Places / March 2008
April 2008 | February 2008-
The Swill seeks Writers/Directors...
- Six O'clock Swill
- We are currently taking play submissions and seeking people interested in directing these plays to be performed at Mighty Mighty for both the April series and future months.To apply, contact us at
- Automatically tagged as:
- theatre
- cuba-street
Metropol-itan ?
- Eye of the Fish
- Hot on the heels of the Barrio development comes another development of inner-city apartments (first blogged on WellUrban). This one is designed by Archaus - the most prolific architects in Wellington. The site has had a couple of schemes proposed for it previously: one by Abri Architects of Auckland which was shot down in flames pretty quickly, and the other, curvy one that never really saw the light of day except for a feature in the Wellurban blog. This one may be around a little longer. The site, is a highly sought after corner close to Cuba St, right on the edge of Ghuznee St and Leeds St. Looking at architects drawings it seems to be about 14 stories tall.
- Tagged as:
- architecture
- cuba-street
Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Mana Indoor Cricket Centre opens for business
- Cricket Wellington
- Mana Indoor Cricket Centre opens for business Tuesday 11 March marked the launch of the Wellington School of Cricket’s Mana indoor centre. The centre was officially opened by the Minister for Sport and Recreation Hon Clayton Cosgrove and Her Worship the Mayor of Porirua, Jenny Brash.
- Tagged as:
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
NIWA helps Sanctuary in the great perch search
- Karori Sanctuary Trust
- Scientists from NIWA will be using state-of-the-art echosounder technology to get to the bottom of a perch problem that has been plaguing Wellington’s conservation safe haven, Karori Sanctuary.
- Automatically tagged as:
- karori-sanctuary
- karori
The Hilton vanishes?
- Eye of the Fish
- The potential Hilton hotel has had the appeals against its consent upheld, signalling what is likely to be the end of the controversial waterfront proposal. Having started the applications process back in later 2005, the news seems like it will be a decisive blow to the project; although an appeal is possible, it must go through the High Court.
- Tagged as:
- architecture
- hilton
- waterfront
Mike Grace's Cook Strait Crossing Attempt
- Wellington Rowing Club
- Wellington Senior Men's rower Mike Grace, along with Star rower Ben Dunsheath, set out on 15 March on their first attempt to cross Cook Strait in an ocean-going rowing boat. The forecast was for a great day - 2-5 knot northerly winds and a light sea swell. However, after about half way through the trip (taking an hour and 45 mins) the wind was up to 20 knots, and Mike and Ben were forced to pull out. The attempt has not lowered the spirits of the pair, and they plan on having another crack at the crossing as soon as Wellington's weather co-operates.
- Tagged as:
- rowing
The Boatshed, Odlins Plaza, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
T3 can now be ridden either up or down
- T3 Track Blog
- Thanks to Maxxis and the weather gods, myself, Jonathan, Carl, Andrew, Hugh, Brenda, Josh, Simon, Don, Rob, Graham, Lyle and Mana were able to finish the track right through to Trickle Falls.T3 can now be ridden either up or down depending on how you are feeling, it is still a bit rough in places but the more people we get having a go at it the better it will bed down.
- Automatically tagged as:
- makara
- blogs
- cycling
March Eflyer
- Six O'clock Swill
- Forward to your mates!!
- Automatically tagged as:
- theatre
- cuba-street
Cape Physio at Club Kelburn
- Squash Wellington
- Club Kelburn wish to advise that they will have a full time physio business opening shortly. Cape Physio, who now have 10 businesses around NZ, will be open here full time from Monday 10th March.
- Tagged as:
- health
- kelburn
Kelburn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Maidstone Goes PC
- Orienteering Hutt Valley
- Nice trot around Maidstone Park last night, with the Chilton St James team using it as part of their training under Anna Robertson. Can't help be struck by the culling of pinus radiata in parks round the valley - often just when a patch of them gets mature enough to allow some off-track navigation!
- Automatically tagged as:
- hutt-valley
- orienteering
Hutt Park Redevelopment - Update
- Stop Out Sports Club
- The new changing sheds have been completed while the playing fields are going through some serious improvement. Sadly, as you can see, they won't be playable this year.
- Automatically tagged as:
- hutt-valley
- soccer
The Swill in March...
- Six O'clock Swill
- After a very successful series as part of the New Zealand Fringe Festival in February, the Swill returns this month with more hilarious, quirky action at the Mighty Mighty.The lineup:Six O'clock SwillWed 12 & Thu 13 March, 6pm Mighty Mighty.Listeners by Jane Martin (USA)Directed by Gene AlexanderBreaking and Entering by Dean Hewison (NZ)Directed by Dean HewisonMagnum: The Lost EpisodesEpisodes 9 & 10.Here's the flyer...send to your mates!
- Automatically tagged as:
- theatre
- cuba-street
Hutty goodtimes
- The Wellingtonista
- The Hutt is a seething mass of culture (as if you didn't know), and at the moment there is a particularly splendid outdoor exhibition of sculpture, Shape Shifter.
- Tagged as:
- hutt-valley
- sculpture
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
3 things Miramar needs
- The Wellingtonista
- 1. Mesh network 2. The cinema open 3. Statues of Pillars of Argonath either side of 'the cutting'
- Tagged as:
- miramar
Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
A city littered with poetry
- The Wellingtonista
- Now, everybody has seen the poetry which seems to appear just about everywhere down near the lagoon and around Te Papa, right? This one took me by surprise though. It's Fiona Kidman, and is in such a comparatively out-of-the-way place I literally stumbled across it.
- Tagged as:
- art
- waterfront