
Feeds / Kilbirnie Lyall Bay Rongotai Progressive Association posts

This feed is published by Kilbirnie, Lyall Bay, Rongotai Progressive (Residents) Association.

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Added on 15 Aug 2013. Last read 7 minutes ago.

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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 15):

    • Airport runway northern extension public meetings
      • Heres the minutes of the Public meeting on 3 July that discussed the proposed Northern Extension of the Airport runway.    The meeting organiser Richard Randerson advised the focus was on protecting any intrusion into Evans Bay so the meeting did not discuss: A smaller safety extension across Cobham Drive, or Alternatively support for a southern extension instead than extending north into Evans Bay. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 31 July at 7:30 p.m. at Hataitai Bowling Club.

    • Bay Road Update - May 2013
      • Bay Road Upgrade - By WCC Project Manager Dear all   Last week really has been a bit of a mixed week with the torrential rain that swept through the city on Monday and relatively clear weather through until today.  The rain on Monday was extreme and caused issues across the city as a whole, not just in Kilbirnie. As is evident from the site, we have not completed the upgrade within the construction timeline that we have given ourselves, and we apologise for this. Our main aim has been to finish the footpath and road surfaces through Bay Road as early as possible to enable free access to the businesses, and this is still our intention. We have been working hard at programming and resourcing issues with Transfield and will continue to do so until we have finished the upgrade.

    • Airport Northern Runway Extension Meeting
      • Airport Runway Extension Meeting Organised by Richard Randerson, 13 Matai Rd, Hataitai randersonjr@paradise.net.nz   Tel. 976 6050   PRESERVE THE ICONIC BEAUTY OF EVANS BAY   The proposal to extend the airport runway into Evans Bay, at an estimated length of 300m and height of 10m, is a cause of concern.  While detail is still to be finalized, the broad parameters are clear, and you are invited to an   EASTERN SUBURBS COMMUNITY MEETING Wednesday 3 July, 7.30pm Hataitai Bowling Club, 157 Hataitai Rd (just a few metres above Hataitai shops) Key Issues are the Resource Consent process, the option of a southern extension, whether an extension is needed at all, impact on the marine environment, recreational impact on swimmers, boatees, fishers and  walkers, and the spoiling of the charming seascape of Evans Bay. Wellington Airport’s website http://wellington-airport.co.nz   Invited Speakers  will include the City Council, Wellington Airport, and environmentalists. There will be ample time for questions and discussion.   How you can be involved:   Please contact the meeting organizer: Richard Randerson, randersonjr@paradise.net.nz  on any of these issues:   ? To receive an e-version of this notice for sending on to others ? If you have feedback or comment on the runway proposal ? If you can help at the meeting collecting names and contacts ? If you are unable to be present but would like to be kept in touch. More detail >>>>>>>     Discussion Points re Wellington Airport Runway Extension Proposal   The Proposal is to extend the Wellington Airport runway 300 m North into Evans Bay, about level with the Miramar Cut. It is estimated the height of the runway may be 10m above sea level, a very visible intrusion into an iconic part of Wellington’s seascape.   The cost will be $300m and will take two years in Resource Consent processes, and perhaps five further years in construction. The City Council has voted 11-2 to advance $1m as a 50% share of the Resource Consent process with Wellington Airport. The advantages being canvassed are jobs, growth, increased tourism, and direct air links via large aircraft from Asia and elsewhere.   Issues for debate include:   1. Is an extension necessary? Some observers comment that likely long-haul international air traffic would be insufficient to warrant the investment. Canberra, and other cities, are national capitals without international airports. 2. Impact on the marine environment 3. Impact on residential properties in Hataitai, Miramar, Kilbirnie, Rongotai, Maupuia etc 4. Significant noise pollution with an additional 300 metres of noise-generating capacity. 5. Recreational impact on a lovely bay used by kayaks, small yachts and other craft, not to mention swimmers, fisher-folk, sun-seekers and walkers. 6. Despoliation of the vista of a bay which is enchanting whether in tranquil or stormy mode. 7. The option of a Southern Runway extension into Cook Strait. This may well be more difficult and expensive. But a fully costed feasibility study of a southern option is essential for adequate public discussion. And what price the preservation of Evans Bay? 8. A senior airline pilot says a southern extension is perfectly feasible from an aircraft operational viewpoint, and in fact has the advantage of a gentler flight path in over-flying the Newlands hill. 9. Five years of construction work is a huge burden in itself to the community.   Initial Response:  While it is early days, I believe we need to assess the extent of concern over the proposal, and be ready for the Resource Consent process. I am in touch with local Residents’ Associations, Evans Bay Yacht and Small Boat Club, Cook Strait News etc. Your feedback is welcome. Richard Randerson, 13 Matai Rd, Hataitai randersonjr@paradise.net.nz   Tel. 976 6050

    • Kilbirnie Bay Road Mural on Countdown
      • The Kilbirnie mural project is making progress. The artist Timon Maxey completed mural designs last month and they have since been approved by Countdown and Council. Please find the designs attached for your information. The mural is in five-parts and will be painted on five of the six panels on the Bay Road façade of Countdown. One panel will be left for signage. The panels depict different scenes from the surrounding area – including a cyclist passing the iconic Zephyrometer sculpture on Cobham Drive, a cricket match being played at Kilbirnie Park, and a ferry passing the South Coast with the snow-capped peaks of the Kaikoura Ranges in the background. Timon is renowned for his ‘fractionalist’ landscapes, which have seen him featured in the New Zealand’s Favourite Artistsbook series. The murals draw on this style, but are light hearted and have an element of humour. Timon plans to begin work the week of 29 April. We estimate the mural will take between 2 and 4 weeks, but this depends on many factors including the weather. Please do pop by and see Timon working on site. If you have any questions about this project don’t hesitate to contact me. Nga mihi Katie Taylor-Duke  Arts Programmes Advisor City Arts Ng? Mahi Toi o P?neke Wellington City Council  PO Box 2199 NEW ZEALAND Phone: (04) 803 8021, Mobile: 021 227 8021, ext: 8021

    • Sewerage discharge - 8/6/10
      •   From: Anna Hector Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 7:24 AM Subject: RE: Bypass discharge from the Moa Point treatment plant This email is to notify you, as an interested party, that there  was a consented bypass discharge from the Moa Point treatment plant yesterday. The discharge consisted of a mixture of fully and partially treated sewage from the long ocean o{jcomments on}utfall. Further information regarding this will be sent as it becomes available. Further information is available on the WCC website link below which will be updated to include details of the latest discharge as soon as practical. http://www.wellington.govt.nz/services/sewerage/rainfall/rainfall.html Please feel welcome to contact me on 910 3872 or 027 285 6040 if you have any questions. Kind regards Anna Hector Engineer Capacity Infrastructure Services Limited 85 The Esplanade, Petone, Private Bag 39804, Wellington Mail Centre 5045 T: + 64 4 910 3872 • F: + 64 4 910 3801 • E: anna.hector@capacity.net.nz W: www.capacity.net.nz  

    • Sewerage discharge - 10/6/10
      • ----- Original Message ----- From: Anna Hector Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2010 9:44 AM Subject: RE: Bypass discharge from the Moa Point treatment plant Dear all, as per the below, the further details are as follows: start:     07 June 2010 12:48 end:      07 June 2010 14:20 duration:                1 hour and  32 minutes treated volume:   8,611cubic metres partially treated:   2,870 cubic metres dilution ratio:       3 :1 Anna Hector Engineer Capacity Infrastructure Services Limited 85 The Esplanade, Petone, Private Bag 39804, Wellington Mail Centre 5045 T: + 64 4 910 3872, 027 285 6040 • F: + 64 4 910 3801 • E: anna.hector@capacity.net.nz

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