospitality volunteer
- Mary Potter Hospice
- Tracy has volunteered at Mary Potter Hospice as a hospitality volunteer for an incredible five years. Twelve years ago, Tracy’s dad received palliative care at
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Vice Commodores Report – September
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- What a difference a year makes… Opening day 2018 at Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club was a very different experience to 2019 for me.
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- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Candidate Humphrey Hanley answers Renters United’s questions
- Renters United
- Renters United asked every candidate in the Paekawakawa/Southern Ward 14 questions about the issues that most concern renters in Wellington.
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- issues
- wellington
Candidate Laurie Foon answers Renters United’s questions
- Renters United
- Renters United asked every candidate in the Paekawakawa/Southern Ward 14 questions about the issues that most concern renters in Wellington.
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- issues
- wellington
Candidate Sarah Free answers Renters United’s questions
- Renters United
- Renters United asked every candidate in the Motukairangi/Eastern Ward 14 questions about the issues that most concern renters in Wellington.
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- issues
- wellington
Candidate Bernard O’Shaughnessy answers Renters United’s questions
- Renters United
- Renters United asked every candidate in the Motukairangi/Eastern Ward 14 questions about the issues that most concern renters in Wellington.
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- issues
- wellington
2019 Capital Football Awards | Celebrating the successes of the 2019 season
- Capital Football
- Last Thursday saw the celebration of the 2019 season at the Petone Working Men’s Club. With over 16 clubs...
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- soccer
Brookfield Gold Rush - Group Camp 2019
- Ngati toa Sea Scouts
- Fantastic weather, fantastic location, fantastic scouts all came together to make a fantastic camp.
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- scouts
Ngati Toa Scout Group, Parade Ground, Mana, Paremata, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Conclusion of last seasons 1-7 pairs
- Victoria Bowling Club
- The 2-4-2 championship for members between 1-7 years of playing was completed on Sunday after it wasn’t able to be completed last season before the greens closed.
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- bowling
- mount-victoria
- wcn-hosted
Victoria Bowling Club, Rixon Grove, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
3G Goats Gone Grazing #6
- Old Boys - University Rugby Club
- Jimmy Gopperth Jimmy played for OBU until 2008 when he headed over to the UK to play for the Newcastle Falcons.
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- rugby
The Goat Vote #1 – Mayor of Wellington
- Old Boys - University Rugby Club
- We thought we’d have a quick dabble in this democracy lark to see how supportive the mayoral candidates are of OBU.
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- rugby
Free Walking Solution- Hataitai to CBD
- Sarah Free
- Would more people walk to work or school from the Eastern suburbs if they didn’t have to use the dark, crowded, loud and smelly Mt Victoria tunnel?Here’s the idea: can WCC and GWRC work together to give walkers a free trip from one side of the Hataitai bus tunnel to the other?Once the bus system is up and running with a bit of spare capacity, think what a boon that could be for walkers.
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- hataitai
- bus-tunnel
- buses
Hataitai Bus Tunnel, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
AW Season Open Day
- Athletics Wellington
- Athletics Wellington is hosting a Track and Field Open day for the upcoming athletics 2019/2020 season at the Newtown Park on Saturday 12th October.
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- newtown-park
Newtown Park, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Goat Vote #2 – Councillor for Pukehīnau/Lambton Ward
- Old Boys - University Rugby Club
- We thought we’d have a quick dabble in this democracy lark to see how supportive the candidates for councillor are of OBU.
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- rugby
How to reduce your data footprint
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington researchers lead a trip down the rabbit hole of personal data and wresting control of it to reduce its environmental impact.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Summer sealing season starts
- Wellington City Council
- Daylight saving and warmer temperatures signal this week’s start to the summer road resealing season in Wellington.
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- wellington-city-council
Scootering along
- Eye of the Fish
- Have you ridden a scooter yet? One of those new-fangled electric scooter thingies, not those little children’s ones about the size of a kneecap? All those in favour say “Aye !!” All those against say “Nay !!” The Ayes have it.
- Accepted from Eye of the Fish feed by tonytw1
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- architecture
- blogs
September Update from DCM - Together We Can End Homelessness
- Downtown Community Ministry
- 96 September Update from DCM - Together We Can End Homelessness p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; 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The exhibition featured 50 different images, reflecting the part that many individuals, groups and businesses play in supporting our work. This is why our by-line is “TOGETHER we can end homelessness”. We experience Wellington as a caring place, a place where people want to be part of the solution to homelessness and welcome an opportunity to become involved in any way they can. The exhibition included images representing the contributions of: our medical supports - dentists, dental assistants, eye doctor, audiologist and physiotherapist who share their time and their skills here at DCM the local faith communities who have been part of our work for 50 years, in all sorts of different ways the food businesses which make it possible for us to provide kai and hospitality while we build relationships with people – like Pandoro, Kaibosh, Mojo Coffee the many groups involved in delivering our annual DCM Bookfair the volunteers who support our work at Te Hāpai, such as the barber who offers haircuts and John who runs our weekly poetry sessions chefs and others who support our seasonal kai events writers, journalists, designers, printers, businesses which donate time, expertise and product those who support our work financially and in other ways and our taumai themselves – their commitment to picking up the paddle and doing what it takes to become well, and then going on to support others on a journey to housing and wellbeing. In our 50th birthday year, we want to lift up the many Wellingtonians who are part of the solution to homelessness. We also wanted to prompt those who visited the exhibition to think about ways in which they may be able to become involved. Thank you to all of you who made it along to Photospace to enjoy the exhibition. And a special thank you to the creative forces who made it possible. Though the exhibition has come to an end you can see all 50 photos on our website. <!-- --> Here’s another way for you to be part of the solution to homelessness DCM has joined a collaboration of organisations dedicated to ending homelessness in Wellington under a new government-funded Housing First initiative. We move people from homelessness into housing then provide wrap around support and regular home visits to ensure they sustain their tenancy. One of the new kaimahi who have joined our team to take on this important mahi is Peni Fiti, who will be focused on procuring suitable houses for people who have been homeless for a long period of time. Do you own any rental properties or know any landlords who would like to learn more about becoming part of the solution to homelessness? If so, do talk to Peni. There are so many reasons to get in touch. Our Housing First team can offer landlords a “no hassles” service – guaranteed rent, no fees, maintenance sorted and your property managed for you. Even better, you will be providing a whare for a person who is experiencing homelessness. Peni would love to hear from you or any of your networks and contacts who own rental properties. Because together, we can end homelessness in Wellington. <!-- --> DCM welcomes spring Day to day life goes on at DCM as we prepare for what is traditionally a busy time of year. This month, DCM kaimahi joined together with taumai at our Seasonal Kai celebration for spring (kōanga). Our Seasonal Kai events are an important way for us to come together as a community, and enjoy some kai. DCM sits on the site of Te Aro Pā and just as the original inhabitants of the pā did, we mark the changing of the seasons by coming together this way. Our taumai also enjoyed the chance to give back and some took part in preparing the kai. As we often find at DCM, our taumai possess great knowledge and talents which were fully on display at the Seasonal Kai celebration! <!-- --> Please help us get the message out there! Forward this email on to everyone you can think of who may be interested in how to respond to homelessness, and just generally people who are passionate about Wellington. <!-- --> Read More Success Stories Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive <!-- --> Copyright © 2019 DCM. All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: DCMPO Box 6133Marion SqWellington, Wellington 6011 New ZealandAdd us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.
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Talking Transport Hui: Regional (and southeastern city) Candidates
- Talk Wellington
- Contenders for Wellington’s Eastern and Southern Wards joined Regional council candidates in the second of The Traffic Jam’s Talking Transport hui, 25th September.
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- blogs
Goat Profile # 1 – Jesse Johnson
- Old Boys - University Rugby Club
- Tell us about where you came from to join OBU? I came straight out of school to join OBU at 19 years old, I was at Wellington College so 3 of my great mates from school (Titapu Pairama-Lewington, Lima Sopoaga and Hanipale Galo) came to OBU as well which made the transition enjoyable.
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- rugby
“You gotta hand it to ’em” – but not your vote
- Talk Wellington
- Talk Wellington admires skill in any job, including local body politicians.
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- blogs
Rear Commodores Report – September
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- Rear Commodore Katie Hakes joined the High Voltage team for the Mudhouse Women’s regatta The Waikawa Boating Club hosted over 100 sailors and competitors travelling from Auckland, Wellington, Nelson and Canterbury for the Mudhouse Women’s Regatta.
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- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Up the channel without a paddle
- Coastguard Mana
- Operation Details Date/Time: Sat, 28/09/2019 - 09:45 - 11:30 Operation Type: CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted: 1 Total Volunteer Hours: 3 A man on a moored yacht in the channel lost his oars when his dinghy flipped. He was unable to get himself and his 2 dogs back to shore and asked if we could come and pick him up. We took MR2 out and gave him, his dogs and the dinghy a lift back to Mana Cruising Club. Vessel Details Length: 8.00m Resources Attendees: Weedoogie Mark Presling CRV's Used: CRV Pelorus
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- boating
- emergency-services
- kapiti
-41.103938, 174.863293
Port Nicholson Regatta – September Update
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- 2020 Port Nicholson Regatta – Orange Flag Up Set your watches.
- Accepted from RPNYC feed 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
15th Anniversary of Russian Cultural Festival in Wellington.
- Wellington Russian Club
- On 14 September 2019 the 15th Annual Russian Cultural Festival took place in Wellington, organised by the Russian Club. For many years in a row … Сообщение 15th Anniversary of Russian Cultural Festival in Wellington. появились сначала на Wellington Russian Club.
- Accepted from Wellington Russian Club English by tonytw1
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- ethnic-groups
Weekly Wrap Up (Term 3, Week 10)
- Wellington High School
- Important Dates 14 October: Start of Term 4 21 October: Board of Trustees meeting 22 October: Sports prizegiving (11am) 28 October: Labour Day (school closed) 29 October: Whānau hui 31 October: Whakanuia 1 November: Last day for senior students 4 November: Senior Prizegiving 4 November: Closing date for out of zone ballot (Years 10-13 in 2020) 7 November: Parents notified of outcome of out of zone ballot (Years 10-13 in 2020) 8 November: NCEA exams start 25 November: Board of Trustees meeting 3 December: NCEA exams end 6 December: Junior Prizegiving 6 December: End of Term 4 Message from the Principal Please click here to read the Principal’s Message for the end of Term 3. Important Information Measles update You will have seen the update with regards to the cases of measles at WHS from Regional Public Health earlier in the week. The response of families of those students potentially affected has been superb as has been the support of the Regional Public Health team. Hopefully this remains the only case of measles in the region but we encourage all parents, caregivers and whānau to remain vigilant to the symptoms and to contact their GP in case of concern. Wallace Street roadworks: update from Wellington Water You will have noticed a lot of work going on in the area, and may well have read the news item in the Dominion Post earlier this week about the reservoir pipeline project. We are in touch with the contractors undertaking the work for Wellington Water and they have told us that the planned diversion of traffic off the stretch of Wallace Street from John Street to Hargreaves Street (opposite the main entrance to Massey University) will not take place until December. From December all traffic, including buses, will be diverted along Wright Street while new water mains are laid along Wallace Street. A new pedestrian crossing will be installed on Wright Street and a new bus stop created there. There will be no impact on the bus stops that our students use. Safe pedestrian access will be maintained along Wallace Street while it is closed to traffic, and traffic management staff will be on site during working hours. In the meantime, roadworks are underway on Wallace Street from 9.00am-4.00pm on weekdays. We recommend allowing extra time for travel as there can be delays during this period. If you’re interested in the reservoir project or the pipelines work underway information is available on: Useful NCEA exam/revision/study resource StudyIt ( Your one stop site for achieving in NCEA Maths, Science, and English. Find what you need to know, contact subject teachers, and get encouragement from other students. Rotary Scholarships available The Rotary Club of Wellington is seeking applicants for scholarships. Applications can be submitted by individuals to assist with the cost of tertiary education, vocational training of the development of life-skills. About 12 grants are available to students of any age who come from the Greater Wellington area and who can demonstrate financial need. The amount awarded varies but is typically in the range of $3000 to $5000. Further information and application forms can be obtained from from 23 September. Applications open 15 October and close 31 October. What’s happening? Education Minister Chris Hipkins launches School Leavers’ Toolkit at WHS On Wednesday 25 September, the Education Minister Chris Hipkins chose Wellington High School as the venue for the launch of a great new resource for students and teachers: the School Leavers’ Toolkit. After a pōwhiri in Taraika, the Minister spoke to Yr12/13 students at a special assembly, presented certificates to students who participated in the toolkit’s development and then convened a Q&A session with some of the students involved. Around 30 WHS students contributed their ideas, views and opinions about the School Leavers’ Toolkit website during 3 sessions in 2019. Their comments were always honest and direct and gave the developers insight and welcome guidance, helping them shape the website to make it more accessible and meaningful for students, their families and teachers. Pictured are: Front: Chuni Bhikha (Careers Adviser), Rose Gillies, Lily Parkin, Minister Hipkins, Liberty McIntyre-Reet; Back row: Suzie Tingley (MOE Senior Adviser), Michael Edmeades, William Reed, Dominic Killalea (Principal), Seb MacCaulay, Indio Avanci-Bishop The School Leavers’ Toolkit will help students … learn to drive (still being developed) understand practical budgeting, understanding finance and tax better be equipped with workplace and employability skills and getting jobs learn how our political system operates through civics education at school. be more aware of Tertiary study options, funding and scholarships to recognise the importance of their own and other’s wellbeing At Wellington High School, we have already started a number of these sessions for students at all levels in many of these topics through our Wellbeing sessions and our Mates and Dates presentations. Packed lunchtime seminar on Prison Reform Week 10 saw the Year 13 Sociology students presenting a range of events focussed on the need for prison reform in New Zealand. On Monday a panel of MPs discussed their party views on voting rights for prisoners in New Zealand. This discussion was facilitated by student who worked with Just Speak to raise awareness of the issue. On Tuesday the role of art therapy and rehabilitation within prisons was discussed, from a Quaker perspective. On Thursday 5 students spoke to their submission at the select committee for electoral reform at Parliament. An impressive piece of civic engagement from our students. This was picked up in the media. You can read the full article in the NZ Herald here: WOW breakfast at the Australian High Commission On the final morning of term, four Fashion students, Principal Dominic Killalea and Fashion teacher Kylie Merrick, had the opportunity to go the Australian High Commission and hear Australian designers speak about Wearable Art in a panel discussion. Great thoughtful design conversation and delicious yellow themed food (The World of Wearable arts theme colour for 2019) was enjoyed by all. WOW is on at the TSB arena until 13 October. Among the crew are WHS students Tyler Gold and Ant Vache, so watch out for them if you go to the show. Garden update As you can see from these photos, under the care of our Horticulture students, the garden is flourishing in the spring. Achievements CREST success Gryffon Hester and Neo Silcock gained Highly Commended (joint second place) and a Silver Crest award in the NZIFST and Royal Societies Food Innovation Challenge. They worked for three terms with Tahi Spiralina as their client and mentors Ben Suitherland and Sally Ronaldson from Food Safety Australia NZ to develop a spiralina pasta suitable for vegans and to showcase the versatility of spiralina. The judging event required that they present their product, their report, academic poster and be interviewed by two sets of industry based food technologists. We are really proud of their efforts. Ka rawe! NZ Chinese essay competition winner Congratulations to year 13 Theo van Toor who has won the first place in the secondary senior category of the 13th New Zealand Chinese Essay competition. Coordinated by the Confucius Institute in Auckland, the competition is one of a number of events annually that help link New Zealand and China through education and culture. Sports Skateboarding Congratulations to Gala Baumfield and Hunter Lander Smith. Both competed at the College Sport Wellington Skateboarding Championships on Wednesday 11 September. Gala gained 1st place in the Senior Girls and Hunter got 1st in the Senior Boys and won Best Trick. Well done to you both. Sports Prizegiving Our annual WHS Sports Prizegiving is on Tuesday 22 October at 11am in the Riley Centre. All students who have played sport for the school are expected to be present. Parents are also welcome to attend, so please include this in your diary, and we look forward to seeing you all. Careers Driver Education student focus group: Three groups of WHS students have been providing feedback on the development of resources and the above website throughout 2019. The website provides … great resources and advice about practising for your Learners Licence advice and guidance about moving to your Restricted Licence suggestions about gaining your Full Licence Resources are varied and many are interactive and can monitor a student’s progress. Women in Trades seminar This was a great opportunity for anyone interested to come and chat, meet, ask questions from a fantastic group of young women who have chosen careers in the trades. Our visitors were very keen to share their stories: A first year building apprentice just out of school for 10 months after finishing school at the end of Year 12 An apprentice studying for her Level 4 Certificate to become a fully qualified Electrician. With her boss away, she is in charge of the team organising jobs and managing staff A Plumbing and Gasfitting and Drainlaying apprentice of three years who has just bought her first home with her partner. She is hoping to set up her own “all girl” business in the future. A Navy service woman of 13 years in the Hospitality trade as a Steward currently working as an Armed Forces recruiter. We hope to repeat this seminar opportunity next year.
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- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
University students support climate strike
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Hundreds of students and staff supported the School Strike for Climate, marching from the Kelburn campus to support tens of thousands of protesters converging on Parliament.
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- kelburn
Kelburn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
St Andrew’s on The Terrace joins Climate Change March
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- Hello Everyone, I see Greta Sundberg has been getting some flack from world leaders for her spirited challenge at theRead More
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- crossways
- religious-groups
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Principal’s Message – end of Term 3
- Wellington High School
- Principal’s Message – end of Term 3 It is often said that “it takes a village to raise a child” and this term has highlighted to me the strength in collaboration.
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- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Radiographers to take strike action
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Medical Imaging Technologists (MITs) – often known as ‘radiographers’ – who are members of the APEX union are undertaking two 24-hour strike actions.
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- hospital
- scraper-required
Eco-visionary architect reimagines the line between buildings and nature
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington is helping New Zealanders think afresh about the line between buildings and nature with the public lecture ‘Imagine! The city as a living biome’ by eco-visionary Austrian architect Professor Klaus Klaas Loenhart.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Wellington Ocean Sports September Update
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- Wellington Ocean Sports is ramping up for summer Daylight savings marks a shift in focus for Wellington Ocean Sports.
- Accepted from RPNYC feed 2019 by feedreader
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- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
How to have quality freshwater and plenty of it
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Dr Julia Talbot-Jones from Victoria University of Wellington's School of Government argues against piecemeal measures to improve our rivers and waterways.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Ōtaki River Annual Walkover celebrates milestone anniversaries
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Over 160 people turned out to the Ōtaki River Annual Walkover on September 25 to learn about and celebrate the work going on to enhance and protect the area.
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- regional-council
Education student wins Woolf Fisher Scholarship to study at Cambridge University
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington Master of Education student Taylor Hughson has been awarded a Woolf Fisher Scholarship to complete a PhD in Education.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
The most comprehensive, affordable training opportunities ever!
- Port Nicholson Poneke Cycling Club
- This season’s training offering for Wellington cyclists is the most comprehensive ever with coaches on hand for 13 different sessions a week for all ages and abilities covering endurance, sprinting and bunch racing – there are even women’s specific sessions.
- Accepted from Port Nicholson Poneke Cycling Club news 2020 by feedreader
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- cycling
Inspiring young people to change the world
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Since she was very little, Raven Maeder would enthusiastically join her environmentally-minded parents at marches and other activist events they’d organised in her home town of Nelson.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Chris Swallow Honoured at Regional Ki o Rahi Tournament
- College Sport Wellington
- Mana College won two of the three titles at this week’s College Sport Wellington Regional Ki o Rahi tournament and the winning Mana College and runners-up Tawa College Mixed teams both qualified for next year’s NZSS tournament in Northland.
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- northland
- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Gold that Remains
- The Learning Connexion
- Kath Wood, who studied at The Learning Connexion after receiving an Oriel Hoskin Scholarship, was awarded at Auckland’s Upstairs Gallery Emerging Artist Awards recently.
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- art
- education
The Learning Connexion, Eastern Hutt Road, Pomare, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, 5011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Ara Kawau – the story of ZEALANDIA’s electric boat
- Zealandia
- Ara Kawau, ZEALANDIA’s electric boat, is a familiar sight, plying the waters of the Lower Lake. But did you know that our boat has an interesting back-story as well? Ara Kawau is a Duffy ...
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- karori-sanctuary
- electric-vehicles
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
“Little Amsterdam of the South Pacific”
- Eye of the Fish
- Last night I went along to the public meeting to meet some candidates for the upcoming election, labelled “Talking Transport”.
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- architecture
- blogs
A perfect day for the Masters 2 team at the North Island Series
- Kapiti Cycling Club
- A Perfect Day The Lou Reed song ‘A Perfect Day’ sums up the first outing of the Masters 2 Kapiti Cycling Club teams race of the North Island Cycle Team Series.
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- kapiti
WRC Masters have great success at Masters Nationals in Twizel
- Wellington Rowing Club
- WRC Masters came away with a large medal haul at Masters Nationals in Twizel. Final count was 4 Gold, 3 Silver and 6th Bronze. Everyone was delighted with their medals, with WRC finishing 6th out of 33 Clubs attending based on points. Our Masters have certainly stepped it up a notch!
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- rowing
- wcn-hosted
- waterfront
The Boatshed, Odlins Plaza, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Environment fund pays off
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Eight local Enviroschools working to restore wetland areas and create lizard gardens showcased their work at an ‘Enviroschools Porirua Living Landscapes Student Celebration’ on Tuesday, September 24.
- Accepted from GW media releases 2019 by feedreader
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Measles update from Regional Public Health
- Wellington High School
- Update for WHS from Regional Public Health Thank you to all the staff, students and parents at WHS; in particular those in the specified year 12 classes.
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- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The story of Zealandia is told by its founder
- Wellington City Council
- Two decades ago, construction began on a fence around a piece of Wellington bush which even its backers weren’t entirely sure would work.
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- karori-sanctuary
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Porirua Annual Report shows city continues to gear up for the future
- Porirua City Council
- Change is the stand out issue in our latest Annual Report
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Depression: it’s a word we use a lot, but what exactly is it?
- Victoria University of Wellington
- PhD student Samuel Clack and Professor Tony Ward from Victoria University of Wellington's School of Psychology propose a new way to understand a serious mental disorder that manifests itself in many different ways.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Preview: Show Me Shorts 2019 Programme Announced!
- The Wellingtonista
- With its largest ever programme, the Show Me Shorts Film Festival opens at cinemas across Aotearoa from the 5th of October.
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- blogs
- featured
Q&A With Golf Champion Darae Chung
- College Sport Wellington
- Darae Chung from Chilton Saint James School is one of New Zealand’s leading age group golfers having recently won the New Zealand Age Group Championships at Millbrook Resort, Arrowtown.
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- secondary
- sport
How tax rates should be changed to improve social welfare
- Victoria University of Wellington
- The tax reform that would increase social welfare the most is reducing one of the two lowest tax rates, funded by increasing the highest, write Professor John Creedy and Professor Norman Gemmell from Victoria University of Wellington's School of Accounting and Commercial Law and Dr Nicolas Herault from the University of Melbourne.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Procurement’s role in climate change
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Governments can lever change through their purchasing choices, writes Dr Barbara Allen, a Senior Lecturer in Public Management in Victoria University of Wellington's School of Government.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
The Voice of Compassion Issue 48
- Sisters of Compassion
- Celebrating Suzanne Aubert's birthday, living with compassion, a message of gratitude, climate change... The post The Voice of Compassion Issue 48 appeared first on Compassion.
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- island-bay
- religious-groups
Nah Yeah Buoy success for Victoria University of Wellington Design students
- Victoria University of Wellington
- School of Design students Hannah Tilsley and Chamonix Stuart have been named runners-up in the prestigious 2019 New Zealand James Dyson Award for a water safety system designed to prevent drownings due to rip currents.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Make your vote count
- Porirua City Council
- It's time to vote! Here's what you need to know.
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- government
- porirua
Thank you Hutt City Council
- Faultline Chorus
- Faultline Chorus would like to thank Hutt City Council Community Arts & Cultural Funding for the support given to the chorus.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- performing-arts
- wcn-hosted
Vote for healthy streets!
- Island Bay Healthy Streets
- Here's the results of the Island Bay Healthy Streets 2019 Wellington local body election survey.
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- island-bay
Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Valuable Indonesian education partnership signed
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Universitas Negeri Jakarta (UNJ) to collaborate on the development of a Centre of Excellence in Teaching for the Future.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Changed location for Meet the Candidates
- Churton Park Community Association
- The location of the meting to be held on Tuesday 24 September is now the Johnsonville Bowling Club, Frankmoore Ave Johnsonville at 7.00 pm
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- johnsonville
Wellington City Council voting campaign ramps up across the city
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council has launched a voting campaign to encourage residents to vote in the upcoming local body elections – happening Saturday 12 October.
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- wellington-city-council
Greater Wellington apologises for incorrect Te Reo Māori translation
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Throughout the election period Greater Wellington Regional Council has been running an ‘Enrol, Stand, Vote’ campaign to encourage communities to have their say on local politics.
- Accepted from GW media releases 2019 by feedreader
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- regional-council
Order your school photos
- Kilbirnie School
- School photos can now be seen and ordered online on https://www.
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- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Measles alert for 16 September
- Metlink
- A person with measles travelled on a Hutt Valley train and a Wellington bus on Monday, September 16.
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- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Suzanne Aubert News Issue 9
- Sisters of Compassion
- As New Zealand takes pride in the great strides it is making as a welcoming and tolerant community, we need to acknowledge the great example set by Venerable Suzanne Aubert... The post Suzanne Aubert News Issue 9 appeared first on Compassion.
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- island-bay
- religious-groups
Suzanne Aubert News Issue 9
- Sisters of Compassion
- As New Zealand takes pride in the great strides it is making as a welcoming and tolerant community, we need to acknowledge the great example set by Venerable Suzanne Aubert... The post Suzanne Aubert News Issue 9 appeared first on Compassion.
- Accepted from Sisters of compassion news 2019 by feedreader
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- island-bay
- religious-groups
Council disappointed with wildly inaccurate reports on rates
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Greater Wellington Regional Council Chair Chris Laidlaw today expressed his disappointment with wildly inaccurate reports of a 15 per cent rate hike for 2020/21.
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- regional-council
Talking Transport: North, West and Centre
- Talk Wellington
- Transport makes or breaks cities.
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- blogs
Newsletter Week Ending 22 September
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Daylight Savings As shown above, we are having a fifth Sunday combined service this Sunday 29 September.
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- karori
- wcn-hosted
- anglican
CAPITAL FUTSAL | Meirelles names an extended squad for 2019 Men's Futsal SuperLeague
- Capital Football
- With the New Zealand Futsal Men's SuperLeague kicking of for some of the nation last weekend, Capital Futsal...
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- soccer
Butler and Fellows included in New Zealand Indoor Cricket men’s squad
- Cricket Wellington
- Story: Ahmad Khawaja Wellington duo Kieran Butler and Bryce Fellows have been selected in the New Zealand Men’s Indoor Cricket team to tour Singapore and India for separate bilateral series’ in April 2020.
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- cricket
Registrations Open for U13 Girls Rep Programme
- Cricket Wellington
- Cricket Wellington is pleased to announce that registrations for our U13 Girls representative programme are now open.
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- cricket
Te Ruru project: She’s back on the water…
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- Te Ruru returned to the water on opening day.
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- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Result: Perston Baton Relay
- Olympic Harriers
- This year we had six teams of five (2andtimes;1 lap, 2andtimes;2 laps and 1andti...
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- athletics
North Island Series. Race One 2019
- Kapiti Cycling Club
- North Island Masters Team Race Series Race One – 22nd September 2019.
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- kapiti
- cycling
The View from Pania
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- As Caniwi (Te Ruru) was not due to be ready for Opening Day, EBYMBC kindly lent us Pania, who was crewed by Neil (aka Pugwash) and James to be our support boat for the race. Below is a link to the photos taken from Pania. Race start
- Accepted from RPNYC feed 2019 by feedreader
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- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Photos from Opening Day 2019
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- The first race of the 137th season and the 2019-20 inter-club series saw 40 boats out on the water experiencing unusually light conditions for an opening day race. Loco sailed exceptionally well in the flukey, light winds to win on handicap and take out the Opening Day trophy.
- Accepted from RPNYC feed 2019 by feedreader
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- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
3G Goats Gone Grazing #5
- Old Boys - University Rugby Club
- Jimmy Gopperth Jimmy played for OBU until 2008 when he headed over to the UK to play for the Newcastle Falcons.
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- rugby
Election Flyer 2019
- Sarah Free
- Other Policies: Shelly Bay- Shelly Bay needs a rethink. I believe the scale and intensity of the proposed development is too great for the site, especially given the revised (upwards) estimates of traffic movements.
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- people
Confirmed case of measles — Urgent notice from Regional Public Health
- Wellington High School
- This is a copy of the email sent to all families on Sunday 22 September.
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- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Concert: 13th October in Island Bay
- Wellington Comic Opera
- We will be performing a lively programme of light operatic, contemporary and Gilbert & Sullivan pieces on Sunday 13th October 2019, at the Island Bay Presbyterian Church. The concert will start at 2pm, and tickets will be sold on the door. Adult tickets will cost $15, and admission for under-15s will be free. We look … Continue reading "Concert: 13th October in Island Bay"
- Accepted from Wellington Comic Opera feed by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- island-bay
Island Bay Presbyterian Church, 88, The Parade, Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Credit Consultant’s Victoria 2-4-2 Pairs – Results
- Victoria Bowling Club
- Congratulations to Gary Lawson and James Pugh for taking out the title! Gary Lawson’s sixth victory here! While Scotty McGavin and Robbie Bennett started off well, going ahead 5-3 after 5 ends, the class of Gary Lawson and Jimmy Pugh shone through, winning with an end to spare.
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- art
- law
Victoria Bowling Club, Rixon Grove, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Pre-Jamboree Camp
- Brooklyn Scout group
- Our ‘Pre-Jamboree’ settling in camp went very smoothly.
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- brooklyn
- scouts
Scout Hall, Harrison Street, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Review: Peggy Pickit Sees the Face of God
- The Wellingtonista
- Liz and Frank have spent the past few years achieving the sort of anaemic existence that passed for middle-class success for my parents’ generation.
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- blogs
- featured
The water is coming. What should we do?
- Talk Wellington
- Coming down from the sky, and up from the oceans: lots more of it, soon, and forever after.
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- blogs
125th Anniversary Book Launch
- Waterside Karori
- We have a new date to save for the WKAFC Book Launch.It is Saturday Nov 23rd. It is from 5-7pm at the Backbencher Bar (Upstairs). Use Kate Sheppard Place entrance.There is a Phoenix game that night at 7pm to attend, or stay on at the Backbencher.
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- soccer
- karori
125th Anniversary Book Launch
- Waterside Karori
- We have a new date to save for the WKAFC Book Launch.It is Saturday Nov 23rd. It is from 5-7pm at the Backbencher Bar (Upstairs). Use Kate Sheppard Place entrance.There is a Phoenix game that night at 7pm to attend, or stay on at the Backbencher.
- Accepted from Waterside Karori by feedreader
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- soccer
- karori
Greater Wellington looking forward to working with appellants on Proposed Natural Resources Plan
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Greater Wellington Regional Council received 29 appeals by 5pm on 18 September on its Proposed Natural Resources Plan and will now work with the Environment Court and appellants to address the points raised.
- Accepted from GW media releases 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- regional-council
Local government voting period underway
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- The voting period for the 2019 local government elections is officially underway and Greater Wellington Regional Council is encouraging people to help shape our region’s future by voting.
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- regional-council
Hataitai Swimming Club
- Hataitai Community Website
- Accepted from Hataitai Community website posts by feedreader
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- hataitai
Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Seniors Week - Mon 14 Oct
- Hataitai Community Website
- This year for Seniors Week the former Hataitai Bowling Club is running a ‘Give it a Go” Bowls, Petanque and Croquet event. Soup & Slice and Tea & Coffee by Gold Coin Koha. Monday 14 October 11am - 1pm 157 Hataitai Road Former Hataitai Bowling Club For more information contact Frances at
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- hataitai
Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Meet the Candidates - 29 September
- Hataitai Community Website
- Meet your local Eastern Ward and Mayoral candidates and understand more about what they stand for.
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- hataitai
Many religions, one people – this week’s newsletter
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- Hello everyone This week, marking the 6-month anniversary of the Christchurch event, the National Statement on Religious Diversity in AotearoaRead More
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- crossways
- religious-groups
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Weekly Wrap Up (Term 3, Week 9)
- Wellington High School
- Important Dates 23 September: Board of Trustees meeting 6pm 24 September: Music Evening (see below) 27 September: Final Senior course choices due for 2020 (Y10—Y12); End of Term 3 14 October: Start of Term 4 Important Information Gateway 2020 Gateway has been set up to provide structured workplace learning for Year 12 – 13 students and is funded by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC).
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- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Chairs Report September
- Porirua Chamber of Commerce
- The decisions made between 2019 and 2022 by our Mayor and Council will set the scene for the next decade’s worth of development, and beyond. In 2020, Transmission…
- Accepted from Porirua chamber news 2020 by feedreader
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- business
Liveable streets: good change stings for some, and then it’s great
- Talk Wellington
- It was one of the UK’s most controversial liveable street retrofit initiatives (and they’ve had some biggies).
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- blogs
Transparency in campaign donations
- Councillor Jenny Condie
- I welcome Justin Lester's announcement today that he will be joining me in releasing details of his campaign donations prior to the...
- Accepted from Jenny Condie news by tonytw1
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- election-candidates
Orange Day - Kilbirnie School's awesome banner!
- Kilbirnie School
- Check out the amazing work done by the Year 6 students on the school's banner for the Orange Day parade. Kilbirnie School won the banner competition for the first time ever!
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- Tagged as:
- kilbirnie
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Karori Sanctuary Trust Annual General Meeting
- Zealandia
- Sunday 13 October 2019, 1.30pm Notice of AGM To help us with planning and logistics for the AGM, please let us know if you plan to attend clicking RSVP below as well as to ...
- Accepted from Zealandia HTTPS by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- karori
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
To Tunnel? or Not Two Tunnel?
- Eye of the Fish
- That IS the question alright, being asked all over Wellington as we near the time for an election.
- Accepted from Eye of the Fish feed by tonytw1
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- architecture
- blogs
School of Engineering and Computer Science turns 10
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington's School of Engineering and Computer Science is celebrating its 10th anniversary.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
How the left and right misunderstand each other
- Councillor Jenny Condie
- Unions Wellington sent me a survey a few weeks ago, asking my views on a range of issues relevant to their members. Many organisations do...
- Accepted from Jenny Condie news by tonytw1
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- election-candidates
Going backwards to move ford – Jayden Ford (Silverstream)
- College Sport Wellington
- Jayden Ford (Silverstream) pictured left at the APGC Junior Championship in Japan.
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- secondary
- sport
The birds are back in town
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington’s wildlife continues to thrive as a result of sustained predator control efforts across the cities reserves and backyards.
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- wellington-city-council
Another path to energy efficiency
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Jamie Rishworth, a research assistant in Victoria University of Wellington's School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences, reports on the Achieving Net Zero International Conference co-hosted by the University and the University of Oxford.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Track and Field Helpers
- Athletics Wellington
- We need people to register as helpers for our 2019/20 track and field programme at Newtown Park.
- Accepted from Athletics Wellington 2019 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- newtown-park
Newtown Park, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Findings from Eastern Suburbs bus network review now available
- Metlink
- Findings from the Eastern suburbs bus network review community sessions were tabled at Greater Wellington Regional Council’s Sustainable Transport Committee today.
- Accepted from Metlink news by feedreader
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- transport
Zone Campfire 2019
- Ngati toa Sea Scouts
- This was a great event in perfect conditions.
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- Automatically tagged as:
- scouts
- porirua
- wcn-hosted
- boating
- paremata
Ngati Toa Scout Group, Parade Ground, Mana, Paremata, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
St. Barnabas Church Bulletin September 2019
- Roseneath Residents Association
- Keep up to date with the news and happenings from St. Barnabas Church and find out what’s going on this September.
- Accepted from News - Roseneath Wellington by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- community-groups
- roseneath
- wcn-hosted
Roseneath, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Mangatainoka trip and workshop
- Hutt Valley Angling Club
- Last weekend a number of club members ventured on the the Mangatainoka river as part of a club trip which included a workshop with Johnny...
- Accepted from Hutt Valley Angling Club blog by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- hutt-valley
- sport
Draws Bowls3Five and Junior (1-10yrs) Pairs
- Tawa Bowling Club
- Draws Bowls3Five and Junior (1-10yrs) Pairs Lynda Tue, 17 Sep 2019 - 02:54
- Accepted from Bowls Tawa news by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- bowling
- tawa
What we do in the shadows
- Island Bay Healthy Streets
- Sometimes it seems that council candidates will say just about anything to get elected.
- Accepted from IHS blog by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- island-bay
- island-bay-cycle-way
- lobby-groups
Indoor Bowls vs Johnsonville
- Victoria Bowling Club
- On Wednesday 18 September at 6PM we have an indoor bowls competition with a few of our teams from the Thursday night social winter league going up against teams from the Johnsonville club. Come along to watch and support us taking on Johnsonville, then the following week we will compete at the Johnsonville club.
- Accepted from Victoria Bowling Club feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- johnsonville
Victoria Bowling Club, Rixon Grove, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Vascular service makes appointments more convenient and greener
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Better use of technology is making hospital appointments more convenient for hundreds of patients and helping to reduce carbon emissions.
- Accepted from Capital Coast Health Feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- hospital
- scraper-required
University receives $24m for ground-breaking research
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Tackling inequality and poverty by understanding New Zealanders’ long-term income mobility is one of eight Victoria University of Wellington-led research projects to receive a total of $24 million from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) Endeavour Fund.
- Accepted from VUW News feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- kelburn
- victoria-university
Interprovincials Registrations NOW OPEN
- Athletics Wellington
- Registrations of interest are currently open for both the Grade 12/13 Interprovincials in Auckland over Easter 2020, and the 14-18 Interprovincial championships to be held in Hamilton on 25 January 2020. If you would like to register, please follow the links below. 12/13 Interprovincials 14-18 Interprovincials
- Accepted from Athletics Wellington 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- athletics
Petone FC Seal Promotion With Second Leg Heroics
- Capital Football
- Petone FC have stormed into the 2020 Ultra Football Men’s Central League with a 4-1 win over Central Football...
- Accepted from Capital Football news 2020 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- soccer
Mark O'Connor - New Bowls NZ President
- Bowls Wellington
- We are delighted to announce that Mark O'Connor, Bowls Wellington Chair, has been elected as the new Bowls NZ President.
- Accepted from Bowls Wellington feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- wellington
Mark O'Connor - New Bowls NZ President
- Bowls Wellington
- We are delighted to announce that Mark O'Connor, Bowls Wellington Chair, has been elected as the new Bowls NZ President.
- Accepted from Bowls Wellington feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- bowling
OJFC tournament success
- Onslow Junior Soccer Club
- Another great weekend for OJFC at Tournaments in Island Bay and Masterton.
- Accepted from Onslow Junior Soccer Club feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- island-bay
Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
2018-19 Annual Report released
- Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park
- Permalink
- Accepted from Makara peak latest news by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- cycling
- makara
- mountain-biking
Makara Peak Summit Viewing Deck, Ridgeline, Karori West, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Northern Men Take Premier 2 Championship For Second Year
- Northern United Hockey Club
- <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Photo by Lewis Bishop The Northern Men’s team have completed a double, winning their Premier 2 grade for the second year running. In a repeat of last years’ final, they met a strong Tawa Titans team, who were looking to complete their commanding season and push for promotion to the top tier competition. Northern’s ‘Honey Badgers’ had met Tawa five times already this season. During regular-season games, they had come out worse off, but in both the two previous finals matches - in the grading round final and the first semifinal, Northern had held the Titans to a draw, before besting them in penalty shoot-outs. It was after that penalty shoot-out win in the semi-finals that Northern went straight through to the grand final, while Tawa had to fight Hutt United in a second semi. The Northern boys, however, had a free weekend after their friendly match was cancelled. Northern went into the match looking like the underdogs, but went 1-nil up early after a mis-timed strike from player-coach Nathan Croad found the back of the net. The Titans had to wait until the second half to reply, taking the score to 1-1, and looking like the teams would be going to shoot-out for a third time. However, a goal from youngster and Capital rep, Samuel Bishop, put the ball away to bring the Badgers back into the lead. While Tawa’s attack was fierce, and keeper Sam French was called upon to make several saves throughout the game, as the clock counted down, the match felt firmly within Northern control. The Northern team continued to push for the entire 70 minutes, with midfielder Olly Wright chasing down a ball hit out of the Northern defensive 25, to take it into the Tawa circle. While Northern wasn’t able to capitalise off Wright’s attack, 2-1 was how the match ended, with the Northern United boys claiming the championship for the second year running.
- Accepted from Northern United Hockey Club news by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- tawa
- dogs
- mma
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Where are all the kererū?
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Last year the fan-favourite Kererū swooped in and claimed Bird of the Year 2018, but now it seems the native birds are nowhere to be seen.
- Accepted from GW media releases 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- regional-council
Predator Free Wellington - ZEALANDIA’s halo effect and what you can do to help
- Zealandia
- It’s quiet…too quiet. When Captain Cook first anchored off New Zealand, the dawn chorus was described as “deafening”. Where did the birds go? Why aren’t there kōkako in Karori? Hihi in ...
- Accepted from Zealandia HTTPS by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- karori
- karori-sanctuary
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
All Hands on Deck. Wellington Sculpture Trust and City Gallery Wellington present Ronnie van Hout’s Quasi
- City Gallery
- Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No—it’s a giant hybrid face-hand.
- Accepted from City Gallery blog feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- museums-and-galleries
Wellington City Gallery, Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Congratulations Sue Way!!
- Bowls Wellington
- Congratulations to Sue Way who has been named NZ Umpire of the Year at the annual Bowls NZ Awards held on Friday 13th September.
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- bowling
Congratulations Sue Way!!
- Bowls Wellington
- Congratulations to Sue Way who has been named NZ Umpire of the Year at the annual Bowls NZ Awards held on Friday 13th September.
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- Automatically tagged as:
- bowling
Tākapu at The Nest Te Kōhanga
- Wellington Zoo
- A Tākapu (Australasian Gannet) is currently receiving expert care from veterinary staff at The Nest Te Kōhanga, the Zoo’s native wildlife and animal hospital.
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- zoo
Wellington Zoological Gardens, Melrose Crescent, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
- Black Coffee
- New space age painting exhibition by Adam Neverman. On a sizemic scale you can almost jump into these moons. Acrylics and mixed media.
- Accepted from Black Coffee exhibitions by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- cafes
- newtown
- exhibitions
Black coffee, Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
News: Toby Gualter completes winter trifecta
- Olympic Harriers
- Toby won the MU20 road running champs title in Auckland today, completing the wi...
- Accepted from Olympic Harriers news feed by feedreader
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- athletics
Result: New Zealand Road Championships
- Olympic Harriers
- Well done to our club members who competed in the NZ road champs in Auckland - p...
- Accepted from Olympic Harriers news feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- athletics
Signs auction at the AGM
- Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park
- We’ll also be auctioning off some old signs at the AGM this week to raise money for the new skills park.
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- Automatically tagged as:
- cycling
- makara
- mountain-biking
Makara Peak Summit Viewing Deck, Ridgeline, Karori West, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Notice of the 2019 Annual General Meeting
- Newtown Residents' Association
- The Newtown Residents’ Association Annual General Meeting will be on Monday 16th September 2019 7.
- Accepted from NRA news by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Vosseler Shield 2019
- Hutt Valley Harriers
- 1.
- Accepted from HVH 2020 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- vosseler
Alexandra Road, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Vosseler Shield 2019
- Hutt Valley Harriers
- 1.
- Accepted from HVH news by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- vosseler
Alexandra Road, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
3G Goats Gone Grazing #4
- Old Boys - University Rugby Club
- Jimmy Gopperth Jimmy played for OBU until 2008 when he headed over to the UK to play for the Newcastle Falcons.
- Accepted from OBU feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- rugby
Hometown comes 7th
- Harbour Capital Chorus
- This past weekend at the Barbershop Harmony New Zealand national convention held in Christchurch, chapter quartet Hometown made the finals, coming 7th out of a field of 20 quartets from ...
- Accepted from Harbour Capital Chorus news by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- art
Steve and Pirates feature on Stuff
- Pirates Swim Team
- A body covered in ink: Wellington swim coach talks about the prints of a wild youth.
- Accepted from Pirates news by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- rates
- wellington
What about walking?
- Sarah Free
- Walking is the most fundamental and universal means of transport, but can get the least attention.
- Accepted from Sarah Free posts by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- people
Friday Night Fling to Celebrate Spring
- Hataitai Community Website
- Join us this Friday for a picnic on the Green complete with brazier, fairy lights and music BYO Food and Drinks Sausage sizzle, hot drinks, juice, marshmellows on sticks and icecreams available to purchase The Village Green, 157 Hataitai Road 5.
- Accepted from Hataitai Community website posts by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- hataitai
Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
NATIONAL WOMEN'S LEAGUE | Lawrence Leads Capital Into A New Era
- Capital Football
- The opening round of the 2019 National Women’s League is finally upon us and Natalie Lawrence is excited to...
- Accepted from Capital Football news 2020 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- soccer
Funding boost for Wellington’s earthquake prone buildings
- Wellington City Council
- Criteria and eligibility for a $1 million fund to help Wellington’s earthquake prone building owners has been approved by Wellington City Council.
- Accepted from WCC news HTTPS by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
Fine for illegal pollution discharge
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Wellington Water has been convicted and fined $67,500 for an illegal discharge of sewage sludge from the Porirua City Wastewater Treatment Plant.
- Accepted from GW media releases 2019 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Weekly Wrap Up (Term 3, Weeks 7 & 8)
- Wellington High School
- Important Dates 20 September: Learning Conversations day — students attend for their interview only 23 September: Board of Trustees meeting 27 September: Final Senior course choices due for 2020 (Y10—Y12); End of Term 3 Important Information MCAT reminder for MAT123 students doing 1.
- Accepted from WHS news by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- secondary
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Retirement – next exit – Weekly Newsletter for Friday 13 September.
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- Hello everyone, It may have been a surprise last Sunday to hear I’m retiring from 24 November. A little earlierRead More
- Accepted from St Andrews feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- crossways
- religious-groups
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Great Kererū Count 2019
- Wellington Zoo
- Join Kererū Discovery and Urban Wildlife Trust for the 2019 Great Kererū Count!
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- zoo
Wellington Zoological Gardens, Melrose Crescent, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington to have third new central city library
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington is to have a third new central city library, this time in the Harbour City Centre on Brandon Street.
- Accepted from WCC news HTTPS by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- central-library-closure
Wellington Central Library, Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
University sets out ambitious zero carbon plan
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington has today announced an ambitious plan to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030.
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- Automatically tagged as:
- kelburn
- victoria-university
New te reo name gifted for Wellington Botanic Garden precinct
- Wellington City Council
- A te reo name has been gifted for use in the precinct which includes Wellington Botanic Garden.
- Accepted from WCC news HTTPS by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- botanic-gardens
Wellington Botanic Garden, Salmont Place, Paekaka, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6145, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Have your say on the draft Resource Strategy for minerals and petroleum
- Low Carbon Kapiti
- Submissions close Friday 20 September at 5pm, so get in quick! Right now, our Government is consulting on its ten year plan for our petroleum and minerals sector.
- Accepted from Low Carbon Kapiti feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- consultation
Roderick Solo (Scots College) selected for NZ Secondary School Rugby Team
- College Sport Wellington
- Congratulations to Roderick Solo (Scots College) who has been named in the NZ Secondary School Rugby Team.
- Accepted from College Sport news HTTPS by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- secondary
- sport
Race management volunteers required
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- Opening day for the new season approaches and we need to build a new race management team for the coming year.
- Accepted from RPNYC feed 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Visualising the pain away: VR for childbirth
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington PhD student Lorna Massov is exploring a new frontier of pain relief for drug-free birthing.
- Accepted from VUW News feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- kelburn
- victoria-university
Wellington Secondary Schools Skateboard Champs – Results
- College Sport Wellington
- Congratulations to all of the competitors at the 2019 Wellington Secondary Schools Skateboard Competition, held on Wednesday 11 September at the Kilbirnie Rec Centre.
- Accepted from College Sport news HTTPS by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- kilbirnie
Kilbirnie, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Education units support future workforce
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Nursing students are receiving enhanced training and support through the latest Dedicated Education Units (DEUs) at Wellington Regional Hospital and the Mental Health, Addictions and Intellectual Disability Service (MHAIDS).
- Accepted from Capital Coast Health Feed by feedreader
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- hospital
- scraper-required
Martin Garcia announced as Wellington Olympic’s Director of Football
- Olympic Afc
- We are very excited to announce the return of Martin Garcia to Wellington Olympic as the Director of Football. Martin brings with him a level of experience at both senior, youth and junior coaching. Martin is also in the process of completing his OFC B Licence which is fantastic.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- soccer
Marsden Junior underwater hockey win National Title
- College Sport Wellington
- Marsden Junior UWH on top at the bottom of the pool Being two players short of a ‘full’ team hasn’t stopped Samuel Marsden Collegiate School winning the New Zealand Secondary School Junior Girls Underwater Hockey title.
- Accepted from College Sport news HTTPS by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- secondary
- sport
A helping hand on Wellington’s rail network
- Metlink
- Trainee Passenger Operator Phyllis Puia helps to guide Blind Foundation’s Chris Orr onto a Metlink train.
- Accepted from Metlink news by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- transport
Motorcycle awareness campaign targets riders and drivers
- Wellington City Council
- September is Motorcycle Awareness Month, so riders are being encouraged to brush up on their skills for the warmer months ahead – especially if they’ve been hibernating and not riding much during the winter.
- Accepted from WCC news HTTPS by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
Tītipounamu at home in ZEALANDIA
- Zealandia
- Conservation Week is coming up and what better time to check in on the tītipounamu (rifleman) which were introduced to ZEALANDIA ecosanctuary following a translocation from the Wainuiomata Mainland ...
- Accepted from Zealandia HTTPS by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- wainuiomata
- karori-sanctuary
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Secondary School Futsal – 2019 Term 4 Leagues
- College Sport Wellington
- Term 4 secondary school futsal competitions are now open. Register with your school’s sport coordinator now. Entries close Tuesday 15th October. 2019 CSW Futsal Handbook 2019 Futsal Playing Conditions (Term 4) 2019 CSW Futsal Calendar The post Secondary School Futsal – 2019 Term 4 Leagues appeared first on College Sport Wellington.
- Accepted from College Sport news HTTPS by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- secondary
- sport
Funding secured for two innovative new health roles
- Victoria University of Wellington
- A government funding boost announced this week means two new Mauri Ora-Student Health roles—health coach and health improvement pracitioner—will become permanent.
- Accepted from VUW News feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- kelburn
- victoria-university
Translation of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals into te reo Māori a world first
- Victoria University of Wellington
- The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are now available in te reo Māori, thanks to staff of Victoria University of Wellington.
- Accepted from VUW News feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- kelburn
- victoria-university
Restoring the Council Chamber
- Victoria University of Wellington
- "The University is committed to honouring our heritage and this restoration is another step in the ongoing Hunter building conservation programme," says chief operating officer Mark Loveard.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Connect with nature for Conservation Week’s 50th Anniversary
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- For Conservation Week, locals can learn about volunteering to help protect and enhance our environment.
- Accepted from GW media releases 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- regional-council
A helping hand on Wellington’s rail network
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Trainee Passenger Operator Phyllis Puia helps to guide Blind Foundation’s Chris Orr onto a Metlink train.
- Accepted from GW media releases 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- regional-council
Result: Kinloch Off Road Challenge
- Olympic Harriers
- A number of club members travelled north to compete in the Kinloch Off Road Chal...
- Accepted from Olympic Harriers news feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- athletics
Remembering Roger Blackley
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington and the wider art history community suffered a tremendous loss this year with the passing of Associate Professor Roger Blackley—but his memory lives on.
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- Automatically tagged as:
- kelburn
- victoria-university
A global perspective
- Victoria University of Wellington
- As a teenager in the 1990s, alumna Anna Fifield watched news reports of conflicts in Rwanda and the Balkans, sparking an interest in journalism and a future as a foreign correspondent.
- Accepted from VUW News feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- kelburn
- victoria-university
Make believe with Weta Workshop
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Have you ever wanted to bring your imaginary world to life? Perhaps make that relic look as if it were found in the caverns of a fearsome creature’s lair, or give that toy laser gun scars from an intergalactic battle?
- Accepted from VUW News feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- kelburn
- victoria-university
Boosting education leadership
- Victoria University of Wellington
- A joint initiative between Victoria University of Wellington and its commercialisation office Viclink is helping teachers from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia drive change in their education system.
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- Automatically tagged as:
- kelburn
- victoria-university
Bridging time and space
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Nestled at the heart of the Kelburn campus, Adam Art Gallery Te Pātaka Toi has a storied history—and this year it celebrates 20 years of groundbreaking exhibitions.
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- Tagged as:
- kelburn
Kelburn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Creating Great Futures
- Victoria University of Wellington
- A number of new scholarships have been established since the launch of Great Futures, the University’s philanthropic scholarship programme.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Many hands make light work
- Victoria University of Wellington
- With many people finding it increasingly challenging to enter New Zealand’s housing market, some Kiwis are taking matters into their own hands.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Protecting our plants
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Tongariro National Park is not just centrally located—it's a central part of New Zealand culture.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Recipe for planets
- Victoria University of Wellington
- It’s not every day that clues about the origin of our solar system fall from the sky, but one Victoria University of Wellington researcher has found just that—in a meteorite that collided with Earth 50 years ago.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Bold plans to tackle the University’s carbon footprint
- Victoria University of Wellington
- The University is developing a plan to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2030—the first New Zealand university to plan for such an ambitious target.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
A resilient student community
- Victoria University of Wellington
- It’s no secret that New Zealand is currently facing a mental health crisis, and our rangatahi (young people) are often the most at risk.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Robinson’s space odyssey
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Like many other people his age, Victoria University of Wellington’s Dr Nick Long can remember as a child watching black and white television coverage of astronauts walking on the moon. Now, on the fiftieth anniversary of the first lunar landing, he is leading a branch of New Zealand’s nascent space industry.
- Accepted from VUW News feed by feedreader
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Out of our depth
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Dr Mike Joy believes the key to improving New Zealand’s waterways and natural environment is the power of the people. “My message at my public talks is, ‘Your rent for living on this planet is activism’. It’s become clear that if government changes anything, it’s when people push for change,” he says.
- Accepted from VUW News feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- kelburn
- victoria-university
A sweet solution
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Hailed for its medicinal, antibacterial qualities, mānuka honey is so coveted that jars of the pricey product are often kept under lock and key in shops to prevent shoplifting.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
The inbetweeners
- Victoria University of Wellington
- If we’re going to address the big issues affecting our planet, Associate Professor Rebecca Priestley says we need to look beyond science.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Redevelopment progress at Katherine Mansfield House & Garden
- Katherine Mansfield House
- We are almost halfway through our planned time closed for reinterpretation at Katherine Mansfield House & Garden. As with any building work, we have experienced our fair share of delays and complications. However, we can update you on progress concerning: o Weatherboards o Roofing o Exterior Painting
- Accepted from KMH Blog by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- heritage-buildings
- museums-and-galleries
- thorndon
Katherine Mansfield House and Garden, 25, Tinakori Road, Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Te Ruru project: week three update
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- We’ve had good news and bad news this week.
- Accepted from RPNYC feed 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Let’s Get Welly Riding Vision
- Talk Wellington
- Riding e-bikes and scooters is often the most affordable and quickest way to get around Wellington, but the infrastructure has been lagging the growth of these new vehicles.
- Accepted from Talk Wellington posts by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- e-scooters
Family Rivalry
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- Tim: I wasn't aware of any rivalries. I'm clearly the best. Claire: Well I think that you and Malcolm were at your top competitive game at different times so there didn't really seem a need ...
- Accepted from Wellington Scottish Athletics news by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- athletics
Spring into action for Greater Welly Bike Fest
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Locals are gearing up to spring into action for the upcoming Kia Eke Paihikara Tātou Greater Welly Bike Fest which will see events take place across the rohe (region) throughout October.
- Accepted from GW media releases 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- regional-council
Ki ngā tīpuna Māori he mea raranga ngā kōrero tātai arorangi ki ngā āhuatanga katoa o te ao
- MuseumsWellington
- The post Ki ngā tīpuna Māori he mea raranga ngā kōrero tātai arorangi ki ngā āhuatanga katoa o te ao appeared first on Museums Wellington.
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- museums-and-galleries
Victoria University of Wellington announces Emerging Māori Writer’s Residency
- Victoria University of Wellington
- To mark Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Victoria University of Wellington’s International Institute of Modern Letters (IIML) is delighted to announce the inaugural Emerging Māori Writer’s Residency for 2020.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Results Saunders races
- Hutt Valley Harriers
- On Saturday 31 August 2019 the usual small number of member’s from Hutt Valley Harriers lined up on the Petone Foreshore for the 2019 Saunders Cup.
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- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Results Saunders races
- Hutt Valley Harriers
- On Saturday 31 August 2019 the usual small number of member’s from Hutt Valley Harriers lined up on the Petone Foreshore for the 2019 Saunders Cup.
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- hutt-valley
- petone
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Sick kids drive super cool cars to surgery!
- Wellington Health Foundation
- Having an operation can be very scary, even for the bravest among us! To help make the experience a lot loss less frightening and overwhelming for our wee patients, the Foundation recently funded a fleet of five super cool electric cars for children to travel to theatres in, at both Wellington and Kenepuru Hospitals.
- Accepted from WHF feed by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- electric-vehicles
Closing early this Friday
- Porirua City Council
- Council's Customer Services desk will be closing early this Friday (13 September).
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- government
- porirua
What on earth is happening this Conservation Week | Te Wiki Tiaki Ao Tūroa
- Wellington City Council
- Show the earth some aroha this Conservation Week | Te Wiki Tiaki Ao Tūroa with events, activities, and workshops happening all over the city.
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- wellington-city-council
Tennent Brown Architects plant 200 trees
- Manawa Karioi Ecological Restoration Project
- Caitlyn from Tennent Brown Architects got in touch with us to organise a tree planting session to offset their emissions for the financial year of 2018-19.
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- conservation
- island-bay
Te Ahi Ka - Loop Track, Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Scottish Weekly News 9 September 2019
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- Options for the week Tuesday 6.15pm. Tuesday Night Session, Outside Freyberg Pool - contact Andy and Rowan for info, or check Facebook. Thursday 5.30pm. Thursday night run ...
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- athletics
Navigating cultural differences in a global business world
- Victoria University of Wellington
- In an increasingly globally integrated business world, it is now widely accepted that cultural intelligence (CQ) is as essential as general and emotional intelligence writes Dr Revti Raman from the School of Marketing and International Business.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori
- MuseumsWellington
- The post Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori appeared first on Museums Wellington.
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- museums-and-galleries
Wellington Community Trust ‘Boost Fund’ – Expression of Interest
- Wellington Community Fund
- WCT is delighted to offer the Boost Fund for the first time.
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- community-groups
Wellington Community Trust ‘Boost Fund’ – Expression of Interest
- Wellington Community Fund
- WCT is delighted to offer the Boost Fund for the first time.
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- community-groups
Announcing Wellington’s best new good food businesses
- Wellington City Council
- The Sustainable Business Network and Wellington City Council are excited to announce the four winners of the 2019 Wellington Good Food Boost programme.
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- wellington-city-council
- Hutt Valley Harriers
- Notice of AGMThe Annual General Meeting will be held at the clubrooms on Saturday 28 September at 1.45pm
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- athletics
- hutt-valley
- wcn-hosted
Road patrol parade is street smart
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington primary schools will hit the streets to celebrate road safety in the annual Orange Day Parade this Friday.
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- wellington-city-council
Kelston BHS win the Hurricanes U15 boys Rugby Tournament
- College Sport Wellington
- Congratulations to Kelston Boys’ High School who beat St Peter’s College (Auckland) in the final of the Hurricanes U15 boys rugby tournament.
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- secondary
- sport
Lizarding and cockroaching around the city … Say what?
- Talk Wellington
- Eye of the Fish looks at the way we move and congregate in urban spaces… We’ve always been interested in the way people congregate in the human world.
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- blogs
Council joint venture could build suburban apartment complex
- Councillor Jenny Condie
- Media release Wellington mayoral and northern ward candidate Dr Jenny Condie has today released sketches for a proposed apartment complex...
- Accepted from Jenny Condie news by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- election-candidates
Rivalry - the legal super drug
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- New York University's Galvin Kilduff has made a career out of researching rivalry. Early on in this career, while working on his doctoral dissertation , he made a surprising discovery. ...
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- athletics
2019 Prizewinners
- Old Boys - University Rugby Club
- Junior Prizewinners The following is a list of all of the Junior prizewinners for 2019.
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- rugby
Review: The Pink Hammer
- The Wellingtonista
- Circa One has been turned into a man-cave, complete with a nude calendar – permanently set to July – a fridge full of beers and a Ryobi power drill for The Pink Hammer, being performed until early October.
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- blogs
- featured
A strong showing at West’s Tournament
- Onslow Junior Soccer Club
- Onslow had a strong showing at this years Wests tournament held over the weekend.
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- soccer
- wcn-hosted
3G Goats Gone Grazing #3
- Old Boys - University Rugby Club
- Welcome to 3G-Goats Gone Grazing, our updates on which ex OBU people are making the headlines overseas in the last week or so.
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- rugby
Te Ruru project: week two update
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- Te Ruru has been at Morris Metals in Seaview for ten days or so now.
- Accepted from RPNYC feed 2019 by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
2020 Port Nicholson Regatta – can you help?
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- Preparations are underway for next year’s Regatta, and help is needed from here on.
- Accepted from RPNYC feed 2019 by feedreader
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- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington Win the Redding Shield – season opener 2019/20
- Wellington Rowing Club
- Wellington win the Redding Shield – congratulations all returning rowers who took out the Shield this morning. Redding Shield This trophy goes to: regatta points champion Place Club Points Penalties Total 1st Wellington Rowing Club 65 0 65 2nd Star Boating Club 55 -10 45 3rd Petone Rowing Club 30 0 30 4th Porirua Rowing Club 28 -5 23 5th Horowhenua Rowing Club 2 0 2
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- Tagged as:
- porirua
The Boatshed, Odlins Plaza, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Does our draft District Plan hit the mark?
- Porirua City Council
- Give us your thoughts on the city-wide rule book for Porirua.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington Rowing Club Annual Report 2018/19
- Wellington Rowing Club
- WRC Annual Report 2018-2019 Season Final
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- rowing
- wcn-hosted
- waterfront
The Boatshed, Odlins Plaza, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Result: Philp Shield
- Olympic Harriers
- Our second last race of the season - the Philp Shield teams race, where everyone...
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- athletics
Plants we have planted at Manawa Karioi
- Manawa Karioi Ecological Restoration Project
- Manawa Karioi was once host to a range of vegetation types.
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- conservation
- island-bay
Te Ahi Ka - Loop Track, Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
2019 CAPITAL FOOTBALL AWARDS | Tickets Now Available
- Capital Football
- DETAILS: When | 26 th of September | 6:00pm Welcome and Drinks – 6:30pm Start Where| Petone Working...
- Accepted from Capital Football news 2020 by feedreader
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- soccer
Michele and Bernie: Sisters, Rivals, Friends
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- Sisters Michele Allison and Bernie Portenski are two of our club greats. Here, Michele recounts their long history of competition and friendship. With the passing of what would have been ...
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- athletics
Tasty tastings
- The Wellingtonista
- Rules around advertising alcohol are pretty strict.
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- blogs
- featured
Result: New Zealand Half Marathon champs
- Olympic Harriers
- Toby Gualter continued his great year with a second place in the New Zealand hal...
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- athletics
Finals Draw – Hurricanes U15 Boys Rugby Tournament
- College Sport Wellington
- The draw for the final day of the 2019 Hurricanes U15 Boys Rugby Tournament Match Team 1 Team 2 Venue Match Time Match Date Comment Final 1-2 Kelston Boys v St Peter’s Silverstream 1 11:30:00 AM 07/09/2019 Grand Final Final 3-4 FDMC v St Thomas Silverstream 2 10:00:00 AM 07/09/2019 3rd/4th Playoff Final 5-6 Gisborne Boys’ v Feilding High Silverstream 4 10:00:00 AM 07/09/2019 Plate Final – 5th/6th Playoff Final 7-8 St Bernard’s v John McGlashan Maidstone Art 10:00:00 AM 07/09/2019 7th/8th Playoff Final 9-10 Rongotai v Manukura Silverstream 5 10:00:00 AM 07/09/2019 Bowl Final – 9th/10th Final 11-12 Rosmini v Silverstream Silverstream 3 10:00:00 AM 07/09/2019 11th/12th Playoff Final 13-14 Aotea v Taita Taita 1 10:00:00 AM 07/09/2019 13th/14th Playoff Final 15-16 Ngati Porou v Wainuiomata Wainuiomata 1 9:30:00 AM 07/09/2019 15th/16th Playoff The post Finals Draw – Hurricanes U15 Boys Rugby Tournament appeared first on College Sport Wellington.
- Accepted from College Sport news HTTPS by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- wainuiomata
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Locals to get mobile with On the Go Expo
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Jumping for joy for the upcoming All Ages on the Go Expo in Kapiti.
- Accepted from GW media releases 2019 by feedreader
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- kapiti
Metlink staff prepare for emergencies
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Metlink carries out simulation exercise training on how to respond in the case of an emergency.
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- regional-council
Tītipounamu at home in ZEALANDIA
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- The translocated tītipounamu are at home in ZEALANDIA ecosanctuary.
- Accepted from GW media releases 2019 by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- karori-sanctuary
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Valedictory for a Good Woman
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- Hello everyone, What a grey drippy day it is today! I’m writing to you on Thursday because I will beRead More
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- crossways
- religious-groups
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Te Roopu Kaumatua Hikoikoi Attend Opening At Village At The Park
- Wellington Tenths Trust
- On Thursday 15 August 2019 a contingent of our regular kaumatua group, Te Roopu Kaumatua Hikoikoi, travelled into Wellington City to attend the opening of the newest block at the Village at the Park. Arriving a little bit late due to traffic on the Petone Esplanade,... The post Te Roopu Kaumatua Hikoikoi Attend Opening At Village At The Park appeared first on Wellington Tenths Trust.
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- petone
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
383–387 Adelaide Road
- Wellington Tenths Trust
- The Adelaide Road development is now nearing completion with some of the 16 townhouses in the last stages of finishing with all being completed ready for renting in November 2019.... The post 383–387 Adelaide Road appeared first on Wellington Tenths Trust.
- Accepted from Wellington Tenths Trust feed by tonytw1
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- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Preview: Peggy Pickit Sees the Face of God
- The Wellingtonista
- ‘Peggy Pickit Sees the Face of God’ by Roland Schimmelpfennig is opening at Circa Theatre next week.
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- blogs
- featured
Aotea Māori Land Court Monthly Clinics 2019
- Wellington Tenths Trust
- As you may know the Aotea Māori Land Court now holds clinics at Hīkoikoi on a monthly basis. This is great for us and our whānau to have an Officer... The post Aotea Māori Land Court Monthly Clinics 2019 appeared first on Wellington Tenths Trust.
- Accepted from Wellington Tenths Trust feed by tonytw1
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- ethnic-groups
Buy your copy of Ora, written and illustrated by our amazing students.
- Kilbirnie School
- We're on for our big art weekend! Come and bid on professional art, admire our students' art pieces and bid on classroom pieces.
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- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Hataitai Sourced Tree Propagation
- Hataitai Community Website
- A Fundraiser for the re-development of the Hataitai Village Green Building for community use Wouldn’t it be great to plant a fruit tree in your garden from an original Hataitai tree? We are propagating fruit and other types of trees from cuttings sourced from existing trees in the Hataitai Suburb.
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- hataitai
Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
2019/2020 Summer Season Calendar
- Athletics Wellington
- The Athletics Wellington Board recently convened a small working group to review our Track and Field programme.
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- athletics
Storing energy for a transitioning grid
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Professor Alan Brent from the School of Engineering and Computer Science explains how a key factor in boosting New Zealand’s renewable energy contribution to the electricity grid will be the storage options we pursue and where the big opportunities lie.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
New Zealand must do better on children’s rights
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Leading international experts at a Victoria University of Wellington co-hosted symposium marking the 30th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child challenged New Zealand to increase its awareness and implementation of the Convention and discussed how when it comes to children's rights, New Zealand doesn't get to cherry-pick.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
- Athletics Wellington
- The Athletics New Zealand Community Team invites you to attend our 2019 Club Development Roadshow, which will includea day of workshops to support your club administrators and volunteers prepare for the upcoming summer track and field season.
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- athletics
Council CEO - announcement
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council Chief Executive Kevin Lavery has announced that he will not be submitting an application for reappointment to his position following a successful five-year contract term and a two year extension.
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- wellington-city-council
Help us build a totally new, modern skills park
- Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park
- We're building a new skills park at Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park! But we need your help to make it happen.
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- makara
Makara Peak Summit Viewing Deck, Ridgeline, Karori West, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Solving a hidden threat to New Zealand’s meat and dairy industry
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Beef and lamb exports are one of New Zealand’s major industries, potentially exceeding $3 billion for the first time this year. But a high prevalence of veterinary pathogens causes high rates of animal death, suffering, and decreased production, and diseases like pneumonia in sheep and mastitis in cows lack effective vaccines.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
News: Registrations open for Children's Athletics 2019/20
- Olympic Harriers
- We are now taking registrations for Childrenand#39;s Athletics for the 2019/20 s...
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- athletics
The WHAC-Scottish Rivalry
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- On The Run continues to explore the issue of rivalry in running by talking with two Wellington stalwarts and rivals, Wellington Harriers' Paul Hewitson and Wellington Scottish's James Turner ...
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- athletics
Family fun for the 50th Conservation Week – find out why nature needs you
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Community volunteer group Naenae Nature Trust planting trees.
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- Tagged as:
- naenae
Naenae, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Hataitai Kindergarten Beer and Cheese Fundraiser
- Hataitai Community Website
- Garage Project is back for the last ever Beer and Cheese Hataitai Kindergarten Fundraiser It’s relaxed, tutored fun and a hopilicious afternoon exploring the many unexpected pleasures of these 2 good mates.
- Accepted from Hataitai Community website posts by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- hataitai
Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The sociology of climate change
- Victoria University of Wellington
- 'There's a kind of double reality where we're terrified about what's going to happen at the same time as ignoring the problem completely,' says Jonathan Oosterman ahead of his event during Victoria University of Wellington's Toitū te Ao—Sustainability Week.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Clubs Manager wins Softballer of the Year
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington Clubs Manager Lara Andrews received two awards at Softball New Zealand’s awards evening this weekend.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
- Slow Boat Records
- Howdy, y’all! Well, without wishing to jinx it, it was a pretty mild Winter, all things considered, and Spring, it was seem, has, um, sprung?! HEAPS of new stuff instore – tee shirts, posters, DVDs, NOT TO MENTION some fantastic new LPs and CDs from (here we go)… Taylor Swift (a real return to form!), Lloyd Cole, Thom Yorke, Lizzo, Ride, Peter Perrett, Purple Pilgrims, PP Arnold, Lana Del Rey… we are also digging the latest Ace Records compilation of cheery 90’s hip hop entitled “The Daisy Age”, featuring De La Soul, Brand Nubian, Queen Latifah, Del Tha Funkee Homosapien and heaps more – recommended!! We have also just taken delivery of EIGHT(!!!) boxes of terrific new LPs from the US, featuring many deleted and hard-to-find titles from a-Ha, Roy Ayers, The Beach Boys, Nine Inch Nails, King Crimson, Fugazi, The Proclaimers, Rammstein, , REM, Parquet Courts, Public Enemy, Lou Reed, Elton John, The Jesus & Mary Chain… I could go on, but perhaps best if you come and take a look for yourself – will have them out by the weekend! Also out this Friday – the brand spankin’ new release from one of the stars of last year’s Slow Boat Record Store Day event – Mermaidens, with their new album “Look Me In The Eye” – CD and lovely coloured vinyl… Also, a reminder that we place a US import order every 2-3 weeks, and there are a huge array of titles available – be warned that our falling exchange rate against the US has rendered some stuff on the pricy side… and that it will be Christmas before you/ we know it – have a think about it now and get real organised ahead of Festivus?!? We are here to help you look as kindly and generous as possible… Wishing everybody a happy and prosperous Spring – new beginnings, and all that – catch you all soon!! XX The Slow Boat Crew XX
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- cuba-street
- music
- retail
Slow Boat Records, Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Green light for street light outage app
- Wellington City Council
- The general public in Wellington will now be able to check if a street light in the city has been reported and is being dealt with.
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- wellington-city-council
Electronic equipment diverted from landfill to new homes
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- A new partnership with a charitable trust will see more than 1000 unneeded electronic items diverted from landfill each year – many being repurposed for worthy organisations in our communities.
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- hospital
- scraper-required
Porirua Power Coming Together In Tawa Triumph
- College Sport Wellington
- Despite coaching girls at St Mary’s College for several years, many Tawa College boys were familiar with Nixon Penese.
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- Tagged as:
- porirua
- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Section of Waikanae River track closed following erosion
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Part of the walking track along the Waikanae River bank opposite James Cook Park has been closed following erosion by the river, which has compromised the safe use of the track.
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- regional-council
NZC umpiring pathway proving a success
- Cricket Wellington
- Two promotions feature in NZC’s umpire appointments for the 2019-20 season, magnifying the success of the Umpiring Pathway Programme.
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- cricket
Yacht with rope around prop shaft
- Coastguard Mana
- Operation Details Date/Time: Mon, 02/09/2019 - 22:15 - Tue, 03/09/2019 - 04:30 Operation Type: SAROP Cat 1 People Assisted: 1 Total Volunteer Hours: 50 Yacht departed Mana at 1100 to go down around the bottom of the north island and up east coast. Got slammed by "washing machine" at Ohau Point and then ended up with rope in the water, which wrapped around the prop shaft. He anchored up in the bay near Ohau Point. We travelled down in MR1 and towed him home to Mana Marina. 1 POB + 2 DOG Vessel Details Length: 7.50m Resources Attendees: Portersnz Weedoogie Mark Presling Polarbear Torrey Trevor Burgess Trevor Farmer zanebublitz CRV's Used: Mana Rescue 1 Attachments Image:
- Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
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- boating
- emergency-services
- kapiti
-41.236007, 174.660172
OP Bay Magic
- Coastguard Mana
- Operation Details Date/Time: Mon, 02/09/2019 - 14:30 - 18:00 Operation Type: CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted: 2 Total Volunteer Hours: 3 Bay Magic Kevin O'Meara, breakdown 41.06S, 174 46 E 5.2 metre runabout, engine wont start, no radio, cell only 021 168 6886, Vessel Details Length: 5.00m Resources Attendees: Weedoogie CRV's Used: Mana Rescue 1
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- boating
- emergency-services
- kapiti
-41.110682, 174.763641
Climate Change challenges and champions
- MuseumsWellington
- The post Climate Change challenges and champions appeared first on Museums Wellington.
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- museums-and-galleries
Research explores factors behind hazardous drinking among Māori
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Research undertaken by Victoria University of Wellington PhD student Taylor Winter suggests that experiences of discrimination may contribute to higher rates of hazardous drinking among Māori.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
CBD road closures this weekend
- Wellington City Council
- Three big projects are set to cause route changes and disruptions for buses, pedestrians and motorists in central Wellington over the coming weekend of 6-8 September.
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- wellington-city-council
Nominate Your Porirua Sports Stars
- College Sport Wellington
- Porirua City Council are now seeking nominations for this year’s Porirua Sports Awards.
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Kia Kaha Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori
- Wellington City Council
- Māori Language Week kicks-off on Monday with a parade in the CBD, then a week of events, activities and exhibitions to celebrate te reo Māori, and to embrace our tangata whenua and shared history.
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- wellington-city-council
Scottish Weekly News 2 September 2019
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- Entries opened for the Agency Group 10000m race today. Sign up now and run a PB on 9 November. Options for the week Tuesday 6.15pm. Tuesday Night Session, Outside Freyberg Pool - ...
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- athletics
Report: Understanding the Funding Gap
- Wellington Community Fund
- Wellington Community Trust has partnered with a number of Trusts and Foundations, Social Service Providers Aotearoa and a number of social services to produce an important report that seeks to quantify the funding gap community services face through the Governments contributory funding model.
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- community-groups
Report: Understanding the Funding Gap
- Wellington Community Fund
- Wellington Community Trust has partnered with a number of Trusts and Foundations, Social Service Providers Aotearoa and a number of social services to produce an important report that seeks to quantify the funding gap community services face through the Governments contributory funding model.
- Accepted from WCT news by feedreader
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- community-groups
Research probes cross-cultural beliefs about sustainability
- Victoria University of Wellington
- New research carried out in 12 countries shows most people believe achieving environmental sustainability could hinder quality of life but not the wider economy.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Walk Through the Heart of the City 2019
- Wellington Health Foundation
- Grab your shoes and loved ones and join us for a fun walk though the heart of the city to build a stronger heart for Wellington Regional Hospital! All funds raised will go towards supporting Wellington Regional Hospital’s Heart and Lung Unit.
- Accepted from WHF feed by feedreader
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- health
- lobby-groups
Capital Futsal | Enrico Meirelles Leads Capital Futsal into the next generation.
- Capital Football
- Enrico Meirelles has been confirmed to lead the Capital Futsal Men’s team into the 2019 Futsal SuperLeague....
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- soccer
Charitable Donations.
- Wellington Russian Club
- Dear friends, Wellington Russian Club is a regional non-profit charitable organization. Every year we organize many events, such as: annual Cultural Festivals and Children’s Christmas … Сообщение Charitable Donations. появились сначала на Wellington Russian Club.
- Accepted from Wellington Russian Club English by tonytw1
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- events
Victoria University of Wellington endorses the School Strike for Climate
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington is endorsing the School Strike for Climate on Friday 27 September and encouraging its staff and students to take part.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Digital Newsletter Launched
- Bowls Wellington
- Many of you may have received the very first Bowls Wellington digital newsletter today. If you didn't you can sign up on the home page of the website by clicking on the 'Subscribe' button above the Facebook feed. If you have any fun stories from around the traps send them through. There will be a new issue every 2nd week highlighting some of the great stuff happening around the bowling community.
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- bowling
- wellington
Digital Newsletter Launched
- Bowls Wellington
- Many of you may have received the very first Bowls Wellington digital newsletter today. If you didn't you can sign up on the home page of the website by clicking on the 'Subscribe' button above the Facebook feed. If you have any fun stories from around the traps send them through. There will be a new issue every 2nd week highlighting some of the great stuff happening around the bowling community.
- Accepted from Bowls Wellington feed by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- bowling
Goats making waves abroad
- Old Boys - University Rugby Club
- Welcome to our updates on which ex OBU people are making the headlines overseas in the last week or so.
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- rugby
Natalie Olson Striking Success In Football And Futsal
- College Sport Wellington
- Natalie Olson was the joint golden boot winner at last year’s NZSS Lotto Premier Tournament and her Wellington East Girls’ College side finished 28th of 32 teams.
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- Automatically tagged as:
- secondary
- sport
Results – 2019 Smallbore Rifle Tri Match – Wellington, Hutt Valley and Manawatu
- College Sport Wellington
- 2019 College Smallbore Triangular WnvHuttv Manawatu results 2019 Hutt Valley Smallbore Rifle Team 2019 Wellington Smallbore Rifle Team The post Results – 2019 Smallbore Rifle Tri Match – Wellington, Hutt Valley and Manawatu appeared first on College Sport Wellington.
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- Tagged as:
- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Bee Awareness Month
- Wellington Zoo
- We're on a buzzzzz this September celebrating Bee Awareness month!
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- zoo
Wellington Zoological Gardens, Melrose Crescent, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Citizen's Assembly on Mass Transit
- Councillor Jenny Condie
- The largest investment in Let's Get Wellington Moving is mass transit. The highest profile decision we need to make on mass transit is:...
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- lets-get-wellington-moving
Jordan Keene Wins NZ Secondary Schools Indoor Bowls Singes
- College Sport Wellington
- Jordan Keene from Onslow College won the Gold Medal in the singles in the New Zealand Indoor Bowls Secondary Schools Championships held at the North Wellington Indoor Bowls Hall, Onepoto, Titahi Bay, North Wellington on Sunday.
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- Tagged as:
- titahi-bay
Titahi Bay, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Season Calendar Message
- Athletics Wellington
- Hi athletes, officials, helpers and coaches, With the upcoming 2019/20 season approaching, the Board of Athletics Wellington asked Marshall Clark if he could do a review of the current status of Track & Field competition and participation in our region.
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- athletics
Lepidoptera at ZEALANDIA
- Zealandia
- Around 100 years ago, eminent NZ entomologist George Vernon Hudson worked extensively in the Karori region to create a comprehensive list of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies) that could be ...
- Accepted from Zealandia HTTPS by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- karori
- karori-sanctuary
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Simon vs. Simon: When your greatest rival is yourself
- Wellington Scottish Athletics Club
- On the Run editor Simon Keller tells us about his efforts to run a faster marathon than his 32-year-old self, and his 32-year-old self replies. 45-year-old Simon I have enjoyed many friendly ...
- Accepted from Wellington Scottish Athletics news by feedreader
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- athletics
Treble Hook Update
- Hutt Valley Angling Club
- A proposal was recently put to the Wellington Fish and Game Council, calling for a ban on the use of treble hooks in the Wellington...
- Accepted from Hutt Valley Angling Club blog by tonytw1
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- hutt-valley
- sport
It's AGM time!
- Makara Peak Mountain Bike Park
- It’s AGM time - 7pm, 17 September in the back room at the Southern Cross.
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- cycling
- makara
- mountain-biking
Makara Peak Summit Viewing Deck, Ridgeline, Karori West, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)