Feeds / Aro Valley Community Council's Facebook wall
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Added on 27 Dec 2009. Last read 8 minutes ago.
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This feed currently contains the following newsitems (total count 282):
The latest news on the Velcro scandal. #arolympics2078
- The latest news on the Velcro scandal. #arolympics2078
- https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-1/s100x100/1618706_10101913976926859_1739298130_n.jpg?oh=f2ed37e64ee239fe86e96b97246c9836&oe=55F412F7&__gda__=1445371919_0caa0c4d29759c4b76e908bdbc7f6478 Maggie Kelly Hello Yogis,I hope this message finds you well despite the rain and wind. An evening time slot at AVCC has opened up, so I have reserved it for another yoga session. I wanted to check and see if you had a time preference? I was thinking 5:30 or 6 on Tuesday evenings. Let me know if you have a preference. I will be also be asking at class tomorrow.In health and happiness,Maggie
Hi everyone, we are once again running a school holiday programme at the Communi...
- Hi everyone, we are once again running a school holiday programme at the Community Center. Heaps of quality, affordable, community-run fun to be had. OSCAR approved. Get in touch for an enrolment form via: community@arovalley.org.nz Lexi
- https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xft1/v/t1.0-1/p100x100/11401588_886986514715842_851529041191890803_n.jpg?oh=4db6e443c4e417076c7362b8f389358c&oe=55EDD1A5&__gda__=1445360850_aaff4c65cc6f9813677f55f771e70121 Avcc Co-ordinator Kia Ora,My name is Lexi Goodman and I just wanted to introduce myself as the new Community Developer here at the Aro Valley Community Center. Having been a resident of the valley for over ten years I have had the pleasure of being a part of our beautiful, inclusive, diverse and unique community. Through my experiences here I have made many community connections which I hope to bring to the table, as well as new fresh perspective. I look forward to working with everyone in my role developing programmes, activities and events to serve the community. Come in with your ideas and say hi - don't be shy!
'My Country Right or Wrong?' event - here are images from the walk on the Sunday...
- 'My Country Right or Wrong?' event - here are images from the walk on the Sunday morning of significant Aro Valley World War 1 sites - and one of the dramatic presentation by Robin Cohen and Denis Welch on the 'Art of War', a session chaired by Graeme Whimp - in the Aro Valley Hall
http://arovalley.podomatic.com A few weeks ago there was the very successful 'My...
- http://arovalley.podomatic.com/ A few weeks ago there was the very successful 'My Country Right or Wrong?' seminar and historic walk, in the Aro Hall, organised by community council members and a group of community volunteers. There were sound recordings of the speakers on the day and here is the link to the a podcast of some of them. Thanks Andrew Dalziell for the record! Aro Valley Community Podcast Coverage of community events, inspiried by our unique community.
Work for the Aro Valley! Unfortunately one of our new staff has had to withdraw...
- Work for the Aro Valley! Unfortunately one of our new staff has had to withdraw for family reasons so we are readvertising. Closes 21 June. Check out the details here.... Community Administrator dogoodjobs.co.nz Aro Valley is a vibrant inner city community of 3,500 people. We are looking for a person with a strong interest and aptitude in administration and office management to support the running of the Community Centre and associated programmes . You’ll need to be able to manage your own time and work wel…
The latest Valley Voice is available here: https://www.scribd.com/doc/267855665/...
- The latest Valley Voice is available here: https://www.scribd.com/doc/267855665/Valley-Voice-2015-June Valley Voice 2015 June www.scribd.com News and views from around the Aro Valley, Wellington, New Zealand
- AVAILABLE NOW! Hair For You at AVCC Hair For You @ Aro Valley Community Centre48 Aro St, Aro Valley, Wellington 6021Tuedays & Wednesdays - 1pm to 4pmAppointments Call/Txt - 0278007432
We now have drama classes for kids at the community centre on Monday afternoons!
- We now have drama classes for kids at the community centre on Monday afternoons!
A new low in pedestrian management at the busy Abel Smith - Victoria intersectio...
- A new low in pedestrian management at the busy Abel Smith - Victoria intersection. NZTA/WCC - what were you thinking?
Patel's to close is the lead story in the latest Valley Voice. Sad news for thos...
- Patel's to close is the lead story in the latest Valley Voice. Sad news for those who love this bit of Aro life. https://www.scribd.com/doc/262009288/Valley-Voice-April-2015 Valley Voice April 2015 www.scribd.com News and views from the Aro Valley, Wellington, New Zealand
Come work for the Aro Valley! Community Development and Community Administratio...
- Come work for the Aro Valley! Community Development and Community Administration roles available now! Applications close 21st April. Community Administrator dogoodjobs.co.nz Aro Valley is a vibrant inner city community of 3,500 people. We are looking for a person with a strong interest and aptitude in administration and office management to support the running of the Community Centre and associated programmes . You’ll need to be able to manage your own time and work wel…
Come work for the Aro Valley! Community Development and Community Administratio...
- Come work for the Aro Valley! Community Development and Community Administration roles available now! Applications close 21st April. Community Developer dogoodjobs.co.nz Aro Valley is a vibrant inner city community of 3,500 people. We’re looking for a person with a experience and aptitude in developing and running community events and community programmes, building relationships and fostering community cohesion. You’ll need to be able to manage your own time and wor…
Well, it seems two of the folks who committed the recent spate of burglaries in...
- Well, it seems two of the folks who committed the recent spate of burglaries in our community have been arrested. Bummer for the victims, bummer for the perpetrators - we can only wish they are able to get the support they need now (but know it's sadly unlikely). No winners in this situation, but a good effort from our community constable and team, who are cautious to remind us that while they think "the pair have been involved in several recent burglaries in inner-city Wellington there may be other offenders or groups of offenders at work... (and) ... residents need to make sure their properties are secure 24 hours a day." Wellington.scoop.co.nz » Two men arrested for burglaries in Thorndon, Kelburn, Aro Valley wellington.scoop.co.nz Scoop Wellington provides news and views from Wellington, New Zealand
Bakers Eddy rocked at the Aro Fair last week - they need 1000 likes on their fa...
- Bakers Eddy rocked at the Aro Fair last week - they need 1000 likes on their facebook to help getting NZ on Air funding for their next video - give them a click !!!! Bakers Eddy Rock Band from Wellington, New Zealand
The bakehouse within the Aro Valley Heritage Area has been demolished. Welling...
- The bakehouse within the Aro Valley Heritage Area has been demolished. Wellington City Council gave non-notified resource consent for this to happen. A non-notifed consent means the public had no say in the loss of what is likely to be the last of these bakehouses in the Wellington region. Aro Valley has lost its link with the era before fire brigades. Back then bakeries had separate baking areas so that fires, which were common, did not destroy the main building! Your community council took action in the High Court to try and secure an opportunity for public input but was unsuccessful. The owners will build two town houses in place of the bakehouse, in a style that is out of character with the rest of the buildings. In a nutshell its all about making more money from an already profitable piece of property. The same people also own the other buildings facing Aro St, and we have to hope this isn't the beginning of a fully fledged assault on our community. Unfortunately it seems the heritage protections we fought long and hard for are much weaker in reality than they appear on paper.
Hey folks! Autumn seems to have arrived. The gardens are looking great (includin...
- Hey folks! Autumn seems to have arrived. The gardens are looking great (including a new path at the Secret Garden!) and there's still lots to harvest. We have a garden day this Saturday, 28 March, 10am at the Orchard (next to 225 Aro St). For your diaries, next 2 working bees are: Saturday 10 April - at the Secret Garden Saturday 24 April - at the Orchard. Anyone growing or have spare autumn/winter seedlings at home is welcome to share the love with the gardens - be in touch :) Hope to see you all soon Lillian.
Thanks starjam you rocked !
- Thanks starjam you rocked ! Good Times Stage at Aro Fair Star Jam started off the day with 3 songs — at Aro Valley Fair 2015 On Saturday the Wellington Timebank hosted the Good Times Stage at the Aro Fair. There was a combination of awesome local music and a timebank showcase where timebankers demonstrated the skills that they offer people in the timebank.
The emotion, the passion, the pure energy and elation of the Arolympics !
- The emotion, the passion, the pure energy and elation of the Arolympics ! Photos of ArOlympics 2078
Hey, this could be the proof we need: evidence that Aro Valley is no less sunny...
- Hey, this could be the proof we need: evidence that Aro Valley is no less sunny than any of the other inner-city/city fringe suburbs! Of course, our dehumidifiers may provide evidence to the contrary... Mapping the hours of direct sunlight in Wellington City app.dumpark.com Ever wondered where to find the sunniest spots in your city? This interactive map shows the yearly average number of hours of direct sunlight received in a day and a breakdown for mornings and afternoons in Wellington City.
Feel the magic - Feel the spirit - taste the Glory - 1 Day 'till the ArOlympics...
- Feel the magic - Feel the spirit - taste the Glory - 1 Day 'till the ArOlympics 2078 OPENING CEREMONY Friday night @ the Aro Olympic Arena 6.30pm Mobile Uploads The @[630814650396649:274:ArOlympics 2078] are this Saturday!! We know that you love festivals, and it's all part of the @[275579045856381:274:Aro Valley Fair], so head down to the opening ceremony on Friday 20th, Aro Park, at 7pm. The Arolympics are then held on Saturday 21st at the fair from 12-2pm at Aro Park. And stick around for live music, food and crafts..
We have 4 vacant spots for Olympic Scrutineers, ushers and Field Marshalls for...
- We have 4 vacant spots for Olympic Scrutineers, ushers and Field Marshalls for Friday's Arolympic Ceremony - White coats will be provided and training given on the spot
URGENT ! jamie needs 2 volunteers for waste team for saturdays fair - 021451...
- URGENT ! jamie needs 2 volunteers for waste team for saturdays fair - 021451219 - who's keen ??
Hi all Our shed was broken into on about 10.15pm Sunday night. Two bikes, two...
- Hi all Our shed was broken into on about 10.15pm Sunday night. Two bikes, two skateboards and a freezer full of meat stolen. Neighbours also had two bikes stolen. One of the shops up the road also broken into while they were there and couple of things stolen. Some of the burglaries have been while people are in the house. Keep your doors (inside and outside sheds), windows and cars locked, and eyes open for anything unusual. If you see anything report it to 111 immediately. There's been a spate of burglaries here and this end of the Terrace. If you have been broken into and haven't reported it to the police because it's not worth it, I'd suggest you do so they have a good idea of exactly how much has been going on. Also let as many people as possible know. Ciao! Judy
Devon Street Setting the standard !!!!
- Devon Street Setting the standard !!!! Opening Ceremony Arolympics 2015 Devon Street is getting ready!
Aro Olympics Opening Ceremony Starts 6.30pm Friday Aro Olympic Arena (Aro Park)...
- Aro Olympics Opening Ceremony Starts 6.30pm Friday Aro Olympic Arena (Aro Park) Bring a Picnic Teams Assemble in Garage Project 6.30pm Or you can cheer on the Olympic torch relay from the top of Holloway Rd From 6.30pm Team Street banners will be at the Garage Project unless you make your own Let’s get all get behind the Aro 2078 bid!
SPANDAU VALLEY YOU ARE GOLD! This Friday Night Join the Aro Olympic Movement...
- SPANDAU VALLEY YOU ARE GOLD! This Friday Night Join the Aro Olympic Movement - Sergio Velcro, John martin, Nigel Collins and the Solid Gold Dancers and the athletes of Streets as far away as Holloway Road to kick off the AroOlympics warmup for saturdays Aro Fair - 6.30pm at the ARO OLYMPIC ARENA a.k.ka Aro Park. Or cheer on the torch relay as it makes it's way down aro street from holloway road https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntG50eXbBtc Spandau Ballet - Gold Spandau Ballet - Gold
Aro valley looking so good ! Thanks to Films for Change and Wellington City Coun...
- Aro valley looking so good ! Thanks to Films for Change and Wellington City Council ! Aro Valley Community Centre To keep up to date with what is happening in your city subscribe to our social media channels and newsletters. Newsletters: http://wellington.govt.nz/enewsle...