Health / September 2021
October 2021 | August 2021-
Happy Second Birthday Companion Walking Service!
- Age Concern Wellington
- The Companion Walking Service (CWS) is now two years old. It has been a rollercoaster ride with the stop-and-starts due to Covid-19, but it continues on with the support of our fantastic, dedicated volunteers. Without the support of the wonderful volunteers, this service would not reach those that have benefitted from it. It has assisted ... Read more
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Lifting up the most marginalised during Lockdown 2021
- Downtown Community Ministry
- 96 Lifting up the most marginalised during Lockdown 2021 p{ margin:10px 0; padding:0; } table{ border-collapse:collapse; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{ display:block; margin:0; padding:0; } img,a img{ border:0; height:auto; outline:none; text-decoration:none; } body,#bodyTable,#bodyCell{ height:100%; margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; } .mcnPreviewText{ display:none !important; } #outlook a{ padding:0; } img{ -ms-interpolation-mode:bicubic; } table{ mso-table-lspace:0pt; mso-table-rspace:0pt; } .ReadMsgBody{ width:100%; } .ExternalClass{ width:100%; } p,a,li,td,blockquote{ mso-line-height-rule:exactly; } a[href^=tel],a[href^=sms]{ color:inherit; cursor:default; text-decoration:none; } p,a,li,td,body,table,blockquote{ -ms-text-size-adjust:100%; -webkit-text-size-adjust:100%; } .ExternalClass,.ExternalClass p,.ExternalClass td,.ExternalClass div,.ExternalClass span,.ExternalClass font{ line-height:100%; } a[x-apple-data-detectors]{ color:inherit !important; text-decoration:none !important; font-size:inherit !important; 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Lifting up the most marginalised during Lockdown 2021 Just as we did in 2020, Lockdown 2021 has seen us working together once again, to ensure that the most marginalised are supported at this challenging time. From DCM kaimahi, to our team of health professionals, to our wonderful supporters - here members of team DCM talk about their work supporting the most marginalised during the latest lockdown. Natalia Outreach team Natalia and Joanne headed out on outreach together during lockdown. “We had a pair on outreach every day during lockdown, following up on notifications sent to us from the council or the public. We had way more notifications in the three weeks at levels 3 and 4 than we had had in the previous entire month. During lockdown, everyone on team DCM works together, doing whatever it takes to support taumai* during these challenging times. Members of our Outreach team have manned the 0800 number, been scribe support for kaimahi who were on the ground, supported on-site sessions, and delivered food and welfare checks, all on top of following up on notifications. Members of other teams have also gone out with us when we have needed support. Joanne has been a fantastic member of team DCM for some years now; she is currently part of the Aro Mai Housing First team out at the Hutt. One afternoon during lockdown, Joanne and I were doing street outreach around the Wellington CBD. We had some notifications to check on, and as we were walking back to base we came across a taumai who everyone at DCM had been trying to find during the week – we wanted to get him into the emergency accommodation (EH) that had been booked for him. With appropriate social distancing, Joanne and I were able to bundle him and his blankets up and to walk him about a kilometre up the road to the EH where he happily checked in. It helped that Joanne bought him some coffee, sugar and milk and promised him that she would deliver a food parcel to him the next day; this was enough incentive for him to stay. It was a job very well done, and at last we were able to head back to the office. Just before we got to Dixon Street who did we see, but another taumai who everyone at DCM had been looking for and trying to get into the accommodation. After a bit of convincing (and half of Joanne’s cheese scone – boy she’s good!!), he too turned around and followed us up to the accommodation and happily checked in. What a long, but successful day that one was! When the rest of the city goes in to lockdown, DCM and our NGO colleagues continue to fill the void that other agencies and businesses leave when they close their doors. For example, people can contact MSD case managers by phone, but what if you don’t have a phone or any money to buy one? People who have no fixed abode and lose their Eftpos cards can’t access their money because the banks are closed and so they cannot go into a bank to order a new card. Rather they would have to log in to internet banking (a barrier for most of the people we work with) and have a bank card sent to their address (another barrier for many taumai). In these real life lockdown examples, DCM has stepped in to give people cell phones with credit, and to organise for benefits to be sent to DCM’s MMS account and taumai given DCM Eftpos cards in the meantime, so they can access their money. We leave the safety of our own homes and safe bubbles, to continue to offer face to face, daily support for people who cannot access some basic human rights, because those who provide the services aren’t able to offer a solution that meets the needs of their most marginalised clients.” George Aro Mai Housing First team George and Jay load up the car with food parcels to be delivered to taumai during lockdown. “I joined the team at DCM in June, so I was still a fairly new team member when we went back in to lockdown. We were immediately paired up with a bubble partner; I was paired with Jay and the two of us worked together throughout the lockdown period. I would begin my working day by checking flags and emails, before heading out to pick up Jay. We always had one in the front and one in the back when we were together in a car. We would arrive at DCM at our allocated time to load our food parcels into the car. Jay and I would make a plan as to where we should head first – delivering food parcels, checking in on someone who is isolated, ensuring people have their money cards, or getting a phone to someone who doesn’t have one. I would drive, Jay would sit in the back and keep checking our list of addresses and phone numbers for the taumai who needed our support. We called taumai when we arrived or we knocked. People were so pleased to see us and thankful for the food and social contact. DCM had allocated a scribe for the day to each pair bubble, so we would phone our scribe and get them to type up any notes for us into the database, or do any research we needed done. Often extra things came up, like one man who we were delivering a food parcel to who told us he needed his prescription renewed. We were able to sort this over the phone. When we were not going out to connect with taumai, we spent a lot of time working to get others into emergency housing. We connected people with the health and other supports they needed, supported them with budgeting and access to money, and found out things for them, like if they needed to go to court under level 3. We were involved in many meetings by Zoom. We were every bit as busy during lockdown as we would be on an average day at DCM, and we were able to provide the same level of support, safely – by being creative, committed and kind.” Delena Sustaining Tenancies team Delena is part of the Sustaining Tenancies team, working with vulnerable tenants at risk of falling back in to homelessness and delivering DCM’s community connections programme. Photo by Nikki Parlane. “During the lockdown period, DCM was divided into different bubbles. I enjoyed being in a bubble with Tabitha from the Aro Mai Housing First team. This was a great opportunity to get to know someone from another team. We would start our day by planning it out geographically – figure out who we needed to visit and where they lived to make things as smooth-sailing as possible. Food was definitely an important support for taumai during lockdown, and we were able to take food parcels to those who needed them, leaving them at their door. It can be a challenge for taumai to prepare their own meals. It’s not just the skills, but often they don’t have access to even basic items like can-openers. We had two taumai in their own bubble; I made it my mission to get them an appropriate food parcel so they could eat together. They have been a good example of how our taumai support one another, how important this has been during lockdown, and how a simple thing like preparing a meal together can give them such a sense of achievement. One other thing we discovered all over again was that our taumai were desperate for someone to talk to. Some of them would be calling over and over again on the 0800 number, and we knew they needed the reassurance of a visit to settle them. We were able to speak with them at a safe distance during lockdown. It’s in their faces – you can always see in the eyes of our taumai how important the time we spend with them is to them.” Sophie Lead Dentist Sophie ran a dental session at DCM as soon as we moved back to Level 2, providing emergency treatment to those taumai who were in the most pain. “At any level of lockdown I am just on the other end of the phone. We can triage taumai's needs and from what is being described, I'll quickly be able to tell if they need an urgent appointment at the hospital or if we can put a band aid on in the form of antibiotics, until DCM is able to open again. Fortunately emailing prescriptions has been made much easier nowadays. And as soon as we were back at level 2, we dentists were able to get back to DCM to run emergency dental sessions for those in the most pain. Taumai have been absolutely amazing, working in with DCM's level 2 safety guidelines, and as always, the people we're seeing here don't have easy access to dental care. It is great to be back on site here at DCM where they feel comfortable.” Stephen Director, DCM Stephen and Paula were one of the pair bubbles who led on site sessions at DCM, working differently to ensure support could be provided to the most marginalised in a safe way. Photo by Nikki Parlane. “At DCM, we were one of the few organisations able to continue to support the most marginalised people in our city face to face during alert level 4. We know that our taumai are even more vulnerable and isolated at times like this. How do we respond as an essential service, when others have closed their doors? The great news is that taumai were able to engage with us on our 0800 number, with some in-person mahi delivered at a safe distance. Another key focus for us has been to ensure taumai have access to the COVID vaccine. Offering the vaccine at DCM during alert level 4 was challenging, but also absolutely necessary. We know how very vulnerable these people are to the Delta variant. And yesterday, we were able to offer a third vaccine day at DCM, with even more of the most vulnerable receiving their first or second dose of the vaccine. If there are any ways we at DCM can ensure taumai are not even more marginalised as a result of COVID and lockdowns, we will search them out and deliver them. This has always been DCM’s kaupapa, and is what we are all about. We know this is why so many of you support our mahi, and why you have stepped up again during lockdown 2021, donating money and food so that we can carry on.” The Wellington community Together we can end homelessness During lockdown, taumai like Mahir were so appreciative of the groceries we were able to leave for them on their doorsteps. Lockdown 2021 has again reminded us that the people of Wellington really do have our backs, and the backs of our taumai. A number of you have made donations to DCM during this time, to enable us to continue to do the mahi which members of the team have shared with you here. During the lockdown levels, DCM has provided far more food support to the most vulnerable people than we usually would – and as a result, our foodbank shelves have been emptied. Many of you have understood this, and stepped up to help. From the Freemasons Charity, the St John’s Trust Op Shop and St. John's in the City who provided extra dollars for us to purchase food, to New World Chaffers who, when they received a large order from us, provided all of the items as a donation. Ngaio Union Church opened their doors to people who wanted to donate food items for DCM to re-stock our foodbank; the two women seen here with minister Sue Brown travelled all the way from Miramar where the Grind Health & Fitness gym had organised a collection. Ka mau te wehi! Last weekend, our friends at Ngaio Union Church opened their doors for local people to bring in food donations to restock our shelves. Yes, Lockdown 2021 has provided many examples of how the Wellington community comes together to support DCM and the people we work with. If you would also like to help in this way, remember that you can donate groceries at any time to our foodbank bin at New World Chaffers, and that there are a number of different ways in which you can make donations to our work. <!-- --> *We call the people we work with taumai, meaning to settle. This reflects the journey we set out on together – to become settled, stable and well. Support DCM! Nāku te rourou, nāu te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi With your basket and my basket, the people will thrive <!-- --> Copyright © 2021 DCM. All rights reserved. Our mailing address is: DCMPO Box 6133Marion SqWellington, Wellington 6011 New ZealandAdd us to your address book Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.
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Ngaio, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Umar Zakaria Trio – new date
- Wellington Jazz Cooperative
- COVID 2 Level 2 restriction apply.
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Recycling under Covid Alert Level 2
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- Under alert level 2 we are able to run our recycling days, but there are protocols to be followed. Please wear a mask, as you will be inside, and observe social distancing if others are recycling at the same time. … Continue reading →
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- recycling
Recycling days are back on.
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- Our September recycling day became a victim of the increase in Wellington’s Covid-19 alert level, but the good news is we are back again this coming Saturday, the first Saturday of the month – 2 October, from 10am to noon. … Continue reading →
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- recycling
Mā te kōrero, ka ora – take time chat this Mental Health Awareness week
- Wellington Health Foundation
- It’s Mental Health Awareness week and this year’s theme is take time to kōrero/mā te kōrero, ka ora – a little chat can go a long way.
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- lobby-groups
Bond Banter 27 September (some rugby news and information to start the week)
- Wellington Club Weekly
- The start of daylight savings usually means the end of 15-a-side rugby. But Covid interruptions mean we are still going strong for a bit longer! This coming weekend sees another several matches involving Wellington’s U16, U18 and U19 teams, as well as the senior Centurions Development and Maori representative teams. More details (once confirmed) to...
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- covid-19
- rugby
Weekly news for Friday 24th September 2021
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- In these COVID days it seems important to make the most of opportunities as we do not know when we will have them again. So we will be back in the church this Sunday. Together. This could be a ‘mountain top’ experience after weeks of the challenge of technology. I see this as a privilege. […]
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- covid-19
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
From the President …in September 2021 …
- Wellington Tramping and Mountainneering Club
- Tēnā koutou Although Covid-19 continues to present challenges for us all, there’s still lots happening and to get involved in. Wellington is fortunate to be back to covid-19 alert level 2 so we’re able to run most club trips again with a few extra considerations. The new trip schedule is on the website here. A ... Read more
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- covid-19
COVID, by any other name
- Victoria University of Wellington
- Professor Annemarie Jutel considers the implications of how we name Covid and its variants, arguing diagnoses are more than just labels for scientific facts.
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Mum's warning: look-out for signs of ovarian cancer
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Mellissa Paulin didn’t know much about ovarian cancer but the hardest thing was telling her children she had it.
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- hutt-valley
Result: Athletics Wellington Road Championships
- Olympic Harriers
- Like last year this event was held with under Covid level 2 restrictions, which ...
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- covid-19
Bond Banter 20 September (some tidbits and news to start the week in rugby)
- Wellington Club Weekly
- Further Covid-19 disruptions aside, community rugby gets busy over the next couple of weeks with lots of school and community representative rugby on in Wellington and the lower North Island. The school finals continue this week, with a spotlight on girls finals rugby starting today in Palmerston North with Manukura playing Feilding High School in...
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- rugby
Weekly News for Friday 17th September 2021
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- Just when we thought that Spring was upon us, winter sneaked up behind us and let us know it hadn’t gone. A bit like COVID– just when we think it’s nearly finished something happens to set us back. We are certainly having to learn to live at a different pace and in a different way. […]
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- covid-19
St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Ngaio Union Church drop-in station to help restock DCM’s Foodbank
- Ngaio Progressive Association
- Ngaio Union Church is holding a drop-in collection station to help restock DCM’s Foodbank after Covid increased the number of food parcels it distributes each week to four times the usual level. Bring non-perishable food or basic toiletries to Ngaio … Continue reading →
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Ngaio, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Classes Resumes
- Hutt Valley Fencing Club
- I am pleased to announce that our training can resume almost as normal from Thursday the 16th of September onwards. There are a number of things that we require from each of our club members. Contact Registering We require that everyone who can has to scan in using the COVID tracing app. Not only that, … Continue reading Classes Resumes →
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Level 2 Training starts 14 September.
- Wellington Judo Academy
- Regular Senior and Junior Judo classes at Wellington Judo Academy are back on from Tuesday, 14 September, under revised Level 2 protocols. Peewee Classes are suspended until Term 4. Covid... The post Level 2 Training starts 14 September. appeared first on Wellington Judo.
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Animates, Hutt Road walkway, Highland Park, Kaiwharawhara, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6035, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
COVID-19 update to the community – Friday 10 September
- Wellington High School
- Kia ora koutou I hope your young person has appreciated being back at school.
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- covid-19
Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
COVID Alert Level 2 – Road Championships Update
- Athletics Wellington
- Athletics Wellington Road Championship Update Updated Friday 10 September Athletics Wellington Cross Country and Road Committee in association with hosts Wainuiomata Athletics and Harrier Club have confirmed their event protocols and restrictions to stage the Championships under Covid Alert Level 2 protocols on the rescheduled date of Saturday 18 September.
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- wainuiomata
- covid-19
- cross-country
Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt, Lower Hutt City, Wellington, New Zealand/Aotearoa (OpenStreetMap)
Dino-mite support from local game design studio
- Wellington Health Foundation
- Dinosaur Polo Club is a locally based indie studio creating games that make every day concepts fun and engaging for players from all over the world.
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Wardroom Renovation – Update # 12
- Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club (Inc)
- It’s been a while… Covid Schmovid….
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- covid-19
Royal Port Nicholson Yacht Club, 103, Oriental Parade, Oriental Bay, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Covid Update / Club Nights
- Wellington Badminton Club
- There will still be no Club this Thursday Sept 9th, even though we are now at level 2.
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- covid-19
Open for Business in Level 2
- Hataitai Community Website
- <figure class=" sqs-block-image-figure intrinsic " > From Thursday 9 September the Hataitai Centre and Community House Playroom will be open for our regular hirers and one off. The main Community House room and office will reopen on Monday 13 September. From Thursday we will have QR codes at each gate to the Village Green - for use when passing through, using the community garden and compost bins, or running your kids or dogs on the Green. As the Waipapa Road playground is a shared space with our Playgroups, and hirers, we will also put up QR codes for the playground. Following are guidelines for Delta Level 2 when using our buildings as a one-off hirer, or attendee to a function, class or group. Sign in All hirers / hosts must sign in and are responsible for ensuring all attendees of their event / class sign in. We will provide a sign in box for those that do not have the app. The Village Green is also considered a public space and will have its own QR code. Please ensure all parties are aware to scan in if they are using the green or passing through Face Coverings When you are leaving your home at Alert Level 2 you legally must wear a face covering when: using public transport, airplanes (including in arrival and departure points such as train stations and bus stops) and in a taxi or ride-share vehicle visiting a healthcare or aged care facility inside retail businesses, such as supermarkets, pharmacies, shopping malls, indoor marketplaces, takeaway food stores, and public venues, such as museums and libraries visiting the public areas within courts and tribunals, local and central Government agencies, and social service providers with customer service counters. As such we ask that all hirers abide by guidelines below; Public class / event; All hirers / hosts/ customer facing people must wear a face covering at all times. You are asked to advise all attendees of your event / class to wear a face covering wherever possible, except when exercising. Children under 12 are encouraged to wear a mask, but it is not mandatory. If you’re using the building for exercise, please ensure you wear a mask while moving about, but once you have your ‘spot’ you can remove your mask. Please put it back on when you’ve finished class before vacating. We will mark out 2m distances on the floor for a visual guide. Private event; We encourage all attendees to wear a face covering wherever possible, especially if it is hard to maintain physical distance from others. In general, face coverings should be worn whenever you can. The Delta variant is more transmissible by droplets, so face coverings are a way we can protect ourselves and each other. For more info - What else we need to do at Alert Level 2 to stay safe Hand sanitising is compulsory on entrance and exit, and sanitiser will be providedYou must maintain a distance of 2 meters from people you do not know and 1m from people you do know, you must also manage this guideline for your attendees. If distancing is difficult, it is mandatory to wear a mask. 50 people maximum are allowed over the whole Hataitai Centre- upstairs and downstairs. The Community House is a much smaller space, so please bear in mind this number will need reducing to provide adequate distance required for everyone's safety. If you are providing food and drinks at an event, everyone must be seated to be served. All high touch surfaces need to be cleaned after use - door handles on both sides of the building entrance door and toilet door, tables and counter tops used. Cleaning equipment will be provided. We will also be arranging additional regular cleaning throughout Level 2. Do not host your event / class if you have cold or flu symptoms or you have been asked to isolate. Please ask those who attend your event / class not to come along if they have cold or flu symptoms or you have been asked to isolate. If you have any reason to believe that you or anyone who attended your class/event has developed covid please let us know as soon as possible so we can discuss next steps and take necessary precautions. Remember; If you are feeling unwell, stay home and call Healthline or your doctor for advice. Even if you have been vaccinated against COVID-19, you should still stay home if you are feeling unwell. Staying home will help protect you, your whānau, friends and community.
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Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
CSW Stakeholder Update – COVID-19, 8 September 2021
- College Sport Wellington
- Dear students, staff, family members, partners and supporters of College Sport Wellington, Now that Wellington has returned to Alert Level 2, we are pleased to confirm that secondary school sport can now resume.
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Working for vaccine equity for Pacific Peoples
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- Alfred Soakai talks vaccination of Pacific Peoples and Tongan Language Week.
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Working for vaccine equity for Pacific Peoples
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Alfred Soakai talks vaccination of Pacific Peoples and Tongan Language Week.
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- hutt-valley
COVID-19: Move to Alert Level 2 8th September 2021
- Onslow Junior Soccer Club
- Following the Alert Level change to Alert Level 2 on the 8th September, please read on for the impact on post season training and games planned during this time of heightened alert level.
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COVID-19 Updates – Tuesday 7 September
- Wellington High School
- The two updates sent by WHS today can be read below or on the COVID-19 link from our homepage.
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Wellington High School, Taranaki Street, Mount Cook, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
Sweet treat for hardworking hospital staff
- Wellington Health Foundation
- The last few weeks have been a tremendous challenge for many families.
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L2 Covid-19 Update
- Hoe Tonga Pacifica Waka Ama Association
- As we head into L2 from 11.59pm tonight please make sure you follow the guidelines on the following link : It’s important in order to keep yourselves and your wider paddling community safe that you take the appropriate steps in … Continue reading →
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COVID-19: mandatory record-keeping and QR scanning
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- All visitors and support people entering our hospitals to either scan the QR code via the COVID-19 tracer app or complete the sign-in sheet at our entrances.
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- covid-19
COVID-19: mandatory record-keeping and QR scanning
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- All visitors and support people entering our hospitals to either scan the QR code via the COVID-19 tracer app or complete the sign-in sheet at our entrances.
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COVID-19 | Wellington School of Cricket update
- Cricket Wellington
- UPDATE AT 6.00pm | TUESDAY 7 SEPTEMBER, 2021 The Wellington School of Cricket will open to members and...
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WAC at Covid-19 Alert-Level 2
- Wellington Aero Club
- It’s with some relief to find ourselves (and most of the country) back in the New Zealand Government’s Covid-19 Alert Level 2.
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Drive-through clinics shift up a gear
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- A drive-through clinic at Sky Stadium in Wellington city has been working to vaccinate unprecedented numbers of people safely under alert level 4.
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Weekly news for Friday 3rd September 2021
- St Andrews on the Terrace Presbyterian Church
- Welcome to Spring! Its been good to be able to get out in the sun and have a (covid) walk! Its also been good having a few hours in the garden. Spring is here with its promise of new life and more warmth and points us towards summer. But in all that we must remember […]
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St Andrew's on the Terrace, 30, The Terrace, Paekākā, Wellington Central, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
2021 Invitation Pairs – 18-19 September
- Victoria Bowling Club
- We are set to go ahead with the 25th Victoria Invitation Pairs on 18-19 September, providing Wellington is at a Covid Alert Level 2 or lower.
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Victoria Bowling Club, Rixon Grove, Mount Victoria, Wellington, Wellington City, Wellington, 6011, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
COVID Update – Alert Level 3
- Athletics Wellington
- COVID ALERT Level 3 Updates Athletics Wellington wish to confirm several updates and reminders for sport at level 3 Some of you will be aware of the growing number of event changes to local and national calendar which are summarised below.
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Providing maternity services for our region
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- Hutt Valley and Capital & Coast DHBs would like to thank those who took the time to present and share their views at yesterday’s Board meeting.
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Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand (OpenStreetMap)
CSW Stakeholder Update – Covid-19, 1 September 2021
- College Sport Wellington
- Dear students, staff, family members, partners and supporters of College Sport Wellington, We hope you are all well and enjoying slightly more freedom today.
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- covid-19
3DHB Māori and Pacific Nursing Forum 2021
- Hutt Valley District Health Board
- It is our pleasure to invite you to a free one-day forum for Māori and Pacific Nurses and Midwives hosted by our 3DHBs.
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- hutt-valley
3DHB Māori and Pacific Nursing Forum 2021
- Capital & Coast District Health Board
- It is our pleasure to invite you to a free one-day forum for Māori and Pacific Nurses and Midwives hosted by our 3DHBs. Join debate and discussion on how Māori and Pacific Nurses and Midwives can best deliver culturally-appropriate care for our communities.
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