Consultation and Newtown
Submission on the WCC LTP, 2024-34
- Newtown Residents' Association
- The key issues for the Long-term Plan for the next 10 years are described in the consultation documents as being how much to spend on the three waters network to fix the pipes, how to manage waste collection and recycling, and whether or not to sell the WCC Airport shares to set up a ‘resilience … Continue reading Submission on the WCC LTP, 2024-34 →
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Wellington is a walkable city, and we're going to prove it.
- A City for People
- Join us on 11 March as we walk to Newtown and demand more homes in the suburbs close to the city centre.
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Berhampore and Newtown parking scheme – have your say by Feb 19th @ 1pm
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- https://www.
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Newtown Park, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Berhampore and Newtown parking scheme
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- We'd like your feedback on the updated proposals for a parking scheme in Newtown and Berhampore. You can have your say until 1pm, Monday 19 February.
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Newtown Park, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Riddiford Street-Russell Terrace roundabout improvement
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- We want your feedback on a proposal to upgrade to the roundabout at the intersection of Russell Terrace, Riddiford, Mansfield and Rhodes streets in Newtown.
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- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Berhampore- Newtown Parking Plan
- Newtown Residents' Association
- This proposed plan is based on the WCC Parking Policy which was agreed in 2020. Our Association supports the principle of residents having priority for parking on the residential streets. However we have concerns about the details of the proposal that was presented for consultation, and we are disappointed that the Parking Policy agreement for … Continue reading Berhampore- Newtown Parking Plan →
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Newtown Park, Melrose, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
FEEDBACK BY 5pm TODAY: Berhampore and Newtown – bike, bus and walking proposal
- Island Bay Residents' Association
- Feedback closes today at 5pm – Sunday 8th October Particularly relevant for Island Bay is the section of the Parade the runs past Wakefield Park. Head here for information and to give your feedback:
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Adelaide Road, Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Petition: Request for Toilets in Carrara Park
- Newtown Residents' Association
- Our on line petition is now live on the WCC website: https://wellington.
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Toilets for Carrara Park
- Newtown Residents' Association
- Our Association has made a submission to Wellington City Council on Te Awe Māpara – The draft Community Facilities Plan, asking again for toilets in the Park. Back in 2020 James Barber wrote a Scoop article about the lack of toilets in Carrara Park – – well worth reading! Nothing has changed since then. We are … Continue reading Toilets for Carrara Park →
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Carrara Park Play Area, Regent Street, Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Minutes of the July 2023 Meeting
- Newtown Residents' Association
- Notes from the meeting held at the St Tom’s Community Lounge, July 17th 2023. The meeting agenda included: Newtown Residents’ Association’s 60th Anniversary Celebrations The Celebration will be on Saturday 29th July, with an Open Day for the public to view displays while the Market is open. From 2:30pm – 4:30pm people will be invited … Continue reading Minutes of the July 2023 Meeting →
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Minutes of the April 2023 meeting
- Newtown Residents' Association
- See the full minutes here
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Feedback welcome on former Workingmen’s Bowling Club
- Wellington City Council
- Feedback is now open for community input to help determine what should happen to 177 Owen Street in Newtown – site of the former Workingmen’s Bowling Club.
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Workingmen's Bowling Club, Owen Street, Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Former Workingmen's Bowling Club – Newtown
- Kōrero Mai | Let's Talk | Wellington City Council
- We want to hear your perspectives on the future of 177 Owen Street, Newtown
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Workingmen's Bowling Club, Owen Street, Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
About the Proposed District Plan
- Newtown Residents' Association
- This plan, which is open for submissions until Monday September 12th, is the penultimate stage of the creation of a new District Plan for Wellington.
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Notes from the August 2022 meeting
- Newtown Residents' Association
- This meeting was held at the Community Lounge at St Thomas’s Church on Monday 15th August. These are notes from the discussion, see below for the full minutes. WCC Waste Minimization Plan WCC has a Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Action Plan. The expectation is that WCC will set up a working party about this, … Continue reading Notes from the August 2022 meeting →
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Find out more about Newtown-City cycle plan - this Sunday 21 August at Harbourside Market
- Inner-City Wellington
- Have your say If you are keen to know more about the proposed “Newtown to City” cycle route, and would like to ask questions and/or share your views, you will find the WCC team this Sunday at the Harbourside Market: Sunday 21 August 8.
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Green light for bus and bike work
- Wellington City Council
- Plans to make Wellington a place where it is easier and safer to get places in low carbon ways are a step closer this week with bus and bike improvements to the western suburbs approved today, and consultation now open on the Newtown to city route to the south.
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
What do you think about the proposed Newtown to the City cycle lane? - have your say!
- Inner-City Wellington
- From WCC website Help shape better bus and bike trips from Newtown to the city Wellingtonians have made it clear they want better transport options, action on climate change and more housing.
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Help shape better bus and bike trips from Newtown to the city
- Wellington City Council
- Plans to make it safer, easier and quicker to bus or bike around the city are among ways we are responding and working with the community to make those bigger changes possible. The Council approved the routes for Paneke Pōneke, a 10-year citywide bike network plan, in March this year. It had previously agreed work between Newtown and the city, and Botanic Garden ki Paekākā and the city, should be prioritised as part of a transitional rapid roll-out.
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Notes from the June Meeting
- Newtown Residents' Association
- The monthly meeting was on June 20th at the City Mission/St Thomas’s Community Lounge. Mass Rapid Transit through Newtown The main topic was a presentation from Daran Ponter, Chair of the Greater Wellington Regional Council, on Let’s Get Wellington Moving, and in particular on the potential impact of Mass Rapid Transit through Newtown. All four LGWM … Continue reading Notes from the June Meeting →
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Notes from the April Meeting
- Newtown Residents' Association
- We met on 18 April 2022, via zoom. These are brief notes of the main items discussed; see below for a link to the full minutes. Local Body Elections & Proposed Meet the Candidates meetings Nominations for Mayor, Councillors and Greater Welllington Councillors open on 15th July and close on 12th August, so we won’t know till then how … Continue reading Notes from the April Meeting →
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Notes from the March 2022 Meeting
- Newtown Residents' Association
- The Newtown Residents’ Association Meeting 21 March 2022 took place on zoom.
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Work on the interim Bike Path from Newtown to the Waterfront starts soon.
- Newtown Residents' Association
- See our December post for the background to this development.
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Draft District Plan submissions are due 14th December
- Newtown Residents' Association
- On the WCC Website you will find information about the DDP, and also helpful videos about how to read and understand the plan and about how to make a submission.
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Draft District Plan, Bike Network and LGWM – 3 consultations open now!
- Newtown Residents' Association
- The Draft District Plan, the Bike Path from Newtown to Waitangi Park and Lets Get Wellington Moving – Mass Rapid Transit are all open consultations, and the staff from WCC will be at the Salvation Army Hall 4 Normanby St on Saturday 20th November to explain these to you. Do get along and take all … Continue reading Draft District Plan, Bike Network and LGWM – 3 consultations open now! →
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington City Council Spatial Plan
- Newtown Residents' Association
- The Councillors discussed this plan on Thursday 24th June, in a marathon meeting.
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Submission to WCC about the Te Ngākau Civic Precinct consultation.
- Newtown Residents' Association
- The Association has made a submission about the Te Ngākau Civic Precinct framework – the consultation closed on 16th June.
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Te Ngākau Civic Square, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
A nimby in Newtown
- Wellington Scoop
- The Draft Spatial Plan is designed to blame the home-owning people of Wellington. It has its own spin aimed at Newtown’s heritage areas – older housing is up for grabs.
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Submission on the Wellington City Council Draft Spatial Plan
- Newtown Residents' Association
- After an intense few weeks of discussion and about what the DSP could mean for Newtown, we made our Association’s Submission on October 5th.
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Making a submission on the Draft Spatial Plan – due by 5pm October 5th.
- Newtown Residents' Association
- We agree with the need for more housing, but tall buildings in the residential areas as proposed in this plan would result in losing the very qualities, including sun and shelter, that make Newtown a great place to live.
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Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)