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The Wellingtonista and Trains

Just The Wellingtonista Just Trains
    • Cold Train
      • Wellington's Tranz Metro trains have lately been known for certain carriages with broken heating. It's horrible enough being (relatively) young and only faced with a 30-minute chilly commute. I wouldn't want to be a Paraparam gran making the hour-long trip to Wellington in an unheated carriage. But it seems that while the carriages are slowly being fixed, Trans Metro are also paying attention to,
      • Tagged as:
      • trains

    • Walk the line
      • You don't have to be a trainspotter or J-line commuter to be interested in the redevelopment of the Johnsonville Line (though it undoubtedly helps). In any case, you shouldn't miss your one and only opportunity tomorrow to walk the tracks between Crofton Downs station and the Wadestown crossing loop. Highlights include spectacular views of the gorge and a couple of spooky tunnels to explore.
      • Tagged as:
      • events
      • johnsonville
      • trains
      • wadestown
      • Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

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