Transport / Trains
Trains related newsitems
Kiwirail Update
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- Kiwirail has advised of upcoming rail works in the Wadestown area, near the end of Leslie St and Hanover St, which might impact people who live nearby. The piling work we are doing involves drilling rock, so it will at … Continue reading →
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- wadestown
- trains
Hanover Street, Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Ohai Railway Board No.1 update September 2024
- Rimutaka Incline Railway
- Ohai Railway Board No.1 update September 2024 Hugh McCracken Fri, 13 Sep 2024 - 15:07
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- local-history
- rimutaka-railway
Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust, Maymorn, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Killed by a Tram
- Friends of Karori Cemetery
- On the evening of 28th May 1917, a tramcar motorman was driving his tram towards Lambton Station when a man stepped off the footpath in front of him. He sounded the gong and the man seemed to stop and stagger. He then applied the emergency brake but the man was struck by the advertisement side of the car and knocked down. The injured man was carried to the Central Hotel with the assistance of a solider. He never regained consciousness on being admitted to hospital and died at 8am the following morning.
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- light-rail
Karori Cemetery, Northland, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Let’s Get Something Something
- Eye of the Fish
- It’s been a curious start to a new Government and a curious end to an old year. 2023 – don’t want to see that one...
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- lets-get-wellington-moving
- light-rail
Rail Safety Week 2023
- Silver Stream Railway
- This week is Rail Safety Week in New Zealand and Australia, so we thought this would be a good opportunity to remind the community that we are part of about…
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- silverstream
- trains
Why we need MRT
- Wellington Scoop
- At a time of close scrutiny of the LGWM programme, with some Wellington city councillors calling for it to be abandoned and an opposition party ready to scrap it if they win power, it is time to reflect on just why we need Mass Rapid Transport and what the consequences for our region will be if this doesn’t go ahead.
- Accepted from Wellington Scoop features by feedreader
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- lets-get-wellington-moving
- light-rail
Metlink looking forward to resuming full week-day rail timetable on Thursday
- Metlink
- Metlink is looking to resume its full week-day rail timetable on Thursday 4 May following KiwiRail’s commitment to finish track inspections on Wednesday after a fix was found for its specialist equipment at the 11th hour. Metlink General Manager Samantha Gain welcomed KiwiRail’s commitment but warned that passengers were not out of the woods yet. “We have still got Tuesday and Wednesday’s reduced services to get through. We have been working with Transdev to monitor the performance of the network today (Monday 1 May) and we are adding two extra services over the remaining two days as a result.
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- trains
Taupo Swamp and Catchment science mural for the rail underpass
- Plimmerton Residents’ Association
- Working with Friends of the Taupo Swamp and Catchment, Plimmerton School, scientists and advisors, under the guidance of artist teacher Margaret Tolland Plimmerton Residents’ Association is working on the production for a large mural to go opposite the new rail mural in the underpass. It will show the flora and fauna of this vital area and how science is being applied to understand and protect the swamp and catchment.
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- art
- trains
Plimmerton, 31, Steyne Avenue, Plimmerton, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, 5026, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Cautionary tales out of Auckland light rail: a good thing, being done badly
- Talk Wellington
- Make no mistake, Wellington city needs mass transit. And we’re watching with alarm how Auckland, in trying to get a vital component of its own mass transit system (that their fast-growing city needs ever more desperately), is kicking itself in the leg Just in case anyone listening too closely to certain councillors: there’s no other...
- Accepted from Talk Wellington posts by feedreader
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- light-rail
Metlink supporting passengers, bus drivers and train crew with onboard etiquette campaign
- Metlink
- A Metlink campaign aiming to create more pleasant journeys for customers and frontline staff by reminding passengers of onboard etiquette is being rolled out across its network. Metlink General Manager Samantha Gain says its launch is well timed with Metlink’s two largest operators making significant progress on recruiting new drivers through individual recruitment campaigns and newly opened pathways for immigration.
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- buses
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Why restoring long-distance passenger rail makes sense—for people and the climate
- Victoria University of Wellington
- To cut transport emissions in our larger cities, we need to 're-imagine' car ownership as an option rather than a necessity, write Robert McLachlan and Paul Callister.
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- trains
Metlink bus and train services boosted as school term begins
- Metlink
- Regular weekday timetables for Metlink buses resume on Monday 30 January after the network operated on enhanced Saturday schedules for most of the month to alleviate the impact of the national driver shortage.
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- trains
Rail Monthly Passes are leaving the station
- Metlink
- November 2022 will be the final month of paper Rail Monthly passes. The 30-day Rail pass replaces these passes and is available to load onto your Snapper card from 7 November, for use on the Kāpiti Line from 12 November and the rest of the network from 27 November. The pass is activated on its first use and includes your bus trip to or from your local station when travelling to Wellington Station from zones 4-14.
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- snapper-card
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Monthly passes are leaving the station
- Metlink
- You can load your Snapper card with a 30-day Rail pass from 7 November. Monthly and MonthlyPlus passes will be replaced by the 30-day Rail pass. If you’re travelling to or from Wellington Station, the Snapper 30-day Rail pass will include your bus trip to or from your local train station between zones 4-14 only. Tag on and off for every journey to avoid a default fare. And remember, your Snapper payment may be checked on board the train.
- Accepted from Metlink news by feedreader
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- snapper-card
- trains
Winter 2022 news roundup
- Rimutaka Incline Railway
- Winter 2022 news roundup Hugh McCracken Fri, 30 Sep 2022 - 14:35
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- local-history
- rimutaka-railway
Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust, Maymorn, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Planned cancellations in place for Metlink rail services bringing more certainty for passengers
- Metlink
- Metlink and Transdev Wellington have put in place a series of planned cancellations for the rest of this week to help manage staff shortages and bring more certainty to passengers on the region's rail network. Samantha Gain, General Manager for Metlink says her team is working around the clock to update timetables and information for passengers. "We appreciate that this is a difficult time for our passengers who have shown incredible patience and understanding towards the health and well-being of our rail staff and the important service they provide to our communities. We are working closely with Transdev Wellington to ensure we can have as many services running as possible with the number of staff available," says Ms Gain.
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- trains
Greater Wellington endorses bold investment vision for regional rail services
- Metlink
- Greater Wellington Regional Council endorsed a bold and visionary plan for regional rail services this week. The Wellington Rail Programme Business Case, a 30-year customer-driven strategic investment plan, outlines what is required beyond current investment to help drive the region’s economic development and social wellbeing in an environmentally and socially sustainable and resilient manner. It covers the passenger services and infrastructure needed to deliver a modern transit system, and the network infrastructure required to support this system while also enabling a growing freight operation.
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- trains
LGWM Decision at last
- Eye of the Fish
- Transport Minister Michael Wood blindsided Wellington this morning, with an announcement – and a definite decision – that Wellington is going to get Light Rail...
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- lets-get-wellington-moving
- light-rail
Budget absence of new trains surprises and disappoints regional councils
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- The Budget’s failure to contribute funding for a fleet of hybrid electric trains in the lower North Island has surprised and disappointed Greater Wellington and Horizons regional councils. The trains, which are battery powered on non-electric track, were proposed by the councils in a business case paid for by Waka Kotahi. Greater Wellington chair Daran Ponter and Horizons chair Rachel Keedwell said the government’s decision was, “Like the lights being turned off”. "It’s especially disappointing for commuters and surprising for our councils. But we’re not giving up,” Cr Ponter said. “When enacted, our business case will significantly reduce transport emissions while providing for population growth and the replacement of aged rolling stock.” Supported by Manawatū-Whanganui’s seven mayors, as well as the eight mayors of the Wellington region, the business case recommends a $762 million dollar investment in a fleet of 22 four-car, tri-mode trains, and associated infrastructure.
- Accepted from GW news 2022 by feedreader
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- electric-vehicles
- trains
50th Anniversary Excursions Announced
- Stream Incorporated
- To celebrate our 50 years of heritage rail we are offering members, past members and the public to join us for a day trip from Wellington to Woodville and return. We are using all our locomotives and carriages and offering four options for the day. Ja 1271 & Ab 608 will be at the head of the 'Coastal Steam' , and our pair of Da's, 1410 & 1431 will head up the Wairarapa with the 'Bush Rambler'. An excursion like this has NEVER happened before!
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- trains
- community-groups
- kapiti
How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail – Part 4 Bait and Switch – Change the Decision for Rail Later
- Wellington Commuter
- In 2006, the SKM Stage 3 Report recommended a Do Minimum “Base Case” based on replacing the old English Electric EMUs with refurbished Ganz-Mavag EMUs. In 2010, the GWRC then announced that new Matangi EMUs would operate on the Johnsonville Line.… Read more ...
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- johnsonville
- matangi-trains
How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail – Part 1 Jack Up the Rail Option BCR
- Wellington Commuter
- The SKM Stage 3 Report recommended keeping the Johnsonville Line because no bus Scenario had a better Benefit Cost Ratio But the SKM Stage 3 Report recommended “Base Case” excluded the cost of buying any replacement EMU trains and other costs as well Excluding these costs hid that the Bus-On-Street Scenario had the best Benefit Cost Ratio This post follows The North Wellington Public Transport Study (2006) which is the introduction this series of posts on “How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail” and will focus on how the “Do Minimum” Rail Base Case Benefit Cost Ratio was fixed in the SKM Stage 3 Report to help it come first.… Read more ...
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Works at Plimmerton Station over Easter and Anzac weekends, 2022
- Porirua City Council
- Accepted from PCC Latest news items by feedreader
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- plimmerton
- trains
Plimmerton, Queens Avenue, Plimmerton, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, 5026, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Carriage A1328 restoration progress February 2022
- Rimutaka Incline Railway
- Carriage A1328 restoration progress February 2022 Hugh McCracken Fri, 11 Feb 2022 - 14:11
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Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust, Maymorn, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
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Related sites
Auckland Trains
- This site has the latest news & views of NZ transport issues & developments.
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- trains
Paekakariki Station Precinct Trust
- The Paekakariki Station Precinct Trust shall work to acquire, develop and administer the venue of the Railway Station Precinct at Paekakariki for recreational, historic preservation, tourism, education, cultural and other allied or supporting activity.
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Rimutaka Incline Railway
- The Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust aims to reinstate and operate a world-class heritage railway between Wellington and the Wairarapa. The railway has the potential to be a unique tourist attraction for Wellington and New Zealand, and a major contributor to the regional economy.
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Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust, Maymorn, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Rimutaka Incline Railway
- The Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust aims to reinstate and operate a world-class heritage-tourist railway between Wellington and the Wairarapa.
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Silver Stream Railway
- Nestled in a quiet corner of the Hutt Valley, you will find one of New Zealand's most comprehensive and largest collections of preserved and operating steam locomotives.We operate a steam train most Sundays of the year.
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Stream Incorporated
- Steam Incorporated is an Incorporated Society dedicated to the restoration to full working order of ex-New Zealand Government Railways locomotives and rolling stock for operation on the Tranz Rail-owned railway lines of New Zealand. The Society is based at the coastal town of Paekakariki, near Wellington, on the North Island of New Zealand.
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- kapiti
- Trams-Action is an advocacy group for better public transport based in Wellington, New Zealand.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- lobby-groups
Tranz Metro
- Suburban train services.
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Wellington Heritage Multiple Unit Preservation Trust
- In April 2012 a group of rail enthusiasts started to discuss the fact that Wellington's English Electric units were to be withdrawn from service. These trains have been an integral part of the lives of Wellington commuters for nearly three quarters of a century and we felt that we could not allow them to all be turned into scrap metal. With no local established heritage group expressing an interest in preserving one of them we decided to establish our own.
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- trains
Trains Feeds
Silver Stream Railway feed 2023
- Silver Stream Railway
- Latest Item: 7 Aug 2023
- Last Read: just now
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- museums-and-galleries
- silverstream
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- Rimutaka Incline Railway
- Latest Item: 13 Sep 2024
- Last Read: just now
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- local-history
- rimutaka-railway
Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust, Maymorn, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust news
- Rimutaka Incline Railway
- Latest Item: 2 Jan 2017
- Last Read: just now
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- local-history
- rimutaka-railway
Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust, Maymorn, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington Heritage Multiple Unit Preservation Trust news
- Wellington Heritage Multiple Unit Preservation Trust
- Latest Item: 9 Feb 2014
- Last Read: just now
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- trains
Auckland Trains » Wellington
- Auckland Trains
- Latest Item: 14 Dec 2011
- Last Read: 1 minute ago
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- trains
SSR news
- Silver Stream Railway
- Latest Item: 9 Jan 2019
- Last Read: just now
- Submitted by tonytw1
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- museums-and-galleries
- silverstream
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Tranz Metro delays
- Tranz Metro
- Latest Item: 20 Nov 2012
- We like this; very simple but very effective.
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Trains watchlist
Pages which publish trains related newsitems.
Tranz metro news
- Tranz Metro
- Last Changed: 2 months ago
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