Places / June 2018
July 2018 | May 2018-
Church Update – 29/06/18
- Miramar Salvation Army
- Wow – check this out.
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- miramar
An open letter to IBRA's lawyer
- Island Bay Healthy Streets
- This is an open letter sent to the Island Bay Resident's Association's lawyer Con Anastasiou on 26 June 2018.
- Accepted from IHS blog by feedreader
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- island-bay
Island Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Transportation 2040: Vancouver’s Blueprint for Sustainable Transport, with lessons for Wellington: Wednesday 4 July, 6:30-7:30pm
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Date, Time and Venue Wednesday 4 July, 6:30-7:30pm Sustainability Trust, 2 Forresters Lane, Te Aro (off Tory St) Who: Hosted by Congestion-Free Wellington What’s This About? Wellington is facing major transport and land-use choices as we decide on the Let’s Get Wellington Moving process.
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- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Concert master Amalia Hall tutoring Porirua teen Toloa Faraimo...
- Orchestra Wellington
- Concert master Amalia Hall tutoring Porirua teen Toloa Faraimo at Orchestra Wellington HQ as part of his internship. He’ll be receiving a number of private lessons from Amalia as well as sitting in on Orchestra rehearsals. We first discovered Toloa’s immense talent last year performing with Porirua’s Virtuoso Strings Charitable Trust and we can’t wait to see what the future holds! 👏🏼🎻✨
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Concert master Amalia Hall tutoring Porirua teen Toloa Faraimo...
- Orchestra Wellington
- Concert master Amalia Hall tutoring Porirua teen Toloa Faraimo at Orchestra Wellington HQ as part of his internship. He’ll be receiving a number of private lessons from Amalia as well as sitting in on Orchestra rehearsals. We first discovered Toloa’s immense talent last year performing with Porirua’s Virtuoso Strings Charitable Trust and we can’t wait to see what the future holds! 👏🏼🎻✨
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
- Black Coffee
- ONE is the Māori word for soil/mud/earth.
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- cafes
- newtown
- exhibitions
Black coffee, Riddiford Street, Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Major research grant awarded to assess effectiveness of primary health care
- Victoria University of Wellington
- A Victoria University of Wellington-led team of researchers has received a $4.78 million Health Research Council grant to assess the effectiveness of New Zealand's primary health care system.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
National music centre receives Lottery grant
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Plans by Victoria University of Wellington, the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra (NZSO) and Wellington City Council to create a national centre of musical excellence in central Wellington have taken another leap forward.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Storms in a teacup
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Experiencing extreme weather has a negligible effect on people's climate change opinions, according to research presented at a Victoria University of Wellington seminar.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
A nagging question of public interest
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Leaks need to satisfy the 'Ponting Principle', writes Victoria University of Wellington's Reader in Government, Dr Chris Eichbaum.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Australian Open
- Tawa Bowling Club
- Australian Open bruce Sun, 17 Jun 2018 - 01:43
- Accepted from Bowls Tawa news
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- bowling
- tawa
Researchers get $3.5m to target major health issues
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Scientists working on new treatments to combat the world's most dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria are among Victoria University of Wellington-led research teams to receive more than $3.5 million in the latest Health Research Council (HRC) of New Zealand funding round.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Victoria University announces Emerging Pasifika Writer’s Residency
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington's International Institute of Modern Letters (IIML) is delighted to announce a new Emerging Pasifika Writer’s Residency for 2019.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
PM lends name to new chair in public sector integrity
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Expansion and other changes to the Australia and New Zealand School of Government (ANZSOG) include a newly created New Zealand Prime Minister's ANZSOG Chair in Public Sector Ethics and Integrity at Victoria University of Wellington.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Tired Motorway Sales Pitch Falls Flat, Says Save The Basin Campaign
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- The leaked transport proposals for Wellington read like a sales pitch gone badly wrong, said Save the Basin Campaign spokesperson Tim Jones.
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Why data is not the new oil
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Think of it more as infrastructure, the UK Open Data Institute's founding CEO tells a Victoria University of Wellington public lecture audience.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Joining Tolkien’s World
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington alumna Professor Helen Small has been appointed to one of the most prestigious English Literature positions in the world—the Merton Professorship of English Language and Literature at Oxford University, once held by J.R.R Tolkien.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Busking: The unwritten code
- Wellington Community Law Centre
- The council brought in all these new laws.
- Accepted from Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley
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- community-groups
- law
- hutt-valley
Fighting for Justice – Working at Community Law
- Wellington Community Law Centre
- “There is no such thing as an average day for our community lawyers.
- Accepted from Community Law Wellington and Hutt Valley
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- community-groups
- law
- hutt-valley
Timetables for new bus routes released
- Churton Park Community Association
- Metlink have just released the timetables for the new bus services which will come into effect on Sunday 15 July.
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- community-groups
- johnsonville
New bus routes information session
- Churton Park Community Association
- From Sunday July 15 big changes to Churton Park bus services come into effect.
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- community-groups
- johnsonville
Nature article poses choices for the future of Antarctica
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Choices made in the next decade will have long-term consequences for Antarctica and the globe, according to research published today in the journal Nature.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Union meeting
- Kilbirnie School
- The Primary School teachers’ union, NZEI, have advised us that there will be a union meeting at 2pm on Tuesday June 19th.
- Accepted from Kilbirnie School news
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- kilbirnie
- primary
- wcn-hosted
Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Winners and losers from the Change in the GWRC Transport Rate
- Wellington Commuter
- The GWRC is changing how the Transport Rates that fund the regions PT service is allocated to ratepayers. They claim that this change means “Hutt Valley, South Wairarapa and Porirua pay a bit less toward public transport than they do now, while residents in Wellington city, Kāpiti and Masterton pay a bit more”.… Read more ...
- Accepted from Wellington Commuter feed by tonytw1
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- hutt-valley
- porirua
- wairarapa
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Bard for the 21st century
- Victoria University of Wellington
- English Literature student, Elsie Bollinger, has used her Creativity Scholarship to produce collaborative group The Candle Waster's latest web series based on Shakespeare's plays.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Learning through experience in the virtual age
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Dr Christian Schott from Victoria University of Wellington’s School of Management is providing experiential learning for the twenty-first century through the use of virtual reality (VR).
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
China Research Centre counters ‘soft underbelly’ sensationalism, says new Director
- Victoria University of Wellington
- "Sensationalist" claims about extensive Chinese influence in New Zealand highlight the importance of the knowledge and understanding the Victoria University of Wellington-led New Zealand Contemporary China Research Centre (NZCCRC) brings to public debate, says the Centre's new Director.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Research shows New Zealanders trust government more, churches and charities less
- Victoria University of Wellington
- A new study commissioned by Victoria University of Wellington’s Institute for Governance and Policy Studies (IGPS) shows the number of New Zealanders who trust government has risen substantially since 2016.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
‘Indo-Pacific’ pushes ahead at summit
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Regional shifts were evident at Asia’s premier security conference, writes Associate Professor David Capie, Director of Victoria University of Wellington's Centre for Strategic Studies.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
69th NZIB Nationals underway in Ashburton
- Tawa Bowling Club
- 69th NZIB Nationals underway in Ashburton bruce Sun, 10 Jun 2018 - 02:10
- Accepted from Bowls Tawa news
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- bowling
- tawa
Writers on Mondays warms winter with fire and flair
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington’s International Institute of Modern Letters (IIML) presents its popular Writers on Mondays series for 2018, showcasing some of the best new writing in Aotearoa New Zealand.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Dorne Cup Provisional Results
- Hutt Valley Harriers
- Provisional Results from the 92nd Dorne Cup, held 9 June 2018 are available on webscorer. Provisional team results are linked below: Dorne Cup 2018 Provisional Team results – V1
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- athletics
- hutt-valley
- wcn-hosted
A bird’s eye view of changing glaciers
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Professor Andrew Mackintosh and Dr Brian Anderson from Victoria University of Wellington’s Antarctic Research Centre, along with Andrew Lorrey from NIWA, discuss the importance of annual Southern Alps surveys.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Volunteers support fellow students
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Bachelor of Arts student Jessica Finley wanted to become more involved in the Victoria University of Wellington community outside of her classes, so she became a Vic Volunteer Assistant Walker for Disability Services.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Victoria University of Wellington alumna receives prestigious science award
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University alumna Dr Jessie Prebble has been announced as the 2018 recipient of the Zonta Science Award. Dr Prebble completed her Bachelor of Science (Honours) and her Master of Science at Victoria University.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Notes from the Newtown Residents’ Association Meeting held on Monday 21st May
- Newtown Residents' Association
- These were some of the topics discussed.
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- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Senior role at Victoria University for leading researcher
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington has appointed Professor Margaret Hyland to the role of Vice-Provost (Research).
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Victoria University of Wellington continues to perform strongly in global rankings
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington has held its standing in the latest QS World University rankings, in what has been a tough year overall for New Zealand universities.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
When animal disease strikes
- Victoria University of Wellington
- The social sciences, as well as veterinary sciences, have an important role to play in managing Mycoplasma bovis, write Associate Professor Anne Galloway from Victoria University of Wellington's School of Design and Dr Gareth Enticott from Cardiff University.
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- victoria-university
Some global lessons for NZ on euthanasia
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Examples from other countries offer a glimpse of how we could approach assisted dying legislation, writes Sarah Revell-Dennett, a Victoria University of Wellington PhD student in Sociology.
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- victoria-university
Why our building regulation just doesn’t cut it
- Victoria University of Wellington
- New Zealand needs a resilient, flexible control regime supported by high quality training and education, writes Dr Nigel Isaacs, a Senior Lecturer in Victoria University of Wellington's School of Architecture.
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- victoria-university
Towards a bilingual Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Victoria University of Wellington academics have been engaging with Wellington City Council and Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori (Māori Language Commission) to contribute to an action plan which will ensure te reo Māori is seen and heard more in Wellington.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Urban Dream Brokerage to close in Wellington with a call to support artists developing work independently in the city
- Urban Dream Brokerage
- <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Brides, Barbarian Productions, Bowen House, 2013 A letter to our city, our artists, our property owners, our supporters. We have loved changing Wellington City’s dynamic through Letting Space’s Urban Dream Brokerage service - with thanks to some remarkable creative people, property owners and the funding of the Wellington City Council and Wellington Community Trust. Over the past five and half years, Urban Dream Brokerage in Wellington has placed over 300 creators and artists in 45 spaces with 61 projects. Images and details of these can be found here, including three new, current projects. Some have been short, others have lasted much longer – the amazing group Coliberate have just finished 18 months running a mental health gym in Featherston Street, for example. On 30th June we come to the end of a three-year contract with Wellington City Council for the delivery of the service. Letting Space has made the decision not to renew this contract. Rather we will do new work under the auspices of our trust, the Wellington Independent Arts Trust. We all continue to look for ways to make Wellington a diverse and people-oriented place. In terms of the brokerage, property owners will tell you they are facing unprecedented issues with earthquake strengthening plus a far higher demand for retail spaces in the city than when we began, during a recession. It has got harder and harder for us to find spare spaces in a popular little city. It remains key work to provide infrastructure for independent artists. This is our challenge to council, to organisations, to all: if you wish Wellington to remain creative you need to prioritise directly supporting the city's most dynamic artists, through funds or resources such as space. It is in their hands, not established organisations or events, that the future lies. This needs new and different energies right now. We also need to celebrate and thank our city. The UDB projects have seen artists and other creatives consistently and uniquely challenge the expectation of the city’s offerings. They have helped us recognise that our city needs to provide diverse living spaces for all, where many people feel included and new ideas can take shape. Where artists and other creatives have the space to grow new enterprises and ways of working, developing their own interaction with the city. This has led to us working in Dunedin - where a programme now thrives, and programmes in Porirua and Masterton, as well as providing inspiration and advice to other cities nationwide and overseas. We’ve helped along the way with the development of proposals with many groups and in this last year have offered a monthly lunchtime gathering and podcast and, currently, a mentoring programme. We’ve loved working with artists and makers, helping them see their ideas to fruition. Many have gone on to develop stronger practices and businesses as part of the city. We continue to believe this kind of work is vital and special to Wellington’s identity. A place where artists feel they can be part of the city’s fabric. It’s something that helped the notion of being a ‘creative capital’. We’re thrilled to see artist run spaces like Te Haukāinga, meanwhile and play_station join others in the CBD in the last two years – artists are stepping up and taking on property. Others also need to lead and some are looking for space. In May 2017 we conducted focus groups and surveyed of artists with experience in working in unconventional spaces about what they really need to stay active and sustained in Wellington. A report on this can be found here. We think it’s time to heed the lead of authorities like Dunedin City Council currently and work actively to see how artists can be more embedded in infrastructure. Artists need more than event presentation space and promotion - they need space for development, where they can collaborate and be more part of the city. They suffer from a lack of the working spaces and connections that other creatives are gaining from co-share working spaces. Artists need to be funded to be artists - to develop, think and contribute to Wellington’s public, private and government institutions. It’s about artists working to be more embedded dynamic activators of the city. And it’s about recognising artists’ time and need for development potential, rather than seeing them as temporary pop-ups, or as free agents of lightweight cool projects. It's about seeing them as contributors to our city’s development. We hope Urban Dream Brokerage has helped challenge what exchange means for Wellington’s CBD - non-commercial activity as a vital part of the urban infrastructure. Projects like Moodbank, People’s Cinema, Co-Liberate, Political Cuts, to name a few, have gone on to have lives in other places, following the legacy of Letting Space produced and curated projects in the city like Kim Paton’s Freestore. Temporary sometimes leads to permanent, but even without physical legacy we think the traces of the network that has been created have a lasting resonance for many creators in Wellington. Urban Dream Brokerage ends in June but we are encouraging others to pick up the challenge to do this work. Never underestimate the generosity there is amongst property and business owners who understand how value in a city needs to work in different ways and are committed to Wellington’s arts ecosystem. Expect knockbacks, but hold to your vision! We are making our resources, forms and processes available through Creative Commons for anyone to pick up. A link to these will be posted on our website, our blog and through our social media threads soon. All three of us are looking forward to continuing to work with our many dear friends and valued colleagues to continue to make Wellington such a special place to live and work. Thank you for the amazing work you do. Ngā mihi, Helen, Mark and Sophie Letting Space
- Accepted from Urban Dream Brokerage Blog by tonytw1
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- porirua
- earthquake-strengthening
- events
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Pasifika) acknowledged in 2018 Queen's Birthday Honours List
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Assistant Vice-Chancellor (Pasifika) Associate Professor Hon Luamanuvao Winnie Laban has been made a Dame Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the 2018 Queen’s Birthday Honours List in recognition of her contributions to education and the Pacific community.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Proposed work visa boost for international university students
- Victoria University of Wellington
- International university students and New Zealanders alike would benefit from the Government's proposed overhaul of post-study work visas, says Victoria University of Wellington.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Climate change collaboration shows path to innovative methane emissions policy
- Victoria University of Wellington
- A new collaboration between researchers at Victoria University of Wellington, the Universities of Oxford and Reading in the United Kingdom and the Centre for International Climate Research in Norway shows a better way to think about how methane might fit into carbon budgets.
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- kelburn
- victoria-university
Brooklyn Trail Builders update - June 2018
- Wellington Mountain Bike Club
- Spuds is open for business, and work continues.
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- brooklyn
Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)