Wellington Scoop and Waterfront
Making a mess of a waterfront park
- Wellington Scoop
- We are appalled by what is proposed for Frank Kitts Park – sliced, diced, cut up by the City Council, and no longer a park but a building site. On Monday night a group of us – Civic Trust Board members – were invited to a presentation by Council Officers. They told us they were just doing what the Council had asked them to do: to progress a new building on Frank Kitts Park, but first to survey ‘the public’ over four weeks only, starting this Friday, by asking us whether we want a fale malae on Frank Kitts Park.
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Frank Kitts Park, Lambton, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Small notice, big building
- Wellington Scoop
- Did any of you see a small sign in a spot that’s only visible if you’re catching the courtesy bus to Zealandia? It’s a notice about a resource consent application for a new building that will tower over the Michael Fowler Centre, the Town Hall, and neighbouring buildings. Nearly 40 metres high, when the allowable height is is 27 metres, promoted as the home of Victoria University’s National Music Centre but predominantly an office building with what seems to be a significant loss of green open space.
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- waterfront
Royal New Zealand Ballet, 115, Wakefield Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
No plans, but they love it anyway
- Wellington Scoop
- There was a night of magical thinking last Thursday when Wellington City Councillors debated the proposal to support a new building on the open green waterfront lawn of Frank Kitts Park. It was led by mayor Andy Foster, who said the fale maele proposal was “a magical concept, with the potential to be a great meeting place.” But it’s impossible to understand how he knows this, because there are no plans – not even a concept drawing – for anyone to see. Nothing. Perhaps Andy was looking into a crystal ball.
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Frank Kitts Park, Lambton, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The lawn is not for building
- Wellington Scoop
- Open letter from Helene Ritchie to Wellington mayor and councillors I am writing in anticipation of your debate tomorrow about Frank Kitts Park, because there is significant public concern about the loss of green open public space on our waterfront. I want to alert you to a serious omission that your officers appear to have made.
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Frank Kitts Park, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Why we love Frank Kitts Park
- Wellington Scoop
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Frank Kitts Park, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Harbour dredging: why dumping sites are in the wrong places
- Wellington Scoop
- CentrePort is planning to deepen two sections of the Wellington shipping channel to accommodate bigger ships. But it needs to shift its proposed sites for dumping waste from the dredging. The proposed dumping sites are in the wrong places, and would threaten fish resources in the harbour and on the south coast.
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- conservation
Fitzroy Bay, Kohangatera Track, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa
Building a road and saving 30 seconds
- Wellington Scoop
- One of the most extraordinary things about plans to bulldoze a road through the pristine Takapu Valley is the claim about how much time will be saved. They’re counting the savings in seconds. The claim is found in an Appendix to the controversial report in which the chief executives of regional councils tell their mayors that they ought to support a road through the valley.
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- ngaio
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- wairarapa
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- cuba-street
- waterfront
- newlands
- takapu-valley
Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
“This building should not be there at all”
- Wellington Scoop
- Waterfront Watch notes with interest the re-designed building planned for Site 10 on North Kumutoto. The main concern of Waterfront Watch, and most of those who submitted to the city council in opposition, is that this building should not be there at all.
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- waterfront
The landlord mentality on the waterfront
- Wellington Scoop
- I applaud the sentiments of Lowry Bay resident Tony Cranston, whose letter about the Wellington waterfront earned top position in the DomPost yesterday. He wrote: On Wednesday, walking around the waterfront I was again impressed by its beautiful views. Wellington is very lucky to have a waterfront where one is constantly struck by the views of harbour, houses and hills on one side, and an attractive city on the other. Why the council prefers mediocre buildings to this natural beauty is a mystery. The latest example of what I call developers’ vandalism hits you right in the face as you approach Te Papa. The “conversion” of the Overseas Passenger Terminal will clearly be an over-sized monstrosity, obliterating much of Mt Victoria and its charming houses; it will tower over the marine like Darth Vader and destroy a lot of the character of that part of the waterfront. Might more councillors find some soul and save the waterfront from this landlord mentality before it’s too late?"
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Chaffers Marina, Waitangi Park Shared Path, Mt. Victoria, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand
Councillors, fees, and decision making
- Wellington Scoop
- Wellington City Councillors have been reminded that their decision making about council-controlled organisations involves a pecuniary interest because they receive fees when they’re appointed as members of the boards of the organisations.
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- wellington-city-council
Will the council change the way it runs the waterfront?
- Wellington Scoop
- It’s official. A report to the Wellington City Council this week tells councillors that they should close their Wellington Waterfront company and move its activities inside the council.
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- wellington-city-council