Blogs / May 2010
June 2010 | April 2010-
Dirtying up your ears: Erogenous Tones III
- The Wellingtonista
- Remember how last year Erogenous Tones was nominated for a TAWA as Best Art Experience? Well now's your chance to experience it for yourself! Erogenous Tones is cumming to you live again, again and again.
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- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Your Apartment or mine?
- The Wellingtonista
- There are always new apartment buildings springing up, but this Apartment is very different.
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- blogs
- featured
Talk talk (and watch)
- The Wellingtonista
- The Film Archive is mixing things up a little for the next three weeks.
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- blogs
- featured
New Zealand’s rarest stamp now at Te Papa
- Te Papa's blog
- Have a look at this picture of New Zealand’s rarest stamp – see anything unusual about it? It’s a bit hard to see because of the post marks but the centre scene is actually upside down. It’s known as the Taupo Invert and it’s the only survivor out of the 80 incorrectly printed stamps. The [...]
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- blogs
- te-papa
Some more bits and pieces
- The Wellingtonista
- Wendy from the delicious Cultured Petone is running a cheese-making workshop.
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- featured
Train problems continue
- Hutt Chick
- I managed to get to work this morning before the train problems started on the Hutt Valley line.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- trains
Leaving a paper trail
- The Wellingtonista
- We've raved about Monterey Bar before, but just quickly, we want to point you to their blog on which they display the best of the artworks drawn on their paper-covered tables. You have to wonder about what was going on when this divorce settlement was written, or what exactly is wrong with these tights - but I could tell you the backstory to Senor Handsome if you ask nicely.
- Tagged as:
- bars
Joel Salom's Gadgets
- The Wellingtonista
- Bizarre uses for ping-pong balls, megalomaniac robot dogs, fire juggling, and a healthy dose of audience participation are just some of the ingredients in Joel Salom's Gadgets, which opened tonight at Downstage as part of the Comedy Festival.
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- blogs
- featured
Cyclists who cruise are awesome, cyclists who whoosh are not
- The Wellingtonista
- Cycle Aware Wellington has a cute campaign going to encourage cyclists to ride nicely on the waterfront. It involves handing out freebies: bells and lights. If there's anything we at the Wellingtonista endorse, it's freebies and nice cyclists. More details here.
- Tagged as:
- waterfront
The package deal for council L.A.T.E.S and trusts
- Bryan Pepperell - Back To The Future
- At the start of the 2007 triennium a remuneration package deal was struck at Council.
- Tagged as:
- water
This job is pretty rubbish
- The Wellingtonista
- Remember when rubbish collectors used to come up and collect from your bins at the back of the house, even when you lived up big steep pathways? Good times. Anyway, here's a mini documentary called Dusties from NZ on Screen for your Friday afternoon viewing. Enjoy!
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- blogs
- featured
Hutt proposes an environmental centre
- Hutt Chick
- Lower Hutt is considering establishing an EnviroHouse in the old caretakers house by the Dowse over bridge.
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- blogs
- election-candiates-2010
- hutt-valley
Doug Jerebine (AKA Jesse Harper) in town this weekend
- The Wellingtonista
- Legendary (and non-mythical) NZ guitarist brings his Eastern influenced Blue Cheer-Hendrix-Atomic Rooster meets Sonic Youth skwall to Wellignton at Happy on Saturday 8th May.
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- blogs
- featured
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's A TREE
- The Wellingtonista
- We love community, and we love art, so it's no surprise that we love community art projects.
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- art
- Bryan Pepperell - Back To The Future
- REPORT 1 CAPACITY ( WATER MANAGEMENT FOR WCC AND HCC ) I put forward the following amendment Recommend to Council that: (a) it agree to consult under section 88 of the Local Government Act 2002 on a proposal to bring water management back in house and instead pursue joint venture with local authorities and Wellington Regional Council. (b) it instruct officers to prepare the necessary consultation documentation for approval by the Strategy and Policy Committee MOVED Cr Pepperell. SECONDED CrRitchie.
- Tagged as:
- water
- wellington-city-council
Brazil - da da da, da, da, da, da, daaaaaa
- The Wellingtonista
- This classic film is screening on 35mm on the big screen at the Film Archive every night this week at 7pm.
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- blogs
- featured
Review: Lagerfield
- The Wellingtonista
- Last year, for the second time in a row, Team Wellingtonista won the Webstock Pub Quiz (we intend to win it this year too, by the way). Our prize was a $300 tab for Lagerfield at 21 Blair Street. Having been there late at night when it was full of munters, I was not overwhelmed with enthusiasm, but as it turns out, it was a lovely experience.
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- reviews
- bars