Hataitai Community Website / March 2018
This is the place to learn everything you need to know about the great little village of Hataitai. This website has been provided by the Hataitai Resident's Association. The Resident's Association represents the interests of our community and strengthen its identity.
April 2018 | January 2018-
Neighbours Day, Sunday 25 March
- Hataitai Community Website
- Sunday 25 March is Neighbours Day! No matter where you live, knowing your neighbours matters.
- Accepted from Hataitai Community website posts
- Automatically tagged as:
- hataitai
Village intersection a hot topic for the Residents' Association
- Hataitai Community Website
- At the last Hataitai Residents' Association meeting on Tuesday 6 March we were joined by Charles Kingsford and Gagan Singh from Wellington City Council, who presented possible options for improving the intersection of Hataitai Rd, Waitoa Rd and Moxham Ave.
- Accepted from Hataitai Community website posts
- Tagged as:
- hataitai
Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Latest edition of 'Hataitai Happenings'
- Hataitai Community Website
- Accepted from Hataitai Community website posts
- Tagged as:
- hataitai
Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)