Consultation / February 2010
March 2010 | January 2010-
Newsflash: Consultation delayed until 15 March
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- We've just received news that the NZ Transport Agency will be delaying the start of consultation on the Basin Reserve flyover until Monday 15 March 2010: From: Wayne Hastie, GWRC Further to the presentation to the Transport and Access Committee last week, we have been advised about a delay to the consultation process.
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- consultation
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Rumour: five options for the Basin, consultation starts 22 February
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Rumours are flying that the NZ Transport Agency will begin consultation on the options for the Basin Reserve on Monday 22 February, and that five options will be presented - three involve building an unnecessary flyover, and two are "at grade", i.e. ground level without a flyover. Consultation will run for six weeks.
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- consultation
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
WCC parking update from Jon Visser
- Scoot NZ
- Happy New Year and I have some good news. I have just finished a meeting with our traffic engineers, who have agreed with the following proposed traffic resolutions (subject to public consultation & agreement by Councillors)
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- parking
- motorcycling
- wellington-city-council
- consultation