Brooklyn and Karori
Menzies EP Release
- Vogelmorn Community Group
- “Turned up at the Karori swimming pool, and knew I shouldn’t have turned up”
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Vogelmorn Bowling Club, Mornington Road, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
BSG visits Karori West Scout Group
- Brooklyn Scout group
- Tonight we ventured into darkest suburbia to get to know our fellow Zealandia Jamboree Troop attendees. A number of ice-breaking activities and challenges were undertaken. Karori West’s more ‘senior’ scouts did a great job ensuring the night went well and … Continue reading →
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Scout Hall, Harrison Street, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Karori West Scouts visit BSG
- Brooklyn Scout group
- Tonight our numbers swelled as the Scouts that we’re are going to Jamboree with, came to engage some fun team building games.
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- karori
Scout Hall, Harrison Street, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Scouts medley
- Brooklyn Scout group
- Recently we visited Karori West and played noughts and crosses (very loudly). This was a first introduction, working towards being one Troop at Jamboree. One of our scouts wanted a sewing badge; so he made one! And as part of … Continue reading →
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Scout Hall, Harrison Street, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Metlink school bus routes for start of Term 1 2020
- Wellington High School
- Morning services 713 – Miramar – Kilbirnie – Newtown – Basin Schools 7:45 Miramar-DarlingtonRd (124) 8:36 BasinRes (sch) Daily 715 – Lyall Bay – Kilbirnie – Hataitai – Basin Schools 8:00 LyallBay-HungerfordRd (2) 8:28 BasinRes (sch) Daily 725 – Houghton Bay – Southgate – Island Bay – Basin Schools 7:45 HgtnBayRd nr Cave 8:31 BasinRes (sch) Daily 726 – Island Bay – Owhiro Bay – Berhampore – Wellington High School 7:55 Esplanade opp Beach 8:25 MasseyUni-WallaceSt (opp) Daily 8:05 Island Bay-ReefSt at ShorlandPk 8:25 MasseyUni-WallaceSt (opp) Daily 734 – Brooklyn – Kingston – Vogeltown – Basin Schools 7:50 OhiroRd at Bretby 8:10 AdelaideRd at Basin (12) Daily 736 – Karori (Wrights Hill) – Kelburn – Wellington College 7:40 KaroriMall-BeauchampSt 8:13 BasinRes (sch) Daily 7:50 GippsSt at Cooper (sch) 8:20 BasinRes (sch) Daily 737 – Karori – Kelburn – Wellington College & Wellington High School 7:43 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:29 BasinRes (sch) Daily 7:45 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:29 BasinRes (sch) Daily 7:47 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:33 BasinRes (sch) Daily 743 – Wilton – Wadestown – Thorndon Colleges & Basin Schools 7:55 Wilton-SurreySt 8:35 BasinRes (sch) Daily 8:00 Wilton-SurreySt 8:40 BasinRes (sch) Daily 746 – Khandallah – Ngaio – Basin Schools – St Patrick’s College 7:35 HuttRd at Rangiora 8:25 BasinRes (sch) Daily 764 – Karori – Wellington College 7:55 Karori-AllingtonRd 8:43 BasinRes (sch) Daily 768 – Mairangi – Wellington, St Patrick’s & Rongotai Colleges 7:50 Mairangi-NorwichSt 8:22 BasinRes (sch) Daily 770 – Kowhai Park – Kingston – Vogeltown – Basin & Kilbirnie Colleges 7:50 KowhaiPk-MitchellSt 8:15 AdelaideRd at Basin (12) Daily Afternoon services 718 – Wellington High School – Newtown – Seatoun 15:30 TaranakiSt (217) 16:00 SeatounPk-HectorSt Daily 719 – Wellington High School – Kilbirnie – Miramar North 15:30 WgtnHighSch (sch) 15:56 ParkRd at Rotherham (86) Daily 726 – Wellington High School – Berhampore – Owhiro Bay – Island Bay 15:25 WgtnHighSch (sch) 15:44 IslandBay-ReefSt opp ShorlandPk Daily 15:30 WgtnHighSch (sch) 16:10 IslandBay-ReefSt opp ShorlandPk Daily 734 – Brooklyn – Kingston – Vogeltown – Basin Schools 15:36 AdelaideRd at Basin (13) 15:50 Brooklyn-A Daily 740 – Wellington College – Kelburn – Karori 15:30 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 15:58 Karori-KaroriRd Daily 15:31 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 15:59 Karori-KaroriRd Daily 15:32 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 16:00 Karori-KaroriRd Daily 742 – Basin Schools – Miramar Heights 15:40 BasinRes (sch) 16:18 MiramarShops-A Daily 769 – St Patrick’s & Wellington Colleges, Wellington High School – Northland – Wilton 15:38 TaranakiSt at AbelSmith 16:10 Wilton-SurreySt Daily 770 – Basin Schools – Vogeltown – Kingston – Kowhai Park 15:49 AdelaideRd at Basin (13) 16:29 KowhaiPk-MitchellSt Daily
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- vogeltown
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
MATCH REPORT: Men’s 1st team vs Waterside Karori
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- We travelled to Karori Park to face the runaway league leaders, in a game where we had nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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- water
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
When the media advocate racism to hide the real culprits behind bad driving
- Jack Yan
- This op–ed in the Fairfax Press smacks of typical yellow peril journalism that has come to typify what passes for some media coverage of late.
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Kilbirnie, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Building a road and saving 30 seconds
- Wellington Scoop
- One of the most extraordinary things about plans to bulldoze a road through the pristine Takapu Valley is the claim about how much time will be saved. They’re counting the savings in seconds. The claim is found in an Appendix to the controversial report in which the chief executives of regional councils tell their mayors that they ought to support a road through the valley.
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- takapu-valley
Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Who are the single season points and try scoring record holders?
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Above: Brandyn Laursen (left) and Mike Clamp (right) who we think hold the respective Wellington club rugby single season points and try scoring records.
- Accepted from Rugby Club Weekly Feed
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Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Grab some gravel
- Greater Wellington Regional Council
- Take some hard fill for your home and garden projects this weekend - and help protect your community from flooding.
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- titahi-bay
- khandallah
- newtown
- berhampore
Lyall Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Found a Facebook bot? Facebook wants you to leave it as reporting option vanishes
- Jack Yan
- Facebook appears to be giving up on the bot fight.
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- makara
- paraparaumu
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- tawa
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- stokes-valley
- kilbirnie
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- miramar
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Summer Interclub Round 2 Results
- Table Tennis Wellington
- Week 2 results are below: 2015-Summer-Interclub-4-March-results Premier 2015-Summer-Interclub-4-March-results Divisions FYI the draw schedules are here.
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- ngaio
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- begonia-house
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- seatoun
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- eastbourne
- cuba-street
- porirua
Cuba Street, Te Aro, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Commuting by bicycle in Wellington
- Cycling in Wellington
- In the past few years the number of people I see on bikes riding from Newtown to town in the morning has literally quadrupled. Unfortunately, many of the people I see stopped at the lights are on seriously terrible bikes. I’m see rusty, too-big or too-small mountain bikes with brakes that barely work and people look unconfident and uncomfortable on their bikes. Riding the wrong bike can actually make cycling seriously not fun. Recently several of my colleagues have gotten bicycles with the intention of cycling to work. I have noticed that they too seem to have missed some items that to me are essential for bike commuting. Namely:
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- titahi-bay
- ngaio
- oriental-bay
- seatoun
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- wairarapa
- kelburn
- northland
- thorndon
- civic-square
- newlands
- lyall-bay
- wainuiomata
- aro-valley
- tawa
Mt. Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
WMTBC December Newsletter
- Wellington Mountain Bike Club
- In this newsletter: Race report: WDHS Rd 2 - Karori Juvie & Duel Slalom Track Opening South Coast Kids Track Update Draft Suburban Reserves Management Plan WDHS Round 3 - Maidstone WORD Bike-a-Polooza Escape from Mt Crawford Mini Enduro Klunkers, Chainless & Kids Bike Dual Slalom Trail Building Updates Wellington Downhill Series Round 2 - Karori The second race in the Wellington Downhill Series went down last month on the revitalised 98DH aka K-Hole. Historically, racing at this venue has been in the wet, and under these conditions simply getting a bike down the track becomes a game of survival. But on this occasion, Karori turned it on for riders. At the end of racing - Daniel Meilink took out the Open Men category ahead of Michael Mells and Bryn Dickerson. In Masters 1 & 2 - Nathan Timoko and Ali Quinn claimed the top spots respectively. And the juniors were dominated by the Macdonalds - with Finlay taking out under 17 and brother Lachie, under 15. Current National Champ Sarah Atkin recorded a very respectable time that would have put her just outside top 10 in Open Men, and Finn van Leuven also put down a solid time in Hardtail. We’ll catch everyone at the final WDHS round this Saturday, 6th December at Maidstone. Race Results & Series Points Juvie & Duel Slalom Grand Opening Crews and contractors have been hard at work at Miramar of the past months and we’ve recently seen the completion of two new tracks - Juvenile Delinquent, and the Kids Duel Slalom. The sum of these, combined with the pump track and dirt jumps is a great zone for kids and beginners to hone their skills, only minutes from the City. The grand opening of Juvie and the Kids Duel Slalom last weekend was a huge success. About 150 people turned up to mark the occasion on Sunday, including City Councillors and Mayor, Celia Wade Brown. Once the tape was cut, Mayor Celia spoke positively of the Club’s recent work at Miramar and Island Bay. South Coast Kids Track Wins Another Award You may recall that earlier this year, the Club received a Wellington Airport Community Award for its work on the South Coast Kids Track. Well last week the Kids Track did it again - this time at the 2014 NZ Recreation Association Awards. The annual awards recognise excellence in the recreation and leisure industry, and the South Coast Kids Track was named Most Outstanding Project. Thanks once again to Wellington City Council, Trail Fund NZ, Bike Wellington, Revolve Cycling and Southstar Trails. Draft Suburban Reserves Management Plan Submissions close this Friday 5th on the WCC Draft Suburban Reserves Management Plan. This is the last opportunity members of the public will have to share their views on the future management of Wellington’s suburban reserves - between Khandallah and Miramar (including Makara). This plan will have a significant impact on the future of mountain biking in our city, and the planning process only comes around once every 10 years. So, if you have a few spare minutes and a desire to see the WCC supporting mountain biking in our suburban reserves, get in there. Upcoming Events WDHS Round 3 - Maidstone - THIS SATURDAY The final round of the 2014 Wellington Downhill Series will take place THIS SATURDAY, 6th December at Maidstone, Upper Hutt. Check the WMTBC website for details and online registration. Online registration closes Friday, 5pm. Enter online >> The Club would also like to welcome Adrenaline MTB as the event’s major sponsor. **VOLUNTEERS** Race marshals and drivers are urgently needed for this event. We greatly appreciate any help offered. If interested - please contact WORD Bike-a-Polooza - Sunday Dec 7th This Sunday at the Wainuiomata Trails - WORD invites you to join them for the first Bike-a-Polooza - New Zealand's best, super fun, and raddest kids mountain bike event ever! There will be four great courses to choose from on the day - so something for all the 3-17 year olds. Cost: $15 individual, $40 family of 3 kids. For more info and online registration check out WORD Bike-a-Polooza Escape from Mt Crawford Mini Enduro - Jan 19th, 2015 The third annual Escape from Mt Crawford Mini Enduro is upcoming - Wellington Anniversary weekend, January 19th. We’ve run the annual fundraiser for the Miramar Track Project for the past couple of years, and 2015 will undoubtedly be the biggest yet. As per last year, we’ll be running two classes - Misdemeanor and Felony, plus the Sufferfest hill climb, and we’re throwing in a Kids Mini D for the little rippers. Also, in breaking news - Yeastie Boys have just come on board as a sponsor. This is great news if you like beer. Online entries opening later this month Event Details >> Klunkers, Chainless & Kids Bike Dual Slalom - Jan 24th, 2015 After a successful event earlier this year, Klunkers is back! The aim of the race is simple: dig out your old kit and 90s race weapon, do as many timed runs of Jailbrake as your body (or bike) will permit within 2 ½ hours, and heckle like you’ve never heckled. There will be four categories: Klunkers, Chainless, proKlunkers and Klunkers (under 12), and an additional Kids Bike Dual Slalom race. Entry is by donation of old (useful) bike parts, cash, or your bike. All proceeds go to Biketech and the Mechanical Tempest. Event Details >> Trail Building Updates Clinical (Polhill Reserve) As you may recall from the last Polhill update, The Brooklyn Trail Builders reported significant progress on Clinical. When it’s complete, the track will round off a grand loop of the Reserve. Most of the track is now rideable, and it’s set for completion sometime during early 2015. Currently, contractors are finishing construction of bridges on the trail, and volunteers are working on approximately 200m at the bottom. Although this section is incomplete, there’s a steep track that can be used to bypass it. The next dig is this coming Sunday, 7th December at 3pm. Details over at Brooklyn Trail Builders. There will be an event to commemorate the official opening of Clinical, tentatively around April 2015. We’ll keep you posted. We would also like to congratulate BTB whose work was this week recognised at the Roll on Wellington Cycle Awards. Mt Victoria Thanks to all those who contributed recently to the Mt Victoria trail user survey. We’re currently compiling the results, but feedback was largely positive. In case you missed it - here’s the full rundown. But in short, the WCC has requested that changes be made to the lower part of the Super D line. The Club, in consultation with trail leaders and the Council, has come up with a plan that involves essentially realigning the trail, from the SPCA south. In addition, the plan includes work around busy junctions to reduce the risk of conflict with other trail users. No major work will take place on Mt Victoria until the new year. We’ll keep you updated. Want to keep in touch? For up-to-date Club news, updates and media - follow WMTBC on Facebook or check the Club page at
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Khandallah, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6035, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
BNU v Waterside Karori - 3rd August 2013
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- 3.
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- karori
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
BNU 1sts v Waterside Karori - 1st June 2013
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Karori Park #2, 12. After promising results in recent weeks, we were looking to complete a trifecta of wins against the top 3 teams. 1st place Karori would pose a different threat, difficult to break down and dangerous at set pieces. BNU started the stronger side, quickly settling into our rhythm, knocking the ball around confidently and dominating midfield. There were appeals for a BNU goal after the ball may have crossed the line, a mass of bodies made it difficult for the ref to see and had to wave play on. After 20 minutes of dominance, we fell off the pace a little, inviting Karori back into the game. Karori were awarded a free kick after 27 minutes. They threw a number of players forward and made it count with a strong headed finish to go 1-nil up with their only clear cut chance of the half. We didn't panic and kept at Karori. Paul Clune squeezed home from a tight angle, to equalise seconds before the break. 1-1 at half time.
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Karori Park, Karori, Wellington, 6012, New Zealand/Aotearoa
BNU Platoon Red v Karori 8 May 2011
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Wot the dickens??!! It’s a Sunday afternoon and we’re playing football….
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- karori
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
BNU Pilsner v Karori Magpies 19th June 2010
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Karori Magpies 3 v BNU Pilsner 3 HT 1-2 A striking partnership Ahhh those great striking partnerships, they just roll of the tongue….
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- karori
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Latest Match Reports
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- BNU Pilsner v Karori Magpies 22nd May 2010 BNU Masters 3 v Western Suburbs 15 May 2010 BNU Pretenders v Tawa 2nd May 2010 BNU 3rds v Marist Inter 1st May 2010 BNU Pilsner v Miramar Rangers 1st May 2010 BNU Masters 3 v Seatoun PPL 1st May 2010 Petone Pure v BNU Pretenders 25th April 2010 BNU Pretenders v Waikanae 18th April 2010
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- seatoun
Senior Draw, April 10 & 11
- Stop Out Sports Club
- Saturday 10thChamps Premier League:Naenae vs Freeheat Stop Out - - - Naenae 1, 2:30pmCapital 2: Tawa B vs Stop Out at Kura, 2:30pmCapital 9: Wgtn Utd Salmon vs Stop Out at MacAlister #2, 12:30pmCapital 11: Stop Out vs Uni Rangers at Hutt Park #2, 2:30pmMasters 2: Waterside Turtles vs Reds at Karori #3, 2:30pmMasters 4: Seatoun B vs Blacks at Seatoun, 12:30pmMasters 5: McCreadie vs Petone at Hutt Park #3, 2:30pmSunday 11thDivision 1: Stop Out vs Brooklyn at Hutt Park #1, 1:00pmDivision 4: Tawa vs Stop Out at Onepoto #2, 1:00pm
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- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
News for Sunday 14 February 2010
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Wellington Hill WalkWhere: Highbury–Brooklyn and return, leader Grant Preston-ThomasWhen: 21 February, 12.
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- brooklyn
Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
BNU Div 16 18/04/2009
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- BNU 16 2 v Karori Kittenz 7 Karori were certainly no pussies, demonstrating deadly skills on the counter attack on a hard McAllister Park pitch. With five changes to the lineup, BNU were again guilty of a sluggish start and found themselves chasing the game from as early as the tenth minute. Despite controlling the game in midfield for the majority of the first half, the home side went in at the b
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- karori
- soccer
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Public Service 11/4/2009
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Brooklyn Northern Public Servants first home game of the season started well - aided by the ferocious wind at Happy Valley, they laid siege to the Karori goal for much of the first half. Unfortunately the football gods were on Karori's side, who despite barely leaving their own half for the first forty-five minutes, took the lead on the stroke of half-time after a mistimed back-pass. Brooklyn did
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- soccer
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Womens A - Kelly Cup Default 5/4/09
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Unfortunately the women's first team could not field a team for Sunday's Kelly Cup match against Karori, due to a number of injuries and a couple of absences. The team is looking forward to first league game on Sunday, albeit a little short due to Easter. If you know of anyone who would like to play in Women's Division One and help us build our squad numbers please get in touch with Rose at rartem
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- karori
- soccer
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Womens A - Kelly Cup Default 5/4/09
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Unfortunately the women's first team could not field a team for Sunday's Kelly Cup match against Karori, due to a number of injuries and a couple of absences. The team is looking forward to first league game on Sunday, albeit a little short due to Easter. If you know of anyone who would like to play in Women's Division One and help us build our squad numbers please get in touch with Rose at rartem
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- karori
- soccer
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Slapperz Unhappy in Happy Valley
- Karori Slapperz AFC
- The cool prevailing nor'wester and the removal of the cricket pitch invited the Slapperz to the cauldron that is Happy Valley park.
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- brooklyn
- soccer
Brooklyn, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)