Transport / June 2011
July 2011 | May 2011-
A flyover at the Basin Reserve? The battle begins on Saturday
- Wellington Scoop
- Saturday is the day when the government’s Transport Agency will tell Wellington how it intends to change the cityscape at the southern end of Kent and Cambridge Terraces. The news has been a long time in coming, but as long ago as 2008 then-mayor Kerry Prendergast said, with approval, that a flyover near the Basin Reserve would be part of the plan. Her successor doesn’t support a flyover. Indeed, the concept has few supporters except for the planners and engineers at the Transport Agency. And though there have been several good alternative proposals, the Agency doesn’t seem willing to consider them.
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- events
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Let’s not get pwned by the RoNSter
- Architectural Centre Inc
- Save the Basin and Save Kapiti are organising a “Rail Against the Road/Expressway” rally at Parliament on Wednesday July 6th. While most of us in the Centre might not have strong opinions one way or the other on the proposed Kapiti ‘Sandhills’ scheme (?), the issue is nevertheless an important one for a number of reasons. First of all, being played out here is the age-old conflict between nationally identified objectives against local community interests (or destruction thereof). This, of course, has much resonance with our members.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- wellington-northern-corridor
- lobby-groups
- kapiti
Frustrated, angry, bullied: Kapiti residents say new expressway will trash the district
- Wellington Scoop
- The strength of grass-roots opposition to an expressway through Kapiti is shown in this week’s announcement that residents are planning to march on parliament. The “frustrated and angry” residents aim to target Transport Minister Stephen Joyce, whose Transport Agency is preparing to build the new motorway.
- Tagged as:
- kapiti
- wellington-northern-corridor
NZTA are spineless
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Fresh from a meeting with NZTA's "stakeholder engagement manager" for the Save The Basin Reserve campaign - actually a hired gun from Opus Consulting - we've learned that the NZ Transport Agency will not be fronting up to any public meetings during the consultation process.
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- consultation
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Petanque in Buckle Street this Saturday
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Living Streets Aotearoa are planning to play petanque in Buckle Street this Saturday 2 July at 1pm, reclaiming the area for people instead of cars.
- Automatically tagged as:
- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Regional Public Transport Plan
- Metlink
- People in the Wellington region are being encouraged to have their say on a 10-year plan for the region's public transport network.
- Tagged as:
- consultation
- transport
"Rail against the roads" protest at Parliament, Wednesday 6 July
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- There's a protest against the National Party's neanderthal transport policies and the impact of their incessant road building being held at Parliament on Wednesday 6 July, starting at midday.
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
- events
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
We have moved !!
- Wellington Aero Club
- Wellington Aero Club has shifted daily operations to our new hangar and offices at 24 George Bolt St, Rongotai, Wellington. The new location is easy to find, right next to the big red The Warehouse at the Lyall Bay shopping centre. Daily flying will now all be conducted from our new location, and being located right [...]
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- lyall-bay
Lyall Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
The great flyover teardown…
- Architectural Centre Inc
- Those good folk over at the Congress for the New Urbanism run an initiative called “Highways to Boulevards,” seeking to reclaim urban environments and revitalise cities by campaigning for highway teardowns. They pay particular attention to elevated highways, yep, the good old flyover. But not only do the CNU provide a set of model precedents for [...]
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Bus RTI Signs Get a DLAY
- Auckland Trains
- Wellington has finally got real time bus schedule info on electronic signs – but it’s already been hit by the mysterious disease that has been plaguing Auckland’s signs for years.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- real-time-displays
Capital Row Over Parking Charges
- Auckland Trains
- The gloves are off in Wellington over Council plans to make Wellington the most expensive city in New Zealand to park in.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- parking
- wellington-city-council
Inside The Matangis
- Auckland Trains
- Reader Jim Curtis has taken a ride on the new Wellington Matangis and says he was impressed with the speed of acceleration.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- matangi-trains
- reviews
Flyovers and the Wellywood sign
- Wellington Scoop
- One word was missing from the Transport Agency’s announcement that next month it will finally tell the public about its plans for changing State Highway One around the Basin Reserve. The word which the Agency chose not to use: flyover.
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- wellywood-sign
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The still waters of the Manawatu
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- The Moutoa Recreation Reserve is a bit of DOC land on the banks of the Manawatu River between the river and the flood channel. I had a bit of a leg stretch on that stretch of the river on a sunny still day last week. I thought I’d share a couple of photos.
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- blogs
- transport
- cycling
Wellington to Wairarapa Trail
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- There was a comment on my last post from David Hancock, who works for Hutt City Council, and I think it is worth highlighting the link he gave.
- Tagged as:
- wairarapa
March on Parliament 6 July: Rail Against The Expressway
- Sustainable Wellington Transport
- This is our chance to tell John Key, Steven Joyce and their mates what we think of the planned Kapiti Expressway and the other “Roads of National Significance” aka massive and horribly expensive white elephants. For more information, contact Bianca Begovich, ph: 021 641 123, or visit the Save Kapiti website.
- Accepted from Sustainable Wellington Transport posts
- Tagged as:
- kapiti
Wellington Fares Up
- Auckland Trains
- Two-thirds of Wellington bus and train commuters are in for a fare increase.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- fares
WCC wants work to begin on Ngauranga-Petone cycleway
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- There is some good news on the Dom Post.
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- petone
- cycling
- wellington-city-council
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Let the consultation theatre begin!
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- The NZ Transport Agency today announced that they will be commencing "consultation" on the Basin Reserve flyover on Monday 4th July.
- Tagged as:
- consultation
Ian McKinnon's faeries at the bottom of the garden
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Every month the Mt Victoria Newsletter publishes an opinion piece from one of the WCC Lambton Ward councillors, and this month it was the turn of Deputy Mayor Ian McKinnon - who published one of the most incoherent pieces of blather about transport projects that we've ever seen.
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Crossing the Manawatu Safely
- Wellington Region Cycleways
- The Manawatu River is the biggest obstacle when travelling north-south through the Horowhenua.
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- blogs
- transport
- cycling
Wgtn 5% Fare Rise Planned
- Auckland Trains
- A 5% fare rise on multi-trip tickets may be confirmed by the Wellington Regional Council tomorrow.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- fares
Another Motorway Battle Looms
- Auckland Trains
- Another motorway battle is looming in the Capital.And it’s close to the Greens’ heart. A plan to ram a motorway through Hataitai may affect among others, Greens co-leader Russel Norman as he lives in Hataitai. And it could be another big test for the Wellington’s Greens’ Mayor. The NZTA plans to duplicate the Mt Victoria Tunnel and put a four lane motorway through Hataitai which Norman says would be bad for everyone.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- basin-reserve-flyover
- hataitai
- second-mount-victoria-tunnel
Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Reminder: a flyover isn’t the only option for changes at the Basin Reserve
- Wellington Scoop
- At a meeting in Hataitai last April, a distressed Kapiti woman warned about the tactics that could be expected from the NZ Transport Agency. Her forecast has proved to be correct.
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Basin Reserve proposals “now two”
- Architectural Centre Inc
- The front page of the Dominion Post recently announced that there are now just two possible options being worked on by the NZTA, regarding possible routes that the proposed Basin Reserve bypass could take.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington Commuters Freeze
- Auckland Trains
- Wellington rail workers say they’re sick of freezing cold conditions for drivers and the public on Wellington’s aged metro trains, and are taking action to stop it.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- trains
The Transport Agency’s stubborn offer to Wellington: choose a flyover or a flyover
- Wellington Scoop
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
NZTA's ultimatum: a flyover or a flyover
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- The Dominion Post is reporting what we had assumed all along - the NZ Transport Agency's engineers are going all-out for a flyover, and have ruled out all other options.
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket