Feeds / Huttcity news scraper 2023
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Added on 8 Jun 2023. Last read 7 minutes ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 192):
Infrastructure the focus for Hutt City Council’s Draft Annual Plan
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Council’s 2025-26 draft Annual Plan is focused on delivering services, funding key projects and managing costs while keeping rates as affordable as possible.
Proposed dog control updates – are we barking up the right tree?
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Council is updating its Dog Control Policy and Bylaw—and wants to hear from you.
Honour Local Legends – Nominate Now for the 2025 Lower Hutt Civic & Youth Awards!
- Hutt City Council
- Honour Local Legends – Nominate Now for the 2025 Lower Hutt Civic & Youth Awards!
Lower Hutt consulting on the future of water services
- Hutt City Council
- Public consultation is now open on one of the biggest decisions Lower Hutt residents will face for many decades – how to fund and deliver water services.
Council’s graphic designer Mitchell Allen is the King of scrim
- Hutt City Council
- Mitchell Allen is Council’s unassuming graphic designer responsible for much of our branded artwork including the 200-metre-long scrim on the fence surrounding Naenae’s Walter Mildenhall Park.
Cook Islands dance and fitness sessions continue to march on
- Hutt City Council
- The beats are pumping, the sun is shining and the demand for more has spoken – URAHIIT is extending its outdoor Cook Islands dance season with extra sessions in March.
Wellington Phoenix to Breathe New Life into Fraser Park
- Hutt City Council
- Lower Hutt’s Ricoh Sports Centre is set for an exciting new chapter, with the Wellington Phoenix officially taking over as operators of the multi-use sports facility at Fraser Park.
Doof, doof – Breaking Beats returns to Lower Hutt’s McEwan Park
- Hutt City Council
- Breaking Beats: This is Living is one of the highlights of Lower Hutt’s events calendar and it’s returning to its outdoor home at McEwan Park on 1 March.
Update on Ava Bridge Pedestrian Walkway
- Hutt City Council
- Today KiwiRail confirmed it is deferring work to replace ageing sleepers, rail and other structural maintenance on the Ava Rail Bridge in Lower Hutt until the end of 2025.
A strategy for Lower Hutt’s future and the rulebook to make it happen
- Hutt City Council
- The public is invited to provide feedback on two key strategies that will shape a resilient sustainable future for Lower Hutt.
Council governance highlighted in the latest Quality of Life Survey
- Hutt City Council
- Lower Hutt residents have high levels of satisfaction with Local Government, according to the latest Quality of Life Survey.
Lower Hutt packed with exciting events in February and March
- Hutt City Council
- Lower Hutt continues to cement its reputation as a premier hub for exciting community events, offering something for everyone in 2025.
New wards to take effect at this year’s local body elections
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Council will work towards the implementation of the Local Government Commission’s determination of how residents should be represented at October’s local body elections.
Pop-up coffee stand coming to Te Ngaengae Pool + Fitness
- Hutt City Council
- Naenae’s Trade School Kitchen (TSK) café will partner with Hutt City Council to provide a pop-up coffee stand in the foyer at Te Ngaengae Pool + Fitness centre.
Lower Hutt’s festive party continues into 2025
- Hutt City Council
- The Christmas and New Year festivities may be over but that doesn’t mean the fun has stopped with plenty of events for you to enjoy in Lower Hutt over January.
There’s still time to have your say on new shared walking and cycling routes through Taitā and Avalon.
- Hutt City Council
- The proposed Taitā and Avalon Community Connections project will connect residents and schools with the heart of their communities, and improve the experience of walkers and cyclists, by providing safer transport options that are good for us and our environment. Council is seeking community feedback on the proposed designs until Friday 1 September.
New Council Website
- Hutt City Council
- There is an awesome new website. Here is why we built it...
Wainuiomata Cleanfill step nearer to permanent closure
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Council is progressing the closure of the Wainuiomata Cleanfill site by June 2022.
Update about slips on Eastern Hutt Road - Lower Hutt
- Hutt City Council
- Heavy rain on Thursday evening caused two large landslips onto Eastern Hutt Road, near the entrance to Stokes Valley.
Community praise for Naenae Pool and Fitness Centre design
- Hutt City Council
- Naenae’s new multi-million-dollar pool and fitness centre is shaping up to be just what the people ordered.
Contractor appointed to lead upgrade of Wainuiomata Town Centre
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Council is investing in the heart of Wainuiomata with streetscape specialists John Fillmore Contracting Limited (JFC) appointed as Lead Contractor to complete work on the Wainuiomata Town Centre.
Striking the right balance: Hutt City Council’s draft Annual Plan consultation opens today
- Hutt City Council
- Consultation on Hutt City Council’s draft Annual Plan 2023-24 opens today, until 30 April 2023.
Naenae College students’ poetry to feature in revamped Walter Mildenhall Park
- Hutt City Council
- The creative writing efforts of four Naenae College pupils will be displayed at prominent locations within the revamped Walter Mildenhall Park when it reopens next year.
Water you waiting for? Get your emergency water tank today!
- Hutt City Council
- Get ready for summer with a 200-litre emergency water tank—perfect for water storage, resilience, and ensuring your household stays prepared in event of a natural disaster.
Lower Hutt’s festive feast of fun
- Hutt City Council
- It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Lower Hutt. Whether you’re decking the halls, wrapping gifts, or looking for ways to keep the family entertained, we’ve got a stocking full of activities to make your holidays merry and bright.
HCC response to threatened proceedings by FSU in respect of Hutt News insert
- Hutt City Council
- We can confirm the Free Speech Union has indicated it will commence legal proceedings today (Monday 9 December) regarding a matter that occurred in February 2024 which was widely reported.
Hundreds welcome the opening of Te Ngaengae at dawn ceremony
- Hutt City Council
- The beautiful sound of waiata ā-ringa sung by local tamariki filled the early morning silence in Naenae today as part of the blessing ceremony for the new Te Ngaengae Pool + Fitness.
Hutt City Council looks to harness the power of AI
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Council is taking bold steps to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and position itself as a leader in the responsible use of the technology in New Zealand.
Te Ngaengae Pool + Fitness achieves sustainability first
- Hutt City Council
- Te Ngaengae Pool + Fitness, a new community facility in Lower Hutt, is New Zealand’s first aquatic facility to be awarded a prestigious sustainability rating.
Hutt City Council adopts new approach to deliver key infrastructure projects
- Hutt City Council
- Hutt City Council has made a strategic decision to change its approach to delivering key projects within Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi (RiverLink) programme, stepping away from the existing Alliance delivery model.