Transport / July 2019
August 2019 | June 2019-
Local community the driving force
- Metlink
- Porirua resident Daphne Tou has gone from New Zealand indoor netball representative to stay at home mother to a career in bus driving – and she is loving every minute of it.
- Accepted from Metlink news by feedreader
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Work in progress - July 2019
- Rimutaka Incline Railway
- Work in progress - July 2019 p9ndr0l Mon, 29 Jul 2019 - 21:27
- Accepted from RIR HTTPS by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- local-history
- rimutaka-railway
Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust, Maymorn, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Councils share joint approach to bus priority with Committee
- At an update to the Transport and Infrastructure Select Committee today, Greater Wellington Regional Council and Wellington City Council presented their joint plan of action for further bus priority through the city to increase reliability and reduce journey times on key bus routes.
- Accepted from Metlink offical news feed by feedreader
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- transport
Community focus for new train driver
- Metlink
- Chandan Bhaskar started out at Metlink as a passenger operator but he soon set his sights higher, with the goal of being a locomotive engineer.
- Accepted from Metlink news by feedreader
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- transport
Community focus for new train driver
- Chandan Bhaskar started out at Metlink as a passenger operator but he soon set his sights higher, with the goal of being a locomotive engineer.
- Accepted from Metlink offical news feed by feedreader
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- transport
On the right track
- Medical student turned train driver David Jin says he’s finally in his dream job after graduating as a Metlink locomotive engineer last week.
- Accepted from Metlink offical news feed by feedreader
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- transport
Wellington City Cheated by Public Transport Fares
- Wellington Commuter
- * Wellington City Bus Users pay a much higher percentage of the cost of their bus service than the rest of the Greater Wellington Region* This means Wellington City bus users are being overcharged by millions every year to support bus services in other cities* Wellington City bus fares are too high and could be reduced by changing from 3 zones to 2 zones for the cityWellington City has High Public Transport Fares[Note: The information in this post is the basis for the DomPost story “Wellington City bus commuters ‘ripped off’ by new bus network and higher fares” also published today.]… Read more ...
- Accepted from Wellington Commuter feed by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- fares
Rethinking Safety
- Talk Wellington
- As NZ grapples with our attitudes to our objectively terrible road death rate (not to mention e-scooters, kids’ cycling, high-vis, speed limits etc), we must ask: what’s real, and what’s in our heads – what myths have we come to believe? This article answers those questions, shedding an unflinching light on ourselves.
- Accepted from Talk Wellington posts by feedreader
- Tagged as:
- e-scooters
Basin Reserve Precinct Transport Plans – Latest Diagrams, Details and Technical Papers Released
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- For a long time, since the final defeat of the previous Basin Reserve flyover proposal in 2015, all we’ve had to go on are private assurances that whatever plans eventually emerged would not include a new Basin Reserve flyover.
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts by feedreader
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Public Transport network
- Eye of the Fish
- Following on from the diagram that Eye of the Fish published a short while ago, it has come out that this is, indeed, more or less exactly the route that LGWM have proposed as well.
- Accepted from Eye of the Fish feed by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- lets-get-wellington-moving
State-of-the art auto-bag-drop units now here
- Wellington International Airport
- Accepted from WIAL press releases by feedreader
- Automatically tagged as:
- airport
Wellington International Airport, Stewart Duff Drive, Strathmore Park, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)