Transport / Let's Get Wellington Moving
Let’s Get Wellington Moving is a joint initiative between Wellington City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council, and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency.
Let's Get Wellington Moving related newsitems
Wellington City Council taking over some projects from Let’s Get Wellington Moving
- Wellington City Council
- A more liveable central city, and improved ways to get around are coming to Wellington.
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Let’s Get Something Something
- Eye of the Fish
- It’s been a curious start to a new Government and a curious end to an old year. 2023 – don’t want to see that one...
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Ministers, Mayor and Chair reach mutual agreement to end Let’s Get Wellington Moving, find areas of collaboration
- Wellington City Council
- An agreement to dissolve Let’s Get Wellington Moving has been reached by Infrastructure & Housing Minister Chris Bishop, Transport Minister Simeon Brown, Mayor of Wellington City Council Tory Whanau, and Chair of Greater Wellington Regional Council Daran Ponter.
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Update from Let's Get Wellington Moving - re Cuba Street upgrades
- Inner-City Wellington
- Kia ora koutou This email is to update you on the Traffic Resolution process for Cuba Street upgrades as part of the City Streets programme of Let’s Get Wellington Moving.
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Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Let's Get Wellington Moving December 2023 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council is asking for feedback on two proposed new traffic resolutions that are part of Let's get Wellington Moving.
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- parking
LGWM work starts on Thorndon Quay
- Thorndon Residents Assocation
- Work starts on Thorndon Quay. The changes reflect the number of people commuting, living, shopping, using services and working along this busy route.
- Accepted from TRA news 2019 by tonytw1
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Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Forty years of public art in the capital
- Wellington City Council
- From Len Lye’s water whirler, to the Zephyrometer (orange needle) on Cobham drive, to the silver fern ball in Te Ngākau square – public art has become a key part of Wellington’s identity. But where did these works come from?
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- sculpture
Cobham Drive, Kilbirnie, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Traffic Resolution Thorndon Quay
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- We are providing an updated version of the Traffic Resolution on the LGWM Thorndon Quay Project.
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Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Golden Mile debate - two views for you to consider
- Inner-City Wellington
- Stuff article Moore Wilson's among businesses slamming Wellington city's Golden Mile proposal Moore Wilson’s is among a group of central Wellington businesses opposing the Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) Golden Mile proposal.
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Let’s Get Wellington Moving: please, councillors, keep your eyes on the prize
- Talk Wellington
- A bunch of WCC councillors are poised to throw not just the proverbial baby, but our whole reproductive system out with the bathwater. Sounds stupid? It is. Yet here we are, so please help keep their eyes on the prize! What’s happening on Thursday? Wellington city councillors have to vote whether to support or oppose...
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Golden Mile transformation will bring more life into the city says Greater Wellington
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Greater Wellington says Golden Mile rejuvenation plans from Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) will make Wellington City and public transport more attractive and bring more life into the CBD. The plans are ambitious, clear, and unapologetic about bringing as many people as possible into the city says Chair of Greater Wellington Daran Ponter. “The benefits of the rejuvenation plan are plenty and undeniable. Distinct precincts that make it easy for everyone to get around, more reliable and uninterrupted journeys for public transport passengers with modern accessible infrastructure designed to keep people more safe, more sheltered and more informed,” says Cr Ponter.
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Wellingtonians turn out to oppose LGWM
- Better Wellington
- Around 150 concerned Wellington business owners and residents turned out to Prefab Hall in Jessie Street, Te Aro, tonight to voice their concerns and anger at the continued lunacy of Let’s Get Wellington Moving, the extreme costs to ratepayers, and the hidden agenda behind the anti-car ideology that appears to have gripped the city council’s over-paid bureaucrats.
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Submission on Let’s Get Wellington Moving – Golden Mile Traffic Resolutions
- Wellington Employers' Chamber of Commerce
- The Chamber works closely with the Wellington City Council (WCC) to ensure Wellington’s business community is consulted on the changes that impact them and a connection is provided between the Council and business. The Chamber welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on Let’s Get Wellington Moving: Golden Mile Traffic Resolutions.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- consultation
- lets-get-wellington-moving
Presentation to Wellington City Council on Let's Get Wellington Moving's Golden Mile Traffic Resolutions
- Wellington Employers' Chamber of Commerce
- n presentation to Wellington City Council (WCC) on 15th June, Corporate Affairs & Policy Manager, Ed Gibbs set out the Chamber’s position regarding Let's Get Wellington Moving's (LGWM) Golden Mile Traffic Resolutions. The Chamber supports fellow trade associations Property Council New Zealand (Wellington Branch), Retail NZ, and Hospitality NZ, echoing their practical concerns regarding the impact of the changes on businesses directly affected, particularly during the construction phase. The project risks substantial financial out lay in return for limited productivity gains.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- lets-get-wellington-moving
Why we need MRT
- Wellington Scoop
- At a time of close scrutiny of the LGWM programme, with some Wellington city councillors calling for it to be abandoned and an opposition party ready to scrap it if they win power, it is time to reflect on just why we need Mass Rapid Transport and what the consequences for our region will be if this doesn’t go ahead.
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How LGWM should be fixing the traffic – now
- Wellington Scoop
- If LGWM truly wanted to get traffic moving faster, it could start work tomorrow. For those of you (like me) with elephantine memories, the Basin Flyover Inquiry identified a number of things that could be done – and SHOULD be done – and a number of things that must NEVER be done.
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Want to catchup on Lets Get Wellington Moving engagement?
- Inner-City Wellington
- Did you miss a Let's Get Wellington Moving engagement opportunity - here's a link to a recording of a recent webinar !
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Your handy submission guide: LGWM City Streets proposals
- Talk Wellington
- LGWM has 4 surveys open for feedback on city streets changes they’ll make soon! This is good stuff that should’ve been done years ago, so take a couple of mins to whack in your feedback by midnight TUESDAY 23! The City Streets programme is the fastest-moving part of LGWM with good basic street changes for...
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- consultation
Lets Get Wellington Moving Consultation - Miramar to City
- Hataitai Community Website
- Consultation is currently open for the Miramar to City Connection of Let's Get Wellington Moving . Use the opportunity to let your voice be heard. Get involved in the discussion today!
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Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Let's Get Welly Moving Rolls into Wallace Street
- Mount Cook Mobilised
- et's Get Welly Moving planning is underway for the bike & bus lanes from Countdown, John Street, along Wallace Street, and Taranaki Street to Wakefield St. Wallace Street is both a residential street with little off-street parking, and an arterial bus and car route to the Hospital and beyond. The key contrast to other Mt Cook cycleway routes is that Wallace Street has a much narrower roadway.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- lets-get-wellington-moving
Dying or just tired?
- Eye of the Fish
- I was really puzzled by the article in the Dom Post in the weekend featuring local architect Angela Foster claiming that Wellington was an “expensive...
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Golden Mile feedback window closing soon! Your guide for feedback…
- Talk Wellington
- The plans for Golden Mile are coming into focus! There’s still time to provide your ideas and feedback on their details. Hop on LGWM’s interactive map or flick them an email by August 14th to have your say! Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) has been moving slowly forward on a better Golden Mile for some...
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LGWM: The Gauntlet
- Eye of the Fish
- Hi fishes. Well the LGWM thing was announced supporting the big, most expensive package. As you know I got my issues, discussed in 3-Big-Flaws here. Thought I’d come back and address a few bonus thoughts. First up: The Gauntlet Tunnel. To recap. The selected package aims for trams to Island Bay, frustratingly bypassing Newtown, and a busway to Kilbirnie and Miramar frustratingly attached to a new highway tunnel.
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Feedback time again
- Eye of the Fish
- Slowly but surely, at a majestic but glacial pace, Let’s Get Wellington Moving are moving forwards. Well, moving, at least. Maybe it is forwards. Maybe it is sideways. But at least it is not backwards. They’ve released some proposals, and want your / our feedback. And that means it is time for a closer look.
- Accepted from Eye of the Fish feed by tonytw1
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- consultation
Have you seen the latest Golden Mile plans? You can have your say now
- Inner-City Wellington
- From the Lets Get Wellington Moving website The ‘Golden Mile’ is the main retail and commercial strip from the Parliament end of Lambton Quay, along Willis and Manners Streets, to the entertainment hub of Courtenay Place.
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LGWM preference gets our support
- Wellington City Council
- Greater Wellington and Wellington City Council today approved the preferred mass rapid transport option for the Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) programme, the same option endorsed by Government last week.
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Councils back Government decision on Wellington’s Mass Rapid Transport future
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Greater Wellington and Wellington City Council today approved the preferred Mass Rapid Transport option for the Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM) programme, the same option endorsed by Government last week. The preferred option, known as option 1, introduces Mass Rapid Transit to the South Coast and continuous bus priority to the East, and focuses on a new Mt Victoria tunnel with dedicated provision for public transport, walking and cycling, as well as upgrades at the Basin Reserve to improve flows and physically separate movements and extend the Arras tunnel. As a package this option moves the most people possible from the southern and eastern suburbs, supports the most housing and urban development of all the options, and makes city streets better for everyone.
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Govt & NZ: “reduce emissions”. Other govt: “yeah but BUILDING THINGS plus **votes**”
- Talk Wellington
- Some influential voices are pointing out the climate weaknesses of Let’s Get Wellington Moving big-ticket programme. Will anyone listen? What’s new? Te Waihanga, the NZ Infrastructure Commission (lots of big brains, but no powers to compel the government to do anything) has just released some analysis. It’s here and here, and LGWM’s response is here....
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Related sites
Let's Get Wellington Moving
- Let’s Get Wellington Moving is working with the people of Wellington to develop a transport system that supports your aspirations for how the city looks, feels, and functions.
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Let's Get Wellington Moving Feeds
LGWM news
- Let's Get Wellington Moving
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- Let's Get Wellington Moving
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