
Archive / February 2019

March 2019 | January 2019
    • February update from DCM - together we can end homelessness
      • 96 February update from DCM - together we can end homelessness p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; 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Under Stephanie's leadership, we have adopted the byline "together we can end homelessness" reflecting our current focus on one key marginalised group. How appropriate that we should mark Stephanie's anniversary with a morning tea at Te Hāpai (to lift up), the safe, welcoming space here at DCM for people who are experiencing homelessness. There we shared photos and memories from the last 15 years, and our taumai acknowledged the part Stephanie and DCM have played in lifting them up and supporting them on a journey to housing and greater wellbeing. We were very proud to acknowledge Stephanie as one of our featured supporters this month. At the morning tea celebrating her 15 years at DCM, Stephanie noted that Te Amo was the only person who had worked at DCM longer than her. Te Amo works in our Foodbank, breaking down items, re-stocking the freezers with bread, and generally keeping the DCM whare clean and tidy. <!-- --> Our Foodbank needs your support Another of the supporters we lifted up this month was Kaibosh, who supply a wide range of healthy, nutritious food for our taumai. Food rescue service Kaibosh provides quality surplus food three times a week to DCM, and as you can see it includes fresh veges, which is a welcome boost for the nutritional needs of taumai. In addition to food provided by Kaibosh, DCM's Foodbank relies on donated goods from the people of Wellington. The Foodbank has been busy lately, and we are very short of the following items: Tinned stews and ready meals Pasta and curry sauces Jam, honey, peanut butter Tinned fruit Soap, toilet paper, washing powder We would very much welcome your donations of food here at DCM, 2 Lukes Lane, week days or to our food donation bin at New World Chaffers any time. <!-- --> Our health volunteers The other key supporters we featured this month as “kaitautoko of the week” were our dentists. Oral health care is one of the most significant unmet needs of the people who DCM works with, the most marginalised people in our city. This group of amazing dentists from the Wellington branch of the NZDA volunteer their time so that our taumai can receive much needed emergency dental treatment and pain relief. At every session of the DCM Dental Service, we are reminded of just how significant this initiative is in enhancing the wellbeing of people in Wellington who are experiencing homelessness. Here are some examples of people who our dentists have supported recently. 'J' has been rough sleeping for some time. He came into DCM because he had tried to pull his own tooth out and left remnants behind, causing him further pain. He was seen by one of our dentists that day; he came back the next day pain free and ready to talk about his housing options.  'T' is a Māori man who has cycled in and out of homelessness over recent years. He is currently staying at the Night Shelter and has been taking pain relief for some badly infected teeth. He came in to DCM and was seen at the dental service. T needed a number of extractions, and the dentists recommended a second appointment at the DCM Dental Service. T has now been referred to Wellington Hospital; DCM staff will support him to connect with the hospital dental service to be fitted with dentures. The dental service has been important in continuing to build a strong relationship between DCM and T, to support our ongoing work to address his homelessness.    'H' is a daily visitor to Te Hapai. He is also profoundly deaf, and someone DCM staff have often struggled to communicate with. Last week he pointed to his teeth and we were able to make a dental appointment for him, writing the time down on an appointment card. We were unsure if he would remember, but he came to the appointment and was able to receive some much-needed treatment. He has been much more communicative and eager to engage with DCM since. The fourth supporter we featured this month was eye doctor Paul Herrick. He runs a monthly session here at DCM – each time he sees 10-15 taumai, some of whom leave that very day with a new pair of glasses and a whole new view of the world. For all our regular updates follow DCM on Facebook and Twitter. <!-- --> What can I do? We are recruiting! Would you or any of your contacts like to join the amazing team at DCM? We need experienced, qualified kaimahi to join our Sustaining Tenancies team, and our exciting new collaborative outreach team, supporting people who are experiencing homelessness, or at risk of homelessness. Visit our listings on Trademe here and here and please pass this along to anyone who may be interested. For more ideas about how you can help, visit our website and Support DCM Do you know others who would love to learn more about DCM and our work with people who are experiencing homelessness? Encourage them to join our mailing list for monthly updates during our 50th birthday year. <!-- --> Read More Success Stories <!-- --> Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive <!-- --> Copyright © 2019 DCM. All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: DCMPO Box 6133Marion SqWellington, Wellington 6011 New ZealandAdd us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.
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    • Mud Slide 2019
      • Three scouts (that I am aware of) attended the Mud Slide 2019 at Pukera Bay den on Saturday.  The grins were huge on all the faces I saw.  Seth, Rosie and Calvin all had a fantastic time.  Below are a few pictures of them (I missed Seth, so there aren't any of him).
      • Accepted from Ngatitoa Sea Scouts feed by feedreader
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      • scouts
      • Ngati Toa Scout Group, Parade Ground, Mana, Paremata, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 1 – Week 4)
      • Important Dates NOTE: You can access the school calendar on our website: WHS School Calendar 26-28 February: 9Riley Noho Marae 1 March: Athletics Day 4-6 March: 9Royal Noho Marae 6-8 March:  9Howell Noho Marae 26 March: FRIDAY timetable runs today 29 March: Learning Conversations all day (with rōpū teachers) 12 April: End of Term 1 Important Information WHS Athletics Carnival – Friday 1 March On Friday 1 March we will hold our annual WHS Athletics Carnival Day at Newtown Park. This year we expect all year 9 and 10 students to compete. In years 11 to 13 the event will only be for competitors, peer supporters and those running stalls. All other students in years 11 to 13 will have a Home Learning Day. Teachers will talk to students about their expectations for the day, and we encourage students to make good use of their time if they are not attending the athletics. Students need to make their way to Newtown Park and have their name marked on the roll by 8.45am. The athletics programme will start at 8.45am with the 1500m. Those competing in the 1500m need to be at the track at 8.30am to get ready. The day should conclude by 3.30pm. Entries for all events are taken on the day and students are encouraged to participate actively and to support their whānau group by wearing their colours: Riley – red; Kelly – yellow; Howell – green; Royal – blue. We look forward to seeing who our top athletes will be. These students will go on to represent WHS at the Western Zone Athletics Championships on Wednesday 6 March. Please note that although bikes, skateboards and scooters can be used as transport to the park, they must not be ridden inside Newtown Park at all. Shoes and appropriate attire must be worn whilst competing. Students should bring water, wear a hat and have sunscreen. Students should bring food for the day and may like to bring cash to purchase food from stalls run by senior students. Newtown Park is an all-weather track, however, should we need to cancel the event, we will communicate this through the WHS website, school app, Facebook and Twitter.     What’s happening? Ecology Trip July 2020 In 2020 WHS hopes to take a small number of students who will be at least 16 years old to the small island of Dominica. The aim will be to learn about ecology techniques both on land and in the sea.  Click here for further information. Please note the rock canyoning is not part of this trip. For further information, contact Joanne Lowe  or come to the information evening with Dr Tim Coles, the founder of Operation Wallacea, on Monday 25 February at 6pm in the school library. (Please note the meeting has been changed from Wednesday February 27). After school Kimono experience Students learning Japanese had the opportunity to experience wearing kimono, traditional Japanese wear, after school on Tuesday. Licensed kimono instructor, Colleen Esler, ran the workshop for interested students. Students learnt important tips including left goes over right (the reverse is reserved for burial), before being dressed in their choice of formal or ‘street style’ kimono. Library lunchtime lecture Jim Inglis, Senior Business Manager Genetics, Pamu,  gave a fascinating talk to staff and senior students in the Library yesterday in the first Library Lunchtime Lecture for 2019. He spoke on genetics in livestock systems  in NZ and fielded a range of considered questions from students keen to better understand the biological and social Implication of CRISPR. CRISPR is a new gene editing technique that cuts and repairs genes with astonishing accuracy and precision. Senior Biology students discovered which biotechnologies are legally permitted for use in New Zealand and, perhaps more importantly, discovered those we are not yet using and why this is so. Sincere thanks to Jim Inglis and the Library Staff for this golden opportunity to discover more about the possibilities and potential problems with CRISPR and other new  biotechnologies in Aotearoa New Zealand. CRISPR research at VUW Wellington High School students took a lunchtime library research trip to Victoria University this week. Our students found key texts on CRISPR, investigated the latest scientific journals and accessed the best online biological databases in the scientific world. Students heard how CRISPR and gene editing techniques are being used here in Aotearoa New Zealand to fight cancer,  investigate gene mutations and repair metabolic pathways blighted by inherited mistakes in gene coding. Students were left considering the possibilities for possum control and even eradication with gene driven technologies, plus the potential for the control of disease causing mosquitoes and ticks in Australia and America. We had a wonderful whistle stop tour of the library’s rich resources and will return to visit the laboratories and lecture rooms of our closest university and research institute in coming weeks. Thanks to the VUW Science Librarians and Thom Adams (Engagement Coordinator), from the Faculty of Science.   Sports Preseason training update   Since term began, preseason training has been underway in Basketball, Netball, Rugby and Dragonboating. In this time a lot of hard work has been done and, as we progress towards the winter season, this will only continue to intensify. Everyone involved in preseason training understands that doing the hard work now will help us reap the rewards later on. Not only that, having invested heavily now, we will enjoy the challenge of games and matches much more too.    
      • Accepted from WHS news by feedreader
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      • newtown-park
      • basketball
      • libraries
      • Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Embedding Artist Space in the City: Co-Design the Manifesto
      • <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > People’s Cinema, Urban Dream Brokerage, Manners Street, 2013-15 Tuesday 12 March 2019, 10am-5pm Atrium, Te Aro Campus, Victoria University of Wellington, Vivian Street $25 - Covers Lunch. Register Here Now Enquiries: mark@lettingspace.org.nz Temporary art projects in cities are well and good while there’s space for them. As seen in Wellington with Urban Dream Brokerage, Letting Space over the last 9 years, and in numerous independent examples over decades: they enliven, develop city identity, transform spaces and seed new arts infrastructure. But, when a city is gentrified – with artists’ residence safely contained within events – the ability to enable the change artists inspire and provide in a city is limited. It is in allowing for the common spaces that things seed in vibrant, resilient cities. This is a call to artists of all stripes to join Letting Space and the artists in the city for a day to sprint-write a manifesto of actions to support artists with space in Wellington to be presented to Wellington City Council for its Decade of Culture (2018-2028). This is our shared development space for independent artists in Wellington. What models do you like? What has worked here? What are the opportunities we could be taking up? How do we seed more permanent development space? From big ideas – taxes on empty buildings – to the more immediate actions - guidelines on working with property owners. From new performance residency spaces to artist group housing, these models have proven to be vital to cultural cities’ vibrancy. Let’s empower change together. Best, Sophie Jerram and Mark Amery February 2019
      • Accepted from Urban Dream Brokerage Blog by tonytw1
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      • events

    • Our 2019 Auditions are Live!
      • Kia Ora! Wellington Youth Choir wishes you a warm welcome into 2019! We’re ready to charge into the year, with new repertoire, a new Music Director, and new singers! Speaking of new singers, we are very excited to let you know that our auditions for 2019 are live and ready for bookings! Do you love to sing? Have you sung in a choir previously or have always wanted to? Wellington Youth Choir is just what you’re looking for! Wellington Youth Choir is made up of roughly fifty students and young professionals aged between 18-27, and prides itself on being an energetic, inclusive, and passionate group. Performing a wide variety of pieces ranging from Verdi’s Requiem, to more contemporary and unique pieces, we often perform in different venues and locations within and outside of Wellington. Auditions will be held on Sunday 3rd March from 9am-4pm at Toi Poneke Arts Centre. For more information, and to book an audition slot, please email our choir administrator at wellingtonyouthchoir@gmail.com! You can also follow the link to our Facebook event here!   We look forward to hearing from you!   Ngā Mihi, Wellington Youth Choir.
      • Accepted from WYC news by feedreader
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      • singing

    • Assembly notes
      • Great job Alexis and Phoebe on being awesome comperes! Today's songs: We sang Ko toku marae teni and tai aroha. Term 1 CARE values: Confidence Shared work and presentations:  Marzipan presented their programme. The whole school was reminded to look after the games and chess pieces in the library. Class of the week award: Room 9 was given the award for good assembly behaviour.
      • Accepted from Kilbirnie School news
      • Tagged as:
      • libraries
      • Kilbirnie School, 72, Hamilton Road, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Vessel on rocks Kaitawa Bay
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sun, 17/02/2019 - 19:45 - 21:45 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  6 Total Volunteer Hours:  10 Bayliner 20 foot on rocks at Western end of Kaitawa Bay (41 05.34S  174 50.97E.  6 POB, arrived on scene 20:33.  All POB safe on land and confirmed noone in water or on vessel.   Unable to find safe landing asshore  all OK Informed Harbour Master of vessel on rocks and unable to retrieve and returned to base.   Vessel Details Length:  7.00m Resources Attendees:  Devine dfranks Weedoogie Polarbear Trevor Burgess CRV's Used:  CRV Pelorus
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news
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      • tawa
      • -41.091648, 174.854164

    • Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 1 – Week 3)
      • Important Dates NOTE: You can access the school calendar on our website: WHS School Calendar 18 February: Te Whānau a Taraika hui at Hineakau 6pm 26-28 February: 9Riley Noho Marae 1 March: Athletics Day 4-6 March: 9Royal Noho Marae 6-8 March:  9Howell Noho Marae 26 March: FRIDAY timetable runs today 29 March: Learning Conversations all day (with rōpū teachers) 12 April: End of Term 1 Important Information Te Whānau a Taraika Hui – Monday 18 February Nau mai, haere mai ki te hui; Te Whānau a Taraika. We would like to invite everyone to our first meeting for Te Whānau a Taraika for 2019. Monday 18 February, 6pm, at Hineakau, Wellington High School. If you would like to, please feel free to bring a plate to share. Everyone welcome! Agenda: Introductions Recap of 2018 Main events/diary for 2019 Any other business Ngā mihi nui Ariel Metekingi, Chair Read more about Te Whānau a Taraika here: http://www.whs.school.nz/te-whanau-a-taraika/   Athletics Day — Friday 1 March       On Friday 1 March we are holding our annual WHS Athletics Carnival Day at Newtown Park.  This year we are expecting all year 9 and 10 students to be competing. At years 11 to 13 the event will be for competitors only. Other students in years 11 to 13 will have a Home Learning Day and I encourage students to make good use of their time on that day if they are not going to attend the athletics. Teachers will talk to senior students about their expectations for this day. We encourage year 11 to 13 students to come along and support their peers and the junior students. Senior students who have committed to running a stall on the day are also expected to attend. Students need to make their way to Newtown Park and have their name marked on the roll by 8.45am.  The athletics programme will start at 8.45am with the 1500 metres, these athletes will need to be at the track at 8.30am to warm-up and get ready, the day should conclude by 3.30pm. Entries for all events are taken on the day and students are encouraged to actively participate and to support their whānau group by wearing their colours, Riley – red, Kelly – yellow, Howell – green, Royal – blue. We look forward to seeing who our top athletes will be as they may go onto represent WHS at regional athletics championships. Please note that although bikes, skateboards and scooters might be used as transport to arrive at the park, they must not be ridden at all inside Newtown Park. Shoes and appropriate attire must be worn whilst competing. Students should bring water, wear a hat and have sunscreen. Food should also be brought for the day and students may like to bring cash to purchase food from the stalls run by senior students.     What’s happening? Aroha Day – 14 February For many 14 February immediately conjures up images of hearts and flowers, but at WHS it is a special day of engagement and opportunity. Yesterday was WHS’s first Aroha Day. The hall filled with stalls from over 40 different activities and sports and students from all year groups took the opportunity to find out about the activities on offer and sign up. For new students it was an inviting opportunity to find out about the life of the school. As one Year 9 reported, the event gave him the confidence to join clubs that he might otherwise have not felt confident enough to approach. For older students it was the chance to showcase their passion for the activities they are already engaged in. Groups put together inviting displays to tell others about their activities. Students enjoyed the outreach and opportunity to talk with and encourage their peers to sign up and get involved. As a result over 160 students have signed up for Relay for Life and the High School musical group is expecting more than 80 to its first meeting. Many other activities and sports are experiencing record levels of interest. Overall, Aroha Day was a day of collaboration, outreach and engagement and is a day that will certainly become an annual highlight in WHS’s calendar. Year 9 & 10 Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs) Year 9 and 10 students are taking four Progressive Achievement Tests (PATs) during Weeks 4—5 (beginning 18 February) in their core classes. Letters have been sent home. All Year 9 and 10 students must ensure they have a laptop with them as the tests are completed online. You can view the schedules for the tests here.   For more information on PATs, go to: Understanding PATs – Community and Parents (NZCER) Papa Taiao Camp 2019 Students taking Papa Taiao at Level 3 explore sustainability, environmental dynamics, conservation and related issues. In such a course, hands on experience is essential. This week the Papa Taiaio students visited Matiu / Somes Island, snorkelling off the coast and investigating the island’s ecology.       Ecology Trip July 2020 WHS wish to take a small number of students who will be at least 16 years old in 2020 to the small island of Dominica to learn about ecology techniques both on land and in the sea.  Follow this link to read more.  Please note the rock canyoning is no longer available. For further information, please do not hesitate to contact Joanne Lowe or come to the information evening with Dr Tim Coles, the founder of Operation Wallacea on Monday 25 February at 6pm in the school library. (Please note the meeting has been changed from Wednesday February 27th.) February’s Library lunchtime lecture: Genetics  Jim Inglis, Senior Business Manager Genetics, Pamu, is giving the February Library Lunchtime Lecture. Taking place in the Library on Thursday 21February from 1.30-2.15, Jim will focus on Genetics and who is doing what in NZ’s production systems. This is a golden opportunity for AgHort and Biology students to discover the technologies in use. Importantly they will get an insight onto the biotechnological solutions that are not in use and will be able to understand the reasons why.     School Leavers Toolkit: WHS works with the MoE to review design concepts Over a dozen WHS senior students attended a user-testing workshop on Monday morning run by the MOE (Ministry of Education) to review the forthcoming ‘School Leavers’ Toolkit’ design concepts. They heard from a diverse group of our students with a wide range of perspectives, different aspirations and varied learning needs. The toolkit represents a Government commitment to provide students with opportunities to develop the knowledge, skills and capabilities needed to transition successfully into employment, training or further education. The web application designs our students tested and critiqued included iconography for resources to support financial literacy, an understanding of how our political systems work (civics), and developing key workplace skills. It will be aimed at students in years 11 – 13 and beyond. Students were asked to give input on decisions about design, accessibility and function. They gave the project team honest, in-depth feedback on the design ideas for the web space. MOE staff, impressed with the engagement of the WHS students – some of whom took part in last year’s Hackathon – invited students to share their ideas further and assist the MOE with user-testing as they develop a web space to connect students to key information needed to successfully transition out of school. The MOE were delighted with our students’  enthusiasm and insight, and look forward to working with them in the coming year.     Base One garden  A big thank you to Vicki and the Base One students for taking the time to set up and maintain the new herb gardens outside the foods rooms. We are now using some of these gorgeous herbs in our dishes.       Notes from the Music Department Choir started practising Thursday at lunchtime. Newcomers are welcome. Come to the main music room at 1.20pm (bring your lunch with you). If you are play a stringed instrument, our string ensemble needs you! Jazz band will start week commencing 18 February. If you are interested in joining the Junior Jazz Band, this will start later on in March. To talk to Mr Wollner about any of these, you will find him in the main music room after school each day. Achievements Scholarship Success! Scholarship is the highest level of achievement possible at NCEA Level 3 NCEA and awards $500 to each successful candidate. We congratulate Gwen Palmer-Steeds on achieving three Scholarships, including an Outstanding result in English. Congratulations also go to to Sophie Dickinson-Smith, Amelia Mance, Sophie Mance, Christopher Matheson and Luke Roeven who have all achieved highly across a range of subjects. In addition, Aroha Millar, Year 13 Sculpture student from 2018, has received a $5000 scholarship to attend the course Toioho ki Apiti — Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts College & University in Palmerston North. We are very proud of her achievements and wish her all the very best for her future studies in art. Sports Update Our Sports programme has been very busy so far this year!  Thank you to all who helped get students to their games and practices.  You can see the Sports Draw on our website. Go to www.whs.school.nz, click on the Sports tab and select Sports Draws. From the drop down arrow select your sport.  Some of the mainstream sports, Netball, Hockey, and Rugby are not included here as these sporting bodies prepare their own draws. Floorball: Thailand Floorball World Cup Qualifier. Kristina Sundin has just returned from Thailand where she and her sister, Marie Sundin (a former WHS student) represented New Zealand, competing in the Asia World Cup Qualifier. At 14 years old, Kristina was the youngest player selected for the team. She really proved that she deserved her spot in the team during the games. In her role as a defender made many fantastic saves. While the NZ women team didn’t qualify, the sisters learned much and had a great experience. They are already starting to prepare themselves for team selection for U19 Women’s World Cup. This will be held in Sweden 2020. New Zealand women’s head coach, Sven Sundin, is also the coach of Wellington High Floorball team. He invites players, old and new, to join him in the old gym on Monday evenings at 5pm, starting 18 February 2019. You can also email Sven for more information.    
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      • newtown-park
      • libraries
      • Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • The Iconic
      • One of the fastest growing internet clothing retailers, The Iconic, have been successful in securing further funding from Summit Partners, a US based investment firm.
      • Accepted from Bodega posts
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • bars
      • Bar Bodega, 101, Ghuznee Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand/Aotearoa

    • Move yacht from breastworks to Berth
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Tue, 12/02/2019 - 18:30 - 21:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  2 Total Volunteer Hours:  21 Move yacht from breastworks to Berth "A" pier.  Set up berthing lines, closed down vessel. Went up into Porirua harbour, went to ramp opposite Warehouse.  Checked depth and accessabil[ty. Practised collision SOP and MOB. Vessel Details Length:  12.00m Resources Attendees:  bvinnell Weedoogie france98 markoshark Shane Tindall Polarbear Trevor Burgess CRV's Used:  CRV Pelorus
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news
      • Tagged as:
      • porirua
      • -41.124625, 174.852562

    • Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 1 – Week 2)
      • Important Dates 11 February: Year 9 Meet the teachers @ 6pm (Riley Centre) 11-13 February: 9Kelly Noho Marae 14 February: WHS Aroha day to choose activities for the year 18 February: Whānau hui @ 6pm 26-28 February: 9Riley Noho Marae 1 March: Athletics Day 4-6 March: 9Royal Noho Marae 6-8 March: 9Howell Noho Marae NOTE: You can access the school calendar on our website: WHS School Calendar Important Information Year 9 Meet the Teacher Evening — 11 February, 6pm, Riley Centre Year 9 parents and caregivers are invited to our Meet the Teacher evening on Monday 11 February. Beginning with an address from the Principal, Dominic Killalea, parents and caregivers will then have the opportunity to meet with their student’s rōpū teacher and to meet parents and caregivers of others in the class.   Year 9 Noho Marae – starting next week Beginning next week Year 9 rōpū will experience noho marae, a great way for students to solidify their social connections and begin to feel more a part of the school community. Students will also have fun and challenge themselves as they take part in a wide range of activities including an overnight camp in the Taraika marae, swim, kayak and visit Adrenaline Forest.   What’s happening? Farewell to Andrew Savage, Deputy Principal On Tuesday, we farewelled Andrew Savage who has been one of our Deputy Principals since 2012. Andrew leaves WHS to take up a post at the Teaching Council and their gain is most certainly WHS’s loss. Many staff took the opportunity to speak at Andrew’s farewell, recognising his many qualities and numerous contributions to WHS and enjoying musical contributions from Fritz Wollner and Andrew himself.     Safer Internet Day #SID2019 – 5 February 2019 This week marked international Safer Internet Day 2019 so we thought we would share some new resources from Netsafe. You might find some of their conversation starters for ‘Teens (14-18)’ and the resource links useful: Managing Time Online: How would you tell if you were spending too much time online? If you wanted to cut back, what are some ways you would try to do this? Catfishing: What do you know about catfishing? How do you tell if someone really is who they say they are online? Social Media vs Reality: How well do you think social media reflects people’s real lives? How do you tell when someone is getting paid to promote content on social media? Online Bullying? What does online bullying look like? What’s the difference between bullying & banter? What advice would you give to a friend who was being bullied? Sending Nudes: How common do you think sending nudes is? What are the risks? What advice would you give to a friend who has had their nudes shared without their consent? Online Pornography: What do you think are some of the differences between pornography and sex in real life? What would you do if you saw pornography that upset you? WHS Community Education Centre have a “We Need to Talk About Porn” talk for parents of teens, coming up on March 20th from 6-8.30pm – $30 – call 04 385 8919 or go to www.cecwellington.ac.nz  to enrol. Student Services counter opening hours  Open for Parents: 9.00-10.30; 10.45-12.30; 1.00-3.30 Open for Students: 11.00-11:20, 1:30pm – 2:15, 3:20-3:30 From the Garden It is one of the most productive times of year in the school’s garden. AgHort teacher, Claire Neiman shared photos of just some of the produce harvested from the garden over the past few days. Sport Thank you to all the students who have returned their Sports Registration Forms. If you still have to return your registration form, please hand it to Student Services by Monday 11 February. Summer sports and some winter sport pre-season practices start next week. Please be aware that if your son/daughter has been selected for a summer sports team, this takes priority over the winter sport preseason training.  If you have concerns about any sport or training please feel free to contact me to discuss options on sport@whs.school.nz Weekly sports draws are always displayed on the sports noticeboard outside the office in the Lower Gym as well as on the school website.  On the website, www.whs.school.nz click on the sports icon then select sports draws. From the drop down arrow select your child’s sport. Finally, for all netballers, click and read important information about the 2019 season. Coming up this week we have: 8 February: Volleyball Seniors starts 9 February: Cricket starts 11 February: Netball preseason practices  12 February: Football preseason practices, Yoga starts 13 February: Rugby preseason practices,  Tennis Lessons start, Volleyball Juniors starts 16 February: Futsal Juniors starts  18 February: Futsal Seniors starts    
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      • Automatically tagged as:
      • secondary
      • Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Secure Sarina Pole Mooring
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Thu, 07/02/2019 - 18:30 - 21:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  1 Total Volunteer Hours:  12 Training night converted to securing vessel with broken mooring line.  Yacht Sarina had broken stern mooring line and was swinging in tide.  Resecured with Coastguard rope. Continued training by area familiarisation going under bridges and heading up Pauatahanui Inlet. On return took tow of dingy into marina "E"pier.  Person took vessel to swing mooring and was rowing back in failing light against incoming tide. Vessel Details Length:  10.00m Resources Attendees:  Weedoogie Shane Tindall Polarbear Trevor Burgess CRV's Used:  CRV Pelorus
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • boating
      • emergency-services
      • kapiti
      • -41.108723, 174.860001

    • Support Plimmerton Boating Club (PBC) - Hospice Day
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sun, 11/11/2018 - 10:00 - 18:00 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  12 Total Volunteer Hours:  32 Left Mana Marina to PBC, tasked to head towards Pukerua Bay as MR1 assisting tow from Makara to Mana.Went to each vessel, introduced ourselves and handed out Coastguard Membership forms.  Went ot to Hunters Banak and again handed out membership forms.   Vessel Details Length:  7.00m Resources Attendees:  bvinnell Weedoogie NZL13 Trevor Burgess CRV's Used:  CRV Pelorus read more
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news
      • Tagged as:
      • makara
      • -40.943872, 174.836884

    • Capoeira Angola Wellington
      • Bringing together Capoeira Angola practitioners from across New Zealand to present this beautiful art of cunning and acrobatics…the mix of live music and singing that bring to the present moment a long historical story of resistance and the fight against an oppressive system…born in a time of slavery and colonization in Brazil with strong African roots…the ‘Roda’ is a celebration and a way to keep the art alive and strong…..to test our physical abilities and strengthen our spirits in a playful and community enriching event. This year we’ll have joining us a special guest Master from Bahia, Brazil, Mestre Lua de Bobo….a well respected master of the old guard….a living legend
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      • newtown
      • events
      • wcn-hosted

    • Weekly Wrap-Up (Term 1 – Week 1)
      • Important Dates 6 February: Waitangi Day – School closed 7-8 February: School photos 11 February: Year 9 Meet the teachers (6—7pm) 11 February: BoT meeting 11-13 February: 9Kelly Noho Marae 14 February: WHS Aroha day to choose activities for the year 18 February: Whānau hui (6pm, Taraika Marae) 26-28 February: 9Riley Noho Marae 1 March: Athletics Day 4-6 March: 9Royal Noho Marae 6-8 March:  9Howell Noho Marae NOTE: You can access the school calendar on our website: WHS School Calendar Welcome to 2019 On behalf of the Board of Trustees at Wellington High School we welcome new students and families to our school as well as welcoming back our current students and their families. Congratulations to all students who sat NCEA exams at the end of last year. The Board are currently analysing the results from these exams to inform our decision making for the year. We encourage all parents and students to realise the importance that attending school has on learning.  Research shows us that attendance is vital for good grades and encouragement from home to come to school each day is a vital part of supporting all our young persons’ learning. Our dedicated staff have already been  busy over the last few weeks preparing for the school year and welcoming students. Finally, we encourage all new families to join our Te Whānau a Taraika. You are all welcome to attend the next hui which will be held in Taraika. Please keep and eye on the weekly wrap-up for details of the date and time. Deanne Daysh, Chairperson Wellington High School Board of Trustees
      • Accepted from WHS news by feedreader
      • Automatically tagged as:
      • secondary
      • Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)


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