Wellington City Council and Consultation
Long-term Plan progresses
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington’s Mayor and City Councillors have progressed proposals for public consultation in March as part of the 2024-34 Long-term Plan Amendment and 2025/26 Annual Plan, which will now go to audit.
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Council agrees proposed project reductions for public consultation next year
- Wellington City Council
- Councillors and Pouiwi have decided on proposals to reduce spending as part of an amendment to the 2024-34 Long-term Plan, which the public will have their say on in March 2025.
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- consultation
Motorcycle parking fees - your thoughts?
- Wellington City Council
- Wellingtonians are invited to share their thoughts on what’s a fair fee for motorcycle parking in the central city.
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- parking
- consultation
- motorcycling
Consultation on Te Ngākau Precinct Development Plan now open
- Wellington City Council
- Public consultation on Wellington City Council’s draft Te Ngākau Precinct Development Plan has begun and will run until 13 November.
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- te-ngkau-precinct
Have your say on Grenada North Park upgrades
- Wellington City Council
- Concept designs to upgrade Grenada North Park are being developed and the community is invited to have their say on this multi-functional sports and recreation site.
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- consultation
Grenada North Park, Horokiwi, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Have your say on proposed plans for Wadestown
- Wellington City Council
- It’s time to help shape plans for a new scheme and permit system that will manage parking pressures in some parts of Wadestown, and to complete the bike connection between Wilton, Crofton Downs, Wadestown and the central city.
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- wadestown
- wilton
- consultation
- parking
Wadestown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6140, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Over 4000 submissions on Long-term Plan, changes to suburban parking proposal
- Wellington City Council
- More than 4000 submissions on proposals relating to water, waste, investments, insurance, parking, community facilities and transport project spending were received by Wellington City Council during formal consultation on the 2024-34 Long-term Plan.
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- parking
- wellington-city-council
Wellington’s key infrastructure: By the numbers
- Wellington City Council
- Investment in important infrastructure is a big focus of our Long-term Plan 2024-34 proposals, which are currently out for community consultation.
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- consultation
The key proposals of the Long-term Plan
- Wellington City Council
- It's time to have your say on Wellington’s 10-year plan and budget.
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- consultation
Consultation on 10-year plan and budget opens tomorrow
- Wellington City Council
- Formal consultation on Wellington City Council’s 2024-34 Long-term Plan - the city’s 10-year plan and budget - starts tomorrow (12 April) and will continue until 12 May.
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- consultation
Rates increase of 16.4% for 2024/25 proposed for community consultation
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Councillors will next week agree the draft 2024-34 Long-term Plan Consultation Document for auditing prior to community consultation in April. This includes a proposed rates increase for the 2024/2025 year of 16.4% (after growth in the ratepayer base). This excludes the levy for the Moa Point Sludge Minimisation Facility, which will add a further 1.6%.
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- sludge-minimisation-plant
- rates
Moa Point Wastewater Treatment Plant, Stewart Duff Drive, Moa Point, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Council confirms Long-term Plan options for community feedback
- Wellington City Council
- At the Long-term Plan, Finance and Performance Committee meeting on 15 February Mayor Tory Whanau and Wellington City Councillors confirmed proposals to go forward for formal consultation with the community.
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- consultation
Long-term Plan building blocks progressed by Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council
- The initial proposed level of Wellington City Council investment in the city over the next 10 years, to be used to develop a draft budget for public consultation, was unanimously passed today by the Council’s Kōrau Tōtōpū Long-term Plan, Finance, and Performance Committee.
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- wellington-city-council
The future of Frederick Street Park
- Wellington City Council
- We’re excited to reveal the concept for a new public park and open space in Te Aro, created in line with our Green Network Plan.
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- consultation
Frederick Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Council starts consultation on review of rating policies
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council is engaging with the community on proposed changes to its rating policies with formal public consultation now open.
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- consultation
Have your say on proposed parking scheme and bike routes
- Wellington City Council
- It’s time to help shape plans for climate-friendly transport connections that will complete routes from the west and south.
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- consultation
- cycle-lanes
Council to consider revamp of recycling and rubbish systems
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council will decide next week whether options to revamp rubbish and recycling collections go to consultation as part of the city’s Long-term Plan process next year.
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- recycling
Absolutely Pawsitively Wellington
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council’s Kōrau Mātinitini | Social, Cultural, and Economic Committee agreed to go to consultation on proposed reviews to the Animal Bylaw, Domestic Animal and Dog Policy today.
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- consultation
- dogs
Minimising our waste - consultation opens
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington region’s councils are consulting on the Draft Wellington Region Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) 2023–2029 to transform how we deal with waste and foster a sustainable future.
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- consultation
Feedback wanted as inner-city park gets the green light
- Wellington City Council
- Wellingtonians are being invited to provide their thoughts on the future of the new inner-city Frederick Street Park.
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- consultation
Frederick Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6040, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington’s community places and parks to be more welcoming, accessible and indigenised
- Wellington City Council
- Mayor Tory Whanau and Councillors have agreed to adopt Te Whai Oranga Pōneke, the Open Space and Recreation Strategy, and to commence consultation on Te Awe Māpara, the Community Facilities Plan.
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- consultation
- te-awe
Te Awe Library, Brandon Street, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6145, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Help fine tune climate-friendly street changes for Brooklyn
- Wellington City Council
- A safer bike connection up Brooklyn Road to the shops and lots of safer new crossings for people on foot are among the latest climate-friendly street changes open for feedback from today.
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- brooklyn
- conservation
- consultation
- cycle-lanes
Brooklyn Road, Fitchettown, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington City Draft Speed Management Plan withdrawn from public engagement
- Wellington City Council
- Public engagement on Wellington City Council’s Draft Speed Management Plan has been halted after a significant error found in consultation papers.
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- speed-limits
Update on Elizabeth Street upgrades project
- Wellington City Council
- After receiving feedback from residents, Wellington City Council has made amendments to the proposed upgrades to Elizabeth Street in Mount Victoria.
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- consultation
- olive-trees
Elizabeth Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Green light to have your say on reducing speed limit
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council has today given the green light to consult on reducing speed limits and also approved the city's first Zero Waste Strategy.
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- consultation
- speed-limits
2023/24 Annual Plan engagement open now
- Wellington City Council
- Engagement on Wellington City Council’s 2023/24 Annual Plan is open from 27 March until 30 April 2023.
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- consultation
Feedback welcome on former Workingmen’s Bowling Club
- Wellington City Council
- Feedback is now open for community input to help determine what should happen to 177 Owen Street in Newtown – site of the former Workingmen’s Bowling Club.
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- newtown
- consultation
Workingmen's Bowling Club, Owen Street, Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Have your say on future of parks, open spaces and recreation in Pōneke
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council’s Open Space and Recreation Strategy Te Whai Oranga Pōneke aims to achieve big things over the next 10 years – and it’s open for feedback now.
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- consultation
Help shape more sustainable transport options in Thorndon and Kilbirnie
- Wellington City Council
- Wellingtonians have made it clear they want better transport options, action on climate change, and more housing.
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- kilbirnie
- thorndon
- consultation
- transport
Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Council approves landfill extension as Zero Waste consultation goes live
- Wellington City Council
- Wellington City Council has formally approved a business case today to extend the Southern Landfill by constructing a new landfill on top of an old one.
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- consultation
Wellington Southern Landfill, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)