Archive / December 2013
January 2014 | November 2013-
Sounds familiar? Works on all browsers, except for IE8
- Jack Yan
- I’m sure this is familiar to anyone who has done web development. Lucire has a new home page and the tests show: Firefox on Mac, Windows, Ubuntu: OK Chromium on Windows: OK IE9 and IE10: OK Safari on Mac OS X and Iphone: OK Dolphin on Android: OK IE8 on Windows XP: not OK […]
- Accepted from Jack Yan posts
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- election-candiates-2010
- blogs
Rich tapestry of clubs in Wellington
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Above: The then captains of Wellington's second and third oldest clubs that are still in existence, Eugene Smith (Petone, founded in 1885) and Misipalauni Moananu (Poneke, 1883) leading their sides out on to Kilbirnie Park on the occasion of Poneke's 125th anniversary celebrations in 2008As at the end of 2013, the Wellington Rugby Football Union had 18 member clubs affiliated to it, all of who have had at least one team taking part in the WRFU’s competitions; but what of the history of the club game in the capital? A perusal of the lists of championship winners, and the names engraved on the Jubilee and Hardham Cups themselves; reveal a number of names that have since disappeared; and many other names have also come and gone from the roll of clubs...
- Accepted from Rugby Club Weekly Feed
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- kilbirnie
Kilbirnie, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Steve Guttenberg shows us how a Kiwi accent is done
- Jack Yan
- Back in September, The Dominion Post claimed on its front page that I have an ‘accent’ that is holding me back. It was a statement which the editor-in-chief subsequently apologized for, and which she had removed from the online edition—you can judge for yourself here if the claim was a falsehood. Still, despite having lived […]
- Accepted from Jack Yan posts
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- election-candiates-2010
- blogs
2013 at Circa Theatre
- Circa Theatre
- 2013 at Circa Theatre It’s that merry time of year again when we all look forward to some time off to enjoy the holidays with family and friends. But before we say goodbye to 2013, we thought we’d take a look at the last year of theatre at Circa. And what a year it was! We kicked things ...
- Accepted from Circa blog feed HTTPS by feedreader
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- theatre
Circa Theatre, Taranaki Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Team Manager Applications open
- Swimming Wellington
- Regional team Manager Applications are now being called for; State NZ Juniors, Wellington TM Application Form Juniors 2014 - closing 24 January 2014 7pm State Division II, Hamilton TM Application Form Div II 2014 - closing 10 February 2014 7pm State NZ Opens, Auckland TM Application Form Opens 2014 - closing 20 February 2014 7pm Mayfair Pools National Age Groups, Wellington TM Application Form NAGS 2014 - [...]
- Accepted from Swim Wellington Feed
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- swimming
2013 at Circa Theatre
- Circa Theatre
- It's that merry time of year again when we all look forward to some time off to enjoy the holidays with family and friends.
- Accepted from drama* on the waterfront posts
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- theatre
- waterfront
Circa Theatre, Taranaki Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Extending plantings of waterfront shade trees
- Wellington City Council
- This is to ask Wellington City Council to extend the plantings of shade trees around all the city beaches to provide shade from the sun to beach goers. In particular this should be done along the foreshores of Seatoun Beach, Lyall Bay, Princess Bay, Houghton Bay and Island Bay; as well as any other suitable beaches in Wellington. I suggest Norfolk pines and northern rata as suitable tree species.
- Accepted from Wellington City Council current e-Petitions
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- lyall-bay
- island-bay
- waterfront
- seatoun
School Closed
- Brooklyn School
- Brooklyn School is closed for the school holidays from Friday 19 December to Monday 3 February.
- Accepted from Brooklyn School news
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- brooklyn
Brooklyn School, 58, Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6021, New Zealand
Christmas Message, Notice of Office Hours
- Swimming Wellington
- The office will be closed from Monday 23 December 2013, re-opening on Monday 6 January 2014. Swimming Wellington is please to advise that Laura Bertelsen has been appointed to the Events & Administration Support position and will start on Wednesday 8 January 2014. Laura comes from a Swimming background, and is also actively involved in Surf [...]
- Accepted from Swim Wellington Feed
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- swimming
Work progress 14 December 2013
- Rimutaka Incline Railway
- <!-- da2a.
- Accepted from Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust news
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- local-history
- rimutaka-railway
Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust, Maymorn, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Chapman Tripp Theatre Awards 2013 – Winners!
- The Wellingtonista
- Congratulations to all the winners at the Chapman Tripp Theatre Awards last night.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Basin Reserve Trust Cricket Witnesses Seriously Concerned By NZTA’s Plans
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- I spent a very interesting couple of hours at the weekend reading the evidence of the cricket witnesses called by …Continue reading »
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Brooklyn TV 16 December
- Brooklyn School
- Accepted from Brooklyn School news
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- brooklyn
Brooklyn School, 58, Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6021, New Zealand
Book your stall for the 2014 fair day
- Newtown Festival
- We are now open for stall bookings for the 2014 Fair Day on Sunday 2 March! Book now to secure your spot, and to take advantage of our early-bird pricing. The early bird pricing ends on 1 January 2014 so be in quick. See our stall booking pages.
- Accepted from Newtown Festival posts
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- events
New fee structure for 2014
- Aikido Shinryukan Wellington
- Refer to our fees page for more information Casual: $10 per training session Can be paid for by any method (direct credit/online banking/cash) OR Monthly: $50 per month, train as much as you like (unlimited classes). Payment is due at the beginning of the calendar month for that month. Please pay the full amount due. Payment is only accepted […]
- Accepted from Aikido Tenshindo
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- self-defence
Prince of Wales Park Water Reservoir, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Cyclists are always running red lights….
- Cycling in Wellington
- When the car/bicycle debate emerges, it’s almost certain that at some point there’ll be a question along the lines of ”why should cyclists be respected, when they’re always running red lights”. One of my first encounters with the Red Light issue was when submitting on cycling at a Council meeting, and a Councillor (no longer […]
- Accepted from Cycling in Wellington posts
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- cycling
French Connection – Lisa Renard, intern at Te Papa
- Te Papa's blog
- Lisa Renard, Tamahou Temara and Tracey Kuiti on top of Wainuiomata Hill, Saturday 5 October 2013. Photo and caption courtesy of Tamahou Temara. Lisa Renard- Te Papa intern from the University of Strasbourg, France Lisa is a PhD student and studies at the University of Strasbourg in social and cultural anthropology with Prof Denis... Read more »
- Accepted from Te Papa blog feed
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- te-papa
- wainuiomata
- people
Te Papa, 55, Cable Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
New Cycleway/Walkway for Kilbirnie
- Sarah Free
- Very happy to report that funding has been approved in WCC’ s draft annual plan to create a new cycleway/walkway across Kilbirnie from Cockburn Street along the back of the bus barns and Rongotai College to Lyall Bay- Wellington’s first linear park. Great for walkers, kids learning to ride, family recreation, and creating an oasis […]
- Accepted from Sarah Free posts
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- lyall-bay
- kilbirnie
- cycling
Kilbirnie, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Xmas break 23 December 2013 to 5 January 2014
- Aikido Shinryukan Wellington
- There will be no training from Monday 23 December 2013 to Sunday 5 January 2014 as we will close the Dojo for the Xmas break.
- Accepted from Aikido Tenshindo
- Automatically tagged as:
- self-defence
Prince of Wales Park Water Reservoir, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Change in competition structure confirmed for 2015
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Tawa supporters cheering their team on at this year’s Jubilee Cup final.
- Accepted from Rugby Club Weekly Feed
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- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Open for the holidays?
- The Wellingtonista
- As a town of public servants, it seems like much of Wellington shuts down for a month from Christmas until Anniversary Day. People deserve holidays, sure, but if they have the misfortune of being back at work in the summer, they gotta be able to get coffee, right? We’re compiling a list of bar/cafe/restaurant holidays […] The post Open for the holidays? appeared first on The Wellingtonista.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
A New Chairman for the Porirua Chamber of Commerce
- Porirua Chamber of Commerce
- Alex Laplanche, owner of Wellington Windows and Doors, has been appointed Chairman of Porirua Chamber of Commerce following the 2013 AGM.
- Accepted from Porirua Chamber of Commerce news
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Introducing our new Membership Manager
- Porirua Chamber of Commerce
- My name is Aleisha Rouse, and I am the new Membership Manager for the Porirua Chamber of Commerce.
- Accepted from Porirua Chamber of Commerce news
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
It took Rick Klau to sort it out, again
- Jack Yan
- In 2009, when my friend Vincent’s Blogger or Blogspot blog was deleted by Google, I fought on his behalf to get it back. Six months on the Google support forums, nothing. One day, a friend on Twitter told me that with Google’s deletion of John Hempton’s blog, as publicized by Reuter journalist Felix Salmon, […]
- Accepted from Jack Yan posts
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- election-candiates-2010
- blogs
Community turns out to show opposition to proposed Basin Reserve flyover
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- The Wellington community came out today to show their ongoing opposition to the proposed construction of a flyover at the …Continue reading »
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Result: Twilight series - event 3
- Olympic Harriers
- It was a beautifully fine night with a fresh northerly blowing just to make thin...
- Accepted from Olympic Harriers news feed
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- match-reports
A New Chairman for the Porirua Chamber of Commerce
- Porirua Chamber of Commerce
- Alex Laplanche, owner of Wellington Windows and Doors, has been appointed Chairman of Porirua Chamber of Commerce following the 2013 AGM.
- Accepted from Porirua Chamber of Commerce news by feedreader
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Introducing our new Membership Manager
- Porirua Chamber of Commerce
- My name is Aleisha Rouse, and I am the new Membership Manager for the Porirua Chamber of Commerce.
- Accepted from Porirua Chamber of Commerce news by feedreader
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- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
A Christmas Carol: A Retrospective of Ghosts Revisited
- Circa Theatre
- This was one of our most popular posts in drama on the waterfront history - it was originally published exactly a year ago during the first season of Ray Henwood's A Christmas Carol and has received so many hits since, we thought we would bring it back again for your 2013 viewing pleasure.
- Accepted from drama* on the waterfront posts
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- waterfront
Circa Theatre, Taranaki Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
SAROP Cat 1 Danba
- Coastguard Mana
- Operation Details Date/Time: Fri, 06/12/2013 - 19:25 - 21:25 Operation Type: SAROP Cat 1 People Assisted: 3 Total Volunteer Hours: 4 1930 hrs; responded to pager callout from police ops re drifting vessel "Danba" 4 mtere runabout with engine problems, located off of Rock point Trust Porirua Rescue launched with 3 crew on board located DanBa on rocks north of Rock Point, callout upgraded to mayday could not get TPR close enough to Danba to throw or float in a line Vessel Details Length: 4.00m Resources Attendees: Ben Ryan Paul Craven CRV's Used: CRV Trust Porirua Rescue read more
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- porirua
-41.123991, 174.794712
Hot buttered coconut
- The Wellingtonista
- Have you got your christmas nog on yet? Hot buttered coconut cocktail-in-a-mug from the beautiful people at The Hangar.
- Accepted from Wellingtonista Blog Feed
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- blogs
- featured
Take A Stand Against The Proposed Flyover: Wednesday 11 Dec, 9.30am, Basin Reserve
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Save the Basin Campaign invite you to show your support for keeping the Basin Reserve precinct a ‘flyover-free zone’. Like …Continue reading »
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Facebook pages are broken
- Jack Yan
- While my personal Facebook page and profile continue to have good reach and engagement, the Lucire Facebook is down, especially compared with this time last year. We’ve increased fans and, on our site, readership, but it’s becoming more and more evident that traffic isn’t coming via the Facebook fan page. It makes you […]
- Accepted from Jack Yan posts
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- election-candiates-2010
- blogs
Flip-flop again: GM deems Chevrolet Europe strategy a failure
- Jack Yan
- GM has changed its mind again: Chevrolet will not be its global brand. The strategy, where Daewoo was rebadged Chevrolet in western Europe at the beginning of the century, has been deemed a failure, and GM will withdraw its core Korean-made models such as the Spark, Aveo, Cruze and Malibu, by 2015. It will […]
- Accepted from Jack Yan posts
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- election-candiates-2010
- blogs
What Submitters Do And Don’t Have To Do This Week
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Some submitters have contacted the Campaign, concerned that they have to finish the oral submission they plan to make to …Continue reading »
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Raffle results - draw 4 December
- Rimutaka Incline Railway
- #665 - the winning number of our 4 December raffle draw for a replica number plate of our steam locomotive Ab 745 plus a family pass to our operating days. Follow up prizes of a family pass go to tickets: #688, #690, #700, #732 and #664. Congratulations to winners and thanks for all - proceeds go towards the Ab 745 project. Replica Ab 745 number plate
- Accepted from Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust news
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- local-history
- rimutaka-railway
Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust, Maymorn, Upper Hutt, Upper Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington sides qualify for Sevens Nationals
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The Wellington’s men’s and women’s Sevens teams both missed out on making the finals of today's Central Region qualifiers in Palmerston North, but both will play in the National Sevens in Rotorua in January.
- Accepted from Rugby Club Weekly Feed
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- rugby
Ti kouka: a feast for birds big and small
- Zealandia
- Alfie here, and today I’m talking about another bird-friendly plant in Wellington, and interviewing long time Zealandia volunteer guide, and conservationist, Des Smith.
- Accepted from Zealandia blog feed by feedreader
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- karori-sanctuary
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Little spotted kiwi chick is returned to Zealandia
- Zealandia
- A little spotted kiwi has been re-released into the Zealandia eco-sanctuary after its successful rehabilitation at Wellington Zoo.
- Accepted from Zealandia news
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- karori-sanctuary
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The GrownUps
- Kapiti Playhouse Inc
- December 20th sees the last concert at Kapiti Playhouse for 2013.
- Accepted from Kapiti Playhouse Inc - News
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- kapiti
Wellington men’s and women’s 7s teams in Cental Region tournament on Saturday
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The road to the national sevens will begin for central teams this weekend as Massey University prepares to host the Central Region Sevens Tournament, with the Wellington men’s and women’s teams both involved.
- Accepted from Rugby Club Weekly Feed
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- rugby
A local’s take on the proposed flyover by Johan, age 9
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- I think the Basin Reserve Flyover shouldn’t be built. There are lots of hazards about it like if we have …Continue reading »
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
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- cricket
Feeding birds at home
- Zealandia
- If you enjoy the sights and sounds of wild, native birds in your garden, and want to contribute to their remarkable return to Wellington, this fact sheet is for you.
- Accepted from Zealandia blog feed by feedreader
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- karori-sanctuary
- tours
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
49 issues about the flyover
- Wellington Scoop
- Accepted from Wellington Scoop features
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- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Call-out stats - November 2013
- Stokes Valley Volunteer Fire Brigade
- During November, the brigade was alerted to a number of suspicious scrub fires in and around the hills of Stokes Valley and Taita/Pomare.
- Accepted from Stokes Valley Volunteer Fire Brigade news
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- stokes-valley
Stokes Valley, Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa
Baghrir and Maamol
- The Wellingtonista
- So this week I’m extending my Mediterranean food knowledge, courtesy of Lazeeza (Arabic for delicious) on Dixon Street in the former Simply Paris premises (beside Dixon Street Deli).
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- blogs
- featured
2014 Circa Theatre Programme
- Circa Theatre
- Mother Goose - THE PANTOMIMEBy Michele AmasSongs by Paul Jenden and Gareth FarrDirected by Susan Wilson2-11 JanuaryCirca One FESTIVE FUN FOR EVERYONE! There’s nothing paltry about Mother Goose’s chicken farm.
- Accepted from drama* on the waterfront posts
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- theatre
- waterfront
Circa Theatre, Taranaki Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Basin Reserve Flyover Flaws Revealed for All to See
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- We knew the NZTA’s plans to build a flyover at the Basin Reserve were fatally flawed. Now several days of …Continue reading »
- Accepted from Save the Basin posts
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- basin-reserve
- basin-reserve-flyover
- lobby-groups
- cricket
Last minute try disappoints Scots College
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Kelston Boys' High School celebrate their back-to-back victory in the Condor Sevens this afternoon (photo by Condor Sevens Facebook page https://www.
- Accepted from Rugby Club Weekly Feed
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- rugby
Re-instate the Carnival parade and festival
- Wellington City Council
- This is to request that the Wellington City Council funds and supports the running of a carnival parade and festival along the lines of the past Cuba Carnival. This could be scheduled as a bi-annual event that alternates with the New Zealand Festival of the Arts.
- Accepted from Wellington City Council current e-Petitions
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- wellington-city-council