Blogs / August 2009
September 2009 | July 2009-
Google Maps
- The Wellingtonista
- A couple of cool new features have arrived at Google Maps.
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- blogs
- featured
Weta Cave after a year
- The Sidestrip
- The sidestrip revisited the Weta Cave after a year Posted in Film and Entertainment, Travel and Places
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- video
Safe Passage
- The Wellingtonista
- Today delivered a bright and cheerful blue-dappled day in the city but there were dark forces abroad.
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- blogs
- featured
Wellington on a plate on the web
- The Wellingtonista
- We've been particularly lax in not covering Wellington on a Plate, in my case because I am drastically short of funds and if I wrote about it I'd just get sad that I can't eat every single thing on offer.
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- blogs
- featured
Cinephilia: Opening This Week
- The Wellingtonista
- I have to keep this brief as time is short.
- Tagged as:
- cinema
Review: Whero's New Net
- The Wellingtonista
- Whero's New Net, by Albert Belz, is a play inspired by The New Net Goes Fishing, Witi Ihimaera's 1977 collection of short stories looking at the experiences of rural Maori moving to the cities.
- Tagged as:
- theatre
- reviews
Mad on Manners
- Eye of the Fish
- The subject of Manners Mall has not yet, it seems, gone away.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- manners-mall-bus-lane
Newlands Community Centre
- Eye of the Fish
- Newlands suburban shopping centre is even worse than NaeNae by many standards: tantalising close to Wellington, the shopping centre (shown above) is worse than virtually anywhere else in the region: about 6 shops (Fush and Chups, Dairy, Emergency condom supplies, and off-license), some more closed down, with a large tarmac spin-out pad parking lot, and an architectural value quotient of precisely zero. I'm sure that there are many happy Newlanites / Newlandiers that love it precisely for its unpretensionness: however to me it is hell on earth (but with a nice view from some parts). However: all that has recently changed.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- newlands
- architecture
Newlands, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Another reason to love Wellington
- The Wellingtonista
- We've always known that Wellington is a warm glowing lovefest of pinko liberal lefties.
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- blogs
- featured
Cinephilia: Opening This Week
- The Wellingtonista
- Righto, back again with a quick run down of what's new in cinemas this weekend.
- Tagged as:
- cinema
Reminder: Smarten your Snapper
- The Wellingtonista
- Here's just a quick reminder that the Smarten your Snapper competition closes in a week's time, on Thursday 27th August.
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- blogs
- featured
Porcupine fish on Petone foreshore
- Te Papa's blog
- I had a call yesterday from Wellington's Dominion Post newspaper needing an expert to identify some fish found washed up on the Petone foreshore. Andrew Stewart, Te Papa's fishes collection manager, identified them as porcupine fish.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- petone
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Project Rugby
- Eye of the Fish
- Prodded into action by one of our many readers, who helpfully slipped us a set of the Resource Consent drawings, we've had a chance to look at the New World ("Project Rugby") scheme that is due to clog up the Basin Reserve even more.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- mount-cook
- retail
85 Rugby Street, Wellington
Cinephilia: Opening This Week
- The Wellingtonista
- The big noise this week is being made by Neill Blomkamp's District 9 which you can see at Readings, Empire, Embassy and Sky City Queensgate.
- Tagged as:
- cinema
Monument Mondrian
- Eye of the Fish
- Today however, all was revealed. Closed my eyes for a second, took my mind off the ball, and with a start I find that the wraps have come off the Monument apartments in a most alluring manner. So: Architecture + and Stratum / CAS have done it again: completed a major new apartment building in the middle of a nasty recession.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- architecture
- blogs
233-245 Wakefield Street, Wellington
Blenheim Tournament
- Wgtn U-13 Hatch Cup Team 2009 Blog
- Last weekend we went to Blenheim to play in a mini tournament against Marlborough, Nelson and Canterbury. Our first 2 games against Marlborough and Nelson went well with good team work and 11-0 and 6-0 wins. Our coaches Nigel and Subs were reasonably happy, but we did miss a few opportunities. Our game against Canterbury was to be our big match of the weekend. Unfortunately, half our team were struggling with food poisoning and sickness so we performed well below our best, losing 6-1.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- hockey
Iceberg hits Welllington
- The Sidestrip
- A fake 'iceberg' in Wellington's Oriental Bay the other day was made by special effects wizards Weta for a Climate change stunt. The object, which appears to be made of polystyrene or a similar material, is between the Carter Fountain and the Overseas Passenger Terminal.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- oriental-bay
- conservation
- video
Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
A belated and shamefully unremarked 60th birthday greeting to Wellington’s darkest secret, its trolley buses
- Poneke
- The 40th anniversary of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin making the first Moon landing reminded me I’d completely overlooked another anniversary as close to my heart as that long ago great leap for mankind.
- Tagged as:
- trolley-buses
Eyes Wide Open for Climate change
- The Sidestrip
- Today, August 12th at 1pm, hundreds of New Zealanders paused for five minutes with woolly hats over their eyes. We then lifted our hats together, showing that we will not have the wool pulled over our eyes about the possibilities for real action on climate change.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- video
- conservation
Review: Le Sud
- The Wellingtonista
- If you've visited Akaroa, you'll know how the li'l Canterbury village prides itself on its Frenchness. See, it was founded by the French. Dave Armstrong's new play "Le Sud" takes the idea of the French in Aotearoa a few steps further.
- Tagged as:
- theatre
- reviews
Grafitti Knitter on the loose!!!
- The Sidestrip
- Grafitti Knitters in Wellington.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- art
- video
Two cats in one
- CataBlog
- Our lovely girl came from us as a stray from Hamilton Rd in Haitaitai - hence the name. Originally we thought her a boy, but a vet check has proved otherwise, so "Lady" has been appended to the original name.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- blogs
3 day CraftWeekend
- The Wellingtonista
- Saturday pick for Craftyness is The Island Bay Craft Village. It's showcasing a gorgeous range of bags, jewellery, chocolate, cupcakes, clothes, photos, toys, brooches, scarfs, pottery, ceramics and more.
- Tagged as:
- island-bay
- events
88 The Parade, Island Bay, Wellington
- Eye of the Fish
- The opening of the new restaurant Portofino in the base of the Meridian building will add nicely to the ambience of the Kumutoto area, making a triumverate of eateries / drinkeries that is a little Wellington all in itself.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- architecture
- restaurants-and-bars
- waterfront
Cinephilia: Opening This Week
- The Wellingtonista
- I thought I'd come out of hiding for a moment to trumpet the first Wellington feature film to get a decent release in ages, Separation City.
- Tagged as:
- cinema
Fence action
- The Wellingtonista
- Right now you can check out the start of the Outdoor Knit fence action on the cnr of Vivian and Bute Streets As lovely as 3 hearts are, that fence is still pretty ugly.
- Tagged as:
- art
1 Bute Street, Wellington
- Eye of the Fish
- Massive front page news on the Dompost today, that the Watermark project has stalled / stopped / been reborn as a new project. All in the one day. Someone has been busy.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- real-estate
- waterfront
March against Night Class cuts
- The Wellingtonista
- In the 2009 Budget, the National Government announced an 80% cut in the funding provided to schools throughout New Zealand to run night classes or Adult Community Education (ACE).
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- blogs
- featured
Fishing the Basin
- Eye of the Fish
- The Wellington Civic Trust is holding a Seminar this coming weekend on “Round About the Basin“, with a grand line-up of speakers and presentations so that everyone can have their say. The question still remains: “is anyone in power actually going to be listening?” - to which almost certainly the answer will be “lip service only.” It’s great that the Civic Trust takes it on itself to do these kind of things, although really it should be the job of the Council to talk to the people and gauge their views, and just occasionally take on their recommendations.
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Pohutukawa flowering – is it Christmas already?
- Te Papa's blog
- No, it is not Christmas already. (Fortunately the year hasn’t passed by that quickly.) But this pohutukawa on Wellington’s waterfront, opposite Frank Kitts Park, seems to think so. It has been spluttering into flower over the last few weeks.
- Tagged as:
- waterfront
Smarten yer Snapper
- The Wellingtonista
- Craft 2.0 are running the Smarten Your Snapper competition. All you need to do is make some sort of nifty cover, holder, or cosy for your Snapper card (or Snapper USB) and enter it into the competition for a chance to win a new Snapper card pre-loaded with $100. In addition, you'll win a table at the next Craft2.0 at the Dowse, giving you a place to market your creation.
- Tagged as:
- snapper-card
- art
The writing's on the wall...
- CataBlog
- ... and the couches, the walls, the cages and the chairs. Cos us cat nutters really do care.
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- blogs