
Trains / October 2022

January 2023 | September 2022
    • Rail Monthly Passes are leaving the station
      • November 2022 will be the final month of paper Rail Monthly passes. The 30-day Rail pass replaces these passes and is available to load onto your Snapper card from 7 November, for use on the Kāpiti Line from 12 November and the rest of the network from 27 November. The pass is activated on its first use and includes your bus trip to or from your local station when travelling to Wellington Station from zones 4-14.
      • Accepted from Metlink news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • fares
      • snapper-card
      • trains

    • Monthly passes are leaving the station
      • You can load your Snapper card with a 30-day Rail pass from 7 November. Monthly and MonthlyPlus passes will be replaced by the 30-day Rail pass. If you’re travelling to or from Wellington Station, the Snapper 30-day Rail pass will include your bus trip to or from your local train station between zones 4-14 only. Tag on and off for every journey to avoid a default fare. And remember, your Snapper payment may be checked on board the train.
      • Accepted from Metlink news by feedreader
      • Tagged as:
      • fares
      • snapper-card
      • trains


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