Ian Cassels’ Wellington Company and Taranaki Whānui need to throw a much clearer light on their development plans for the Miramar Peninsula/Te Motu Kairangi, as reported in a front-page DomPost article, beyond PR puffery. At present, the waters are decidedly murky.
A regional park above Shelly Bay on the Miramar Peninsula? Or houses? Or is there room for both?
A DomPost report today says that hundreds of new homes could be fast tracked on the Peninsula. Michael Daly writes that iwi Taranaki Whānui and developer Ian Cassels are applying for consent to build 600 to 700 houses on 8 hectares of the former Mt Crawford Prison which closed in 2012.
The Classics Museum at Victoria University houses a collection of ancient Greek and Roman artefacts: vases, coins, sculpture, objects for use in daily life.
A girl pins her eating disorder on her distant Swiss ancestors, a guy comes to terms with his goth phase being a total sham, a girl struggles to recreate the fantasy romances of her favourite WattPad Fanfiction...
A view from our Sailing Secretary Paul Tuesday, January 28 and a surprise call from Dave Hart – last seen two years ago. Would I like to sail with him, 2 – handed, for the Wellington to Akaroa Race? A big gulp and a yes! Dave is a very experienced sailor and skipper, but this [...]
Farewell to John Turner who passed away this week. Read his obituary here. This week Results Taupō Craters 21km Trail Run Chris Howard 1:58:34, Emma Bassett 2:09:54, Marianne Elliot 2:22:58, Lindsay Young 2:23:22 Results Athletics Wellington Open Meeting #5 3000m Race Walk: Helen Willis 21:17.11, Daphne Jones 24:57.40 3000m Steeplechase: Stephen Day 11:01.81 Honest Ten […]