Blogs / February 2024
March 2024 | January 2024-
Advertising ruins everything
- Eye of the Fish
- With the announcement of TV3 killing off Newshub, it makes transparent the sad fact that we have all known for some time, namely that advertising...
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- architecture
- blogs
Some January-February happenings
- Talk Wellington
- It’s always busy at this time of year but there’s an extra lot happening right now! Talk Wellington tries to keep up with this roundup, and please add things we’ve missed… Congestion charging may finally get on the local agenda: Wellington mayor asks councillors to vote to lobby Government for it (amongst many other cost-cutting,...
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- blogs
Review: Goody Goody Glam Pop
- The Wellingtonista
- Reviewed by Talia Carlisle Get ready to shake it, to the fabulous rhymes and sick beat of Goody Goody Glam Pop at Circus Bar for one more night! Bethany Miller’s transformation into pop superstar Brooklyn Brooklyn of Brooklyn is Disney magic to behold as she shares her most pop-ular songs – Back to Back, Breathless, […]
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- brooklyn
- theatre
Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
We live in a Utopia
- Eye of the Fish
- Utopia !!! What’s not to like? It’s clearly not a Dystopia – it’s a YOU topia. Cool. Just thought that I might leave this here:
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- architecture
- blogs
Why density though?
- Talk Wellington
- Answered by A City For People’s Luke Sommervell, to attendees of March 2024 gathering of Wellington Urbanerds. Why density? Why now? It’s a conversation that has come up recently, a lot. Young people are flocking to places like Melbourne, Sydney, and London. And raving about trains, trams, apartment living with the same level of excitement...
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- blogs
Regular people, change and Wellington: the District Plan and the movement
- Talk Wellington
- Of course 2024’s first Urbanerds gathering had to be about Wellington’s battle for a District Plan that lets the city evolve. In case you missed it, here’s a roundup of the evening featuring A City for People, the War for Wellington and record turnout of new faces! Urbanerds co-host Matt McCallum welcomed folks and introduced...
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- blogs
Independent Commissioner Panel Report Debacle
- Eye of the Fish
- The time is ripe – the end is near. Gradually, slowly, the Independent Commissioners are releasing their Reports onto the interwebbies, and very slowly, a...
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- architecture
- blogs
Pukehinau-Lambton citizens: do the vote thing!
- Talk Wellington
- From time to time there’s a byelection and it’s easy to get distracted and not vote. In Wellington, right now, that could well mean lots of regrets. Here’s a few tips to make it easy for those with a byelection to vote in! While it was done for the general election, the Talk Wellington Sniff...
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- blogs
Come together: diversity, discourse and the magic of place
- Talk Wellington
- Our national day is a pretext to be deliberate about our big, important conversations – our constitution, our identities, our senses of fairness.
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- blogs
Summer happenings
- Talk Wellington
- Urbanism never sleeps… and despite NZ’s traditional shut-down and quiet period over the summer, it’s been a big time! Here’s some urbanism-relevant stuff you may have missed (and please add stuff we’ve missed – especially from Porirua, the Hutt valley and Kāpiti!) Just before Christmas: The new Transport Minister cancelled central funding for a slate...
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- hutt-valley
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)