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The Wellingtonista and Sculpture

Just The Wellingtonista Just Sculpture
    • The rugby sculpture
      • A proposal was unveiled yesterday for a Weta Workshop-designed rugby-themed sculpture to grace the city, somewhere, In Time For The Rugby World Cup. The sculpture is highly symbolic, with the DomPost providing a list of all the symbolism, but what does the sculpture most resemble?
      • Tagged as:
      • rugby-world-cup
      • sculpture

    • I for one welcome our new mirrorball overlords
      • Te Papa's forecourt may look as if it's under attack by giant glittery space balls, but it's actually the start of a two-year kinetic sculpture installation called "The Mimetic Brotherhood", by Peter Trevelyan. There's not much kinesis evident at the moment, but once the installation is complete, expect the plinth-eating monsters to start pulsating in their full hydraulic glory.
      • Tagged as:
      • sculpture
      • waterfront

    • Off the Hook
      • While the Hook of Maui has been scrapped due to cost overruns and problems with the frickin' laser, the Wellington City Council is still keen on the idea of a gateway sculpture, and indeed the competition will be re-run later his year.
      • Tagged as:
      • sculpture

    • Splish Splash: Bucket Fountain Update
      • There's been a bit of action going on at the old Bucket Fountain, icon of Cuba Street. First, it mysteriously disappeared: We initially thought this was a retro '80s David Copperfield-style magic trick, but it turns out it was just taken down for maintenance. The fountain returned, with a fresh coat of paint, ready to splash the good folk of Cuba Mall once again.
      • Tagged as:
      • bucket-fountain
      • cuba-street
      • Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • Civic pride
      • It may not be Wellingtonista Awards season just yet, but here's another chance to put in a plug for your favourite things in the Wellington built environment. The Wellington Civic Trust Awards are coming up, and the trust wants your nominations for the best recent contributions in the following fields: Building Heritage Environmental Public Space Street Art Nnominations close on the 18th of August, and nominated projects must have been completed since the previous awards in 2005. There's also a separate voting form for best new sculpture, and if the sculpture that does it for you isn't on that list, you could always nominate it in the Street Art category.
      • Tagged as:
      • community-groups
      • sculpture

    • Sculpture Garden
      • This is one of my favourite places in Wellington: ... and if anyone ever tries to do it harm, as I've heard rumours of happening in the past, well... they just better watch out. Sorry for the crappy photo.
      • Tagged as:
      • sculpture
      • 31 Bowen Street, Wellington

    • These are the fixtures of your neighbourhood
      • One of the things about living in a great city like Wellington is that there are a hell of a lot of things to take for granted. I mention this because while listening to Don McGlashan in Civic Square the other day he mentioned that Auckland doesn't really have any civic art. I'm not sure that's entirely true... But, in the spirit of parochial one-upmanship I thought I'd bring you some of Wellington's oft-overlooked art and sculpture.
      • Tagged as:
      • sculpture
      • civic-square
      • Te Ngākau Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

    • A whirled of pain
      • Now that the wind's gone (calloo callay!) and the sun's out (oh frabjous day!), wouldn't it be a lovely time to wander down to the waterfront and see the much photographed Water Whirler do its thing? Not so fast, matey boy, someone has had other ideas.
      • Tagged as:
      • waterfront
      • water-whirler
      • Water Whirler, Queens Wharf, Lambton, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)

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