Places / March 2005
April 2005 | February 2005-
Happy 10th Birthday to Karori Wildlife Sanctuary Trust
- Karori Sanctuary Trust
- 29 April 2005 marks the 10th birthday of the Karori Wildlife Sanctuary Trust. Over 2005, the Sanctuary will celebrate this milestone with a number of activities, the first being the Sanctuary???s 10th birthday party on 29 April.
- Automatically tagged as:
- karori-sanctuary
- karori
The Sanctuary of New Zealand Comes One Step Closer
- Karori Sanctuary Trust
- The Karori Wildlife Sanctuary Trust's proposal for a $16 million world conservation site and benchmark tourism attraction came one step closer to reality today following the Wellington City Council Strategy and Policy Committee's recommendation to the Council to include an $8 million loan in the 2005/2006 Draft Annual Plan.
- Automatically tagged as:
- karori-sanctuary
- karori
The Sanctuary of New Zealand Comes One Step Closer
- Karori Sanctuary Trust
- The Karori Wildlife Sanctuary Trust's proposal for a $16 million world conservation site and benchmark tourism attraction came one step closer to reality today following the Wellington City Council Strategy and Policy Committee's recommendation to the Council to include an $8 million loan in the 2005/2006 Draft Annual Plan.
- Automatically tagged as:
- karori-sanctuary
- karori