Transport / Parking
Parking related newsitems
More parking now available on the waterfront
- Wellington City Council
- Frank Kitts Park car park has reopened, providing more parking on the waterfront ahead of the busy festive season and summer holidays.
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Frank Kitts Park, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Motorcycle Parking Fees
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Provide feedback on the proposed motorcycle parking fees.
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- parking
Motorcycle parking fees - your thoughts?
- Wellington City Council
- Wellingtonians are invited to share their thoughts on what’s a fair fee for motorcycle parking in the central city.
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- motorcycling
The Wrap Up (Term 4, Week 3 2024)
- Wellington High School
- Join the rapturous applause for our students representing Wellington in the U18 Girls team who struck gold at the UWH National. Delight your taste buds with new menu options at the school canteen and keep up-to-date with changes to the school car parking system. This and much more in this week's Wrap Up.
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- parking
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Paid parking coming to Petone at $3 per hour
- Hutt City Council
- Petone’s 33 new solar-powered parking meters will start operating from this afternoon after Council agreed to the initiative at a meeting today.
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- parking
Petone, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Parking infringement fines to increase from 1 October
- Porirua City Council
- The fines are set by the Government.
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- parking
Parking infringements to increase following Government announcement
- Wellington City Council
- From Tuesday 1 October, parking infringements will increase in line with the Government announcement about regulatory changes.
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Hutt City Council trials mobile parking enforcement cameras
- Hutt City Council
- On-road testing of the latest vehicle licence plate recognition technology begins today to improve fair access to parking across Lower Hutt.
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- parking
Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, 5010, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wadestown parking scheme and parking safety changes approved
- Wellington City Council
- Community feedback has led to some changes to the draft Wadestown parking scheme, which was considered and approved by Wellington City Councillors yesterday (11 September).
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Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wadestown Residents Oppose Council parking, cycle changes
- Better Wellington
- Wadestown residents have rejected revised proposals from the Wellington City Council that they say would fundamentally change the character of the suburb by installing a restrictive parking management plan and...
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Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Traffic Resolutions August 2024 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council is asking for feedback on 22 proposed new traffic resolutions.
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- parking
New cars to enable parking officers to be in more places more often
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council is introducing four new cars with the latest licence plate recognition technology (LPR) to its parking services fleet, to improve fair access to parking in the city.
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- parking
Have your say on proposed plans for Wadestown
- Wellington City Council
- It’s time to help shape plans for a new scheme and permit system that will manage parking pressures in some parts of Wadestown, and to complete the bike connection between Wilton, Crofton Downs, Wadestown and the central city.
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- parking
Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Over 4000 submissions on Long-term Plan, changes to suburban parking proposal
- Wellington City Council
- More than 4000 submissions on proposals relating to water, waste, investments, insurance, parking, community facilities and transport project spending were received by Wellington City Council during formal consultation on the 2024-34 Long-term Plan.
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Parking changes coming soon in Newtown and Berhampore
- Wellington City Council
- A new parking scheme will be rolled out from 24 June in Newtown and Berhampore to better manage existing and future parking pressures in these busy growing suburbs.
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- newtown
- parking
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
- Guardians of the Bays
- Guardians of the Bays Annual General Meeting will be: On Wednesday 15 May at 7.30pm At the Strathmore Park Community Centre – Te Tūhunga Rau Location 108 Strathmore Ave, Strathmore Park Vehicle entrance is below the building with parking at the rear or on the street The AGM will be held both at Te Tūhunga […]
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- parking
Strathmore Park, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
More Pedestrians on Cuba St Will Destroy Business, Say Campaigners
- Salient
- A coalition of business owners on Cuba St are petitioning the Council to reconsider its plan to remove 20 car parks along the stretch of road between Ghuznee and Vivian. Organised by (unsuccessful) Lambton Ward candidate and famed Kaffee Eis creamslinger, Karl Tiefenbacher, the “Park It” campaign hinges itself on business owners arguing that losing the 20 car parks will make a significant impact on their profit margins. “The thing to remember is that a lot of people walk here, obviously, and I get stupid statements like, ‘cars don’t spend money, people do’, but cars don’t drive themselves either, so every car brings an extra person to Cuba St,” he told Salient. “You know, we’re selling a low cost product, and we need a lot of turnover, so if we lose something like 10% of our business [by having no car parks], that’s enough to send us under.”
- Accepted from Salient 2024 by tonytw1
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- parking
Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
- Guardians of the Bays
- Guardians of the Bays Annual General Meeting will be: On Wednesday 15 May at 7.30pm At the Strathmore Park Community Centre – Te Tūhunga Rau Location 108 Strathmore Ave, Strathmore Park Vehicle entrance is below the building with parking at the rear or on the street The AGM will be held both at Te Tūhunga […]
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- parking
Strathmore Park, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Upcoming nightworks Sunday 7 April until Tuesday 9 April
- Thorndon Residents Assocation
- Upcoming nightworks From this Sunday until Tuesday between 7pm and 6am, the top section of Molesworth Street (between May Street and Tinakori Road) will be closed to traffic heading out of the city. Vehicles will still be able to turn right into May Street. This closure will let us finish work to raise the existing […]
- Accepted from TRA news 2019 by tonytw1
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- parking
Traffic Resolutions May 2024 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council seeks input on 17 newly proposed traffic resolutions.
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- parking
Parking PayWave surcharge changing to 30 cents in Wellington
- Wellington City Council
- From Tuesday 2 April 2024, the PayWave surcharge for Wellington City Council-run car parking will be 30 cents per transaction.
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- parking
Update on EV Parking Consultation
- Hataitai Community Website
- Recently, the council proposed a change to two parking spaces on William Street.
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- electric-vehicles
- parking
EV Charging Stations: Thorndon Pool
- Thorndon Residents Assocation
- Land use consent is sought for the installation and operation of electric vehicle (EV) charging stations at 20 locations across Wellington City. This includes retrospective consent for chargers which have already been installed at two locations. A resource consent application for installation of EV chargers at 26 Murphy Street (Thorndon Pool) has been notified. If […]
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- electric-vehicles
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- consultation
Thorndon Summer Pool, Murphy Street, Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Traffic Resolutions April 2024 - Traffic and Parking Restrictions
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council is asking for feedback on twenty-two proposed new traffic resolutions.
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- parking
Berhampore and Newtown parking scheme – have your say by Feb 19th @ 1pm
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- https://www.
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- berhampore
- newtown-park
Newtown Park, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
WCCC Proposed EV Charging Park on Williams Street
- Hataitai Community Website
- Wellington City Council is proposing changing some of the parking on William Street.
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- electric-vehicles
- parking
William Street, Hataitai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Help fine-tune the Newtown and Berhampore parking scheme
- Wellington City Council
- Community feedback has already resulted in significant proposed changes to the planned new Berhampore and Newtown parking scheme, and from today there is another opportunity to help refine the draft scheme before changes are introduced in stages from mid this year.
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Newtown Park, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wadestown Connections Street Changes Drop-in Sessions
- Thorndon Residents Assocation
- Wadestown drop-in sessions and advance notice of work starting Drop-in sessions in early February As part of developing a possible new parking scheme to help address parking pressures in Wadestown and designs for part two of Wadestown Connections, we’re holding drop-in sessions in the second week of February. You’ll be able to talk with the […]
- Accepted from TRA news 2019 by tonytw1
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- wadestown
- parking
Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Shell Lane changes will make the street safer for everyone
- Wellington City Council
- Shell Lane off The Terrace will soon have a new two-tier bike shelter, more space for pedestrians, a little more motorbike parking, better lighting and improved security.
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Shell Lane, Lambton, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6145, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
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