
Blogs / February 2019

March 2019 | January 2019
    • February update from DCM - together we can end homelessness
      • 96 February update from DCM - together we can end homelessness p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; 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Under Stephanie's leadership, we have adopted the byline "together we can end homelessness" reflecting our current focus on one key marginalised group. How appropriate that we should mark Stephanie's anniversary with a morning tea at Te Hāpai (to lift up), the safe, welcoming space here at DCM for people who are experiencing homelessness. There we shared photos and memories from the last 15 years, and our taumai acknowledged the part Stephanie and DCM have played in lifting them up and supporting them on a journey to housing and greater wellbeing. We were very proud to acknowledge Stephanie as one of our featured supporters this month. At the morning tea celebrating her 15 years at DCM, Stephanie noted that Te Amo was the only person who had worked at DCM longer than her. Te Amo works in our Foodbank, breaking down items, re-stocking the freezers with bread, and generally keeping the DCM whare clean and tidy. <!-- --> Our Foodbank needs your support Another of the supporters we lifted up this month was Kaibosh, who supply a wide range of healthy, nutritious food for our taumai. Food rescue service Kaibosh provides quality surplus food three times a week to DCM, and as you can see it includes fresh veges, which is a welcome boost for the nutritional needs of taumai. In addition to food provided by Kaibosh, DCM's Foodbank relies on donated goods from the people of Wellington. The Foodbank has been busy lately, and we are very short of the following items: Tinned stews and ready meals Pasta and curry sauces Jam, honey, peanut butter Tinned fruit Soap, toilet paper, washing powder We would very much welcome your donations of food here at DCM, 2 Lukes Lane, week days or to our food donation bin at New World Chaffers any time. <!-- --> Our health volunteers The other key supporters we featured this month as “kaitautoko of the week” were our dentists. Oral health care is one of the most significant unmet needs of the people who DCM works with, the most marginalised people in our city. This group of amazing dentists from the Wellington branch of the NZDA volunteer their time so that our taumai can receive much needed emergency dental treatment and pain relief. At every session of the DCM Dental Service, we are reminded of just how significant this initiative is in enhancing the wellbeing of people in Wellington who are experiencing homelessness. Here are some examples of people who our dentists have supported recently. 'J' has been rough sleeping for some time. He came into DCM because he had tried to pull his own tooth out and left remnants behind, causing him further pain. He was seen by one of our dentists that day; he came back the next day pain free and ready to talk about his housing options.  'T' is a Māori man who has cycled in and out of homelessness over recent years. He is currently staying at the Night Shelter and has been taking pain relief for some badly infected teeth. He came in to DCM and was seen at the dental service. T needed a number of extractions, and the dentists recommended a second appointment at the DCM Dental Service. T has now been referred to Wellington Hospital; DCM staff will support him to connect with the hospital dental service to be fitted with dentures. The dental service has been important in continuing to build a strong relationship between DCM and T, to support our ongoing work to address his homelessness.    'H' is a daily visitor to Te Hapai. He is also profoundly deaf, and someone DCM staff have often struggled to communicate with. Last week he pointed to his teeth and we were able to make a dental appointment for him, writing the time down on an appointment card. We were unsure if he would remember, but he came to the appointment and was able to receive some much-needed treatment. He has been much more communicative and eager to engage with DCM since. The fourth supporter we featured this month was eye doctor Paul Herrick. He runs a monthly session here at DCM – each time he sees 10-15 taumai, some of whom leave that very day with a new pair of glasses and a whole new view of the world. For all our regular updates follow DCM on Facebook and Twitter. <!-- --> What can I do? We are recruiting! Would you or any of your contacts like to join the amazing team at DCM? We need experienced, qualified kaimahi to join our Sustaining Tenancies team, and our exciting new collaborative outreach team, supporting people who are experiencing homelessness, or at risk of homelessness. Visit our listings on Trademe here and here and please pass this along to anyone who may be interested. For more ideas about how you can help, visit our website and Support DCM Do you know others who would love to learn more about DCM and our work with people who are experiencing homelessness? Encourage them to join our mailing list for monthly updates during our 50th birthday year. <!-- --> Read More Success Stories <!-- --> Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive <!-- --> Copyright © 2019 DCM. All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: DCMPO Box 6133Marion SqWellington, Wellington 6011 New ZealandAdd us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.
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