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    • Meet the creatives behind HINE-TE-RĒHIA
      • Presented by Tuatara Collective, HINE-TE-RĒHIA is a multilingual theatre experience coming to BATS Theatre in July. Devised, created and performed by an all-female BIPOC cast, this exciting show promises to leave you gasping in awe of their talent. I had the chance to interview Jason Te Mete (previous deviser/director), Tāwera Ormsby (co-Kaiwhakahaere of Tuatara Collective) […]
      • Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • theatre
      • tuatara
      • BATS Theatre, 1, Kent Terrace, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Abandoned crossing after southerly front rolls through early
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sat, 07/01/2023 - 07:30 - 10:15 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  2 Total Volunteer Hours:  19 2 people in a small 3.5m dinghy were caught out by a southerly front coming through sooner than expected whilst fishing. They made the decision to abandon the return leg from Mana Island and took shelter on the island, calling Coastguard for assistance. They left their vessel anchored just off shore and swam to the beach where they waited. We nosed up on the gravel beach and picked them up. After ensuring they were in good health and providing them blankets to warm up, we approached the vessel near rocks and hooked the anchor line, pulling it up and out to deeper water. Vessel Details Length:  3.50m Resources Attendees:  Devine CMFF Jason Hall Mark Presling Neil Cornwell NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer CRV's Used:  Te Awarua Rescue read more
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.089425, 174.7888

    • 6hr tow of yacht from Wellington south coast
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Thu, 05/01/2023 - 09:30 - 21:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  2 Total Volunteer Hours:  84 38ft steel yacht got it's anchor stuck near Makara/Ohau. Whilst manoeuvring to release it they overheated the engine. They were unable to sail due to low wind and inexperience, so ended up drifting south in the strong currents. By the time we got to them they had drifted 10NM into Cook Strait, south of Karori Rock through the Karori Rip. It took us 5hrs to tow them back to Mana, by which point the tide was at it's lowest point. We had to put them on the mooring just outside the bar and then return the passenger back to base, leaving the skipper aboard. Vessel Details Length:  12.00m Resources Attendees:  Devine Jason Hall Mark Presling espi NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer zanebublitz CRV's Used:  Te Awarua Rescue read more
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • karori
      • makara
      • tuatara
      • -41.400833, 174.629722

    • Op niord 12122022
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Mon, 12/12/2022 - 09:15 - 21:00 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  1 Total Volunteer Hours:  58 NIORD, 12 metre yacht reported gearbox failure while near Maori Bay Pelorous Sound DO made contact and monitored the yacht as it sailed back to Mana. TAR went out to bring it over the bar and into the marina and berth   Momitorinmg by IMT = 10 hrs Operation:                      =3 hrs Vessel Details Length:  10.00m Resources Attendees:  dfranks Jason Hall espi NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer CRV's Used:  Te Awarua Rescue
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.076488, 174.811878

    • Op Shalimar 21062022
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Tue, 21/06/2022 - 09:30 - 10:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  1 Total Volunteer Hours:  3 Shalimar was stuck in the lift dock (1 engine removed) wind conditions prevented the vessel being moved out. Dock was needed to lift MR1 Crew assisted with lines to manage Shalimar out and into the CGM berth Vessel Details Length:  10.00m Resources Attendees:  XWD NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.099457, 174.86784

    • OP Shalimar 19062022
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sun, 19/06/2022 - 15:00 - 16:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  1 Total Volunteer Hours:  3 Shalimar needed a tow to the lift berth. Only one engine operating, conditions prevented a solo hop.MR1 used the modified TOW SOP to set up an alongside tow, and moved Shalimar to the lift dock Vessel Details Length:  10.00m Resources Attendees:  Devine NZ Tuatara CRV's Used:  Mana Rescue 1
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.102303, 174.867496

    • Op Shalimar II
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Tue, 21/06/2022 - 09:30 - 10:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  1 Total Volunteer Hours:  3 Shalimar was stuck in the liftout berth with one engine and no ability to manouver  safely. MR1 had been boked for a lift out, Shalimar was moved using handlines from MR1. Shalimar docked in the MR1 berth Vessel Details Length:  10.00m Resources Attendees:  XWD NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.099199, 174.867153

    • Op Shalimar
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sun, 19/06/2022 - 15:10 - Tue, 21/06/2022 - 16:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  1 Total Volunteer Hours:  148 Shalimar needed a tow to the lift out bay to have an engine removed. weather conditions precluded a safe move on one engine. Crew worked on a modified SOP for moving a vessel safely out of a mororing and secured to the CRV. The SOP worked well. Shalimar was moved using MR1 and a shore crew with lines Vessel Details Length:  10.00m Resources Attendees:  Devine XWD NZ Tuatara CRV's Used:  Mana Rescue 1
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.100751, 174.867496

    • Op waka ocean challegege 23042022
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sat, 23/04/2022 - 08:30 - 16:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  62 Total Volunteer Hours:  40 MR1 supported the Waka Ocean Challenge event from Kapiti Brach to Kapiti Island and thence into Porirua Harbour. 11 Waka, 62 paddlers, 3 support vessels MR1 maintained a watch on all vessels and crew for the event and were prepared for crew recovery if required, weather conmditions were good on the day anmdf a great effort from the paddlers saw all safely ashore in Porirua Crew worked on snr crew assessment reviews, MOSS drills, search patterns and Incident planning during the day Resources Attendees:  XWD CMFF espi NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer CRV's Used:  Mana Rescue 1
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • kapiti
      • porirua
      • tuatara
      • -40.879544, 174.977703

    • Op hobo 18042022
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Mon, 18/04/2022 - 12:30 - 16:00 Operation Type:  SAROP Cat 1 People Assisted:  3 Total Volunteer Hours:  14 HOBO would not start, vessel at anchor and safe. MRC contacted and they declined the charge rate. MRC ran CH16 calls for support. MRC contacted Policewho authorized a tow.HOBO had $50 of fuel put in before voyage. this was not enough for their plans.Engine turned over but no fuel to start5 up. Vessel towed back to Mana Marina. Vessel Details Length:  4.00m Resources Attendees:  CMFF Neil Cornwell NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer CRV's Used:  Mana Rescue 1
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.092472, 174.796085

    • Removal of log navigation hazard
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sun, 16/05/2021 - 08:30 - 12:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  0 Total Volunteer Hours:  24 A large log was reported to be partially submerged, but stuck in the same position, near Plimmerton Boating Club that was a significant boating hazard. The Harbour Master asked us to attempt to recover it to remove the hazard. We were able to get a line onto it and towed it back to Mana Cruising Club, where we towed it up the launching ramp with the 4x4.  Vessel Details Length:  11.00m Resources Attendees:  Devine Weedoogie Jake_Presling Mark Presling NZ Tuatara zanebublitz CRV's Used:  Mana Rescue 1
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • plimmerton
      • tuatara
      • -41.075556, 174.8486

    • Bath Tub Race - Safety Boat for MCC
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sat, 27/03/2021 - 14:30 - 17:00 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  2 Total Volunteer Hours:  10 Safety boat for Mana Cruising club bath tub race.  Traine split helm and undertook MOB exercise Vessel Details Length:  4.00m Resources Attendees:  CMFF Weedoogie NZ Tuatara Trevor Burgess CRV's Used:  CRV Pelorus Toyota Prado
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.099858, 174.866608

    • Breakdown 11032021
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Thu, 11/03/2021 - 19:15 - 20:15 Operation Type:  SAROP Cat 1 People Assisted:  2 Total Volunteer Hours:  9 vessel reported broken down (fuel problem) somewhere in the Titahi Bay/Mana Island area with 2 POB. Cell phone coms, no radio, small runabout, new to the owner. MR1 and MR2 responded to the reported area, vessel was located at anchor after drifting in towards the rocks western end of Whitireia Park, Crew wearing PFD's, vessel had run out of fuel MR1 connected a tow and took them back to the Mana Marina (long tow, then raft up) Vessel Details Length:  4.00m Resources Attendees:  Devine Chris Darch CMFF Jason Hall espi NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer warwick.bayne zanebublitz
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • titahi-bay
      • tuatara
      • -41.092949, 174.837627

    • Member Tow 04032021 : B35 to lift out wharf
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Thu, 04/03/2021 - 17:00 - 19:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  1 Total Volunteer Hours:  17 Large launch was  rafted from B35 to lift out wharf. Problem with stern leg that would not operate. launch had no propulsion or steering Vessel Details Length:  10.00m Resources Attendees:  CMFF Jason Hall sarge espi NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer warwick.bayne CRV's Used:  Mana Rescue 1
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.100447, 174.867267

    • Amazing Grace 21/01/21
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Thu, 21/01/2021 - 17:00 - 20:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  2 Total Volunteer Hours:  31 Amazing Grace (modified lifeboat)was used as a tow exercise for pre operational assessment training 1) crew briefed and were to develop an operations plan, this was reviewed by the crews of MR1/MR2. a final plan was approved by the 2 x masters. 2) Plan was completed, pre-event planning included taking mooring rings up to the poles, briefimg the owner, setting the rafting system up. 3) Olan was executed, not hazards developed that were not planned for, event completed with no errors. Vessel Details Length:  12.00m Resources Attendees:  Chris Darch CMFF Jason Hall sarge espi NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer warwick.bayne zanebublitz CRV's Used:  CRV Pelorus Mana Rescue 1
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.106919, 174.86166

    • Yacht with water pump issues and no wind
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sat, 16/01/2021 - 04:00 - 08:00 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  5 Total Volunteer Hours:  28 A yacht with a family on board (2 adults, 3 children) were motoring from Mana to Marlborough Sounds in light winds for a holiday when their water pump failed. Because there was no wind they were unable to make any headway sailing into the tide. MR1 was dispatched to to them home to Mana Marina. Vessel Details Length:  11.00m Resources Attendees:  Mobiinz CMFF Jake_Presling Jason Hall Mark Presling NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.0872, 174.735

    • Broken down runabout nestled in the rocks
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Fri, 15/01/2021 - 22:45 - Sat, 16/01/2021 - 02:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  3 Total Volunteer Hours:  30 Coastguard Radio received a call from the wife/partner of a man who had managed to get a SMS message to her to say they (3 POB, including an 11 year old boy) had broken down and needed assistance from near Pukerua Bay. Vessel Details Length:  5.00m Resources Attendees:  Mobiinz CMFF Mark Presling Neil Cornwell Polarbear NZ Tuatara warwick.bayne zanebublitz CRV's Used:  Mana Rescue 1 read more
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • pukerua-bay
      • tuatara
      • -41.032865, 174.870096

    • Yacht needing assistance into marina
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Fri, 01/01/2021 - 12:00 - Thu, 07/01/2021 - 14:50 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  4 Total Volunteer Hours:  1027 32ft yacht with motor issues, 2 pob (inc 2 small children) sailed back across Cook Strait but needed assistance to get into marina. Arranged a rendezvous time just inside north end of Mana Island. Once they got closer to the channel we took them under tow and brought them to their berth in Mana Marina. Vessel Details Length:  10.00m Resources Attendees:  CMFF GregoryJeames Katestewart Mark Presling NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer warwick.bayne CRV's Used:  Mana Rescue 1
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.077704, 174.804883

    • Overdue diver at Owhiro Bay
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Wed, 30/12/2020 - 12:00 - 12:30 Operation Type:  SAROP Cat 1 People Assisted:  1 Total Volunteer Hours:  3 Whilst returning with a tow job to Plimmerton Boating Club we heard a mayday relay on CH16 from MOC advising vessels in the area of Owhiro Bay that there was a missing/overdue diver in the water, requesting assistance to search for them.  We contacted Police to see if they wanted our assistance to search the area. They requested us to respond to Owhiro Bay and we quickly returned to Mana Marina to take on more fuel and pick up some extra crew.  Whilst preparing to depart we were stood down because the diver was located on shore safe and well. Resources Attendees:  CMFF Mark Presling Neil Cornwell NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer warwick.bayne CRV's Used:  Mana Rescue 1
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.350195, 174.756742

    • Runabout with fuel/engine problems
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Wed, 30/12/2020 - 15:00 - 16:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  3 Total Volunteer Hours:  9 Small runabout with 3 divers on board had fuel issues. Engine would idle but die under power. At anchor near shore. Towed back to Mana Marina (had launched between the bridges). Vessel Details Length:  4.00m Resources Attendees:  CMFF Mark Presling Neil Cornwell NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer warwick.bayne CRV's Used:  Mana Rescue 1
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • tuatara
      • -41.095794, 174.779915

    • Dinghy caught out by conditions
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Wed, 30/12/2020 - 14:00 - 15:00 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  2 Total Volunteer Hours:  6 Whilst having lunch we heard a radio call with MOC from a dinghy that had nearly capsized crossing from Titahi Bay to Mana Island due to wind increasing unexpectedly. They had lost their kayak, which they were carrying on the dinghy, and had decided to beach it at the ranger station on Mana Island to wait for the conditions to improve before returning. A couple of vessels found the kayak and radioed MOC with the details. One of the vessels recovered it and returned it to Mana Marina. Vessel Details Length:  3.00m Resources Attendees:  CMFF Mark Presling Neil Cornwell NZ Tuatara Trevor Farmer warwick.bayne read more
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • titahi-bay
      • tuatara
      • -41.092655, 174.785714

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