
Archive / March 2018

April 2018 | February 2018
    • In the census, did the homeless count?
      • 96 In the census, did the homeless count? p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; font-size:inherit !important; 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In the census, did the homeless count? View this email in your browser   Ngā mihi mahana, In this month's census, DCM was determined to ensure that our taumai were counted. We wanted to share this story from The Spinoff with you at the end of this tax year, and invite you to make a donation to the on-going work of DCM in Wellington. Remember that for every dollar you donate, you can claim one-third back as a tax deduction.  In the census, did the homeless count? With the 2018 census pushed online there’s been much discussion about reaching those without computer access, who still need someone to knock on their door. But what about those without even a door to knock upon? Lee-Anne Duncan visited DCM. The southerly marks a sharp turn from a stunner summer to chilly autumn. At the start of each season, DCM marks the change with “Seasonal Kai”, a lunch they put on for their “taumai” – which is what DCM calls the people it supports, Wellington’s vulnerably housed or homeless. Some 30 taumai – meaning “to settle” – have come to the lunch. About half are Māori and there’s only one woman, a fair representation of DCM’s clientele. They’re very welcome. With the food waiting, a karakia is given and everyone is asked to consider what the change to the colder months means for those sleeping rough, those without a home. It’s happenstance the quarterly kai has fallen on that day, one of three in early March that hi-vis-clad Statistics New Zealand’s field officers are at DCM to guide taumai through filling out the census forms. But it likely means a few more have turned up and will agree to add their details to the national count – something DCM encourages those assembled to do. “This is a really important time for taumai to have a voice and tell the government we need to build more houses and feed more support and resources back to you. Filling out the census helps you add your voice,” the group is told. Situated on the site of Wellington’s Te Aro Pā, DCM’s kaupapa follows what would have happened at the pā all those years ago. “This is where people came for food, for shelter, for community, to have a voice, to speak, to be heard, to be lifted up, to be counted,” says DCM’s Michelle Scott. “So for us, supporting our people to be included in the census reinforces the kaupapa of this place. “It’s been a great opportunity for our community to get together, to chew the fat about what’s important, what’s necessary for them to move forward, and what society should be prioritising.” That’s exactly what Statistics NZ’s Dr John Mitchell set out to record when refocusing on how to count the hard-to-reach. “Many of them have high needs in terms of government services. Since government spending decisions are made on the basis of census data it’s even more important they are counted.”   Without needing as many people to go door-to-door this time, John says they could dedicate field officers to target people who couldn’t be reached with an internet code. “That includes groups who are low responding and need more encouragement and assistance to be enabled to do the census. We had a community engagement team out talking to many communities – Māori, Pacific, culturally and linguistically diverse communities – getting the message across why it’s important to do the census, and looking at ways to enable them. A subset of that was obviously the rough sleeping homeless.” As John’s team was out engaging, Michelle was also looking for ways to enable taumai to take part in the census. The organisation had worked hard to encourage them to vote in last year’s election, and many did. The feeling of empowerment, of having a say and being heard, remained. John and Michelle came up with the idea of having census officers at DCM – and other similar organisations around the country – to help marginalised people fill in the census. “Usually that’s done by a street count,” says John. “Where field officers walk along looking for people sleeping rough, and try to persuade them to give enough information to complete at least some of the individual form. “This census we’ve taken a multi-faceted approach. We’ve done a street count, but in eight cities we’ve worked with organisations who engaged directly using different approaches depending on what would suit their clients.” “It seems to have gone well, with lots of buy-in by letting the people the rough sleepers know and trust recommend doing the census.” Trust is certainly a major issue for  taumai and others like them. While voting is just ticking a box, filling out the census means handing over personal information. “But they trust DCM and trust us not to get them into trouble,” says Natalia Cleland, one of DCM’s social workers. “We’ve been talking about the census for weeks. We put up notices covering what the census is about, why it’s useful and what happens with the information. Our taumai also had the chance to tell us their concerns, then we could get the right information to give them confidence.” “It also gave them time to gather the information they needed,” says Michelle. “We could say, ‘If you’re Māori and you aren’t sure about your iwi, go away and find out so you can include it in the census’. “We wanted them to come with that rich part of who they are and what’s gone before them. It really appealed to them as a topic of conversation and it was fascinating to see them connecting and discussing their various backgrounds. So lots of other positive things have come out of doing the census here.” But for the country the main benefit of having three days of census filling at DCM, and like organisations, is that many people have registered their existence who otherwise wouldn’t have. “Some of our people don’t have any ID and may not even be recorded on any databases. If they’ve filled out the census they are recorded somewhere as a human being and as a New Zealander,” says Michelle. While not having an address is one barrier to filling out the census, low-to-no literacy is another. Even taumai who DCM has supported into housing came in for support, with one knocking at DCM’s door at 8:55am on census day morning, waving his census form. Yes, Statistics NZ offered to send field officers to people’s homes if they needed help, but that wouldn’t have worked for all of DCM’s taumai, says Michelle. “This is where their whānau is. Here, some of them have sat in our marae atea and discussed their answers with each other. They had kōrero with others who had already done it, and they’d say, ‘Well, I did that, I ticked that box’, so they got a huge resource from one another.” Robert is one who wouldn’t have completed the census without DCM’s help. Released from prison in 2016, he slept for a while in his van. He’s housed now, but came to DCM to do this census – his first ever. “If someone hadn’t helped me, I would have just got pissed off with trying. We were told the story of why you should fill it out, and then it made sense to me so I did it. “I encourage people who have been in prison all their lives to do this. It’s a piece of the puzzle that is missing. When we include ourselves in things like this, it helps us to feel part of the bigger picture and you want to do it more and more. It feels pretty cool to fill it out.” Jason sleeps anywhere that’s (hopefully) warm and dry. Along with homelessness, literacy issues would have prevented him filling out the census. “I understand we’re not counted but they’re trying to make a change, the government. I wanted to fill it out because it adds to the big picture. But without someone helping me, I couldn’t. I appreciate DCM giving us the opportunity to have a voice.” The staff at DCM are happy to play their part in drawing that big picture. “It’s not giving an accurate picture of New Zealand society if we count only people who are willing and able to fill out their census forms,” says Natalia. “We’re helping provide New Zealand build an accurate picture of who we are, and who are the ones with the highest needs. That feels really valuable.” Statistics NZ can’t pinpoint when this year’s data will be available, but be sure everyone at DCM will be watching to see how that data is used. “We’ve reinforced that this is about reciprocity – ‘tuki atu, tuku mai’, another of our kaupapa,” says Michelle. “We told our taumai that they give their information so, in turn, the government can support them – with enough houses, hospitals, doctors, etc. “They now feel like they have a voice, that they count. Now they are watching to see if they’ve been heard.” Freelance journalist Lee-Anne Duncan contributed this piece as a volunteer for The Community Comms Collective, whose pro bono clients include DCM. Thank you for your ongoing support, From everyone at DCM.   Click Here to Donate Now! <!-- --> Copyright © 2018 DCM, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
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    • In the census, did the homeless count?
      • 96 In the census, did the homeless count? p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; font-size:inherit !important; 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In the census, did the homeless count? View this email in your browser   Ngā mihi mahana, In this month's census, DCM was determined to ensure that our taumai were counted. We wanted to share this story from The Spinoff with you at the end of this tax year, and invite you to make a donation to the on-going work of DCM in Wellington. Remember that for every dollar you donate, you can claim one-third back as a tax deduction.  In the census, did the homeless count? With the 2018 census pushed online there’s been much discussion about reaching those without computer access, who still need someone to knock on their door. But what about those without even a door to knock upon? Lee-Anne Duncan visited DCM. The southerly marks a sharp turn from a stunner summer to chilly autumn. At the start of each season, DCM marks the change with “Seasonal Kai”, a lunch they put on for their “taumai” – which is what DCM calls the people it supports, Wellington’s vulnerably housed or homeless. Some 30 taumai – meaning “to settle” – have come to the lunch. About half are Māori and there’s only one woman, a fair representation of DCM’s clientele. They’re very welcome. With the food waiting, a karakia is given and everyone is asked to consider what the change to the colder months means for those sleeping rough, those without a home. It’s happenstance the quarterly kai has fallen on that day, one of three in early March that hi-vis-clad Statistics New Zealand’s field officers are at DCM to guide taumai through filling out the census forms. But it likely means a few more have turned up and will agree to add their details to the national count – something DCM encourages those assembled to do. “This is a really important time for taumai to have a voice and tell the government we need to build more houses and feed more support and resources back to you. Filling out the census helps you add your voice,” the group is told. Situated on the site of Wellington’s Te Aro Pā, DCM’s kaupapa follows what would have happened at the pā all those years ago. “This is where people came for food, for shelter, for community, to have a voice, to speak, to be heard, to be lifted up, to be counted,” says DCM’s Michelle Scott. “So for us, supporting our people to be included in the census reinforces the kaupapa of this place. “It’s been a great opportunity for our community to get together, to chew the fat about what’s important, what’s necessary for them to move forward, and what society should be prioritising.” That’s exactly what Statistics NZ’s Dr John Mitchell set out to record when refocusing on how to count the hard-to-reach. “Many of them have high needs in terms of government services. Since government spending decisions are made on the basis of census data it’s even more important they are counted.”   Without needing as many people to go door-to-door this time, John says they could dedicate field officers to target people who couldn’t be reached with an internet code. “That includes groups who are low responding and need more encouragement and assistance to be enabled to do the census. We had a community engagement team out talking to many communities – Māori, Pacific, culturally and linguistically diverse communities – getting the message across why it’s important to do the census, and looking at ways to enable them. A subset of that was obviously the rough sleeping homeless.” As John’s team was out engaging, Michelle was also looking for ways to enable taumai to take part in the census. The organisation had worked hard to encourage them to vote in last year’s election, and many did. The feeling of empowerment, of having a say and being heard, remained. John and Michelle came up with the idea of having census officers at DCM – and other similar organisations around the country – to help marginalised people fill in the census. “Usually that’s done by a street count,” says John. “Where field officers walk along looking for people sleeping rough, and try to persuade them to give enough information to complete at least some of the individual form. “This census we’ve taken a multi-faceted approach. We’ve done a street count, but in eight cities we’ve worked with organisations who engaged directly using different approaches depending on what would suit their clients.” “It seems to have gone well, with lots of buy-in by letting the people the rough sleepers know and trust recommend doing the census.” Trust is certainly a major issue for  taumai and others like them. While voting is just ticking a box, filling out the census means handing over personal information. “But they trust DCM and trust us not to get them into trouble,” says Natalia Cleland, one of DCM’s social workers. “We’ve been talking about the census for weeks. We put up notices covering what the census is about, why it’s useful and what happens with the information. Our taumai also had the chance to tell us their concerns, then we could get the right information to give them confidence.” “It also gave them time to gather the information they needed,” says Michelle. “We could say, ‘If you’re Māori and you aren’t sure about your iwi, go away and find out so you can include it in the census’. “We wanted them to come with that rich part of who they are and what’s gone before them. It really appealed to them as a topic of conversation and it was fascinating to see them connecting and discussing their various backgrounds. So lots of other positive things have come out of doing the census here.” But for the country the main benefit of having three days of census filling at DCM, and like organisations, is that many people have registered their existence who otherwise wouldn’t have. “Some of our people don’t have any ID and may not even be recorded on any databases. If they’ve filled out the census they are recorded somewhere as a human being and as a New Zealander,” says Michelle. While not having an address is one barrier to filling out the census, low-to-no literacy is another. Even taumai who DCM has supported into housing came in for support, with one knocking at DCM’s door at 8:55am on census day morning, waving his census form. Yes, Statistics NZ offered to send field officers to people’s homes if they needed help, but that wouldn’t have worked for all of DCM’s taumai, says Michelle. “This is where their whānau is. Here, some of them have sat in our marae atea and discussed their answers with each other. They had kōrero with others who had already done it, and they’d say, ‘Well, I did that, I ticked that box’, so they got a huge resource from one another.” Robert is one who wouldn’t have completed the census without DCM’s help. Released from prison in 2016, he slept for a while in his van. He’s housed now, but came to DCM to do this census – his first ever. “If someone hadn’t helped me, I would have just got pissed off with trying. We were told the story of why you should fill it out, and then it made sense to me so I did it. “I encourage people who have been in prison all their lives to do this. It’s a piece of the puzzle that is missing. When we include ourselves in things like this, it helps us to feel part of the bigger picture and you want to do it more and more. It feels pretty cool to fill it out.” Jason sleeps anywhere that’s (hopefully) warm and dry. Along with homelessness, literacy issues would have prevented him filling out the census. “I understand we’re not counted but they’re trying to make a change, the government. I wanted to fill it out because it adds to the big picture. But without someone helping me, I couldn’t. I appreciate DCM giving us the opportunity to have a voice.” The staff at DCM are happy to play their part in drawing that big picture. “It’s not giving an accurate picture of New Zealand society if we count only people who are willing and able to fill out their census forms,” says Natalia. “We’re helping provide New Zealand build an accurate picture of who we are, and who are the ones with the highest needs. That feels really valuable.” Statistics NZ can’t pinpoint when this year’s data will be available, but be sure everyone at DCM will be watching to see how that data is used. “We’ve reinforced that this is about reciprocity – ‘tuki atu, tuku mai’, another of our kaupapa,” says Michelle. “We told our taumai that they give their information so, in turn, the government can support them – with enough houses, hospitals, doctors, etc. “They now feel like they have a voice, that they count. Now they are watching to see if they’ve been heard.” Freelance journalist Lee-Anne Duncan contributed this piece as a volunteer for The Community Comms Collective, whose pro bono clients include DCM. Thank you for your ongoing support, From everyone at DCM.   Click Here to Donate Now! <!-- --> Copyright © 2018 DCM, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list
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    • 2018 Newsletters
      • 2018 – Newsletter #1 2018 – Newsletter #2 2018 – Newsletter #3 2018 – Newsletter #4 2018 – Newsletter #5 2018 – Newsletter #6 2018 – Newsletter #7 2018 – Newsletter #8 2018 – Newsletter #9 2018 – Newsletter #10 2018 – Newsletter #11 2018 – Newsletter #12 2018 – Newsletter #13 2018 – Newsletter #14 2018 – Newsletter #15 2018 – Newsletter #16 2018 – Newsletter #17 2018 – Newsletter #18 2018 – Newsletter #19 2018 – Newsletter #20 2018 – Newsletter #21 2018 – Newsletter #22 2018 – Newsletter #23  
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    • Weekly Wrap-up (Week 8 – Term 1)
      •    Dates to Remember   Thursday 29 March: Learning Conversations Friday 30 March – Tuesday 3 April (includes Tuesday): Easter break Friday 13 April – Last day of Term 1 Term Dates 2018  Easter Tuesday, 3 April:  Please note that Tuesday 3 April is a School Holiday TERM TWO Monday 30 April – Term 2 starts Wednesday 2 May – Junior Parent Teacher Interviews Monday 7 May – Senior Parent Teacher Interviews Monday 6 June – Open evening  
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      • Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Orchestra Wellington and MIXT Create Groundbreaking Virtual...
      • Orchestra Wellington and MIXT Create Groundbreaking Virtual Reality Conductor Experience In a world first, Orchestra Wellington and Wellington interactive company MIXT are offering up the best seat in the house, although you won’t want to sit down!The world premiere of the Virtual Conductor Experience is launching at the CubaDupa Festival on Saturday 24th March from 12pm, open to the public and free of charge.If you stop by its shipping container installation on Leeds Street,the orchestra promises you a mind-blowing virtual arts experience,regardless of whether you’re eight or 80. Along with audio recorded by RNZ Concert, the 360° filming, editing and interactions were done by Wellington VR/AR specialists, MIXT, and puts the viewer at the centre of a symphony orchestra experience, and brings all the emotion of a multi-sensory challenge.“The finished product immerses you into the world of the symphony conductor, standing on the podium to lead a 90 piece orchestra as they perform the powerful Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky in front of a full 2000 person live audience,” says Orchestra Wellington’s Marketing Manager and project co-ordinator Marek Peszynski.Orchestra Wellington was an award winner in 2016 with its New Zealand made 360° video. With MIXT’s help, Peszynski believes it’s gone one better with the world’s first virtual orchestra video with a full live audience.“We wanted to move away from the novelty factor of VR technology by placing the user at the centre of a full live concert. That way the experience really puts people in the moment and feels one hundred percent real and unstaged."“More importantly we can visualise its use after the installation,with its applications in education and in accessibility of music. Butat CubaDupa we’re inviting everyone to step up and take the challenge,because once you’ve tried it you’re hooked."Following its CubaDupa release, the 360° virtual concert will launch for free home use later this month and its makers believe its appeal will extend beyond the city’s many lounge-room conductors.
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      • Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Orchestra Wellington and MIXT Create Groundbreaking Virtual...
      • Orchestra Wellington and MIXT Create Groundbreaking Virtual Reality Conductor Experience In a world first, Orchestra Wellington and Wellington interactivecompany MIXT are offering up the best seat in the house, although youwon’t want to sit down!The world premiere of the Virtual Conductor Experience is launching atthe CubaDupa Festival on Saturday 24th March from 12pm, open to thepublic and free of charge.If you stop by its shipping container installation on Leeds Street,the orchestra promises you a mind-blowing virtual arts experience,regardless of whether you’re eight or 80.Along with audio recorded by RNZ Concert, the 360° filming, editingand interactions were done by Wellington VR/AR specialists, MIXT, andputs the viewer at the centre of a symphony orchestra experience, andbrings all the emotion of a multi-sensory challenge.“The finished product immerses you into the world of the symphonyconductor, standing on the podium to lead a 90 piece orchestra as theyperform the powerful Rite of Spring by Igor Stravinsky in front of afull 2000 person live audience,” says Orchestra Wellington’s MarketingManager and project co-ordinator Marek Peszynski.Orchestra Wellington was an award winner in 2016 with its New Zealandmade 360° video. With MIXT’s help, Peszynski believes it’s gone onebetter with the world’s first virtual orchestra video with a full liveaudience.“We wanted to move away from the novelty factor of VR technology byplacing the user at the centre of a full live concert. That way theexperience really puts people in the moment and feels one hundredpercent real and unstaged."“More importantly we can visualise its use after the installation,with its applications in education and in accessibility of music. Butat CubaDupa we’re inviting everyone to step up and take the challenge,because once you’ve tried it you’re hooked."Following its CubaDupa release, the 360° virtual concert will launchfor free home use later this month and its makers believe its appealwill extend beyond the city’s many lounge-room conductors.
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      • cubadupa
      • Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Weekly Wrap-up (Week 7 – Term 1)
      •     Monday 19 March: Summer Tournament Week starts Thursday 29 March: Learning Conversations Friday 30 March – Tuesday 3 April (includes Tuesday): Easter break Term Dates 2018 Principal’s message — March 2018 It is hard to believe that we are already in the latter part of term 1 2018.
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      • Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Dear Oliver – Peter Wells
      • New release from Peter Wells, Randell Cottage writer-in-residence 2002 New release from Peter Wells, Randell Cottage writer-in-residence 2002 Peter Wells Photo by Liz Marsh Peter Wells, who in 2002 was the Randell Cottage’s first writer in residence, has just released his latest work: Dear Oliver, a family history, prompted by his discovery of a trove of family letters amongst his elderly mother’s effects.The find provided an entrée into writing a story that is uniquely his family’s but also very typical of other families whose ancestors emigrated from Britain during the nineteeenth century. “The journey of my ancestors from Britain to New Zealand could be said to be the ur-journey of so many Pākehā New Zealanders. We are overfamiliar with its shape – poverty in the homeland, struggle across the seas, the hard impact on landing. Scrabbling around for a way to survive. Gradually, some success as adaptation takes over, accompanied by a loss of memory about origins as the present obscures a now-distant past. Even the act of looking back – the search for genealogical origins – is a Pākehā cliché. Why do it?” Massey University Press $39.99  
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      • Randell Cottage, 14, St Mary Street, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Fisher Funds Two KiwiSaver Cash 4 Schools Scheme
      • Wellington High School can receive a $20 payment from FF2 KS for each new KiwiSaver opened and linked to Wellington High School as well as a donation based on a % of funds invested.  This donation is managed by FF2KS & paid to the nominated school through the year. Click  Click here for the link  for more information on the Cash4Schools scheme. Click here for the Nomination Form  
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      • Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Weekly Wrap-up (Week 6 – Term 1)
      • Important Dates Thursday 15 March: College Sport Wellington Athletics Day (Western Zones) Thursday 29 March: Learning Conversations Friday 30 March – Tuesday 3 April (includes Tuesday): Easter break Term Dates 2018 Important Information Learning Conversations — 29 March An email was sent to all whānau and caregivers this week to invite you to book a session for a Learning Conversation with your student’s rōpū teacher. You can book your learning conversation session(s) now by going to https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz and using the correct code(s) for your student(s): Juniors Year 9-10: Code f7ajr Seniors Years 11-13: Code q63q Please note: The Learning Conversation is a conversation between the student, the student’s rōpū teacher and parent(s) / caregiver(s). Students will only be at school on Thursday 29 March for their learning conversation. Each learning conversation takes 20 minutes During the conversation, we invite students to think, and make judgements about, their learning. The teacher will help the student to lead the discussion and reflect on progress so far. Students will develop up to three goals that they would like to achieve through this year.     2017 Year Books The 2017 Yearbooks have now arrived in school and will be distributed next week to all students, staff and families who have already ordered copies. Apologies for the delay with the publication — but we think they look great so we hope you’ll feel it was worth the wait!     Entertainment Books  You can order online www.entertainmentbook.co.nz/orderbooks/104r121 or you can hand your order form to Student Services with either cash or credit card details.  Membership costs $65 and $13 goes towards our general fundraising efforts.       Last call for photo orders  If you haven’t yet handed in your photo order envelope, please do so as soon as possible – last day is 9th March, however Student Services will be collecting late orders next week only. You can still order online – parents please use the SHOOT KEY on your envelope.       Simply Dental Simply Dental forms are available from reception to enrol with the on site Dental Caravan Service at Wellington High School.       Unwell students We have had a steady stream of students coming to the sick bay this week, and there seems to be a virus/bug going around. Please keep your young person at home if they are unwell. This gives them time to recover and prevents the spread of illness around other students and staff. You can inform us of their absence via the WHS app, via phone (04) 802 7673 or via email: absences@whs.school.nz  
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      • Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Op support
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sat, 03/03/2018 - 12:00 - 12:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  2 Total Volunteer Hours:  1 A small boat had engine trouble in the main navigation channel oppsite the marine. MR2 was tasked to go and assist. The small boat was able to start their engine and continued on into the inner harbour area. Vessel Details Length:  4.50m Resources Attendees:  Chris Darch sarge Neil Cornwell
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      • -41.100136, 174.863593

    • Op Simply Red
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sat, 03/03/2018 - 16:00 - 16:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  2 Total Volunteer Hours:  1 Simply Red ran aground on the edge of the channel through the bar at the entrance to Porirua harbour. A person on shore reported the grounding to Coastguard who went out to see if we could assist. People on the vessel were ok and assistance was not needed MR1 then recieved a call to go and assist another vessel and left the area.  Simply Red floated free later that evening Vessel Details Length:  10.00m Resources Attendees:  Dan Stead Neil Cornwell Trevor Farmer
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      • -41.089075, 174.862863

    • Mentoring announced for three Urban Dream Brokerage projects
      • <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > 'We Spoke', Candace Smith, Performance Arcade, Wellington, March 2018 Letting Space's Urban Dream Brokerage service is thrilled to announce three artists and projects in Wellington that have been given mentors in a new peer-to-peer mentorship programme for artists working in new spaces in the city.  Candace Smith will be mentored by artist Vivien Atkinson, who works across a variety of media and is known for her work with The See Here and Occupation Artists (website here). Candace's series of public works has commenced with installation 'We Spoke' at Performance Arcade, in which the public generated energy with a bicycle,  operating fans within a transparent space,  sealed from the wind, which gently moved mobiles made from umbrella parts (themselves deconstructed by the wind). A performer joined the work in response to the cyclists at night. Candace is interested in creating installations of reassembled objects which explore ideas around the fragmentation and reconnection associated with migration. Rosie White and the project Playdate will be mentored by Jo Randerson, artist and co-producer of Barbarian Productions (website here). White has recently completed a Masters of Fine Arts at Massey's College of Creative Arts and will work with collaborators' on a project that is a work of craftivism or art activism, concerned with a social issue: slavery, with specific concern to the significant numbers of people in the world today trafficked for sex. New Zealand says Rosie is not exempt and the project will seek to highlight the issue. Visual artist Mark Antony Smith and his project The Lost Future Exchange will be mentored by theatremaker Leo Gene Peters of company A Slightly Isolated Dog. This is a project Mark Antony is starting in 2018 to gather stories, dreams and remembrances of place in the central area of Wellington. It is an evolution of Ghosting About a project he did for his Masters study at Massey which included work 'Imperial Ghosts' concerning Dixon Street's Imperial Building for Lux Festival. Mark Antony Smith's previous shows also include Black Dog: Failure at Toi Poneke Gallery 2015. We hope to announce a fourth mentored project shortly. Initial information on the kaupapa behind this mentoring scheme can be found here.  
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    • Announcing Urban Dreams Monthly Lunchtime programme 2018
      • <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > Thomas King Observatory, Wellington, work residency for artist Julian Priest in 2018 with thanks to the Wellington Museums Trust. Introducing for your diaries the Urban Dreams Monthly Tuesday lunchtime programme for March to May 2018 at Toi Poneke. We've got a great set of guests, across artforms: Leo Gene Peters, Julian Priest, Sacha Copland, Kerry Ann Lee and our mayor Justin Lester. We're always aware of the holes in knowledge between artforms even in a small city, so read on for more details on these strong artists. First gathering: next Tuesday March 13. An opportunity for artists or all kinds to network and discuss ideas working in new ways in Wellington city. Tuesdays 12.30-2pm March 13: On being embedded. Working with other industries and groups - what is the potential for residences or having artists embedded in different spaces in the city? We talk with two artists who have been working in work residencies and have an interest in how their work can interact in new ways through this: theatremaker Leo Gene Peters, and visual artist Julian Priest. Leo Gene Peters is a theatre director and maker and founder of A Slightly Isolated Dog who have been creating celebrated devised work since 2005. “We’re trying to have a conversation with the public about what matters to each of us… and through that conversation we’ll create performance work. The goal is to find new and different ways to use live performance, conversation, virtual platforms, social media (and other things) to create a space where we can meet and reflect together. A space where we can discuss important questions in our lives that we normally don’t talk about with strangers.” A Slightly Isolated Dog are currently in residence at Creative HQ. who aim to help develop and grow businesses in Wellington through “nourishing entrepreneurial talent and driving innovation.” Julian Priest is an artist working with participatory and technological forms and recent work explores relationships to different infrastructures including time, energy, security, health and communications. In 2017 Julian created the Citizen Water Map Lab with Letting Space as part of the Common Ground Public Art Festival where Hutt City residents and community groups were invited to collect ground water and bring it to the lab and test it with data represented in an illuminated installation that produced a map of local water quality. Julian was co-founder of early wireless freenetwork community Consume.net in London. He became an advocate for the freenetworking movement and has pursued wireless networking as a theme in fields of arts, development, and policy. Julian is currently undertaking a residency at the Thomas King observatory Wellington (supported by the Wellington Museums Trust), an old 1912 observatory which is part of the Carter Observatory complex. April 17: On the art of keeping in business. Sasha Copland and Kerry Ann Lee. The realities of the business of being an independent artist. We introduce two artists both interested in working in a variety of different ways with the public and communities. Kerry Ann Lee is a celebrated visual artist, designer and educator who uses hand-made processes and socially-engaged projects to explore hybrid identities and histories of migration. She creates installation, publication and image-based work and has a long practice in independent artists’ publishing. Sacha Copland is a dancer, choreographer and the Artistic Director of Java Dance Theatre. As she told The Big Idea here she believes in the power of dance to build empathy and her works aim to permeate and dissolve the distance between people by creating dance that “clambers into your senses and gets underneath your fingernails.” Founded in 2003 Java is a professional dance company that presents dance theatre nationally and internationally often working in site specific locations, or creating work around specific themes that engage new audiences. May 8: On creating creative capital. Mayor Justin Lester  A discussion with our mayor who holds the arts and culture portfolio on what is needed to take our creative scene to the next level. All events are free. You are very welcome to bring your lunch. For podcasts of the 2017 series go here.
      • Accepted from Urban Dream Brokerage Blog by tonytw1
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    • Op Rockon
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sat, 03/03/2018 - 16:00 - 17:30 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  3 Total Volunteer Hours:  4 Rockon a 4.7 runabout had engine problems near the bridge at green point. MR1 responded and located the vessel, boat would not start for the owner. MR1 rafted up and recovered 2 passengers onto MR1, towed Rockon back to the Mana Cruising Club small ramp Vessel Details Length:  4.70m Resources Attendees:  Chris Darch Neil Cornwell Trevor Farmer CRV's Used:  CRV Trust Porirua Rescue
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news
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      • porirua
      • -41.109248, 174.792995

    • Op SuzyQ
      • Operation Details Date/Time:  Sat, 03/03/2018 - 15:00 - 15:25 Operation Type:  CG Operation (good samaritan) People Assisted:  2 Total Volunteer Hours:  1 SuzyQ had its anchor rope fouled on its prop and requested assistance. MR1 was close by and went to support. MR1 rafted up with SuzyQ and the crew were able to lift the anchor and clear the prop. SuzyQ tested its steering and engine and made its own way back to Mana Cruising Club Vessel Details Length:  4.50m Resources Attendees:  Chris Darch Neil Cornwell Trevor Farmer
      • Accepted from Coastguard Mana news
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      • kapiti
      • -41.110061, 174.789884

    • Weekly Wrap-up (Term 1 – Week 5)
      • Important Dates for Term 1 Monday 5 March – Friday 9 March: Noho marae for 9 Riley and 9 Royal whānau Monday 5 March – Friday 9 March: ERO visiting WHS Wednesday 7 March: Western Zone Athletics Thursday 15 March: College Sport Wellington Athletics Day (Western Zones) Thursday 29 March: Learning Conversations Friday 30 March – Tuesday 3 April (includes Tuesday): Easter break Term Dates 2018   Ambassador Gwen Palmer-Steeds Gwen Palmer – Steeds  is one of only six students from the Wellington Region to be selected by Zealandia for the Senior Ambassador Programme. Ranger, Sue Lum notes that “The calibre of applicants was extremely high and it was a privilege to meet such passionate and articulate young people during the interview process.” Gwen and her sister Ursula have established WHS’ first eco group through the Jane Goodall Institute Roots and Shoots program. They have invited speakers to WHS and organized a group of students to attend the Predator Control Workshop at EBIS on Thursday 1st March. Their latest initiative is to reduce and replace the use of wasteful plastic bags through direct action at school and in the community (using Boomerang Bags see below). We are fortunate to have such eco leaders and conservation minded students in our school and whanau.
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      • karori-sanctuary
      • Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)


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