Archive / March 2010
April 2010 | February 2010-
London Jogging Tours
- Wellington Runners & Walkers (WRW)
- Hi Rob I'm Fiona and I run in your pack on Sundays. Currently I'm in London and Aaron (who runs in Gordon's group) and I did a jogging tour of London for Aaron's birthday last week.
- Automatically tagged as:
- athletics
- wcn-hosted
2009 Calendar Year: Wellington Police District Crime Statistics
- Wellington District Police
- Crime statistics released today show Wellington Police District's total recorded crime in the 2009 calendar year has remained at similar levels to 2008. There was an increase of less than 1 percent in recorded crime for the year ending 31 December 2009 compared to the previous year. However, when adjustment is made for the population increase, the district recorded a marginal drop (0.5 percent) in recorded offences per head of population.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- crime
Day 3: Otago Volts require 555 runs to win with 9 wickets
- Cricket Wellington
- The Wellington Firebirds are in a powerful position at the end of day three as their batsmen adding 402 to there already substantial lead of 197.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
The Passion Liturgies
- St Patricks College, Silverstream
- Thursday 1 April 2010: The Passion of Christ was wonderfully depicted by, and led by, senior students at today's liturgy.
- Automatically tagged as:
- catholic
- secondary
- hutt-valley
St Patricks College Silverstream, Fergusson Drive, Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Bye-bye, Wellywood sign
- The Wellingtonista
- Wellington Airport has actually listened to the massive public opposition to the Wellywood sign (and potential legal troubles from Hollywood) and have ditched the idea.
- Tagged as:
- wellywood-sign
Year 12 Shakespearean Monologues
- St Patricks College, Silverstream
- Wednesday 31 April 2010: "To be or not to be" was an often heard phrase as Year 12 English students presented their own renditions of well known monologues from Hamlet, Macbeth and Letters from World War I as part of their assessment for NCEA English Standard 2.7. For their two minutes of fame they needed to be in character and interpret those immortal lines in their own inimitable way.
- Automatically tagged as:
- catholic
- secondary
- hutt-valley
St Patricks College Silverstream, Fergusson Drive, Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Sunday April 4
- Wellington Runners & Walkers (WRW)
- Hi Everyone Two potential whammies for this coming Sunday-• Easter and School Holidays.
- Automatically tagged as:
- athletics
- wcn-hosted
The politics of urinating
- Wellington Scoop
- Tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
- liquor-ban
- karori-sanctuary
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Fight for your right to party
- The Wellingtonista
- If you want to do anything about the proposal to extend the liquor ban to cover the whole city 24/7, get your submission in now.
- Tagged as:
- liquor-ban
- consultation
Easter Delivery to the Foodbank
- St Patricks College, Silverstream
- Wednesday 31 March 2010: Young Vinnies load up the school trailer with cans of food before it heads off to the foodbank.
- Automatically tagged as:
- catholic
- secondary
- hutt-valley
St Patricks College Silverstream, Fergusson Drive, Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Let’s Hope Bad Things Don’t Go In Threes!
- Auckland Trains
- Not a good day on Wellington trains.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- trains
New City Architect appointed
- Eye of the Fish
- The folk here at the Fish have been following the reshuffling down at the City Council with interest, as they restructure the Urban Strategy Group yet again and find new positions for expired urban designers and heritage advisors.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
Porirua Grand Traverse
- Coastguard Mana
- Operation Details Date/Time: Sun, 28/03/2010 - 08:00 - Wed, 31/03/2010 - 17:30 Operation Type: Other People Assisted: 59 Coastguard Mana provided on-water support for the Porirua Grand Traverse kayaking leg.
- Tagged as:
- porirua
-41.125146, 174.840272
Another delay before we’re consulted about Basin Reserve roading options
- Wellington Scoop
- The Mount Victoria community has been expecting consultation about roading changes around the Basin Reserve since last October. But yesterday, consultation was postponed again. The delay means there’s more time for the Architectural Centre’s innovative cut-and-cover plan (above) to get some serious consideration.
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
- consultation
- mount-victoria
- karori-sanctuary
Zealandia, Lake Road, Highbury, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
What up, Easter?
- The Wellingtonista
- So today we asked on Twitter for people to tell us what's going to be open and what's going to be closed over Easter.
- Automatically tagged as:
- blogs
- featured
Day2: Otago Volts trail by 202 runs with 1 wicket in hand
- Cricket Wellington
- The Wellington Firebirds only added a further 61 runs and lost four wickets giving them a healthy first innings total of 389.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
Out, damned spot!
- The Wellingtonista
- Despite my frivolous title, it seems that most people loved the Kusama installation "Dots for Love and Peace", and are sad to see it removed, dot by colourful dot, from the front of the City Gallery today.
- Automatically tagged as:
- blogs
- featured
Easter treat for cat lovers
- Wellington SPCA
- This Easter weekend Wellington SPCA will be taking a whole bunch of fabulous felines to the Dominion Short Haired Cat Club Inc.
- Tagged as:
- cats
Basin Reserve Changes Await Govt Decision
- Auckland Trains
- NZTA has outlined the process of how proposed changes around Wellington’s Basin Reserve will proceed.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Up up in a way
- The Sidestrip
- TheSidestrip visited the Wellington Aero Club 80th anniversary celebration at the Wellington Airport last March 27,2010.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- airport
- video
Wellington International Airport, Coutts Street, Rongotai, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6023, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Day 1: Wellington Firebirds 328 for six
- Cricket Wellington
- The Wellington Firebirds welcomed back Jesse Ryder with the hard hitting international making a century in their Plunket Shield match against the Otago Volts.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
Guerilla decorating in Aro Valley
- After a month of growing, the tubs I gardened in Aro Valley are blooming. The dahlias have started coming out and the geraniums have been replaced with buttercup pumpkin plants.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- aro-valley
Aro Valley, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
New campervan sites for Rugby World Cup
- WELLINGTON’s new central city campervan site – a sealed carpark on the harbour front – has just opened for business with the highest prices in the country.
- Automatically tagged as:
- media
- featured
Flying in and switching off
- The Wellingtonista
- The Oaks complex sometimes seems like a hospitality Bermuda Triangle: fast-food joints and dodgy convenience stores jostle with bars of almost unrelenting crapness.
- Tagged as:
- coffee
Have camera, will travel – life of our top rugby photographer
- NATIONAL TREASURE: Peter Bush has been covering rugby matches since 1949.
- Automatically tagged as:
- media
- featured
- sport
Overhead Power Work Dominates Wellington Rail’s Easter
- Auckland Trains
- Easter will also be a busy time on the Wellington line as the work on improvements there continue. During Easter, work will take place on all lines around the region, focusing on the overhead power system in particular. KiwiRail will also continue with the installation of a third main line at the entrance to Wellington Railway Station.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- trains
Don't sit at home in the dark this Saturday!! ...
- Downstage Theatre
- Don't sit at home in the dark this Saturday night, spend Earth Hour with us to celebrate the last night of Pick of the Fringe. We still need to light the stage but Downstage's exterior and bar lighting will be off with candles through-out the building.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- theatre
Downstage Theatre, Cambridge Terrace, Mt. Victoria, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand
News for Sunday 28 March 2010
- Karori Anglican Churches
- Let’s Make St Mary’s Gleam for EasterCome prepared with rags and supplies, Saturday 3 April, 9-12.
- Automatically tagged as:
- karori
- wcn-hosted
- anglican
- The Wellingtonista
- I'm more likely to write about nightlife than wildlife, but I do like urban observations in general, so Project Noah caught my eye.
- Automatically tagged as:
- blogs
- featured
- YWCA of Wellington & Hutt Valley
- Vanisa Dhiru, our current Vice-President has become a Justice of the Peace of New Zealand and will be offering the following JP services, by appointment, from the YWCA of Wellington and Hutt Valley office on Ghuznee Street. We are proud to have Vanisa become one of the youngest JPs in Australiasia and offer this service to Wellington women from the YWCA. Certifying copies of documents Taking declarations, affidavits and affirmations.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
LongBeach Summers Series race 23
- Kapiti Cycling Club
- This week was the penultimate race for the summer.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- cycling
Culture Kicks
- The Wellingtonista
- This Sunday 28 March there is an international celebration of the beautiful game going on at Martin Luckie Park, Berhampore 9am - 5pm.
- Tagged as:
- berhampore
Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Art, Art, Art!
- The Wellingtonista
- So, right now there's a whole lot of really good stuff being exhibited in Wellington's galleries. City Gallery After the hugely successful Yayoi Kusama exhibition turned the gallery into a magical wonderland, the main gallery space has now been given over to three also wonderful artists. More after the jump. read more
- Automatically tagged as:
- blogs
- featured
Wind and Hills: Have Traffic Engineers Noticed?
- Architectural Centre Inc
- There’s a lot of information on the design of cycle lanes about - basic principles that most roads in Wellington contravine.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- cycling
- transport
A bit of everything - the race to Kapiti and the Chetwodes.
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- It was a great sail out of Wellington Harbour – a softening north-easterly filling our kite and holding our main square. But we knew the game could quickly change in Cook Strait, and it did.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- kapiti
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Auckland Grammar claim NZCT Junior Boys'title
- Cricket Wellington
- Auckland Grammar are the latest New Zealand Community Trust Junior Boys’ champions after a thrilling one wicket win over Christchurch Boys’ High School in the final at Owen Delany Park in Taupo.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
Bunnings Community Day
- Coastguard Mana
- Operation Details Date/Time: Sat, 20/03/2010 - 09:00 - 15:00 Operation Type: Other People Assisted: 0 This event was a chance for a range of groups to raise awareness and Bunnings is encouraging charities, sporting groups and non-profit organisations such as CG to take part. CG Mana participated by raffling off some items for fundraising and provided general information to interested parties. Resources Attendees: Maeleen Owen CRV's Used: CRV Pelorus Toyota Prado
- Automatically tagged as:
- boating
- emergency-services
- kapiti
-41.135393, 174.836276
Another double international for the White Ferns
- Cricket Wellington
- It seems New Zealand breeds double international sport stars, especially when it comes to the White Ferns.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
Community consultation evening for new school
- Amesbury Drive School Blog
- Local Churton Park residents showed significant interest in the new Amesbury Drive School last night (24 March) at a community engagement meeting attended by over 20 residents.
- Tagged as:
- consultation
Community Bowls Final Results
- Johnsonville Bowling Club
- The 8th and final night of the 2010 Community Bowls was played on Tuesday 23 March with the 'Newland Arms 1" team being the overall winners with a total of 13 wins over the eight nights.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- newlands
Johnsonville Bowling Club, Frankmoore Avenue, Johnsonville, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6037, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Record Numbers Strip Foodbank Bare
- Downtown Community Ministry
- Food supplies at Downtown Community Ministry’s Foodbank are struggling to cope with the record number of people seeking assistance. Over 40 people received food parcels on Monday in one of the busiest afternoons the Foodbank has known. At 1:30pm when the Foodbank opened 20 people were waiting to be interviewed for food assistance. “Despite generous support for the Foodbank this year, our shelves are once again empty with demand totally exceeding supply,” says DCM Director Stephanie McIntyre. More food is desperately needed to meet the demand.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- appeals
Sunday March 28
- Wellington Runners & Walkers (WRW)
- Hi Everyone A most stimulating outing last Sunday and it was great to see so many members taking advantage of the bus to Karori to either do the RidgeLine Run/Walk, meet the bus at Karori, or run back to Kilbirnie.
- Tagged as:
- kilbirnie
- karori
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Announcing 24 - the meet
- Swimming Wellington
- 24 is a new type of swim meet. 10 teams, each with 24 members in 3 age groups. $500 will be awarded to the winning team on the night. The meet will be held at WRAC on 1 May 2010. It will be fast paced, there’ll be no timekeepers (just the electronic timing), lots of noise and music. It’s sure to be fun.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- swimming
City-wide liquor ban consultation starts next week
- The Wellingtonista
- A few weeks ago we wrote about the proposed city-wide ban on "drinking and carrying liquor in public places, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
- Tagged as:
- consultation
- liquor-ban
Rachel's Vineyard Raises Ethical Questions
- St Patricks College, Silverstream
- Tuesday 23 March 2010: As part of their study of ethics, Year 13 Religious Studies students were visited by members of Rachel's Vineyard, a Catholic global organisation providing counselling and retreats specifically for post-abortion healing.
- Automatically tagged as:
- catholic
- secondary
- hutt-valley
St Patricks College Silverstream, Fergusson Drive, Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region, New Zealand
The Wellingtonista's top ten things to do in Wellington
- The Wellingtonista
- This list was published in abbreviated form in the first issue of FishHead, which is having its launch party tonight.
- Automatically tagged as:
- blogs
- featured
Day 2: NZCT Junior Boys match reports
- Cricket Wellington
- The matches today saw Auckland Grammar and Palmerston North consolidate their position at the top of the Pool A table with Christchurch Boys High School and Hamilton Boys High School clear at the top of Pool B.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
Practical Training
- Coastguard Mana
- Three groups split up. One went out on Protector, one went out on Pelorus and the other stayed in the base and did radio work between both vessels. The Protector crew took the boat out the channel and over the bar a couple of times to do some nighttime practice crossing the bar, holding station in the wind and navigating with the lights. The Pelorus crew operated inshore under the Paramata bridge and in the marina doing manouvering, etc.
- Automatically tagged as:
- boating
- emergency-services
- kapiti
Wizards keep title hopes alive with outright win
- Cricket Wellington
- The Canterbury Wizards have bounded into contention for the Plunket Shield on the back of an excellent five wicket victory over the Wellington Firebirds.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
Woodcock breaks Wellington single season run-scoring record
- Cricket Wellington
- Luke Woodcock became Wellington Cricket’s all-time single season highest first-class run-scorer on Saturday
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
'Be a Better Runner' Weekend Seminar
- Wellington Runners & Walkers (WRW)
- Date: 2 days on the 10th,11th April 2010 Who: Brendon Todd (Pro-Active Physio), Ali Dennis (Running Coach),Emma Ellis (Trainer & marathon runner), Lotty Turnidge (Elite female marathon-runner) & Greig Rightford (Trainer & marathon runner) Cost: $299.00 per person Seminar Length: 2 full days, 9:30am-5:00pm Venue: Wellington Girls' College Field, Pipitea Street, Thorndon
- Tagged as:
- thorndon
Thorndon, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Day 1: NZCT Junior Boys match reports
- Cricket Wellington
- The first round of the finals tournament of the New Zealand Community Trust Junior Boys’ cricket competition got underway in cool conditions at Owen Delany Park in Taupo today.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
Day 3: Canterbury Wizards require 261 runs to win with 7 wickets in hand
- Cricket Wellington
- After a dismal first innings the Wellington Firebirds have turned things around in their second dig with a solid 447.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
What more can we be told about the people who owe money to the council?
- Wellington Scoop
- Ratepayers have reason to want more information about the $30million in overdue payments which was owing to the Wellington City Council at the end of its last financial year.
- Tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
- rates
Hello, Kitties
- The Wellingtonista
- You know there's that cat you see on the way to the bus stop - the one that rolls around on the footpath and lets you tickle his belly, and you've nicknamed him Captain Choicepants? Well, that's a neighbourhood cat. Inspired by the Neighbour Cats zines, Petra Jane has created a public Google map of neighbourhood cats around Wellington and beyond.
- Tagged as:
- cats
Police appalled by impaired driver
- Wellington District Police
- Police in Wellington are awaiting blood test results taken under the newly introduced Compulsory Impairment Test for a driver seen colliding with several motorway barriers and endangering other motorists. Police Communications received numerous calls from members of the public about a red car travelling up Aotea onramp to the Wellington Urban Motorway on Friday 19 March 2010 at about 6.50pm.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- emergency-services
Earth Hour - See the light. Switch off.
- Tranz Metro
- Tranz Metro are supporters of Earth Hour. A chance for all of us to show our concern over climate change. Tranz Metro are supporters of Earth Hour. A chance for all of us to show our concern over climate change. Although we won't be turning power too our trains off at 8:30pm on Saturday 27 March we urge you switch off.
- Tagged as:
- events
- conservation
Day 2: Wellington Firebirds lead by 2 runs with 8 wickets in hand
- Cricket Wellington
- A century from Shanan Stewart hit his seventh First Class century to put the Canterbury Wizards in control of their Plunket Shield match against the Wellington Firebirds.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
Petone Central Men's Rugby Fours Tournament
- Johnsonville Bowling Club
- What a great day on the greens. Wonderful games, amazing food, lots of fun had by all. JBC had 2 teams representing the club. Harry Kilmartin (S), Nairn MacGibbon, Keith Alexander & Wally Hammond (player of the day) were unbeaten on their green and finsihed 2nd on differential.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- bowling
- johnsonville
- wcn-hosted
Johnsonville Bowling Club, Frankmoore Avenue, Johnsonville, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6037, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Why the secrecy about debtors?
- Wellington Scoop
- When the Wellington City Council’s audit and risk subcommittee met behind closed doors yesterday afternoon, the last item on its agenda was a report giving details about people who owe money to the council. Ratepayers, one presumes.
- Tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
March General Meeting - Members Forum | Wellington Radio EXPO 2010
- Wellington VHF Group
- Come along and have your say at the 2010 WVHFG Members Forum!. A few though provoking potential subjects for open discussion: Recruitment More Public Service activities On-Air Activities, nets, contests, fielddays Speakers & Topics Construction Projects Special Interests Group Digital Radio - and a Digital National System? The future of the National System The Future of Amateur Television The Future of Amateur Radio? Bring your bright ideas - lets discuss them!! Chocolate cake provided. 7.30pm at the Tawa Community Centre, this Thursday 25 March. REMINDER: Wellington Radio EXPO 2010 - THIS SATURDAY As reported by Southgate ARC, the annual event will again be held in Lower Hutt this coming Saturday. For more information see also NZART's official site. read more
- Tagged as:
- tawa
Tawa, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Kapiti Chetwode Ship Cove Race
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- kapiti
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Day 1: Canterbury Wizards trail by 73 runs with 9 wickets in hand
- Cricket Wellington
- Brandon Hiini took four wickets for the Canterbury Wizards as the Wellington Firebirds crumbled to 176 all out after being put into bat.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
Night Noms
- The Wellingtonista
- Anyone who has been down to the waterfront this week would have seen a large rusty barge parked in the lagoon and a bunch of scaffolding and marquees going up. You may well be wondering, "what the hell is all of this in aid of?" Well gentle reader, today for one day only, the area around the lagoon and Frank Kitts Park is being transformed into a slice of Asia (well about 10 or so slices of Asia) for the Southeast Asian Night Market.
- Tagged as:
- waterfront
- events
RPNYC finish 6th overall in the BMW Sailing Cup
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- Commodore Peter Vause led a team of Tony Wells, Mike West, Simon Brown and Paul Atkins in last week’s BMW Sailing Cup held by the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron . Teams from Auckland were selected by winning their divisions in the Auckland BMW Regatta with Peter’s team being the only out of town entry.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Another restructure - Should we care?
- Architectural Centre Inc
- It’s inevitable, given their political nature, that governments (local and central) are subject to “restructuring” more than most institutions. Anyone involved in architecture and urban design in Wellington will have known, for a little while now, that the urban design bits of our city council have been, and are in the middle of, such [...]
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
Get your fresh Fishheads today
- The Wellingtonista
- Wellington has a new magazine called FishHead and the first issue is out today.
- Tagged as:
- media
Karori hydroslides into Capital’s aquatic history
- A GROUP of Karori Normal School swimmers will slide into history on Monday when Wellington’s first hydroslide is opened by Mayor Kerry Prendergast at 10am.
- Tagged as:
- karori
- swimming
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Why the secrecy?
- Wellington Scoop
- The Wellington City Council has issued another agenda with a list of topics which it intends to discuss behind closed doors. At a meeting of the council’s audit and risk subcommittee on Friday afternoon, the public will be sent out of the room before five presumably contentious issues are dealt with.
- Tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
To Manila with Love
- Downtown Community Ministry
- The idea of swapping life in Wellington for a squatter community in the chaotic bustle of Manila might sound crazy to some. But Downtown Community Ministry’s David Cross, and wife Maria – a qualified nurse, are preparing to move to the slums of Manila to work for Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- religious-groups
News for Sunday 21 March 2010
- Karori Anglican Churches
- KARORI ANGLICAN CHURCHES ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 7.00 pm, Monday 22 March. The evening begins at 7.00 pm with shared dessert and coffee (please bring some dessert to share). Meeting starts at 7.30 pm.
- Automatically tagged as:
- karori
- wcn-hosted
- anglican
Yachties rescued as yacht sinks off Plimmerton after hitting rocks
- Coastguard Mana
- Operation Details Date/Time: Thu, 18/03/2010 - 21:45 - Fri, 19/03/2010 - 00:30 Operation Type: SAROP Cat 1 People Assisted: 2 A Wellington couple aged in their 70's are lucky to be alive after their 25 foot yacht hit rocks off Plimmerton Beach near Wellington on Thursday night. The couple phoned Police on 111 from a cell phone at approximately 9.45pm after their boat hit rocks a few hundred metres off shore; losing power and taking on water. The Police, Westpac Rescue Helicopter and Coastguard were all sent to the aid of the couple, who managed to climb into a small dinghy (in choppy conditions) as their boat sank beneath them. Vessel Details Length: 7.60 Resources Attendees: Gary Spence Jimmy Trist Paul Craven Peter Francis Peter Tse tfarmer CRV's Used: CRV Pelorus Toyota Prado Attachments Image: read more
- Automatically tagged as:
- boating
- emergency-services
- kapiti
Half Night Of Prayer
- Johnsonville Salvation Army
- Our first 1/2 night of prayer for 2010 will be on Friday 26th March commencing at 7.30pm. Prayer is an essential element of every christian and christian community so during the evening there will be an opportunity for us all to join together to pray for SAJ and the various activities and groups; for our community and for the wider world.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- events
Minutes Secretary Appointed
- Amesbury Drive School Blog
- The Establishment Board recently appointed Jo Dawkins as its Minutes Secretary.Jo has been a Churton Park resident for 12 years and is married with two adult stepchildren and a child at Churton Park School. She has in excess of 20 years experience at senior executive assistant level having worked in the arts, education, service organisations, the public and private sectors. Before commencing her own business Jo’s last position was Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive of St John. Since 2007 Jo has operated her own business providing administrative, secretarial and minute taking services to a variety of clients nationally and internationally. Jo has an interest in her local community and hopes her skills will support the Establishment Board by relieving some of the administrative tasks involved in minuting its regular meetings.
- Automatically tagged as:
- johnsonville
Bell breaks Wellington first-class run scoring record
- Cricket Wellington
- Matthew Bell this week became Wellington cricket’s leading first-class run scorer, moving ahead of previous record holder Bruce Edgar during his Plunket Shield innings of 15 against the Central Stags on Tuesday.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
Test Cricket
- The Wellingtonista
- When the New Zealand cricket team (note not BLACKCAPS™) first toured South Africa in 1953 they had never won a Test Match and were given no show against a ruthless South Africa, on pitches tailored to support their fast, mean quick bowlers. The cricket was tough, and victory was ultimately beyond New Zealand's grasp, but it wasn't the cricket that ensured that the series became a NZ sporting legend. The 1953 Second (Christmas Day) Test is famous for the profoundly moving story of one player, Kiwi fast bowler Bob Blair, and his story has been brought to the stage by talented actor Jonny Brugh (Sugar & Spice) and it's playing now at BATS. During the rest day of the Test, Blair got the news that his fiancée Nerissa Love had been killed along with 150 others in the Tangiwai Rail Disaster. When play resumed on Boxing Day nobody expected Blair to play any further part in the game. Without giving too much away, the rest (as they say) is history. Brugh's play is a moving and beautifully acted treatment of the story. He plays dozens of parts (Blair & Love; cricketers Rabone, Reid, Sutcliffe, etc; Prime Minister Sid Holland) and imbues them all with fine detail and a sweet comic sensibility. He brings, not just the game to life, but the era - a different more
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- blogs
- featured
Cat colony planned for Strathmore
- Wellington SPCA
- Wellington SPCA, with the support of Wellington City Council, are in the process of setting up a managed cat colony in the Strathmore area. Step One: desex and microchip all owned cats in the targeted area
- Tagged as:
- strathmore
Strathmore Park, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Sorting out the strays
- Wellington SPCA
- Wellington SPCA and other animal welfare organisations spend a huge amount of time and effort trying to find homes for the large numbers of cats brought into their centres each year. But these efforts are often thwarted by the vast number of kittens that also end up in their care. However, these kittens are not the litters of house cats. More often than not, they are the offspring of long-term stray cats - the second cousins of lost or abandoned house cats.
- Automatically tagged as:
- animals
Handmade is the best Made
- The Wellingtonista
- Autumn is upon us, and seasons changing means only one thing in the Wellington Craft World. It's Knack time. Knack time being this saturday from 9.30am till 2.30pm at Berhampore School. Knack is a glorious seasonal market which also doubles as a school fundraiser. So you get to buy handmade from the artist which is grand and then know that you are also helping out a school. It's like double doing good, with shopping . Knack's full of lovely handmade things, and is often where some of Wellington's newests crafters make their selling debut, so it's a great market for those of you wanting to be ahead of the. There's loads of parking at the school or catch the bus and amble up the hill.
- Tagged as:
- berhampore
Berhampore, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6242, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Brotastik fever hits Wellington!
- Downstage Theatre
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- theatre
Downstage Theatre, Cambridge Terrace, Mt. Victoria, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6011, New Zealand
Weekly Report for Sunday March 21
- Wellington Runners & Walkers (WRW)
- Hi Everyone This Sunday is the very first 'Away Trip" for 2010. Jillian, on behalf of Tony has given this information -
- Automatically tagged as:
- athletics
- wcn-hosted
Practical Training
- Coastguard Mana
- Date: Tue, 16/03/2010 Practical excercises to plan and assess the best practice for tying a boat (CRV Pelorus) alongside the new Protector. Issues were identified with cleat numbers, placement and size. These will be resolved in the near future. An on the water towing excercise will put this to the test next week. Turnout: 13 people
- Automatically tagged as:
- boating
- emergency-services
- kapiti
Notice Of AGM
- Wellington Tramping and Mountainneering Club
- Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Wellington Tramping and Mountaineering Club will be held at the Clubrooms on WEDNESDAY 14th April 2010 commencing at 8.00pm. Nomination for committee positions are now open and must be received in writing by theClub Secretary by WEDNESDAY 31st MARCH 2010. The nomination form is available fromthe Secretary on Wednesday club nights.
- Automatically tagged as:
- sport
- wcn-hosted
Theft - Porirua
- Wellington District Police
- At about 9.20am a female security guard was taking cash and cheques from the Te Rauparaha Arena, Porirua for banking. A lone male who has been identified as Perry Ngawaka Bristow walked up behind her and snatched the bag containing the cash and cheques from her.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- porirua
- crime
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Everyone’s happy about putting SH1 into a trench – so, more please
- Wellington Scoop
- The weekend report that State Highway One will be moved into a covered trench under the new park in front of the National War Memorial seems to have pleased everyone. Mayor Prendergast says it’s the best solution and “a superior outcome.” The principal of the nearby Mt Cook School is “absolutely thrilled.” The Mt Cook Mobilised group is “very happy.”
- Tagged as:
- mount-cook
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
First XI Cricket beats St Bede's in Cliffhanger
- St Patricks College, Silverstream
- Tuesday 16 March 2010: In a cliffhanger ending, the First XI Cricket team has beaten St Bede's of Christchurch to bring home the Cup. Stream had to win outright to regain the trophy while St Bede's only had to bat out the day for a draw. Declaring early on Day Three after a knock of 101 by Ben Rammell, captain Brandon Tai set St Bede's a target of 280 to win: and a target for his own team of getting all ten wickets! At 5.15 pm this afternoon, the last wicket fell and Stream had won. A fantastic performance by the whole team. The Tennis team played earlier in the day against a strong St Bede's team, eventually losing the series.
- Tagged as:
- cricket
St Patricks College Silverstream, Fergusson Drive, Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Comedy Festival Visits St Patrick's Day
- St Patricks College, Silverstream
- Wednesday 17 March 2010: Comedians ruled the stage before lunch as Jerome Chandrahasen and Derek Flores entertained students with their stand-up comedy. With Dave Smith, they were promoting the Class Comedians show and workshops, where students from around the region get their chance to be comics. Check out the website at Stream students get their chance to develop their own skills at a workshop run by Jerome this Thursday, 18 March here at 3.15 pm.
- Automatically tagged as:
- catholic
- secondary
- hutt-valley
St Patricks College Silverstream, Fergusson Drive, Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region, New Zealand
St Patrick's Day at Stream 2010
- St Patricks College, Silverstream
- Wednesday 17 March 2010: A mix of culture, athleticism, music and sprituality came together at Stream today as we celebrated St Patrick's Day. Liturgies for Junior and Senior students retold the story of St Patrick and his mission in Ireland with song by the Pasifika Choir. Cross country runs warmed the blood on a brisk Silverstream day, with Fletcher Greaves (Year 9 Patrick), Steven Boyle (Year 10 Patrick), Ben Phillips (Year 11 Marist) and Shaun Smith (Year 12 Marist) taking the titles.
- Automatically tagged as:
- catholic
- secondary
- hutt-valley
St Patricks College Silverstream, Fergusson Drive, Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Cut and Cover
- Architectural Centre Inc
- In a surprise move, the possibility of lowering State Highway One past the National War Memorial was announced on the front page of the weekend paper. At the Architectural Centre, we have been advocating this for a number of years now - we hosted a Symposium on the design of the ‘Memorial Park’ in 2007, and the over-whelming feedback from the group of assembled experts was that the roadway through the park should be lowered.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
- mount-cook
Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellington SPCA Adoption event this weekend
- Wellington SPCA
- I'm Gummy Bear - can you give me a home? We really need your help! If you’ve been thinking about getting a pet, this weekend is the perfect chance for you to give a loving home to one of the fabulous animals currently in our care. We have over 70 adults cats in our Newtown animal centre alone in need of a home and that’s on top of all the puppies, kittens, dogs and rabbits! I'm Tui and I need a home! So come to Eastern Bays Scout Hall, Marine Parade, Worser Bay this Saturday 20 March from 10am to 2pm and see who you can give a loving forever home to. And remember - if you offer a home to one of our adult cats during March we will include an adoption pack worth $100! Hope to see you there!
- Tagged as:
- newtown
- worser-bay
Worser Bay, Marine Parade, Seatoun, Wellington, 6022, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
I love that whooshing sound deadlines make ....
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- .... as they fly by.
- Tagged as:
- consultation
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Day 4: Central stay in the hunt with seven wicket win
- Cricket Wellington
- The Central Stags glided to a seven wicket win over the Wellington Firebirds to keep their Plunket Shield hopes alive.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
The rugby sculpture
- The Wellingtonista
- A proposal was unveiled yesterday for a Weta Workshop-designed rugby-themed sculpture to grace the city, somewhere, In Time For The Rugby World Cup. The sculpture is highly symbolic, with the DomPost providing a list of all the symbolism, but what does the sculpture most resemble?
- Tagged as:
- rugby-world-cup
- sculpture
Under, over and around - Police fitness challenge launch
- Wellington District Police
- Teams of 12 students will be jumping hurdles to do the Police 'PCT Challenge' (physical competency test) at a special launch this Thursday.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- porirua
Porirua, Wellington Region, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Councillors happy with high numbers of Pokies
- Hutt Chick
- A report in the Hutt News showed there are problems with the number of pokie machines in Lower Hutt, but councillors will not do anything to change the status quo.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- pokies
- hutt-valley
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Day 3: Stags require 54 runs to win with 8 wickets
- Cricket Wellington
- The Central Stags are set to pick up their third outright win of the season tomorrow with just 54 runs required and eight wickets in hand.
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- cricket
5.8 percent Rate increase to Wellington's homeowners and zero to commercial buildings
- Bryan Pepperell - Back To The Future
- Actually the rate increase is closer to 6.5 percent to the residents if you take into account the swimming pool improvements proposed as an option in the DAP (Draft Annual Plan.) The total rate increase including the commercial and residential sector is quoted as 2.8 percent but when the sectors are broken down the commercial is zero and the residential is 6 percent or 6.5 percent depending on the final fix in the DAP.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- rates
- wellington-city-council
Day 2: Firebirds lead by 96 runs with 7 wickets in hand
- Cricket Wellington
- The Central Stags couldn’t back out their superb bowling display as they were bundled out for 232, handing the Wellington Firebirds an 18 run first innings advantage.
- Automatically tagged as:
- cricket
Roads more important than heritage buildings, Transport Agency tells us
- Wellington Scoop
- The New Zealand Transport Authority has been astounding in its arrogance in a submission to the Wellington City Council about the heritage rules for residential property in the inner city neighbourhoods.
- Tagged as:
- heritage-buildings
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
DomPost reports: Trenching for Buckle Street
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- This morning's paper has front page news that Transport Minister Steven Joyce and Culture and Heritage Minister Chris Finlayson have reached agreement that State Highway One will be trenched underneath Buckle Street, in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior.
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Day 1: Stags trail by 225 runs with 10 wickets in hand
- Cricket Wellington
- The Wellington Firebirds made a scratchy 250 all out with the Central Stags 25 without loss in their Plunket Shield match.
- Tagged as:
- cricket
The not-so shaggy sheep
- Wellington SPCA
- He may have dodged a bullet, but the ‘Johnsonville Shrek’ wasn’t able to escape a team lead by Wellington SPCA. The renegade, who had been living free for the last two years following his escape from the local abattoir, was finally captured on Saturday.
- Tagged as:
- johnsonville
- sheep
Basin to host 400th First Class Match
- Cricket Wellington
- The Allied Nationwide Finance Basin Reserve has a rich history and records yet another milestone next Friday when the BLACKCAPS and Australia record its 400th First Class Match.
- Tagged as:
- cricket
School Camps
- Brooklyn School
- Good luck to our students who are going to camp this month. Our year 7 and 8 students head off to Teapot Valley near Nelson on 15 March and our year 5 and 6 students go to Palm Grove Camp near Paraparaumu on 24 March.
- Tagged as:
- brooklyn
- paraparaumu
Brooklyn School, 58, Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6021, New Zealand
Supercilious City: Pods cast
- Eye of the Fish
- It’s times like this that I feel quite sorry for Aucklanders.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- architecture
- blogs
Train Report: Fault Unnoticed For A Week
- Auckland Trains
- A rail inquiry into a fire on a Wellington train reveals a fault was a week old but never reported because of “weaknesses in the fault reporting system.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- trains
Club Cricketer Receives Official Reprimand
- Cricket Wellington
- Johnsonville Cricket Club player Sam Outtrim has received a formal reprimand, following his behaviour in a Hazlett Trophy match on Saturday 27 February
- Tagged as:
- johnsonville
- cricket
Signs and smiles and a quick consent
- Wellington Scoop
- This is Wellington City Council election year and it will not be long before our urban landscape is littered with hoardings with extravagant smiles backed by even more extravagant promises.
- Tagged as:
- elections-2010
- wellywood-sign
Community Consultation meeting
- Amesbury Drive School Blog
- Are you interested in education in Churton Park?Amesbury Drive Primary School will open in Term 1 2012 and the Establishment Board of Trustees is currently seeking community input on the new school’s Vision and Values.
- Tagged as:
- consultation
We’re starting to plan our super city, as Aucklanders are dismayed by their’s
- Wellington Scoop
- At the same time as Wellington’s mayors and their advisors are meeting to discuss the need for a super-city in this region, the concerns from Aucklanders about Auckland’s super-city arrangements are getting louder and louder.
- Tagged as:
- supercity
Les McDonald Senior has passed away after a good run
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- Les McDonald Senior passed away after a short illness in his 90th year. Les Snr was a really active member in the 60’s and 70’s and well known to many of our older members.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- obituaries
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellywood: good idea, dreadful idea
- Wellington Scoop
- It’s a great idea to put a Hollywood-style sign on the Miramar peninsula. But it’s a dreadful idea for the sign to use the cliched “Wellywood” word, which does nothing except show that we are hankering after older and bigger film industries rather than having confidence in our own identity and our own name.
- Tagged as:
- film-and-video
- wellywood-sign
Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Wellywood Sign Generator
- The Wellingtonista
- The Wellywood sign madness/awesomeness continues! Aucklander Edward from has created the Wellywood Sign Generator. This is a crop of my attempt, where I have added a helpful "lol" to explain that the sign is a "send-up" and a "tongue-in-cheek play" on the Hollywood sign.
- Tagged as:
- wellywood-sign
The new issue dividing our capital
- The Wellingtonista
- First it was "Bret or Jermaine?" then "Smash Malice or Brutal Paegent?" but now it's time for the really big decision - which Facebook group to join - "Hey, let's NOT have a 'Wellywood' sign in Wellington"or "A WELLYWOOD sign on the Miramar Cutting Hill is a STUPID idea"?
- Tagged as:
- film-and-video
- wellywood-sign
Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Fall in love with a fantastic feline
- Wellington SPCA
- I'm Gummy Bear - I need a home! Our Newtown animal centre is fit to burst with adult cats all desperately in need of loving new homes.
- Tagged as:
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Top clubs further cement spots
- Cricket Wellington
- A sunny Wellington weekend saw the Premier Grade’s two finalists, Easts and Karori, further cement their spots in the two day competition final
- Tagged as:
- karori
- cricket
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
- The Wellingtonista
- There's a lot on at the moment for fans of Modern architecture.
- Tagged as:
- architecture
Weekly Report for Sunday March 14
- Wellington Runners & Walkers (WRW)
- Hi Everyone An early weekly report because Bill B needs to finalise the numbers for dinner on Saturday night. We must be up to about 40 so there are still some places, but Bill needs to let the restaurant know asap. So - Satay Kampong, 14- 16 Allan St. Saturday 13th March. 6.30 for a 7.00 start. Clinic Members $20 and non-member partners $30. Some wine and non-alcoholic drinks supplied.
- Automatically tagged as:
- athletics
- wcn-hosted
Hooray for Wellywood
- The Wellingtonista
- Everyone knows that while Wellington has a world-class, award-winning film production industry, it's been sorely lacking one serious thing: a giant sign proclaiming WELLYWOOD.
- Tagged as:
- wellywood-sign
High paddlers best of the rest
- Wellington High School
- In the annual Wellington Region Secondary Schools’ Dragonboat Championship WHS paddlers won their way to the Mixed A grade division final. They were runners up to Upper Hutt, who clearly out -classed all the other schools, but won the real battle for second place with a really determined effort.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- boating
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
NZTA submits: we want to ignore heritage protections
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Recently the Wellington City Council has been consulting on the heritage rules for residential property in the inner city neighbourhoods, with the aim of rationalising how heritage controls are applied.
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
- heritage-buildings
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Teddy Bear's Picnic
- Coastguard Mana
- Operation Details Date/Time: Sun, 07/03/2010 - 11:00 - 16:00 Operation Type: Other People Assisted: 200 Coastguard Mana made an appearance for the Children’s Day Teddy Bear’s Picnic and Fishing Carnival at Aotea Lagoon. We set up a display to provide pamphlets and information on safe boating as well as taking approximately 250 children on boat rides around the lagoon. The day was a huge success with lots of happy children enjoying the nice sunny weather and getting a chance to have a go in a boat, many for the first time ever. Thanks to all the volunteer crew who turned up to help - without the many helpers it would have been tough to keep all those exited children in line! Click 'read more' to see photos. Resources Attendees: Chris Seaton Gary Spence Jimmy Trist Maeleen Owen Mark Presling Paul Craven tfarmer CRV's Used: CRV Pelorus Toyota Prado Attachments Image: Video File: Use SwfTools Module to play FLV files if you only convert/upload FLV videos or FlowPlayer Module must be enabled in order to play FLV videos with other types. read more
- Automatically tagged as:
- boating
- emergency-services
- kapiti
-41.119776, 174.85761
Day 3: Knights clear at top of the table
- Cricket Wellington
- The Northern Knights have extended their lead at the top of the Plunket Shield table after beating the Wellington Firebirds by nine wickets in less than three days.
- Tagged as:
- cricket
Polychromatic cutie
- Eye of the Fish
- Since the one day symposium last year on the architecture of the 1980s, I’ve been paying more attention to buildings from the 1980s.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- architecture
- cuba-street
120 Cuba Street, Wellington
Day 2: Firebirds trail by 106 runs with 8 wickets in hand
- Cricket Wellington
- Competition leaders, the Northern Knights, are in complete control after Kane Williamson struck a superb 170 against the Wellington Firebirds.
- Tagged as:
- cricket
Season opening celebrations
- Wellington Hockey Association
- Please join us on March 27 at the National Hockey Stadium to celebrate the start of the 2010 season.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- hockey
Supporting us has never been so much fun!
- Wellington SPCA
- Fancy catching a free movie? Or what about a yummy 2 for 1 dinner? Well here’s your chance to do just that and at the same time support Wellington SPCA care for the hundreds of animals in our care.
- Automatically tagged as:
- animals
Wharewaka, wharerugby, whareparty
- Wellington Scoop
- Wellington’s new $11million wharewaka on Taranaki Wharf was supposed to be “a permanent expression of Maori art and culture.” But for six weeks next year it’s to be downgraded to become a place for parties and the sale of souvenirs.
- Tagged as:
- waterfront
- rugby-world-cup
Flashing light sighted
- Coastguard Mana
- Operation Details Date/Time: Tue, 02/03/2010 - 23:30 - Wed, 03/03/2010 - 00:30 Operation Type: SAROP Cat 1 People Assisted: 0 Police received a call from a member of the public regarding a sighting of a light flashing intermittently off the coast of Plimmerton towards Mana Island. Coastguard Mana were tasked to go out and search for the source of the light to ensure that it was not a distress signal. A yellow "special mark" was found floating near the "reef" in the entrance to Plimmerton. This mark was a research buoy that had a yellow flashing light on top of it that flashed the sequence of 5 flashes every 15 seconds. Resources Attendees: Chris Seaton Gary Spence Mark Presling Paul Craven Rod Hall CRV's Used: CRV Trust Porirua Rescue read more
- Tagged as:
- porirua
-41.080726, 174.844515
Coach's Diary: Anthony Stuart
- Cricket Wellington
- Get the latest update from Anthony Stuart's coach's diary as the Firebirds resume the Plunket Shield.
- Tagged as:
- cricket
Club Cricketer Receives Two Match Suspension
- Cricket Wellington
- Wellington Collegians Cricket Club player Malick Kudmany has received a two match suspension, following his behaviour in a Wellington 2D cricket match on Sunday 7 February.
- Tagged as:
- cricket
What culture? What heritage?
- Save the Basin Reserve!
- Minister of Culture and Heritage (and Wellingtonian) Chris Finlayson has washed his hands of any responsibility for the Basin Reserve precinct.
- Tagged as:
- basin-reserve-flyover
Basin Reserve, Dufferin Street, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6021, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
The Great Cricket Wellington Survey
- Cricket Wellington
- Cricket Wellington has established an online stakeholder survey, to receive feedback on how the game is being delivered in the Greater Wellington region. Let us know your thoughts.
- Tagged as:
- cricket
Do you know me?
- Wellington SPCA
- Do you know me? Are you the owner of this cat? Or do you know who the owner is? This tabby and white cat was found on Para Street in Miramar, Wellington on Wednesday 10 February. If you do have any details about the owner or the cat’s identity, please call Wellington SPCA on 04 389 8044 and ask to speak with Meredith. Thank you.
- Tagged as:
- miramar
Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Day 1: Knights trail by 54 runs with 9 wickets in hand
- Cricket Wellington
- A six wicket haul by strike bowler Graeme Aldridge has the Northern Knights in the driver seat at the end of the first day of their Plunket Shield match against the Wellington Firebirds.
- Tagged as:
- cricket
$9m disappears, so Adelaide Road won’t become a grand boulevard after all
- Wellington Scoop
- Some of the Wellington City Council’s grand plans for Adelaide Road in Newtown came tumbling down this week.
- Tagged as:
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Cute kittens in Kapiti!
- Wellington SPCA
- Come and meet us! Do you fancy a cuddle with a cute kitten? Do you think you can offer one a loving home? Then here’s your chance! Our Waikanae animal centre is having a kitten adoption and open day on Saturday 13th March and we’re hoping to find loving new homes for lots of the beautiful kittens currently in our care.
- Tagged as:
- kapiti
Newtown Fair this weekend
- Wellington SPCA
- This Sunday 7 March from 9.
- Tagged as:
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Variation 11
- Eye of the Fish
- The Wellington City Council must have known it was going to be picking a hard road to go down when it proposed Variation 11, and sure enough, the District Plan change is due to go to appeal at the Environment Court.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- waterfront
Why the secrecy for this council meeting?
- Wellington Scoop
- The Wellington City Council is having a secret meeting this morning. Here’s the agenda for the meeting, which was announced only three days ago: Apologies, Public Participation, Announcements by the Mayor, Petitions, Conflict of Interest Declarations, Questions.
- Tagged as:
- wellington-city-council
Mayor Prendergast to stand for 4th term; poll shows only minority support
- Wellington Scoop
- Reporting that Kerry Prendergast has decided to stand again for the mayoralty in the October elections, the DomPost today decided to poll its online readers about her popularity.
- Tagged as:
- elections-2010
A Tough Day at McEvedy
- St Patricks College, Silverstream
- Tuesday 2 March 2010: It was a hard day for Stream at the McEvedy Shield today. With strong teams from all four schools it was always going to be tough. A few early highlights were: Fletcher Greaves winning the Under-14 100m and Aviata Silago throwing 44 metres to win the Open Discus.
- Tagged as:
- secondary
- mcevedy-shield
St Patricks College Silverstream, Fergusson Drive, Trentham, Upper Hutt, Wellington Region, New Zealand
Weekly Report for Sunday March 7
- Wellington Runners & Walkers (WRW)
- Hi Everyone Some items from the Committee meeting last Monday.
- Automatically tagged as:
- athletics
- wcn-hosted
Board of Trustee Elections
- Brooklyn School
- The Board elections will be held with final voting on 7 May. Please ensure that your postal address held by the school is up to date.
- Tagged as:
- brooklyn
Brooklyn School, 58, Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, Wellington, Wellington Region, 6021, New Zealand
Firebirds stay positive in Plunket Shield says Woodcock
- Cricket Wellington
- In-form all-rounder Luke Woodcock says the Wellington Firebirds are staying positive about the rest of the season despite a difficult two months for the team
- Tagged as:
- cricket
Wellington SPCA adoption events coming up
- Wellington SPCA
- Can you love me? Our Newtown animal centre is fit to burst yet again, not only with puppies and kittens, but also with a huge number of adult cats.
- Tagged as:
- newtown
Newtown, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Why the secrecy when city council staff approved a 27-acre car yard?
- Wellington Scoop
- Although the proposal for a 27 acre (11.2 hectare) car storage and distribution facility for 2,500 vehicles in Grenada Village has been rejected by the Greater Wellington Regional Council on environmental grounds, the granting of a Land Use Consent by Wellington City Council needs to come under public scrutiny.
- Tagged as:
- johnsonville
- wellington-city-council
Matt Steven and crew win CentrePort Champs
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- Wellington turned on a cracker for the finals of the CentrePort International Youth Match Racing Regatta 2010 resulting in a fantastic day for the Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Automatically tagged as:
- boating
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Plunket Shield cricket resumes at the Basin this month
- Cricket Wellington
- First-class cricket returns to the Allied Nationwide Finance Basin Reserve for two matches in March, with the Wellington Firebirds hosting the Northern Knights in the Plunket Shield from the end of this week and then the Otago Volts at the end of the month.
- Tagged as:
- cricket
Installation Of Third Wellington Rail Line Continues This Weekend
- Auckland Trains
- In Wellington, another busy weekend is ahead on the upgrade for the rail network, with a half time called for a soccer game! It’s good news for commuters, who suffered more delays yesterday morning.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- matangi-trains
First New Wellington Trains Arrive August
- Auckland Trains
- Confirmation today that the first of Wellington’s new Matangi trains will arrive in August, and passengers will be onboard before Christmas.
- Submitted by tonytw1
- Tagged as:
- matangi-trains
2010 - Preseason Training has begun
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Pre-Season Training and Info for New PlayersMen's First and Second TeamsThe men's first and second team are training on Tuesdays and Thursday's at 6.30at Prince of Wales Park until daylight savings ends.If you are interested in playing for one of our competitive men's teams contactthe first team coach Steve Dimakis on 027 455 3603Women's First TeamThe women's Premier division team are currently training on Sundays at atPrince of Wales Park. If you want to talk to someone about playing for ourPremier division women's team contact the coach Sandy Aitchison on 0 27 449 9433Men's Social TeamsThe men's social teams have kick arounds on Wednesday evenings at 6.30 – also atPrince of Wales Park. New players are welcome.Women's Social TeamThe women's social teams will be having regular training a bit closer to thestart of the season. If you're interested in playing at a not so serious levelcontact Kirsten on 021 127 2802
- Automatically tagged as:
- brooklyn
- soccer
Edwards stars as Easts and Karori book Premier final places
- Cricket Wellington
- Lee Edwards took 10 wickets and scored a ton for Karori as Eastern Suburbs and Karori both booked their Wellington club cricket Premier final berths on Saturday
- Tagged as:
- karori
- cricket
Karori, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
2010 - Preseason Training has begun
- Brooklyn Northern United AFC
- Pre-Season Training and Info for New PlayersMen's First and Second TeamsThe men's first and second team are training on Tuesdays and Thursday's at 6.
- Tagged as:
- soccer