Feeds / GW Have Your Say Consultations
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- consultation
This feed is published by Greater Wellington Regional Council.
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Added on 26 Feb 2015. Last read 9 minutes ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 46):
Proposed fare changes for Wellington's public transport network
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- We're planning to change some Metlink fares from July 2018. It does include a general fare increase of 3 per cent but it also looks at encouraging off-peak use of public transport and help for some disadvantaged groups. The consultation opens on 14 August and closes on 18 September.
Better Metlink fares consultation
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- We're planning to change some Metlink fares from July 2018. It does include a general fare increase of 3 per cent but it also looks at encouraging off-peak use of public transport and help for some disadvantaged groups. The consultation opens on 14 August and closes on 18 September.
Annual Plan consultation 2017/18
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- To have your say on the proposed changes go to http://haveyoursay.gw.govt.nz/Annual-Plan-2017-2018 and fill in an online submission form. You can also pick up a consultation document with a submission form at your local council or library.
Shape Your Region: Have Your Say on the 2016/17 Annual Plan
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- To have your say on this consultation go to http://haveyoursay.gw.govt.nz/shapeyourregion
Draft Whitireia Park Management Plan
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Submissions can be made online, emailed to parksplanning@gw.govt.nz or posted to: Draft Whitireia Park Management Plan, Greater Wellington Regional Council, Freepost 3156, PO Box 11646, Manners Street, Wellington 6142.
Te Awa Kairangi / Hutt River Environment Strategy Action Plan
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Submissions can be made online, emailed to info@gw.govt.nz or posted to: Te Awa Kairangi/Hutt River Environmental Strategy Action Plan, Greater Wellington Regional Council, Freepost 3156, PO Box 11646, Manners Street, Wellington 6142.