Blogs / August 2011
September 2011 | July 2011-
Review: CAV&PAG
- The Wellingtonista
- Cavalleria rusticana by Mascagni, and Pagliacci, by Leoncavallo, are apparently opera’s most famous double bill.
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- blogs
- featured
The global penguin – Part 7. The wandering emperor penguin enters the technological age
- Te Papa's blog
- The celebrity Emperor Penguin at Wellington Zoo had a satellite tracking device fitted yesterday in preparation for his trip towards colder climes during the coming week. The bird will be transported to south of 50 degrees on the NIWA research vessel Tangaroa this week.
- Accepted from Te Papa blog feed
- Tagged as:
- penguins
The Mangapurua Cycle Trail
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- As part of the Mountains to the Sea Cycle Trail the Mangapurua Cycle Trail links the Whanganui River at the Bridge to Nowhere to the Ruatiti, Orautahu, Raetihi part of the World.
- Accepted from Wellington Region Cycleways
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- blogs
- transport
- cycling
Pedestrians count for nought in Johnsonville
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- This post is inspired by Auckland Transport Blog‘s post Why are we so mean to pedestrians? which asks the question why are pedestrian crossings often missing from traffic light controlled intersections.
- Accepted from Wellington Region Cycleways
- Tagged as:
- johnsonville
Wow 2011
- The Wellingtonista
- Friend of the Wellingtonista Sam Scott expressed a differing opinion: @samuelfscott Another year, another WOW.
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- blogs
- featured
Double Banger
- Eye of the Fish
- Consultation on the NZTA’s solutions for “roading improvements” around the Basin and through to the Airport (the tail end of State Highway 1, if you will), closes today. I’ve been taking a bit of a back seat on this, watching from the sidelines as the alternative proposal put forward by the Architectural Centre “Option X” [...]
- Accepted from Eye of the Fish feed
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
- consultation
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
A Travelogue
- The Wellingtonista
- Mark Shea is an Australian filmmaker and traveler who combines his two loves to create short travelogues of the places he visits.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Day 2 – cabbage, cabbage and more cabbage
- Hutt Chick
- Dinner on day 1 filled a gap.
- Accepted from Hutt Chick
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- blogs
- election-candiates-2010
- hutt-valley
Day 1 and hungry already
- Hutt Chick
- Porridge and apple Breakfast wasn’t too bad.
- Accepted from Hutt Chick
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- blogs
- election-candiates-2010
- hutt-valley
WOW comes early
- The Wellingtonista
- The Wellingtonista has been going along to the World of WearableArt show for the past three years, and we’ve come to have a bit of affection for the grand celebration of the extravagant mash-up of fashion, design and costumery that is wearable art.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
- Tagged as:
- wow
Below the line – shopping day
- Hutt Chick
- Shopping all done, and even have $2.15 left to spend! First stop was the riverbank market to get my fruit and vege. Rachel suggested I get a cabbage to make cabbage soup. After all, that was what Charlie’s family ate, from Charlie and the chocolate factory. And apparently the thing that goes best with cabbage soup is a cabbage. Other bargains were some apples and potatoes that had blemishes, and pumpkin which is in abundance at this time of year.
- Accepted from Hutt Chick
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- blogs
- election-candiates-2010
- hutt-valley
Below the line – starts in 3 days
- Hutt Chick
- From 22 – 26 August 2011, I will be living on $2.25 a day of food and drink to get a better understanding of the challenges faced by people who live in extreme poverty. I am trying to raise as much money as I can for Oxfam by participating in the Live Below the Line Challenge.
- Accepted from Hutt Chick
- Tagged as:
- appeals
National’s White Elephant
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- I should be writing bicycle posts, but I feel like I have to fight a rearguard action against stupidity, so I got out the Microsoft Paint.
- Accepted from Wellington Region Cycleways
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- blogs
- transport
- cycling
Council votes to consult on bus lanes
- Bryan Pepperell - Back To The Future
- Voting to consult on removing on-street motorcycle parks, car parks and loading zones on KENT TERRACE from MAJORIBANKS STREET TO EDGE HILL to be replaced with a Bus Priority Lane were: Mayor Wade-Brown, Councillors Ngaire Best, Stephanie Cook, Paul Eagle, Andy Foster, Justin Lester, Simon Marsh, Iona Pannett, Helene Ritchie.
- Accepted from Back To The Future
- Tagged as:
- motorcycling
- consultation
- wellington-city-council
- bus-lanes
- parking
WOP: The taste of happy
- The Wellingtonista
- So, a couple more excursions to restaurants with Wellington on a Plate menus.
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- blogs
- featured
Review: Eight
- The Wellingtonista
- Eight.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
WOP: let’s hear it for the Floyd
- The Wellingtonista
- I have clearly timed career moves badly, because in the hungry wait for Wellington on a Plate I was unemployed and spent large parts of the day dreaming about where and what I would eat, but now it’s on, I have a temporary job and it’s not in the CBD.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Our movies have gone to the dogs
- The Wellingtonista
- Remember Footrot Flats? Of course you do.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
- Tagged as:
- appeals
- animals
- cinema
WOP: Give me shelter
- The Wellingtonista
- So, Wellington on a Plate – it’s quite good, yeah? While Joanna is a (deliciously) seasoned pro, this is my first year sampling the culinary delights of the festival of nomz.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Snow in Cuba
- The Wellingtonista
- You might not have noticed, but it’s pretty cold in Wellington right now. In fact, let us be the very first people to tell you: it’s snowing in some parts. Woah! Now we have dispensed with the usual sarcasm, please enjoy this beautiful video by Ro Tierney of the snow in Cuba Mall. Snow on Cuba Mall in central Wellington (HD) from Ro Tierney on Vimeo.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
- Tagged as:
- snow
- cuba-street
- video
Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
WOP: Eating the other cheek
- The Wellingtonista
- Miss Hungry & Frozen said the other day “I think cheeks are the new shanks”.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Protecting ourselves from a crazy man
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- How do we tell this man we want cyclepaths and light rail lines instead of the Roads of National’s Stupidity? Thanks to the Dom Post’s cartoon which got it spot-on.
- Accepted from Wellington Region Cycleways
- Tagged as:
- transport
What we can learn from Catalonia
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- Girona is a small city in northern Catalonia.
- Accepted from Wellington Region Cycleways
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- blogs
- transport
- cycling
Strike: Elemental
- The Wellingtonista
- Leni Sulusi Strike are completing their Downstage Residency with a revisit of Elemental.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
WOP: A deluge of dreadfulness at Monsoon Poon
- The Wellingtonista
- Our mouths have been working overtime this week, with all the Wellington on a Plate action going around.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
- Tagged as:
- reviews
- restaurants
All your beers are belong to us
- The Wellingtonista
- It used to be that if you wanted a good selection of independent and craft beers, your options were limited: Malthouse, perhaps Bar Bodega back in the day, or a bus out to Newtown for Bar Edward.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
- Tagged as:
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Cos we ain’t not no hollaback girls
- The Wellingtonista
- You know what sucks? Getting yelled at on the street (unless it’s someone yelling “Hey Wellingtonista, you’re awesome, come and have some free drinks in my bar if you like” in a non-threatening way.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
- Tagged as:
- gigs
Upper Hutt, where dreams don’t come true
- Eye of the Fish
- We like a little bit of self parody at the Fish. This is brilliant. Sad, brutally honest, and yet, still brilliant. Listen to the lyrics y’all.
- Accepted from Eye of the Fish feed
- Tagged as:
- hutt-valley
- video
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Bike Racks of Palmerston North
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- One of these bike racks has landed near the Palmy i-Site.
- Accepted from Wellington Region Cycleways
- Automatically tagged as:
- blogs
- transport
- cycling
Review: When the rain stops falling
- The Wellingtonista
- When the rain stops falling ‘When the rain stops falling‘ has a challenging narrative and structure – one actor (x2) plays two characters, two actors (x2) play one character, three characters have the same name, and the timeline spans 80 years.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Pie time
- The Wellingtonista
- Many fingers in many pies and bunny men of the moment, The Nudge have their album release gig this Friday night at San Francisco Bath House. You’ll recognise these three from a concoction of other incarnations: Ryan Prebble, James Coyle and Iraia Whakamoe with special guests Warren Maxwell and DJ Electica. $15 on the door
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
- Tagged as:
- gigs