
Feeds / SeniorNet Wellington news

This feed is published by SeniorNet Wellington Inc.

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Added on 26 Jan 2009. Last read 2 weeks ago.

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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 494):

    • SeniorNet Wellington has a new website
      • As from 18 January 2016 SeniorNet Wellington has a new website. The address of the new site is http://www.wellingtonseniornet.co.nz  The old site is still available at https://archive.is/http://seniornetwgtn.blogspot.co.nz if you wish to download archived material.

    • Toys, Apps and Gadgets Day, Thursday 15 December, 10.00 am - 12.00 pm
      • When: Thursday 15 December, 10.00 am - 12.00 pm. Where:  Anvil House, Level 1, Room 2. What: This is an opportunity for members to meet as a group and demonstrate to each other all the favourite 'I must have' toys, apps and gadgets they have acquired or purchased, why they want them, what they do, what they cost (if anything) and where to get them. They need not be directly related to computing. If they are too big to bring along e.g. your new Mclaren F1 (repaired) just bring a photo! This should be an interesting session. Register with Alan Royal at  a.royal@paradise.net.nz. The investment si $5 payable at the door. Correct change appreciated.

    • iOS Devices User Group (iPad, iPhone and iPod), Thursday 15 December 2016, 12.30 pm - 2 30 pm
      • When: Thursday 15 December 2016, 12.30 pm – 2.30 pm Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Room 2 What:  Allan Chee, with a panel of experienced users, will conduct the 2nd of a 2 monthly meeting of the iOS “Special Interest Group (SIG). The format will be a Q&A, but focused on iOS devices. So if you have something that you want to know about your iPad or iPhone or how to do something, come along and ask, Allan or the panel or someone at meeting may have the answer. Share your knowledge and experiences with other Apple iOS users. Ask questions, help with answers, exchange experiences and listen to or provide some helpful hints. Are you new to iPad/iPhone/iPod? Thinking of purchasing an Apple iPad/iPhone/iPod?  Come along observe and even ask questions. As this meeting will be classified as a Special Interest Group (SIG)/Special Learning Group (SLG), it is free to all

    • Online Shopping workshop Tuesday 6 December, 10.00 am - 12.00 pm
      • When: Tuesday 6 December, 10.00 am - 12.00 pm. Where: Anvil House, Level 1 , Room 2. What: This workshop panel will discuss online buying, local and international sites, how to buy and possible pitfalls. It is based on the experience of our members. The Statistics NZ 2012 survey (http://bit.ly/2fFR7rh) includes the following details on the extent of online buying habits of New Zealanders: • Online purchasing the way of the… present Kiwis are putting their money where their mouse is. Online purchases are on the rise, with 1.8 million New Zealanders making an online purchase in the 12 months before the survey. Over 70 percent of New Zealanders aged 25–34 years opted for this convenience, though the biggest increase was for those aged 35–44 years – a jump of 14 percent to a total of 68 percent. •It also seems that what we’re buying is changing. We’re not necessarily buying tangible items; over half of those who shopped online had at least one item delivered electronically. This may include items such as e-books, music, or e-tickets. Looking at those who had made a purchase in the four weeks before the survey, women outnumbered men in spending a total value of up to $500, while the more expensive purchases predominantly belonged to men. The number of people spending a total of over $2,000 online has doubled since 2009, to reach 44,000 people in a four-week period. Contact Alan Royal at  a.royal@paradise.net.nz to register for this session, or if you wish to contribute your experiences. The investment for financial members is $5 (correct change please) payable at the door.

    • 2042 Hands-on Introduction to iPads and iOS Part 3 Friday 2nd Dec & Friday 9th Dec, -2016, 10.00 am – 12:00 noon
      • When: Friday 2nd Dec & Friday 9th Dec, -2016, 10.00 am – 12:00 noon Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Room 11 What: This is the continuation of the practical hands-on course of getting to know the iPad and the iOS that drives it, and continues on from Parts 1 and 2. Please note that Parts 1 & 2 are not a prerequisite for attending this Part 3 class as long as you can “see” that the topics are ones that can expand your knowledge on the use of your iPad/iPhone . What you will learn 1 Add an Event in the Calendar app 2 Use the various features of the Clock. 3 Make video calls using FaceTime 4 Use iMessage to send text messages 5 Use the Map app – 3D Fly overs 6 Locate a misplaced/lost iPad. 7 Use the Safari browser to access newspapers of the World  – need a Wellington Library Card 8 Add media (Photos, Video) to an email message 9 How to Copy Photos From Your iPad to Your PC Hands-on Classes will be limited to 7 so please register ASAP with Allan Chee at acheester@gmail.com Cost for the two classes is $20, payable on the day.

    • Control your devices by speaking to them, Wednesday 30 November, 10.00 am - 12.00 pm
      • When: Wednesday 30 November, 10.00 am - 12.00 pm. Where: Anvil House, Level 1 , Room 2. What: It has been said that the best advice than you can get is from talking to yourself! You will be shown, at this presentation, how to talk to yourself to get productive results with your device. This session will show you how: to interact with your phone, tablet or computer by talking to it. to set up Google Voice. find and use many of the common GoogleVoice commands.to record your thoughts in the Note Everything app.use Google typing for word processing in Google Drive.to voice over in a You Tube video.to add speech to a Photostory presentation.Register early with Alan Royal at  a.royal@paradise.net.nz. The investment is $5 (at the door) for financial members. Correct change would be appreciated.

    • GOOD NEWS on Anvil House!
      • I have received notification that Anvil House has been given the "All Clear" by the OPUS engineers, and that there was no damage to SeniorNet facilities. However, as Wellington continues to experience strong aftershocks, and since SeniorNet has no activities scheduled until next week, I am going to suspend all activities, including the Office until Monday 21st November 2016. Hopefully, by then aftershocks will have lessened and not be so traumatic for members when they do occur, while attending classes etc. Thank you Allan Chee Chairperson SeniorNet Wellington. acheester@gmail.com

    • Question & Answers Meeting, (Q&A.) Thursday 24, November, 2016, 10.00 am -- 12.00 pm
      • SPECIAL ATTENTION: This notice is issued in accordance with the Notice issued to all members by our Chairman Allan Chee (Monday 14 November, 2016) which stated all Seniornet activities at Anvil House are suspended until further notice due to safety inspections of Anvil House.  So this meeting is dependent on a clearance notice being issued by Chairman Allan Chee in due course. When: Thursday  24 November,  2016, 10.00 am -- 12.00 pm. Where:  Anvil House, Level 1, Meeting Room  2 What:  An opportunity to learn and share, where everyone is welcome,  especially the new SeniorNet members and at no cost to anyone. All questions are addressed and hopefully successfully answered and the only 'silly' question is the one that is not asked. This is also an opportunity to share with other SeniorNet members any hints or tips that can make computing easier and/or more interesting.  So don’t be shy come along and get to meet up with other members who may be of assistance to you. Some items discussed at the October meeting were: VLC playlist not playable. Hidden columns unable to be found in Excel. How to create bootable flash drives.  A member suggested reading an article re flash drives on Wikipedia could be informative.Windows 10 Tutorial Booklet is available and how to obtain it.   Lionel looks forward to meeting and greeting you all. Remember this Meeting is free to all financial members.

    • Android Smartphones & Tablets (Samsung, Huawei, etc), Tuesday 22 November 2016: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
      • SPECIAL ATTENTION: This notice is issued in accordance with the Notice issued to all members by our Chairman Allan Chee (Monday 14 November, 2016) which stated all Seniornet activities at Anvil House are suspended until further notice due to safety inspections of Anvil House.  So this meeting is dependent on a clearance notice being issued by Chairman Allan Chee in due course. When: Tuesday 22 November 2016: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Room 2 What: Q & A format. Facilitator: Graeme Munro This session has previously been called the Android Devices Group. “Android” is the operating system used by most smartphone & tablet manufacturers other than Apple, eg. Samsung, Huawei, Vodafone, Sony, Nokia, LG etc. Are you having problems with your Android device or just interested in learning more about it? If so, you are welcome to come along & ask questions. Don't be shy. These sessions are specifically designed to help the beginner. Come and ask your questions so that we can help you get the most out of your phone or tablet. Even if you don’t have any questions yourself, still please come along as you may have the answer to someone else’s question. Some of the topics discussed at our last meeting were: • Downloading e-books from library using Overdrive • Surge protectors & UPS • Android Tablets for Beginners – www.stevesandroidguide.com • Android Tablets for Dummies – http://goo.gl/9uhfcH New members are particularly welcome. The first part of our session will be devoted to questions from new Android users. These sessions are free for financial members. No registration is required.

      • Further to the notice that was sent out this morning, I have been informed by the building's owner that until Engineers have inspected the building, there will be NO ACCESS to Anvil House. We will be advised when this has been completed, so until then, all sessions, classrooms and meeting rooms and access to SeniorNet's Office, will not be available. I will advise when the status changes or when we know something further. Allan Chee Chairperson SeniorNet Wellington.

      • Due to the earthquake overnight, and advice from Civil Defence, ALL sessions, meetings, and classes at our premises in Wakefield Street, are cancelled for today, 14 November 2016. I trust that you did not suffer too much damage with this quake, and are looking after your family, and where necessary, also in touch with your neighbours to ensure that they are well. Take care and keep well Allan Chee Chairperson

    • Apple Mac Computer User Group Meeting Monday 21 November 2016, 10.00 am – 12 noon
      • When: Monday 21 Novembr 10.00 am – 12 noon Note the change from the 4th Monday to the 3rd Monday Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Meeting Room 2 What: This month we will be looking at buying a Mac. Whether you are looking at new or used what sort of memory, processor, screen resolution do you need? Share your knowledge and experiences with other Apple Mac Computer users. Ask questions, help with answers, exchange experiences and listen to or provide some helpful hints. Are you new to Mac? Thinking of purchasing an Apple Mac?  Come along observe and even ask questions. It is an opportunity to learn, to expand your knowledge and skills on Apple Mac by sharing the know-how of other members . This meeting is free to all financial members.

    • Win the Security War Workshop - Friday 25 November 2016, 10.00 am - 12.00 pm
      • When:  Friday 25 November 2016, 10.00 am - 12.00 pm. Where:  Meeting Room 2, Level 1, Anvil House, 138 - 140 Wakefield Street, Wellington. What:  Learn how to keep spies, thieves and rogues out of your computer and other electronic hardware.  Protect your computer, your personal information and your money from the criminals. A recent global survey found 2 out of 3 people have experienced a tech support scam in the last 12 months and 1 in 5 continued with a potentially harmful interaction.  Don’t be a victim. Tony Doogue will explain the malware and related criminal methods used to harm you and rob you and show you how to protect yourself from them. There will be simple practical hints as well as links to more detailed information.   If you’ve got something you particularly want to know about or are having difficulties with why not see if he can help you.   Please register your interest with Tony Doogue at  tonydoogue@xtra.co.nz  at the same time mentioning anything you would like covered. Some of the content of the Workshop is readily accessible through the SeniorNet web site at www.seniornetwgtn.blogspot.com.  Go to Workshop Notes and “Computer and Related Security Workshop” to see it. Numbers are limited to the first 25 applicants. Cost: $5 each, payable on arrival.  Please have correct change.

    • Computer Owners Group (COG) Special Learning Group (SLG), Wednesday, 9 November, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
      • When: COG SLG Wednesday, 9 November, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Meeting Room 2 What: This is your meeting, so please bring your questions and comments. Lindsay Rollo will speak about his recent experience with Android and Linux-based USB drives which can be plugged into  standard laptops – and which do not leave any footprints on them.  With this technique, one can bring back to useful life elderly laptops which might otherwise be heading towards the landfill. Michael Munro will facilitate. Topics discussed at the last meeting included: • how to speed up slow iPads • problems with Gmail attachments • how to deal with excessive permissions requested by apps • problems with Windows 10 updates • Yahoo/Xtra passwords problems • how to get extra range from routers; and • coping with interruptions when downloading Windows 10 updates. Special Learning Groups (SLG) are free to all SeniorNet Wellington members.

    • Downloading Music from YouTube workshop, Tuesday 15 November 2016, 10.00 am to 12 noon
      • When: Tuesday 15 November 2016  10.00 am to 12 noon Where: Anvil House, Level 1 Room 2 What:  This is a fun session for all music lovers How to search, listen and download your favourite music and save to your computer to listen at your leisure • What does music means to you? • The Evolution of Music • Explore a favourite downloading app • Extract audio from a video clip • Save a full album or a section • How to create a playlist on your media player • Listen to MP3 music before downloading • Have a go at downloading your own favourite music. Bring along a USB Flash Drive to save your favourite downloaded music. Facilitator: Peter Moon Please register with Peter Moon:  peteraumoom@yahoo.co.nz. Cost: $5 for SeniorNet Wellington Members. Correct change would be appreciated

    • 101 or more uses for your Android smartphone, Wednesday November 9, 12.30 pm - 2.30 pm
      • When: Wednesday November 9. 12.30 pm - 2.30 pm Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Room 2 What:  Common uses for the Android smartphone are to read emails, take photos and send messages. This workshop will show you how to get the best from what could be just an expensive toy. We will introduce you to a wide range of techniques and uses beyond those mentioned above. For example: • Controlling phone features by talking to your phone • Extending camera use beyond just taking images • Taking notes and storing them without a pad and pencil • Extending phone memory • Looking at your Snapper spending • Casting your android screen to your computer or TV to name a few. This will be a fun session. With the endless opportunities available, we could easily go beyond the allocated time. However, where we can’t demonstrate, we will provide links for you to visit sources of other uses for your smartphone. Register early with Alan Royal at  a.royal@paradise.net.nz. Cost for financial members is $5 payable at the door. Correct change please.

    • Workshop - Video Streaming, Using Apple TV 3rd Generation Thursday 3rd November 2016, 10.00 am - 12 noon
      • When: Thursday 3rd November  2016, 10.00 am - 12 noon Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Room 2 What:  Allan Chee will present a workshop explaining how to setup and use Apple TV 3rd Generation for Video Streaming. This workshop was presented in August, but tried to cover Chromecast as well and therefore we ran short of time to do both properly. This is an effect to redress that presentation but this time only Apple TV will be covered. The following topics will be discussed Recap What is Video StreamingRecap What you need for Video StreamingHow to set up a Apple TV for Video Streaming Cost $5- correct change appreciated The Workshop will be limited to 25. Please registered with Allan at acheester@gmail.com

    • Short Course - iPad Hands-on Intro Part 2 Fridays October 28 and November 4, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
      • When: Fridays October 28 and November 4, 10:00 am-12:00 pm Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Room 11 What: This practical, hands-on, 2 week course continues on from the recently held Part 1. Applicants should have a basic knowledge of iPad operation. \What you will learn in Part 2 Short revision of Part 1Use of iCloud to save images and filesUse of the App Store and how to download from itiTunes and how to redeem gift cardsiOS 10 and its featuresHow to customise the iPadHow to manage storage on the iPadUsing the camera Please register after 24 October with David Boyes at deeboyes@xtra.co.nz. If registration numbers exceed 7, a waiting list will be created and you will be advised by email when the next course will be conducted. Cost for the two sessions is $20

    • Android Smartphones & Tablets (Samsung, Huawei, etc) Tuesday 25 October 2016: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
      • When: Tuesday 25 October 2016: 10.00 am – 12.00 pm Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Room 2 What: Q & A format. Facilitator: Graeme Munro This session has previously been called the Android Devices Group. “Android” is the operating system used by most smartphone & tablet manufacturers other than Apple, eg. Samsung, Huawei, Vodafone, Sony, Nokia, LG etc.   Are you having problems with your Android device or just interested in learning more about it? If so, you are welcome to come along & ask questions. Don't be shy. These sessions are specifically designed to help the beginner. Come and ask your questions so that we can help you get the most out of your phone or tablet. Even if you don’t have any questions yourself, still please come along as you may have the answer to someone else’s question. Some of the topics discussed at our last meeting were: • Android phone backup • Clearing cached data • Flashlight on phone • Xtra email migration to new provider • Upgrading a basic phone • Connecting to Wi-Fi • Keepod – Android OS on flash drive New members are particularly welcome. The first part of our session will be devoted to questions from new Android users. These sessions are free for financial members. No registration is required.

    • Question & Answers Meeting, (Q&A.) Thursday 27, October, 2016, 10.00 am -- 12.00 pm
      • When: Thursday  27 October,  2016, 10.00 am -- 12.00 pm.   Where:  Anvil House, Level 1, Meeting Room  2 What:  An opportunity to learn and share, where everyone is welcome,  especially the new SeniorNet members and at no cost to anyone. All questions are addressed and hopefully successfully answered and the only 'silly' question is the one that is not asked. This is also an opportunity to share with other SeniorNet members any hints or tips that can make computing easier and/or more interesting.  So don’t be shy come along and get to meet up with other members who may be of assistance to you.           Some items discussed at the September meeting were: Explanation of the move by Spark to replace Yahoo with SMX, a New Zealand company, as its email provider. Adware Cleaner was advised again for dealing with adware, pups, unwanted toolbars etc. Backing up of Smartphones was recommended and advice given on how to proceed. A member was assisted with some problems with their laptop. Advice was given re locating 'G mail Tutorials' on lynda.com and advising a Miss Stratton as a leading tutor.A request for finding free books for Android systems resulted in explanation and advice on obtaining Android apps online.Free to all financial members.

    • Workshop - Video Streaming, Using Google Chromecast Tuesday, 18th October 2016, 10.00 am - 12 noon
      • When: Tuesday 18th October  2016, 10.00 am - 12 noon Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Room 2 What:  Allan Chee will present a workshop explaining how to setup and use Google Chromecast for Video Streaming. The following topics will be discussed • Recap What is Video Streaming • Recap What you need for Video Streaming • How to set up a Chromecast dongle for Video Streaming Cost $10 - correct change appreciated The Workshop will be limited to 25. Please registered with Allan at acheester@gmail.com.

    • Apple Mac Computer User Group Meeting – Monday 17 October 2016, 10.00 am – 12 noon
      • When: Monday 17 October 10.00 am – 12 noon Note the change from the 4th Monday to the 3rd Monday Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Meeting Room 2 What: This month we will be looking at Finder shortcuts. Share your knowledge and experiences with other Apple Mac Computer users. Ask questions, help with answers, exchange experiences and listen to or provide some helpful hints. Are you new to Mac? Thinking of purchasing an Apple Mac?  Come along observe and even ask questions. It is an opportunity to learn, to expand your knowledge and skills on Apple Mac by sharing the know-how of other members. This meeting is free to all members.

    • Introduction to Windows Movie Maker: Thursday 20 & 27 October, from 10.00 am - 12.00 pm
      • When: Thursday 20 & 27 October, 10.00 am - 12.00 pm Where: Anvil House Level 1, room 12 What: Windows Movie Maker is a video editing program available on Windows 7 and earlier versions of Windows and can also be downloaded for free. This course is an opportunity to learn how to use Movie Maker to create home movies on your computer. You will learn how to edit and rearrange video into a finished movie and how to use different transitions, video effects, music and titles to enhance your movie. You do not need to have prior knowledge of the program but you do need to be familiar with using a computer. Numbers are limited and if you are unavailable for these dates then please indicate if you are interested in a future course. Cost: $20. To register or for more information contact:Grahame Scoullar, ph: 027 3407420 or email gscoullar@outlook.com.

    • TradeMe Workshop Friday October 14, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
      • When: Friday  October 14, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Room 2        What: Time for a "spring cleanout sale, using TradeMe of course. This is the most efficient way to get some cash for that junk. However if all you really have is junk then take it to the tip. That will cost you money! We will explore the TradeMe web site live. You will be shown how easy it is to "cruise" through the basic 28 categories which subdivide into hundreds more. We will cover how to buy and how to sell, mainly covering general goods and cars but also a quick look at property. You will be given plenty of tips. Bryan Carver has made mistakes and been "ticked off" by TradeMe, oh yes indeed! Find out why and learn from his mistakes. You will find some aspects of this workshop amusing!         Notes will be emailed a few days prior. Bryan has found an item to list for auction. Psst....shush....it is an unwanted present....quiet now! Register by emailing   bcarvernz@gmail.com Cost is $5 payable on the day - please try and bring the correct amount.

    • TradeMe Short Course Thursday November 17, 10:00 am-12:00 pm
      • When: Thursday November 17, 10:00 am-12:00 pm Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Room 11 What: Learn how to use TradeMe to buy or sell an article. This course is a follow up to our TradeMe workshop and will give you hands-on practice using TradeMe. We will show you how to create a TradeMe logon, search TradeMe listings, make a bid on an item or list your own item on TradeMe to sell it. If you have a small item you want to sell, bring it to the class along with your camera. The cost of the course is $10 for members payable at the door. Please register with Maureen Pratchett at  maureen.pratchett@gmail.com.

    • SeniorNet Wellington - Celebrating WCC Seniors’week ‘At Home’, Thursday October 13 from 12 noon to 2.00 pm
      • Supported by Noel Leeming  Thursday October 13 from 12 noon to 2pm  Level 1 Anvil House, 138-140 Wakefield Street       Join us for tea or coffee. A Noel Leeming Learning Specialist will discuss and demonstrate how we can use and enjoy evolving new technology, and how we can manage our tablets, iPhones, smart phones, and other new devices for best results, and benefits. SeniorNet Wellington is where we share knowledge, learn together, and have fun. Subscriptions, course, tutorial, and workshop fees are modest. For more information or to register, please contact: John Nimmo, Phone 476 8771, email  john.nimmo@xtra.co.nz orFranci Stapleton, Phone 972 1990, email  fes@paradise.net.nz Check our website www.seniornetwgtn.blogspot.com Regardless of how much you know, there’ll be something there for you. See http://bit.ly/seniorsweekwgtn for other Seniors Week events

    • Press Reader workshop, Wednesday 5 October, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm
      • When: Wednesday 5 October, 10.00 am – 12.00 pm Where: Anvil House, Level 1, Room 2 What: Press Reader is an online site with free access to 2663 magazines and 2550 newspapers (including a New Zealand section). You can read these, online, at no cost. Get huge savings on hard copy costs for publications such as The Dominion Post, NZ Listener, TV Guide to name a few. The site material is free for you to use if you have a Wellington City Library card. The workshop will be a live demonstration of how to access and use the site and how to read, print and download the free newspapers and magazines, in formats (fonts and text size) suitable to you as a reader. There are many other tips and tricks for ease of reading, saving and printing, that you will be shown. Please register early with Alan Royal at  a.royal@paradise.net.nz. Cost for the session is $5, payable at the door. Correct change please.

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