Transport / April 2022
May 2022 | March 2022-
Stop the Wellington Airport expansion short 1
- Guardians of the Bays
- /*! elementor - v3.
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- runway-extension
New eco tiles another way to encourage nature
- Wellington City Council
- If you are walking or riding along the coast at Cobham Drive, you may spot the special concrete tiles visible at low tide which are in place to encourage native marine life to the strong new rock embankment.
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- cobham-drive-crossing
Cobham Drive, Kilbirnie, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Upcoming Roadworks in Hataitai
- Hataitai Community Website
- Fulton Hogan have informed us that they will be carrying out the following Roadworks over the next few weeks.
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- hataitai
- transport
Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail – Part 2 Sink the Bus Option BCR
- Wellington Commuter
- The SKM Stage 3 Report recommended keeping the Johnsonville Line because no bus Scenario had a better Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) But the SKM Stage 3 Report included tens of millions in costs in the Bus-On-Street that were not required to implement this Scenario Including these costs hid that the Bus-On-Street Scenario had the best BCR This is the 3rd in this series of posts on “How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail” and it is recommended that the introduction post, The North Wellington Public Transport Study (2006) and then How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail – Part 1 Jack Up the Rail Option BCR are read first to provide context.… Read more ...
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- johnsonville
How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail – Part 3 Fixing the Transport Model to favour the Rail Option
- Wellington Commuter
- The SKM Stage 3 Report recommended keeping the Johnsonville Line because it had fixed cost and benefit figures to hide that its modelling showed the Bus-On-Street Scenario was the best performing option.
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- johnsonville
How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail – Part 4 Bait and Switch – Change the Decision for Rail Later
- Wellington Commuter
- In 2006, the SKM Stage 3 Report recommended a Do Minimum “Base Case” based on replacing the old English Electric EMUs with refurbished Ganz-Mavag EMUs. In 2010, the GWRC then announced that new Matangi EMUs would operate on the Johnsonville Line.… Read more ...
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- johnsonville
- matangi-trains
How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail – Part 1 Jack Up the Rail Option BCR
- Wellington Commuter
- The SKM Stage 3 Report recommended keeping the Johnsonville Line because no bus Scenario had a better Benefit Cost Ratio But the SKM Stage 3 Report recommended “Base Case” excluded the cost of buying any replacement EMU trains and other costs as well Excluding these costs hid that the Bus-On-Street Scenario had the best Benefit Cost Ratio This post follows The North Wellington Public Transport Study (2006) which is the introduction this series of posts on “How to Fix a Transport Business Case for Rail” and will focus on how the “Do Minimum” Rail Base Case Benefit Cost Ratio was fixed in the SKM Stage 3 Report to help it come first.… Read more ...
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- johnsonville
- trains
Transmission Gully to transform Porirua
- Porirua City Council
- From Mayor Anita Baker.
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- porirua
- transmission-gully
Transmission Gully Motorway, Kenepuru, Porirua, Porirua City, Wellington, 5022, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
“See you in court!”: Cobham Drive, community groups, and judicial review
- Talk Wellington
- Posturing aside, what does it really mean for someone to legally challenge a roading authority’s decision – be it a cycleway, a road expansion, or a pedestrian crossing on Cobham Drive? “See you in court” – again Wellington Airport’s declaration of intent to torpedo a pedestrian crossing on Cobham Drive is fresh, but recently there’s been a...
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- cobham-drive-crossing
- island-bay-cycle-way
Cobham Drive, Kilbirnie, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington Airport announces Matt Clarke as new CEO
- Wellington International Airport
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- airport
Wellington International Airport, Stewart Duff Drive, Strathmore Park, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The North Wellington Public Transport Study (2006)
- Wellington Commuter
- In 2006 the North Wellington PT Study considered four “Scenarios” with the most popular and effective solution being converting the line into a Busway but both TollRail and the Labour government wanted to keep the trains. In November the SKM Stage 3 Report recommended a fifth “Base Case” which was just to replace the old English Electric trains with refurbished Ganz-Mavags EMUs.… Read more ...
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- blogs
- transport